
Kamala and Gavin?

| July 22, 2024 | 83 Comments
Kamala and Gavin?

  Well, as thebesig noted yesterday, Joe Biden is effectively out of the campaign. So that leaves Kamala Harris as the heir presumptive – unless the Democrats decide that Cackles is a liability and decide to nominate someone else. I don’t see that  – they’ve already started talking about what a WONDERFUL candidate she will […]

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Monday Miscellaneous

| November 6, 2023 | 34 Comments
Monday Miscellaneous

Ah yes, the dawn of a new week. From the TV ads, time to start practicing “Bah, Humbug!” to be sure it snarls appropriately, like am unmuffled Triumph. First up (or down, depending on Willie Brown’s whereabouts) our Vice President showed off her exquisite sense of timing again. Evidently, beside curing the border and walking […]

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Yep, the border is under control.

| October 18, 2023 | 24 Comments
Yep, the border is under control.

Well, under the leadership of Joe Biden and his special border taskmaster – task mistress (not the first time THAT word has been used around her name) Kamala Harris, we are told the border is under control. That we have record numbers of aliens crossing, attempting to cross, or waiting to attempt to cross, is […]

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Biden creates Gun Violence office by fiat

| September 23, 2023 | 32 Comments
Biden creates Gun Violence office by fiat

Friday, Joe Biden announced the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention. Gun ban control groups have been pushing the administration for more confiscation action for years – they are ecstatic that do-nothing Biden has finally taken a positive step. “I’m so excited that President Biden is taking action and listening to March For Our […]

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Beating the lying (dead) horse

| August 24, 2023 | 36 Comments
Beating the lying (dead) horse

Remember when Harry Truman famously said about Richard Nixon that he lied so much, if he caught himself telling the truth he’s have to tell a lie real fast just to get back in step? We have a few folks today in the same club. First up, Kamala Harris.  I know, what a shock. “I […]

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It’s Twue! It’s Twue!

| May 22, 2023 | 36 Comments
It’s Twue! It’s Twue!

You may have noticed the meme yesterday in which Kamala Harris, the lowest-polling VP of modern times, is referenced as the government  “AI Czar” . Well, it isn’t just a meme. Having successfully solved the border crisis, not only is she in charge of determining policy on Artificial Intelligence, she has already had meetings, to […]

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Kamala Harris’s staff complains about food quality on Air Force Two

| April 6, 2023 | 69 Comments
Kamala Harris’s staff complains about food quality on Air Force Two

Kamala Harris’s staff, who fly on Air Force Two on official Vice President related trips, received word of the kind of foods consumed on Air Force One. Those who accompanied Joe Biden on his flights on this airplane enjoy food like filet mignon and similar hot delicacies served on gold rim plates. They also get […]

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Unvaccinated? No problem… just ring bell, yell “unclean!”

| February 1, 2023 | 35 Comments
Unvaccinated? No problem… just ring bell, yell “unclean!”

Back in the olden days, lepers had to warn others that they were unclean, live in lazerene ghettoes, ring bells to warn oncomers – basically let the rest of ‘clean’ society that a nasty, incurable disease was near and to protect themselves. Most normal people don’t worry so much about Covid now – for normal […]

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