Columbus Day shorts, aka Monday Morsels

| October 14, 2024

Been almost a week since the news hit that potential First Gentleman Doug Emhoff smacked his lady friend around in Cannes back before he was married to Kamala. One would expect a media firestorm over it… after all, Justice Kavanaugh got grilled heavily over his behavior while still a teenager, right? Let’s be honest…since TAH mentioned it one week ago today, who has seen ANYTHING on the subject? Buehler?    (Someone did ask me whether I thought he had ever slapped Kamala around….I had this Dom DeLuise flash back “No! Not in the mouth!”)

Army AND Navy are ranked in the top 25 , for the first time since 1960. Both teams are unbeaten, which, at this point in the season, is the first time since 1945.

Army, which beat UAB 44-10, and Navy, which was idle, broke through for their first simultaneous rankings since Oct. 3, 1960.

Their coinciding appearance that season lasted just one week. Army was 3-0 and ranked No. 18 before dropping two straight games and finishing 6-3-1. Navy had entered the rankings a week earlier, at No. 17, and ended the season 9-2 and ranked No. 4.   AP

Gonna be a fun game – December 14 at FedEx field, home of the Washington Redskins Commanders…..

In the wake of the hurricanes down South, there are those on both sides of the aisle wanting a special session of the House to discuss FEMA funding.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Sunday said passing additional hurricane aid for states impacted by Hurricanes Helene and Milton “can wait” until Congress is back in session after the election.

“Well, it can wait because, remember, the day before Hurricane Helene made landfall in Florida and then went up through the states and wound up in Senator Tillis’s state of North Carolina, Congress appropriated 20 billion additional dollars to FEMA so that they would have the necessary resources to address immediate needs,” Johnson said.

Johnson said that as of Sunday, less than 2 percent of the already passed funding has been distributed. He said FEMA needs to “do its job” and disperse the funds to the affected communities. The Hill

Having been through a few hurricanes, my first reaction was  “you heartless SOB” until I read that last bit. Reminds me of all that COVID funding – unspent – and all the crooked uses that it was put through. If the first $20,000,000,000 isn’t close to being spent…leaving some time sounds like a sage plan. (Yes, I do like to write out all the zeroes to make a point.)

And, remember that Marine captain who adopted an Afghan baby girl, and had a court in Virginia agree that he was the best guardian for her despite her having surviving cousins? Lot of you commented at the time that it sounded fishy – well, the Marines at least partially agree.

When the Taliban regained control in 2021, Mast helped the girl’s aunt and cousin flee Afghanistan to the U.S., promising a better education for the girl. Once the family reached the States, Mast used the adoption papers to gain custody of the girl, who has since lived with his family—now in Hampstead, North Carolina.

During the five-day board of inquiry at Camp Lejeune, Marine Corps attorneys argued that Mast disregarded orders, misused a government computer and mishandled classified information in his efforts to secure custody.

While the board found some evidence of misconduct, it dismissed allegations that Mast made false official statements or disobeyed direct orders. The board’s report will be sent up the ladder to the Secretary of the Navy, who will close the case against Mast.

A report documenting the substantiated misconduct will be added to Mast’s personnel file, potentially affecting future promotions and assignments, and the legal battle over the child’s custody is not all said and done.

The Afghan couple who cared for the girl in their country is challenging the Virginia adoption, arguing that it should be overturned. Earlier this year, the Virginia Court of Appeals ruled the adoption had been improperly granted. The case is now before the state Supreme Court.  Newsweek

A three-member panel of Marines said Tuesday that while Maj. Joshua Mast acted in a way unbecoming of an officer in his zealous quest to bring home the baby girl, it did not warrant his separation from the military.  AP

Articles mentioned this is all being entered in his official file. I have a suspicion that expedited promotion to O-4 is NOT in his future.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", 2024 Election, Army, Marines, Navy

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I didn’t know Michael Jackson was adopted….

Slow Joe

I thought that was the afghan girl being adopted.
But you are right. Looks like Michael Jackson.


Who was it that said a million here, a million there, pretty soon you’re talking serious money. 10 zeros is a lot of zeros, regardless of the first number(s) that proceed them.

If only we had someone with the stones to slash agencies and budgets with a broad ax and a flame thrower. Let the Department heads come before congress and make the case why they’re needed.

And, if we only had a Congress capable of passing a budget, a real budget and toss the CR crap out the window, never to be seen again.


