Kamala and Gavin?

| July 22, 2024


Well, as thebesig noted yesterday, Joe Biden is effectively out of the campaign. So that leaves Kamala Harris as the heir presumptive – unless the Democrats decide that Cackles is a liability and decide to nominate someone else.

I don’t see that  – they’ve already started talking about what a WONDERFUL candidate she will be and able to take on Trump – I guess on her record of accomplishments? I’d laugh at that, but I already see the spin machine whirling up to talk about how great she is and what an effective candidate she will be…ignoring that conspicuous lack, that pesky record,  on her part. Not to mention if they kicked a FEMALE…a female OF COLOR (even if the ‘of color’ part was an actual on-record slave holder!) – to the curb over some better-qualified older white guy….the repercussions would be enormous. So despite her conspicuous lack of both a track record and accomplishments, Kamala is their man – er, woman.

So who will they run with her? There are plenty of lists floating around, and I am going to ignore all of them – do a quick search for “Harris running mates” and you’ll probably get a list longer than the rosters of both houses of Congress and the blue-state governors combined. But there is one I’m going to talk about who surprisingly is eligible, although a poor choice.

Gavin Newsom. Eeew… yeah, not one most of us would choose. Ineffective, ultra left,  likes to act like his record of doing so little is an earthshattering lot – yep, Mr. Feckless himself. Consider this – Dems find him a rising star, a young, attractive progressive who believes in the Right Causes. Hmm…. then the counterpoint: traditionally parties ‘ticket-balance’ their candidate with someone opposite, or at least different, from the candidate. Why? Because part of the country may like the candidate – but NO BODY is liked by all and you try to offer a sidekick who appeals to a different lot. Look at Pence to Trump – hell, look at Obama’s polar opposite – old, establishment white, professional pol Biden. Look at Johnson to Kennedy, Gore to Clinton, Agnew to Nixon – almost all from different regions (east coast to west coast or vice versa, Midwest a close second) and Newsom, like Kamala, is from California. But…nothing says they gotta come from somewhere else.

But wait, you say…he is the one person we are safe from – can’t have two candidates from the same state.

Well, turns out that ain’t necessarily so.

Article II states: “The electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves.”

Says so right there, huh? Again… not so fast.

The 12th Amendment, adopted in 1804 after two chaotic elections, mandated that electors cast separate ballots for president and vice president. However, the rule preventing an elector from voting for two people from his home state remained in effect under the new system. History.com

So what it boils down to is that electors can’t vote for a Prexie and VP from the same state as themselves. One, yes – but remember that technically they vote twice, once for President and once for VP, and in at least one of those, they can’t vote from their own state. Now, two from any other state? Feel free, no limitations there.

Might remember when Cheney was chosen by Bush and there was the big brouhaha about him claiming to be from Wyoming despite not having taken a breath of non-Texas air since the Depression  or so? THIS is why – in that closely contested match-up, the Republicans would have had to kiss off Texas’ votes in at least one race – and in the long run they only won by 5.

Think the Dems want to potentially lose all of California’s electors for either VP or worse, gasp!,  President?  Not in a million years. So we are probably safe from Newsom for now. All the Republicans have to do is make sure they beat St. Kamala-in-the-making and her publicity machine.

Sure makes you wish Willie Brown had kept  stained blue suit-pants like Monica did…

Category: 2024 Election, Kamala, Politics

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Skivvy Stacker

 Kamala is their man – er, woman.”
I’ll go with THING.


They just released their first Kamala 2024 campaign placard…


Get on your knees and smile like a donut!


Stealing both the meme and the comment.


Hawk Tuah 2024!


She’s no spitter… I mean, quitter.

Last edited 6 months ago by Odie

Gavin’s campaign sign would have him getting spit roasted by 2 chix with dix


The democrats had a state by state, nationwide, presidential primary less than six months ago.


Millions of votes cast.

Why do the democrats HATE democracy?

USMC Steve

Again, it is not DEMOCRACY. That has nothing to do with anything. We are a constitutional republic. Democracy in action is mob rule. And the socialist democrats don’t grasp either concept.


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Democrats live in an Olive Garden, correction an oligarchy. They only try to give the illusion that they live in a democracy. They’re going to have to work extra hard to make sure to maintain that illusion this selection cycle, correction election cycle. Otherwise nobody’s going to vote, again.

Hack Stone

But the primaries align more along a democracy than a constitutional republic.


As far as I know, Joe and the hoe are not on the Ohio ballot because the Dems were going to miss the deadline because the convention was AFTER the states filling deadline. I don’t know how you screw up that badly in a swing/battle ground state unless there was a plan in place already.


