Midweek Open Thread

| September 11, 2024 | 111 Comments

Not a holiday, but it is Wednesday… The U.S. may have closed down nearly two decades of major military operations dealing with the War on Terror, but our adversaries have not. Their ultimate goal is global Islamic law, and they’ve collectively and individually been at this objective since early in the Medieval Period. How are we doing so far? 

Category: Open thread, Terror War

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Hello? Am I the only one left? I haven’t seen my wife yet this morning either. Hmmm. Maybe I better see if I missed the boat. If so I’m headed to my LGS to replenish my gun safe after that tragic boat accident.


I keep replenishing mine, but then I keep taking trips in rickety bass boats.


Don’t worry, Harris isn’t going to take your guns away she is a gun owner.


Let me know when she joins the NRA.


That’s how her family kept the 3/5ths voting for the preferred candidate.


Have a /sarc response to such:
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Not to your skepticism, but the original assertion by someone.


I call bullshit.
I bet she can’t even say what it is…Glock 17, Smith and Wesson, etc, let alone caliber.
She was more believable when she said she worked at McDonald’s.


Brighter metal flake in the paint sturdies them right up.


Good catch, Animal…and indeed, Good Sir, you are First on the very rare, these days, MOT. The MOTs are almost as rare as the true freedoms we used to have in this Country. We all remember where we were on this fateful day in ’01. Just as we remember the freedoms we had prior to. The “War on Terror” has been almost as successful as the “War on Drugs”… and the “War on Poverty”. The real losers have been the taxpayer’s $ and the American Service Members that have been lost, including the First Responders. I’m concerned that it will just get worse.



Cong-rats Animal


“How are we doing so far?”

I’ll be polite…we are losing badly.


I think it’s going to take a Mushroom cloud and I hope we’re not on the receiving end.
Everything is going to shit. We need Jesus. Or Aliens or something.

BlueCord Dad

Not Forgotten🇺🇸

E. Conboy

My sincere condolences to all the families.

BlueCord Dad

Fidelis Ad Mortem🇺🇸 Not Forgotten

BlueCord Dad

And not to slight our brothers from the FDNY #343 Never Forgotten🇺🇸


And don’t forget Keith Roma, of the Ney York Fire Patrol that died at the towers that day as well.


And the thousands saved by this gentleman…”Rick” Rescorla” that gave his life going back up for more

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BlueCord Dad

In 1990, while head of security for Dean Whittier he asked an old colleague from his days in Rhodesia who was a CT expert to come to the WTC to assess its security. The basement parking garage was basically unguarded. His friend said a truck bomb next to a load bearing column would do the deed nicely. A report was submitted to Port Authority management and was of course ignored for being too expensive to implement. In 1993 the truck bomb that went off was parked 30 feet from the spot that was picked out by his friend. After the ‘93 bombing Rescorla tried to get the now Morgan Stanley Co. to move to NJ to no avail. He was very prescient


Not enough thumbs up avail for that dude! And lest we forget, he was with Sgtm Plumley in the Ia Drang during the battle that was made Into the movie ” we were Soldiers” and even before that, he served in British or Canadian SF( I don’t recall which).. not surprising he didn’t make it down those stairwells, his huge iron balls wouldn’t fit!


Where were you on the this day in 2001? I was on my way to make a delivery in Lexington KY., when the news came over the radio. I stopped at a truck stop to watch the news, call the receiver to let them know I would be late, and they said no problem, they were glued to their radios and break room TV as well.

It was a surreal day.


I was building a roof on a home, and the home owner came out and told us what was going on. He was frantic as his son worked at the Pentagon. Turned out his son had the day off. My whole construction crew stood in the guys kitchen glued to the TV. Was very difficult to get back to work that day, called it quits and sent everyone home. My other lady customer I had worked out of the Twin Towers for IBM, and was in Europe that day. When she came back, there was no one to report to as they had all perished. Yes, a very surreal day!

E. Conboy

Dear God, comfort the families and those of us who witnessed this horror. May we be ever thankful and worthy of your blessings.


In Korea, preparing for an exercise. There was a scenario given (vague) so we’d have strategic/theater context to do MDMP, move stuff, etc. during it (details would emerge before/during the exercise for realism). My buddy called, said a plane hit the WTC, I reply it’s a lame scenario twist and he says, no, it’s real, turn on CNN. I did. WTC’s on fire. Stuff collapses shortly after that. Exercise scratched, everyone’s watching TV and getting their gear on in case the Norks take the opportunity to cause trouble. Official notification come hours later and we’re told, pre-emptively, don’t bother volunteering you’re not going.

