Fort Hood murderer prevented from praying

| December 22, 2009

Nidal Hasan’s lawyer, John Galligan claims that his client was prevented from praying on the phone with his brother and that violates his civil rights;

The military has imposed restrictions requiring Hasan to speak only in English on the phone or with visitors unless an interpreter is present.

Which makes sense, because Hasan has been in contact with radical groups and may have been influenced by a radical iman to commit his heinous crime. It’s not a civil rights violation if he’s allowed to do something with limits and he doesn’t comply with those limits.

I’d remind Galligan that his client prevented 13/14 people from ever praying again.

Category: Terror War, Usual Suspects

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The scum sucking POS should be saying a prayer of thanks that he’s still breathing, for now.

In my mind, he lost any rights the second he pulled the trigger. Call me whatever the f**k you want, I can take it, but this asshole shouldn’t be allowed to watch any tv, pray over the phone, scratch his ass, read anything but the phone book, etc.

So, let me have it bleeding heart, whining maggot, limp wristed leftists.

Brown Neck Gaitor

Even though he is in the Hospital, he is under arrest.

Sorry Mr. Hasan.


Well, then. I guess it would suck to be Hasan, hmmm? Too fucking bad. He shouldn’t be given phone privileges either, damn it.

Frankly Opinionated

Tell this bastard that the taxpayers who pay the salary of his keepers want it that way. That we aren’t as limp-wristed and faggoty as the rest of the Political Correctness crowd who enabled this bastard to kill 14 people, (13 if you are a limp-wristed, faggoty type that considers a human fetus to be no more than a growth on a womans womb.), with no regard for their families, their friends, nor the taxpayers who considered the fallen to be “Theirs”. Just inform him that the fact that he lives today was due to an accident on the part of the one who should have snuffed his sorry ass, and not because “we the people” want him alive. SCRUE him and his sorry assed lawyers.

“Never Forget Ft. Hood Texas, 11/5/09!”


Hey, Oldtrooper, tell me what you really think!


Eric: Heh, heh, heh. I would, however this is the season of joy and forgiveness. Unfortunately, when it comes to Major f**kstain, I’m fresh out of forgiveness.


I have exactly zero sympathy for Hasan. And even less for his apologists.