Busy week for Chavez

| December 21, 2009

Today Hugo Chavez inaugurated his national police force ostensibly to control crime in certain areas of Caracas, but he plans to expand the program to supercede the authority of local police and seize more control of the debate against him in Venezuela.

Like every other time he’s seized a bit more freedom from Venezuelans he started telling tales about the threat of an American invasion. This time, he says that Americans were flying spy planes over his military bases.

Speaking during his weekly television and radio program, Chavez said the aircraft overflew a Venezuelan military base in the western state of Zulia after taking off from neighboring Colombia. He did not elaborate, but suggested the plane was being used for espionage.

“These are the Yankees. They are entering Venezuela,” he said.

“I’ve ordered them to be shot down,” Chavez said of the aircraft. “We cannot permit this.”

Colombia began building forces up along the frontier with Venezuela. I guess that Chavez has never heard of satellites. We don’t need “spy planes” to fly over his stupid military bases.

Also today, the Venezuelan government released it’s latest list of Venezuelans who are ineligible to run for public office – including two former governors who opposed Chavez during their tenures. Meanwhile, oil production and manufacturing continue to fall.

A national police force will probably fix all of that – well, it’ll at least fix dissent.

Category: Hugo Chavez

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AW1 Tim

You know, Germany fixed that whole dissent thing back in the late 30’s by making it illegal to own a radio that could receive any broadcasts other than German State Radio. It was first a fine and confiscation of the radio. Then it was imprisonment and a forfeiture of family land and possessions. Then folks just disappeared.

Germany also took over all of the printing presses, in order to make certain that the “truth” was published, and not the lies told by folks opposed to state policies, etc.


Toothless Dawg

… and the people were apathetic

CWO George Samek US Army Ret.

Sounds like Media Matters..MoveOn.org and the whole damn MSM

I would reather get my news from the Canadian Free Press


Sigh, another two bit dictator flexing his muscles like an amateur.

Junior AG

“These are the Yankees. They are entering Venezuela,”

I think the coke he admits to snortin’ is finally getting the better of him… Wouldn’t he be as fun as a barrel of monkeys if he was on crack?


Meanwhile, Obama is sitting in the Oval Office thinking, “How do I pull some of that?”


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