Last edited 6 days ago by Anonymous

Pretty much the same thing happened to me except I was Ft. Bliss and I called the S2 and asked him if he was free playing the Intel and he confirmed the plane had hit. By 1700 we had eight different WARNOs. Had to love Air Defense.


Hear ya… been there, done that, got the coffee mug.
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What do you call a flock of Oozlefinches?

Not a joke, I’m genuinely curious whenever y’all start to congregate.


The collective noun for goldfinches is a “charm” and I’d like there to be one for oozlefinches but I don’t if there is. 

Although having to share Ft Sill and get along with another Combat Arm (FA) has made the branch culture better, many will still say (and I see their point from years’ past) a bunch of Air Defenders in one place is just “Jerry Springer”:

Last edited 5 days ago by Anonymous

So a flock of oozlefinches is called a “civil suit?”


I’ll go with it.

Last edited 5 days ago by Anonymous

I was at the Combined Arms Staff Trainer (CAST) in Camp Lejeune. I was a arty Lt. with 2/10 and was setting up for the exercise when someone mentioned that a plan had hit one of the Towers. I figured it was a Cessna or something. By the time the second hit, we were called to the front office to see the TV. It was obvious that it was terrorism and the exercise was quickly forgotten. In the days after, Camp Lejeune looked like an armed camp – so glad I lived on base and didn’t have to go through the several hour line to get on base. All of the infantry headquarters buildings had concertina wire and frigging machine gun bunkers (really). I didn’t know if 6th Marines was expecting a Taliban amphibious assault from the New River or something. At the more sensible 10th Marines units, they had a Lance Corporal at the front hatch checking IDs. Weird times. Had no idea how much my plain Jane USMC career was going to change.

Attached photo is the 10th Marines HQ Building defensive armament.


Plane, not plan!

E. Conboy

Yeah, we figured. AI at work here?


Nah, just bad typing.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Ain’t Autocorrect a real Mother Forklift from time to time?

Hack Stone

Hack Stone just stepped out of the shower preparing to go to work, at the Pentagon. Day 1 of the 6 day shift slated to start at 13:00 that day. Hack’s brother Rollin called him and told him to turn on the television. Our team reported to an “undisclosed location” for about a week.


I had taken off work to give my dad a ride over to the county seat for business.. Saw the first plane crash before I left.

I hope we never see another day like that.


I can only imagine what it was like for those who lived through Pearl Harbor Day.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Where was I?
I had retired AD 1998, so I was at my civilian job repairing marine band radios for Vertex-Standard, at the repair shop at the International Center, next to the main Airport, SLC, UT.
Someone had heard the news, and turned on the TV in the break room. I watched from there, as the planes crashed into Bldgs 1 & 2, and collapsed. Both angry and heartsick.
Angry at the attackers.
Heartsick for the victims and their families.


September 7th, 2001: I was a young forklift mechanic who’d used some comp time to get a head start on a WWII reenactment in Pennsylvania. I was “assigned” to D/1-116 IN in the VAARNG but hadn’t yet enlisted due to needing a blood pressure waiver. The VAARNG had been dangling the carrot in front of me for nearly two years, but an issue popped up every time I was about to go to MEPS. Even so, the future was bright and one day I’d be serving my state and nation in uniform. September 10th, 2001: After the long weekend, I go into work only to be called into the service manager’s office. I’m told that I’m no longer needed and that my truck will be emptied, and I could pick up my tools later in the week. The immediate future was a little less certain for this father of two (at the time), but I had job skills and a strong work ethic, so it wasn’t the end of the world. September 11th, 2001: I’m sitting at the now-wife’s house, looking for jobs online while perusing the Wehrmacht-Reenactors Yahoo Group (remember those?). Suddenly, someone posts a comment about a plane hitting the WTC. Initially, there’s disbelief, with group members thinking it’s a sick joke. I turn around and my wife’s mom has the news on. Sure enough… Life as we knew it had been forever changed. In subsequent days, I continued my job search and visited friends who were every bit as uncertain as I was about where this would lead us as a nation. The VAARNG recruiting office that had strung me along for so long was locked down on the Defense Supply Center, so I gave up that facade and walked into an Army recruiting office. Within weeks, necessary waivers were approved, and by 15 November, I was on my way to Benning. Twenty-three years later, the memories are still as vivid as ever. I don’t think any of us were unaffected by the events of September 11th, 2001, and in some ways that day defined our subsequent… Read more »


