Wednesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| July 17, 2024

I’m going to purposefully ignore all the liberals gloating about Trump’s being shot, or lamenting that he wasn’t outright killed. LoTT has been posting many of these, and frankly it’s too predictable and depressing. I want this to be a more lighthearted piece.

“I agree with Me” LOL

What media bias?

Being a good employee is racist

These will also be the staff at the Clinton Re-Education Camps

I wonder if Ol’ Joe is a member, he likes kids and swims in the nude!

Apparently we’re electing teams to be President now

I know you’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but come on, man

If you’re against baby killing, you’re a terrorist

Why does this sound so familiar?

Biden dispels any doubts about his mental acuity

Now that he mentions it, I’ve never seen Trump and Kamala together at the same time

We just want to know who his commander-in-chief is. Sounds like it’s Dr. Jill

He actually posted this!

He really loves his students

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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Forest Bondurant

FJB saying he’s following the advice of his commander-in-chief is probably the second truthful statement he’s ever made in his entire life.

Everyone knows Obama is on his 3d term…


Not for much longer.


“The view of all religious people is that sexual behavior is something that’s up to you” I don’t think so.

You’ll notice the SPLC wasting no time in painting pro-life organizations terrorists and neo-Nazis. In this garbage piece they do it in the first paragraph. They then go on to blame them for activities that took place 25 years before this organization was founded.

The FBI and DOJ gobbles it down like little baby birds and then they spew it back out. That is how it ends up on a PowerPoint for soldiers who know it’s all b*******.


Wonder if that US Intelligence Official may have signed a certain paper a few years back? Just saying….


A certain laptop, if it did in fact exist, is Russian disinformation, trust us– pay no attention to that it’s evidence now and that coke at the White House must’ve been dropped the Tooth Fairy.

Forest Bondurant

Yeah, the same agency that is investigating the assassination attempt on Trump is the same one that botched the cocaine in the White House investigation and other investigation (shooting at the White House back in 2011). Not much confidence in that agency, especially its director.

Then we have the FBI, which manufactures evidence, and lies on FISA Court warrant applications.

The list goes on.


LoTT reposted umpteen snap shots of people upset that the crowd behind DJT didn’t end up looking like a Jackson Pollack painting. Many had their workplace in their bios, or other internet sleuths did some digging to find out. Multiple people were let go, resigned, suspended, quit because they were looking for internet clout. its all just the chef’s kiss after DJT surviving, and Jack Smith getting dunked on. Well done, Chaya, well done.


I know of one such POS that WAS a fire marshal and volunteer fire chief..


Why is Dylan Robert Dukes not standing in front of one of those wall mounted/ painted measuring devices, and no left/right Profile shots.

Also, why no black eyes or bloody/broken nose. Seems like a missed opportunity to me.


WTAF is wrong with people? I just gave all of my fur babies a hug…and some treats.

Best thing I’ve seen on various feeds that show tiktok idiots of late is all of the people that got fired for gloating over the assassination attempt. I do believe that some of these companies are waking up. The worm may be turning…albeit very slowly.


A pendulum swings both ways. Hopefully the days of swinging to the left, or being pushed to the left, are done.

Forest Bondurant

Yeah, “Morning Joe” got shit-canned (so I heard on the radio).


His show was pulled for one day, Monday.


So far, I don’t see anything other than Mondays show being pulled. Scarborough big mad at that, and threatened to quit if it happens again. Maybe Ms. NBC took him up on his threat.

Forest Bondurant


Green Thumb

My Wednesday morning puke.

Who needs to be hungover.


For these left/libtard *ssholes: