Liberal update

| July 17, 2024

States have power but federal government would not Sotomayor.jpeg

Let’s talk about this Supreme Court case the Democrats are squealing about because it doesn’t let federal agencies be judge and executioner in one. Ermigawd, the defendant can have a jury trial!

The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that people whom the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) would like to levy civil penalties against for alleged fraud violations are entitled to a trial by jury.

At the heart of the ruling is George Jarkesy Jr., a hedge fund manager who oversaw the investment advising firm Patriot28, LLC. The SEC accused him and the company of “misrepresenting the investment strategies that Jarkesy and Patriot28 employed,” “lying about the identity of the funds’ auditor and prime broker,” and “inflating the funds’ claimed value.” Yet whatever you think of those allegations, the SEC’s approach to handling the matter, as Reason‘s Jacob Sullum highlighted earlier today, was unsavory, to put it mildly, which included evaluating its allegations in-house, confirming them, and then imposing $300,000 in penalties.

Yep, we decided you owed, we imposed the penalty, investigated ourselves for fairness, and imposed a fine when you were found guilty. Huh?

That’s not to say Jarkesy is innocent of wrongdoing. It is to say that the SEC assessing the SEC’s accusations is not a picture of fairness.

Let’s just say the current system didn’t pass the smell test. Now, is the guy guilty? Or even sympathetic? Who knows – all the Court ruled on was that he should be allowed a jury trial – as guaranteed in one-a them Amendment thingies, right?

Consider the case of Sun Valley Orchards, a fourth-generation farm run by brothers Joe and Russell Marino, which a Department of Labor administrative judge ordered must pay the government over $550,000. The majority of that sum is in response to a paperwork violation.

A contractor failed to disclose on the company’s forms for the H-2A visa program—which allows employers to hire migrants for temporary agricultural work—that it would offer migrant workers a meal plan.

Charged ’em for meals. Not even over market price – but since it wasn’t stated SVO was charged over a half-a-mill. No jury. Should they get one? Law says so…now the Supremes say so too.  But…

But here, according to Sotomayor, the jury trial requirement in this civil setting, as outlined in the Seventh Amendment, is “a power grab.” She’s right, but in the wrong way. It takes power from the federal government—which in some sense holds the monopoly on that—and gives a little of it back to the people.

Funny how awkward the Constitution and laws can be. Sure might be nice if one of the political parties supported them,  huh.

Speaking of support, the Republicans in Congress floated a radical idea:

Republican Congresswoman Claudia Tenney of New York is reacting to the House passage of the SAVE Act that she co-sponsored, which aims to prevent illegal immigrants from voting in U.S. elections.

Under the legislation, voters would be required to provide proof of citizenship via IDs and documentation such as a passport, a government-issued photo ID showing proof the individual was born in the U.S., military IDs or a valid photo ID, as well as documentation showing proof of citizenship, such as a birth certificate, the legislation states.

Should be a bill which would not needed to be passed, right? We should always be doing it, right? Easy one to vote for…unless you are a Democrat.

Democratic leadership urged its members to vote against the bill, arguing that it would place “an extreme burden [on] countless Americans.”

Only five Democrats voted in favor of the measure, including Reps. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas; Vicente Gonzalez, D-Texas; Jared Golden, D-Maine; Don Davis, D-N.C.; and Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, D-Wash.Fox

Please, let’s hear about those countless Americans who would be burdened. Let’s hear how.


Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", 2024 Election, Democrats, Illegal Immigrants

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A Proud Infidel®™

Gee whiz, NOT having an all-powerful central Government making decisions for EVERYONE without recourse? Yeah, I think that’s what the United States Constitution outlines, and to hell with Sotomayor, last time I checked, the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution was still in effect! The left is doing everything they accuse DJT of doing, and a look at how they want to use Federal Bureaucracies is another piece of proof.

Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.


If she’s a “wise” latina, I’d hate to see a dumb one…


She was correct in saying “we need a wise Latina on the Supreme Court”. She’s very wrong in thinking she’s the wise Latina.


She’s certainly a wide Latina.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

And IMO a DEI quota inflicted upon us by B. Hussein 0bama and Company.

Forest Bondurant

And FJB appointed the other DEI quota: Jackson.

The Senate sucks balls for confirming both.


Agreed.. between them I wonder if their IQ is greater than room temp… All of which is on top of the fact that they are both flaming racists..


Having to prove you’re a citizen and can legally vote is a HUGE obstacle in “fair & free” elections? All those pesky rules to keep dead people and foreigners from voting hurts Dems strategies. Yes, the party the screeched for years about “foreign interference” for years welcome, no encourages, no demands foreigners vote in our elections. As always, fuck those bitches!


That’s nothing, I know a guy who got a $355 million dollar fine for paying off a hooker. Normally that is just a misdemeanor. They told him it was a felony but they never told him WHY or even HOW it was a felony. There’s something fishy about that whole thing.


I heard the DA said if it isn’t a crime he would make it one!


Something fishy? You mean Stormy Daniels’ toolbox?


Stink bait.


You mistyped her name. It’s Whormy Daniels.

Green Thumb

The SEC one sounds like the Army….


Dear Democrats, as y’all never learned… Congress passes a bill, the Pres signs it and enforces the law it becomes, and the Judiciary interprets the law:

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

It’s adorable that you think that that’s how government still works.

Last edited 1 month ago by 5JC

Still think were’re going to “vote” our way out of the mess the Country is in? Let me know how that works out. “…adventurous abroad and despotic at home…” IYKYK


jeff LPH 3 63-66

during my time we had one day for elections
one vote
in person
valid ID
a voting booth that you pulled a lever to close the curtain
and little levers on the panel that you pulled down on the persons name and when done, you pulled the curtain lever and it clicked all the little levers back into place for the next voter. This took place in New york City when New York City wasn’t what it is today.

Hack Stone

Democrats say it is already illegal for non citizens to vote in federal elections, so this law is unnecessary. It is already illegal to murder someone, so we don’t need additional laws regulating firearms.


That argument will make a liberals head go boom. Can’t wait to use it the next time I hear someone say that. They will tie themselves into knots trying to process and refute.


It’s also illegal to enter the country illegally. I can’t think of anybody who would do that. The full weight of the federal government would fall upon them, and they would be locked up till their court date, probably in a cage especially if they were a child. At least that is what Obama did.

USMC Steve

I am surprised there are five socialist democrats who would defy the party order and vote for something pro America for a change.