I was walking out the back door of Station 7 when my wife called and told me a plane hit the tower. I went back inside, and to many disapproving shouts, turned the kitchen TV from Sportscenter to the news. The shouting stopped. We watched the second plane hit. I drove home on empty highways and held.my family while we watched the towers fall. I’d met a few of the guys that didn’t come.home that day. They were the ones saying goodbye to their friends as they went UP into the towers, knowing they were unlikely to make it out, but they had a job to do. RIP Brothers!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

We were going over the Manhatten bridge and I was in the left rear seat and I happened to look out the truck window and saw smoke coming out of 1WTC and about that time, Jose sitting next to me on the right seat gets a call from his Mom saying a plane hit tower 1. We get off the bridge heading to depository trust company on water street and going through Chinatown when I jumped up and sat on Jose’s lap and a few seconds later we saw the second plane hit tower 2 that shot out a huge sparkling flame. one crew was delivering foreign currency to bank America in tower 1 and after the delivery was signed off, the 3 went to the head and the plane hit. all 3 ran down the stairs and left the building. the truck was in the undergroung garage with co-worker “Joey Trombino waiting for the guys to return. Office calls Joey and tells him to drive the truck out. Joey couldn’t start it and the office says to leave which he never did. 3 months later his remains were recovered in a stairwell with other remains of people. Easy ID from taking the serial numbers off of his gun. He survived as a Korean War Combat vet and a shotgun blast to his arm from chesimards terrorist group and his partner Petey dying in the gunfight. we were originally supposed to deliver BK America but DTC had to be delivered first so the other crew made the delivery. Capt Terry Hatten R 1 who was also a Volly in our dept on L 2 was a great guy. In the end, he was heard saying 2 things on his handy talkie, I dont think we are going to make it and looks like we are going to die today. This was from 2 sources whom were at a seminar. Kenny ‘Igor’ Marino was also on R 2 with Terry. Kenny was also a Volly in our Dept.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

After we made our delivery, tower 1 already collapsed with all sorts of debris flying in the sky into Brooklyn. The downtown area was fille with ash which the wind blew and people were walking with ash all over them. We got back to our office on Kent ave and a little while later people covered with the stuff trying to get home. A day or later when I was done with work, I walked across the street to 211 Engine and 119 truck in Brooklyn and said hello to the guys standing outside. One of the guys sees my Volly jacket on and gives me a big hug. Nassau and Suffolk County Volly depts were called to the race track for staging for M/A to go into NYC and relocate to different stations since there were now a shortage of rigs and Fire Fighters. Some were welcomed and a number of Volly companies were not coming from hard core union FD members. A number of FDNY/Volly’s called int HQ and had there Volly rigs relocate to the houses that they were out of. All the union people wanted only paid depts in there houses. What a bunch of fuckin A-Holes. Now there are a number of mutual aid drills with Volly’s going into NYC. This started after 9/11 and was pushed by a high ranking chief and he told the union members this is the way it’s going to be.


Wow Jeff, that’s powerful about Terry Hatton I got to ride with him and his crew one shift when I was testing for FDNY back in 1994. Very impressive dude. The loss that day was beyond counting. I’ve experienced the same with hard core union guys, and I agree, fuck em, especially after a day like that. But I guess in any group that large, you’re going to have a percentage of assholes…


Alhambra, CA at 6 am getting equipment to go to Lynwood. Heard about the first plane hitting on KNX-AM news. Then the second. By the time I got to Lynwood the aviation all-stop had been ordered and NOT hearing the planes fly over (we were in LAX landing path) was eerie as he’ll.

Finished as quickly as we could and I went back home just after noon to almost empty freeways.


I was contracted to United Defense writing code for the Crusader SPH in Minneapolis, flying back to VA every month for drill after 8yrs AD. Listening to a couple of local DJs joking about the idiot pilot that somehow hit the first tower as I got to the parking lot. Then the second plane hit. Shit got real then. I sat there for about an hour listening and they never broke for commercial. Got mobilized shortly thereafter and spent the next three years or so on AD at the Pentagon, 6th Comm BN Brooklyn, Ramadi (and countless shitholes around there). Eventually retired in 2013. Been quite a journey. I’m still doing IT for the USMC in VA. Never made it back to MN.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

I was in Northern Indiana delivering a load of insulation, and as soon as I got unloaded ,I turned the truck radio on to a news station, I then heard about the first tower collapsing in total disbelief, thinking “This has got to be some kind of ‘War of the Worlds’ show!” Since I was waiting for my next load assignment, I turned the TV in my truck sleeper on and then watched the coverage.


That day:


And, before WTC 1 and 2 collapse, many people trapped above the plane impacts jump (a 10sec drop fully conscious) rather than burn to death:

Last edited 5 days ago by Anonymous

The first fire fighter that died that day got schwacked by a jumper. Many more would die in the biggest tragedy in fire fighting history.