They hate you, me, anybody who thinks like we. They hate the concept of America. It would appear.

Hack Stone

They had to destroy democracy in order to save democracy.



I have been rubbing liberal noses in it. They got nothing.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Has anyone told Feeble Joe yet that he dropped the of the race, or did they just give him his ice cream and let him take his afternoon nap?


who knows? Even LBJ went on tv and told the nation he wasn’t going to run for reelection. Personally I think Biden was “mostly” there when he was elected, but now? I think, like a lot of family’s, they realized no drug combo or treatment will make him what he was back in 2019, and they made the choice to send him to a farm upstate where he can eat ice cream and sniff flowers all day.


By the time the election rolls around he won’t know the difference anyway. They can give him a couple of nurses to talk to in the morning that he can give orders to, He will still have some secret service protection. Every once in awhile they can put him on a plane so he can go meet with long dead heads of state. It’s important when somebody has dementia not to shatter the illusion, because they could become violent.

Hack Stone

Maybe this is like the end of St. Elsewhere, and Joe Biden never was President, but existed in a snow globe.

D’oh! Hack should have posted a spoiler alert.


Continuing in that theme does that mean Hillary was playing the Angel of Mercy serial killer and will end up in Oz? Cheatle and Garland could spin off in DC Homicide, life on the streets?

Green Thumb

Phil Monkress could play the fake Navy SEAL recovering from “native historical trauma” and the PTSD from his war stint.

Bu alas, he was unavailable as he had already taken a role playing “John Dumbbar” in the classic remake “Dances with Shitbags”.

A Navy SEAL goes west and tries to engage the tribes being a “Pretendian”. When they call him out, he goes all Val Kilmer and shit from “Thunderheart” and starts playing his LEO claims.


Came across this a little bit ago. I was wondering if what we are seeing today has ever been done before, and apparently it has.



Well, Ford was never elected to VP or President, but that was an extreme set of circumstances that led him into the Oval Office. But he was the accidental President, anyone that shoves Joe out of the way and takes office, well that won’t be a accident, unless Joe finally is taken out by his greatest nemesis, a flight of stairs.


But he was appointed to both offices by Constitutional means. What the Dems are proposing breaks every rule, makes up a few more, and breaks those as well.


It’s too late to put a new Supreme Court Justice out there according to the Biden Rule.


Sadly, our side-saddle governor is another possibility. He damn sure has designs on the office, he idolizes Newsom and tries to one-up him in his communist BS he has been inflicting on the law abiding citizens of this once great state. Jared Polis is a sodomite threat to the nation, make no mistake.


It’s a shame the way Colorado is going. I was stationed there in 93 and CO felt laid back. I guess it was that old fashioned Western US liberalism I think of, kind of you leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone, when I look at what CO has become, but 30 years on maybe I’m wrong.


Yeah, the “Gang of Four” has been very successful in accomplishing their mission of destroying the state. With the number of californians and illegals they’ve imported, I don’t see any peaceful way back to sanity. Now that my retirement has been moved up, I’m actively working on an exit strategy to more friendly climes..

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Y’all may not think much of Utah, but it’s stayed fairly conservative so far.
And you’re more likely to be bothered by Jehovah’s Witness missionaries then you are by Mormon missionaries.

I like Utah, tho I haven’t crossed going there off of my bucket list yet. The plan was to make it in 2020 on my cross country trip that got blown up by The Chinese Communist Originated Viral Infecting Disease of 2019. Got an old Compatriot there that is a published photographer in SLC. Visiting the Home of HMS, JMB (HBHN) and checking out some of the hot LDS Ladies was on the schedule too. If I make it there it will have to be on a Delta Bus. I just renewed my prescription to the magazine Utah Life. Very nice publication, full of pictures, articles, and items of interest.

Smart money would have someone liquidating their assets in an undesirable AO , find a forgotten valley in the Ute Mountains, dig in deep, and await The Fall.


Be careful with the hot LDS ladies, big brother. Had a relative that got to Utah not long after Brigham Young, converted and married three of ‘em.


I’d go prepared for any contingency, ‘lil bro…

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I want one!

Though at this point, Alabama is looking good to me


‘Bama has some possibilities. Check the demographics of the AO carefully, lots of ferals about. Goes without saying to get at least an hour away from ANY metro area. B’ham and Huntsville used to be prime 1st strike targets for Ivan, that may have changed a bit. Real estate is very reasonable in central and south ‘Bama, but that’s tornado alley and below the gnat line. I’d aim for the northeast corner but not too close to Choo Choo City TN.


