Ukraine from both candidates’ sides

| September 28, 2024 | 1 Comment


Well, Joe Biden, in his last scheduled address to the United Nations, is taking the credit for saving Ukraine.

Joe Biden has said he helped “ensure the survival of Ukraine” as he outlined his legacy in his final speech to the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Vowing to support Kyiv until victory in its war against Moscow, the US president said that Nato members and other allies in “50-plus nations stood up” to Russian “aggression”, adding: “We defended the UN Charter and ensured the survival of Ukraine as a free nation.”

“We could have stood by and merely protested,” Mr Biden said, but “at my direction, America stepped into the breach”.  The Telegraph

Same Joe Biden who threatened  Ukraine funding years back if Hunters wasn’t investigatively ignored, right? Ah, well, he’s a self-announted saint now.

On a related note, the U.S. announced a further $375,000,000 aid package to Ukraine. CNN  Those darn wars are so expensive, even when someone else’s kids are doing the bleeding. Guess it’s better than ours doing it, like we used to do. Maybe over the years we actually have smartened up a bit?

Harris has made several trips to get allies to support Ukraine in the last year – but relations between her and Ukraine’s President Zelensky sound coolly formal at best.

“As a former prosecutor, the Vice President was an important credible messenger and rallied the world to hold Russia accountable for its atrocities in Ukraine,” the White House official says.

“As a former prosecutor” – they say that like there is supposed to be some gravitas to someone who was the precursor to George Gascon and Chesa Boudin, I strongly doubt world leaders are too terribly impressed.

Of course, then we get to President Trump. His contribution to the party this week was to say he could end the war within 24 hours of re-entering the White House.

Former President Donald Trump explained his plan to secure peace in Ukraine within 24 hours of taking back the White House on Sunday, saying he would tell Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to make a deal.

“I know Zelenskyy very well, and I know Putin very well, even better. And I had a good relationship, very good with both of them. I would tell Zelenskyy, no more. You got to make a deal. I would tell Putin, if you don’t make a deal, we’re going to give him a lot. We’re going to [give Ukraine] more than they ever got if we have to. I will have the deal done in one day. One day,” Trump responded.  Fox News

Yeah, get two hard-heads like Putin and Zelensky to just meekly back down, huh. Worth noting that Puitin upped the nuclear stakes after he said that:

The updated doctrine takes aim at nuclear powers such as the US, Britain and France.

While Putin did not specifically name those countries, he said that a nuclear power that support a non-nuclear state’s attack on Russia risks becoming a target of a Russian counter-strike.  MSN

I suspect any instant quick solution would work about as well as that quick Afghan withdrawal Biden tried  to pull off… and probably have similar consequences. I have a friend who would say of Trump “he’s been drinking his own bathwater.”

Category: 2024 Election, Ukraine

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Forest Bondurant

Still accurate…