25 of the 28 battalion chiefs at the WTC and the chief of the NYFD died that day trying to get their people out because they refused to leave people behind after the first tower collapsed.

They had to know.

They had a choice and they chose their brothers.

Marine 0331

And what sickens me more than the actual event itself is that the sicko Demorats running this country are so weak and pathetic and have all but forgotten that day AND that it could happen again. I’m a lapsed Catholic and mom and dad are rolling in their graves, but I do still say my nightly prayers. One of them is that God puts the Orange man back into office to keep these sicko nutjobs from attacking our country again. God have mercy on us if Comrade Kamaltoe gets in office.

Forest Bondurant

NYFD Chaplain Mychal Judge administered the last rights to that firefighter struck by the falling body.

Chaplain Judge also perished that day, providing comfort to everyone around him.


Yeah, they knew.. Fr. Mychal Judge, the head Chaplin for FDNY was given death certificate #1 that day. He died when the first tower collapsed. He meant so much to the men that they carried his body to St.Peters cathedral and laid it on the altar…

Damn it just got dusty in here…

Forest Bondurant
BlueCord Dad

That was definitely a tough read. I always wondered why that photo disappeared so quick. Thanks for posting


What a hell of a decision to have to make.


I’ve heard that many who jumped likely died of heart attacks on the way down.. probably just a story to make us feel better.. but what a choice.. burn or jump.. May God bless em all. When you watch videos of firefighters entering the towers, you can hear the almost non-stop thumps of them landing..



Last edited 5 days ago by Anonymous

Gotta be the most screwed up choice to make ever. Burned alive or learn to fly? The only hope that the smoke gets you first? Yea, no. Screwed up for sure. Fuck those bastards that did this forever. I got back from Iraq a few years after and gas in Virginia was over four bucks a gallon and Howard Stern went pay to listen on Sirius. Bastards. All of them. And now the world we live in is forever screwed it seems for the foreseeable future. Vote, people. And prepare.


True Story: I was AD from May 96-May 2000. I left the service and went to school. After meeting my (future) Wife, I decided to return to the service for job stability. I was sworn in on Sept 11, 2001. The first tower went down, I was (re) sworn in, and headed across South Dakota to get an ID and head to Travis AFB CA. However, when I got there the base was so locked down SF refused to believe my orders and would not let me on. My Dad, a retired Major, had to bring me on base and help get my ID card. 3 days later I was at Travis, and 3 weeks after that I was in Guam. True Story.


Probably one of the more disgusting things I have seen, that many Gen Zers see it as a topic for humor and memes


Gen Z are dumbasses.


Yeah, and not funny either. Just kind of toxic and weird.


I won’t even look at it. Sick little bastards.


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Just a reminder that some Heroes wear fur…



Hell yeah they do!


I’m still pissed. And all these pro-Hamas “American” protesters can go join their terrorist brethren in the darkest pit of hell. They’re cut from the same cloth.


They are most likely descendants of the creeps who were so insulting to returning Viet Nam vets.


100%.. if I was ever diagnosed with a terminal disease, and given a short time to live, I do believe I’d visit some of these protests, a d take appropriate action..


I left out of North Bergen NJ around midnite and 01:00 bound for Burlington Vt. Took a last look over at the NY skyline. Everything all lit up and looking good from a distance. I got to my home terminal at the time, Burlington, dropped my trailer in the door and logged off and went home. I was not home long b4 my phone rang. It was my daughter all shook up telling me to turn on the tv. Got it on just in time to see the second strike. When I returned to NB NJ that nite it was like a ghost town. Very weird and creepy. Trucks were not allowed to pass thru the city of NY for security reasons. The need for security measures caused a lot of businesses to go under. Raising their costs that they could not recover. My current employer at the time being one of them. Not exactly ground zero but one of the aftershocks. Five months after the mayhem at the towers my employer closed the doors.


This battle with Islam will not be won until Christ returns on the Last Day.
The goat-f*rkers and those like them will wish it was only a mushroom cloud.

I was working for the State of Texas, when my ex-Navy buddy told me. We were on the internet feeds all day. Don’t think we got a lick of work done.

I can understand wanting to spare the innocent, but we should’ve carpet bombed it all and brought our boys home. We sacrificed our soldiers unnecessarily to spare child rapers with no morals.

Major Tuddy

Amen, brother. Just be sure that you’re on good terms with the Lord. I am; I sincerely hope that you are, too.