Huntsville is still first strike territory. They put logistics and missile defense there. Actually come to think of it the Russians really don’t know the value of either, so maybe not

Birmingham? I have a prayer for that.

Please God protect all 16 of the good people in the greater Jefferson County area when you rain righteous justice down on that hell hole and remove it’s insult to you from thy sight. Leave nothing standing and every official, including those in prison, know thy judgment and be turned into pillars of salt.

Last edited 6 months ago by 5JC

Truth be told you probably better off in North Mississippi or South East Arkansas. There is nothing there worth fighting over. Amazon and Walmart still deliver. You can grab a couple hundred acres of flood plain for cheap. Put up a cabin on stilts and wait it out till doomsday.


I’d lean more toward NW AR, getting as far from Memphis as possible. MS has turned into the stench of what permeates Jackson and you know too well what that place is like. My Ivan’s targeting data is going on very old info and the dimness of the years. Not as concerned about the canned sunshine any more as much as I would be on ferals, felons, and imports. SHTF will have folks cutting your throat for a bottle of water. Hell, might be best to just see the flash before you become vaporized.


Looking for a place that is2A friendly, and that won’t tax my pension, along with affordable real estate. My only real experience with Bama is Tuscaloosa, but it was enough to make me consider the state as an option.. Copy loud and clear about the ferals, no doubt I’d be looking more rural. Got an army buddy that grew up around Gordo.. don’t know much more than that at this point..


Welcome South, Brother. NE GA near the NC Border is real nice, but it has gotten a little spendy, real estate wise. Still a few bargains to be had. Problem with GA, of late, is the demonrats have taken over the metro areas, driving the vote (their way). See what happened in the ’20 (s)election. Some of the best real estate bargains are the small towns in NE and KS. I’ve looked hard at that AO. Spent time in both, mostly nice folks. The more rural, where ever you light, the more chance of surviving The Fall.

Both Realtor.com and Zillow will break down graph out a lot of info. And with your skilz sets, you’d have no problem finding work if you wanted it. Good help is hard to find, every where.


Thank you sir, I do appreciate it


As a 12Z, I look forward to offering said contingency.

In which direction do you want it rolled?
Sideways is just insulting.


An earth roamer has got nothing on that. Would hate to break a bead on a rock and have to wrastle the spare to get going again.


I’d get the factory option run flats.

Hack Stone

3 wives = 3 sets of in-laws to support. Hack will have to pass on that offer.

Hack Stone

Hack has taken precautions. He is enrolled in the Jehovah’s Witnesses Protection Program.


I was there 96 to 2000 and concur. It was changing even back then, I never thought it would become but it became though.

Last edited 6 months ago by 5JC

I was at Ft. Riley in 1961 when they were blasting the hole in Cheyenne Mountain. Nobody knew the reasons for the daily explosions. [NORAD]

First time watching Rocky and his Friends (Rocky & Bullwinkle) and also the Flintstones.

Oh … I was in 3rd grade.

Last edited 6 months ago by rgr1480
A Terminal Lance Coolie

And here I was, thinking you were talking about Inslee in WA


Nope, Jared Polesmoker.. err Polis.. got rich off his parents money when they died, changed his name after sexually harassing a female coworker, then bought his way into the governors mansion…

Did I mention F#$K that guy?


As someone noted the other day, does anybody find it odd that FJB wrote his resignation on personal stationary with electronic signature instead of on official POTUS letterhead stationary with an actual signature?


No, not really. We all know he’s been an automaton for most of his term, I doubt he could even write a shopping list for bread, milk, and butter at this time. I think they just rushed it and didn’t think much about the public questioning it.


Seems they aren’t thinking at all. Drunk on their own perceived power.

Hack Stone

When he goes online, he has to select all of the photos showing ice cream to prove that he is not a robot.


That would be the correct way to do it since it’s not an official presidential act or correspondence.

pookysgirl, WC wife

I believe that was done to comply with the Hatch Act. Now why the Biden Administration suddenly decided to abide by it, I have no idea.


First on my list would be Mark Kelly
Second governor of Pennsylvania


Where are the Dem power-player endorsements for Kamala?
Hakeem? Chuck? Nan? Barry?
They are many things and stupid is not one of them.


We all know Barry wants Michelle. Chuck wants Hill, but will back Hakeem, he probably has designs on the VP slot. Nan wants New.