Woah, the media and Biden were lying about needing Congress to be back in session right before the election? I expect corrections to be published in every major media center and Joe Biden to issue an apology immediately.


I think a lot of government waste comes from basic accounting principle of spend all we got. Find a reason to spend it on something so next year we can ask for more. That way is total bullshi$. Zero budget should be the norm. Where you ask for money based upon need, and you don’t spend excess funds because you have extra, but rather save those funds and account for them in the next budget cycle. This should be law.


Govt has gotten into the mentality if not all is spent, they won’t get as much or more next year. Lather, rinse repeat.


You’re right about that. I see a lot of businesses doing the same. Spend your budget, and always ask for an increase. Even if you don’t need it. Make up some BS reason to spend more. It’s a poor practice that comes from lack of oversight and managers not willing to do their job. Or Congress and the Senate, local mayors, etc. Trump has a cure for spineless managers/gov workers. “Your Fired”


There’s just something abhorrent about a man that would hit a woman. I, personally, rank that right up there near abusing children…or animals. Guess it all goes back to proper home training…or the lack thereof.

Very proud of all of the Service Academies on their gridiron success and will root for them all every day of the year except one. Goes without saying that come 14 Dec ’24, The Gun Bunny will be rooting for (GO) Army against (BEAT) Navy.

The sheer incompetence of grubermint agencies is just mind boggling. You like zeros (0)? We, The People are $35,000,000,000.00 in debt…and growing.

Whether or not The Good Major bent (broke?) regulations in his quest to give this child a better life is debatable from the information given. Personally, I have to admire him for what he is doing. I only know about Affy Customs from what I’ve read, those of you that have been in that place would know better than I. Medals and promotions were given to Service Members for picking up an Orphaned Battle Flag. I’d give the man a Medal and Promotion (ahead of his peers) for picking up an Orphaned Child. YMMV

Retired Grunt

Ummm…. you missed a few zeros there. I know it’s hard to keep track when they just keep piling up.


Not disagreeing with you….
But…..what is a woman today? Most definitely aren’t ladies.
Shouldn’t equal rights also mean equal lefts?


And if you claim to support equal lefts, you must also stand for the right to arm bears!

Hack Stone

Hack Stone supports a woman’s right to choose. Choose the proper firearm to stop the threat, that is.


MRS D has a Saint John Moses Browning metal to protect her. In the holy number of .45.

E. Conboy

I’m envious!


Hells Yeah!
Each bear shall be issued a fez, a tricycle and a Mosin Nagant


I believe you have a right to self defense. No matter the gender, color, sexual orientation, religion or any other bullshit excuse that fools use to divide themselves. And only to the extent necessary to stop the threat. So no pummeling someone even though they might need a good ass whooping. My personal rules of engagement.

Last edited 3 months ago by Jimbojszz
E. Conboy

Years ago restrooms intended to be utilized by the female variety of humanity posted a ‘LADIES’ sign. Many upscale ones employed an attendant who wore white gloves pleasantly handed a fresh towel. A jar for tips would have insulted her. We usually managed to have a dollar in appreciation.The restrooms I’d used were spotless, now who knows what will be encountered if/when it becomes necessary to powder one’s nose. Sorta Do or Dare in there. Poor young mothers struggling with strollers, toddlers, and merchandise.
Where have all the flowers gone?


Is hitting a woman with an adams apple wrong?

Asking for a friend.


I smell a rat. Why is this information about slapping a woman coming up at election time. One would think it’s just dirt on Kamala.

What if Doug is shown to be an oaf and he alledgedly slaps Kamala just before the election. How much sympathy would that generate to get Kamala votes from men and women alike.


Won’t get sympathy from me, but it will earn a snicker at least.

Hack Stone

FedEx Field, much like The Washington Redskins, is no more. This past August, The Washington Commanders announced a new name, Northwest. It doesn’t matter, to us The Washington Commanders will always be The Redskins, Northwest Stadium will always be FedEx Field, and Palmer will always be Psul of The Ballsack.


The Washington Foreskins would have been a better name, considering all the Dem dickheads working in the city.


The reason the dickheads wear ties is because it keeps the foreskin out of sight.


Mrs. Mast sure ends up trying to look like Mrs. Craane
(Lilith on Cheers).


Cheers was a great show. Hope they don’t remake it.

Commissioner Wretched

Give ’em time. They’ll try. There hasn’t been an original idea in Hollyweird in … how long, now?

E. Conboy

Same with boards of edu.