I was, and am of the opinion that every city where the goat f@#kers were celebrating after the towers fell should have been glowing by the end of the day. Many of our nukes are getting old, and about ro become useless. That would have been a good way to test them.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

I remember seeing video of the Paleoswinians dancing in their streets and giving candy to their children in celebration of 9/11, fuck all of them until the end of time.

Major Tuddy

I’m still pissed that we lost to the damn Chumpa Bay Suckaneers on our first real game of the season.

At least we schooled the Failtriots during preseason.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Eat shit and bark at the moon.


Another post on The Fur Heroes. Full Disclosure..Be Aware of Dust Bunnies and Onion Cutting Ninjas…You have been warned.



Dammit KoB!


Concur. Them onions, man.


People forget the lil guy.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Every 9/11 aniversary, I list the names of the LODD’s of FDNY members whom were also Volly’s in my Volly Dept and post LODD members.
RIP Brothers and one day, hope to see you at the top of the stairs.


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Well, now that you probably heard it or seen the meme or whatever he’s video of Biden being a senile retarded, dumbass douche

Here’s the video of what took place before he put the hat on



And here’s the meme that goes with it.

Yes, Joe did put a hat on for mega Afro for a bunch of firefighters and other senior

citizens. He was visiting, dared him to do it and he was so stupid. He just went ahead and did it anyway and that’s what shown in the video.



Green Thumb

And Phil Monkress is still working balls….


I’m almost to the point I want Kamala to win so when the Islamists pull some stupid shit here (and they will eventually) it all lands squarely on her bloated cackling lap.

Then I’m gonna tell every one of her supporters, “I fucking told you so.”


They’d still find a way to blame Trump

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Liberal moonbats still screech about “Islamophobia”, but just how many of the hijackers were Christian, Jewish ,Buddhist or Hindu? Let’s not forget that a few days after the attacks, 0sama bin Laden issued a statement saying that further attacks would be called off if Americans would convert to Islam en masse.


Not a “phobia” if there’s evidence:
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phobia /fō′bē-ə/
nounA persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.An irrational or obsessive fear or anxiety, usually of or about something particular.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language

Yeah, it’s NONE of those things. It’s simple situational awareness and threat recognition. This following of a backwards goat f@#cking pedophile led death cult is an existential threat, and incompatible with civilized society these are FACTS, not fears.


Weird, it sent my comment for approval.. did I use the wrong word?


Naw, Fyr…too many linkys in the comment. Three (3) is the tipping point. More than that sends it into a tizzy to the mods. It’s a feature not a bug. Our very own ninja gets catched up in that fairly often.


Gotcha KoB, thanks. I only used one link, didn’t pay attention to the multiple links within it.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Not just go@t-fuckers, they’ll poke sheep, cattle, donkeys or any animal that will sit still long enough. As to homosexuality, well, it ain’t gay to them if it happens on “Man-love Thursday”!


…or it’s bacha bazi (“boy play”) over there in Sh*tholistan:

A Proud Infidel®️™️

That’s true, I say nuke it from orbit.


You know what they say; “Just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you”.


But.. what if the paranoids are the ones who are out to get you?

A Proud Infidel®️™️

True, absolutely true.


It’s not a “phobia”. I’m not afraid of them. I don’t even hate Islam. I only hate it’s members who want to kill me and destroy the American way of life. My hatred is very selective.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

It’s not a phobia to me either, I have trouble even remotely trusting the members of any religion which has crowds of them screaming for the mass slaughter of those who don’t believe what they do. IMHO radical Muslims screech for it while the “Moderate” ones stay silent, then they go with the mob.


Comment #100 – A nice round number. /s/


I guess I should have included more into my comment and it’s a question for anybody out there who may be familiar with the Army National Guard Enlisted Promotion System or wants to do some research and it is:

Is there a ORS (Obligation of Remaining Service) attached to promotions to E7, E8, or E9 in the ANG?

The reason I’m asking is because according to the adjusted Date of Rank on Tampon Tim Walz promotion to E8, he only spent a little over eight months in that pay grade before pulling the handle on retiring.

Facts are: Date of Rank on E8: 17 Sep 2004, Retirement from the Minnesota NG effective 16 May 2005.

If there is an ORS that he didn’t fulfill, should his actual retired pay grade be E7 and not E8?

Thank You.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Damn good question IMO, it just sucks fresh dog and goat shit that the mainstream whorehouse DNC news media does all it can to fawn all over and cover up for “No-balls” Walz like they do for Kamala-whore!


While reading some 9/11 articles I came across this one that bent my mind. Summary: One of the kids on the plane that hit the Pentagon was part of a DC school group going to California. His dad was a Navy Chief that worked at the Pentagon, but wasn’t there at the time the plane hit.