If you want an insiders look at what’s going on inside of the Democratic Party right now here you go:


I’ll see your Peter Gabriel and raise with Barry McGuire.


The media has suddenly decided that Donald Trump is too old to be president. Which is really odd because a week ago they were saying that Joe Biden wasn’t too old, and he is older than Donald Trump. I wonder if anybody will remember that because it was like literally Friday?


Okay when Democrats do it, again.


You can be as old as you want if there’s a D behind your name.

Hack Stone

Age is just a…. You know the thing. Anyway…

A Proud Infidel®™

On the day he was inaugurated, Joe Biden was OLDER than Ronlad Reagan was the day he left Office.


We must keep in mind several things…FIRST (snickers), The JEF is calling for an open convention and is hard at work as we speak contacting the delegates…as is the Bitcherly of Benghazi. Secondly, the “vote” will be decided by Dominion. Watch.

Also remember…the ultimate goal is to not only “…fundamentally change the face of America…” but to institute The New World Order.



If dominion counts the votes, and 1 side of the democrat party feels they were wronged in the counting, will they too then start saying rigged election? Will the counting of votes take several days/weeks so they can be sure all mailed in ballots are counted? Will the 2 totals equal or exceed 81 million votes? Will one side claim we need to do paper ballots?

So many question.


I am curious as to which side will inherit “…the most inclusive and diversified voter fraud organization in the history of American politics…”


If I had to pick, Andy Brashear might not be a bad pick.
Dem governor in a red state who just won reelection, moderate (as far as they go) and close enough to some swing states to make a difference in one or two of them.

BlueCord Dad
BlueCord Dad
BlueCord Dad
BlueCord Dad
Prior Service (Ret)

Harris can’t win on her record as VP, but I doubt Trump can match her performance as czar of so much czar-goodness. Wait. What’s that? She also sucked as czar? Never mind.

Note: my use of “sucked” is purely figurative.


I’m sure she will…and it WON’T be a “Happy Ending”!

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Hack Stone

A few questions that the Adorable Deplorables may be able to answer.

First up is the debates. Joe Biden challenged Donald Trump to not one, but two, Presidential debates. And Donald Trump accepted. We all know how Round 1 went, but can we still look forward to the second debate in September hosted by ABC? Joe Biden talked a lot of smack during the pre-bout weigh in (Make my day), and there was no caveat about whether Joe would still be the candidate at the time of the debates, so enforcing the Greg Brady Doctrine (Exact words), we can look forward to figuratively taking Donald Trump behind the gym.

Also yesterday morning, it was reported that David Letterman would be hosting a fundraiser later July 29, 2024 for Joe Biden. And in keeping in line with Joe Biden’s working class background, it will be held on Martha’s Vineyard. Hunter will probably take advantage of the event to cajole some of his parents friends into purchasing some of his artwork. When Hack was a kid, Poppa Stone’s friends would purchase seashells from Hack and Rollin Stone for a few bucks, and Hunter is much more talented than Hack.



Firstly I agree, Trump should debate Biden again.

Secondly I wasn’t sure about the question, but Hunter Biden has already said he has a no return policy on his artwork. So if you were the unlucky person who bought colored poop on a paper, and was hoping to redeem it for presidential favors You are SOL, or need to cash it in before it’s expiration date 6 January 2025.

Thirdly if you were wondering where all the money is going to go that was already donated to Joe Biden? You probably are thinking that they were going to follow some kind of a law. You don’t need to follow the law when the rule of law is at stake, It is simply too risky. Just like here they are not going to follow Democratic procedures when an oligarchy is at stake, I mean democracy is at steak.

Besides the Democrats even said The Supreme Court said that you could do whatever you wanted if you were president, and you didn’t have to follow any laws. I mean anything except for run for re-election. You have to have permission from the oligarchs, I mean the super Democrats to do that.

Last edited 6 months ago by 5JC

Unverified news sources are claiming Joe was transferred to a hospice Sunday and is not expected to survive the night.
When my grandfather got into that late stage dementia, his health went off a cliff and about 72 hrs after we moved him to a hospice, he died.
It’s only a rumor, but it helps make sence of the last 24 hrs.


Would the hospice care by any chance involve those *really* in control “needing a moment alone” for a little chat before a stiff, heavy pillow goes over the face?

USMC Steve

Yeah, a month ago she was running like 70 percent negative in all polls, and now she is just the greatest thing. But then the socialist democrats were always very good at enforcing their will on their minions. Selective self deception is not a good thing, but their party runs on it.


A lot of retards on X touting her as “unbeatable” 🙄


Meme or Classic?
