Watch Joe self-contort

| June 27, 2024


Tonight it will be interesting to see which Joe Biden shows up. Is it gonna be “I’m so successful that crime is falling” Joe? Or will it be “crime is out of control ban all the guns” Joe? Can he do both in one debate? The smart money says “Oh, yeah, without even breaking a sweat.”

According to the FBI statistics, murders decreased by 26.4%, rapes were down by 25.7%, robbery decreased by 17.8%, aggravated assault was down by 12.5%, and property crime was lower by 15% in the first quarter.

Pretty heady stuff, huh?

In a statement provided to Newsweek, the FBI said: “Participation in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program is voluntary. The accuracy of the statistics released by the FBI’s UCR Program is based on data contributors’ participation and adherence to national standards.”

Other crime analysts have also cast doubt on the FBI data, noting that it only covers 77% of the U.S. population and should be considered preliminary, given that state and local law enforcement agencies have months to report their data and correct any errors.

At the height of the pandemic, crimes of all sorts spiked precipitously — for reasons still being debated — including a 30% increase in homicide deaths and a 9% increase in auto thefts. There was also increases in domestic violence and nonviolent crimes, such as fraud. Newsweek

So we see a drop…but only part of the data is reported, and some of THAT data is incomplete. In my world that is not ringing endorsement. Kind of like reporting jobs growth after a massive jobs shutdown, huh?

But what about when Joe wants to ban ‘assault weapons’ or push background checks?

But when he panders to the gun-ban industry, advocates for an “assault weapon” ban, or announces yet another infringement of the Second Amendment as part of his ongoing war on guns, Biden cites mass-shooting data from the Gun Violence Archive.

To be clear, the Gun Violence Archive, which has been widely debunked, collects much more than just mass-shooting data, but Biden never uses any of these statistics. He only cherry-picks GVA’s mass-shooting data, for obvious reasons. The other data shows violent crime has exploded during his presidency — especially when compared to President Donald J. Trump’s term in office.

Well, at least we know where that missing data is going. GVA is getting it instead of the FBI, apparently.

Nearly every type of shooting death tracked by the GVA over the past 10 years increased substantially after Biden took office: Deaths (willful, malicious and accidental), mass shootings, deaths of children (ages 0-11, ages 12-17), unintentional shootings and suicide by firearms all increased under the Bide-Harris administration.

Founded in 2013, the GVA quickly became Biden’s source of choice for mass-shooting data because they hype the numbers. The small nonprofit came up with its own extremely broad definition of a mass shooting, which says anytime four or more people are killed or even slightly wounded with a firearm regardless of the circumstances, it’s a mass shooting. For example, according to the GVA there were 417 mass shootings in 2019. The FBI says there were 30, because it uses a much narrower and more realistic definition, which excludes gang-related and drug-related shootings, which the GVA includes in its data.  Buckeye Firearms

Ol’ Joe will almost guaranteed talk out of both sides of his mouth Thursday, I’m sure. That will make four sides at the same time…should be amusing if nothing else.  Maybe a good Brit murder show would be wiser to watch.


Know what I want to see? Someone to HONESTLY  parse shooting statistics – how many are committed by thugs and drug dealers with illegal guns? Break it down by race, too. Heck, might even throw in religious affiliation. Bet you would hear people’s heads exploding all over the country.


Category: 2024 Election, Biden, Guns

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A Proud Infidel®™

Violent crime has RISEN in every place that the ILLEGAL ALIENS occupy that Joe Biden has let in en masse.


The statistics are total fabrications. Los Angeles, Chicago and New York stopped providing data two years ago. Cuz it was racist. So yeah, the numbers went down a little bit. But not in real life.

I strongly disagree with the FBI’s assertion about only tracking certain mass shootings. Gang shootings should be included. Most gang members have a depraved disregard for human life. Their motivations are no less crazy than other mass shooters. They may be targeting somebody in particular sometimes, but they don’t care if they hit anybody else. Besides, most mass shooters are targeting somebody for the same type b******* reasons.


You think crime is down. Walk the streets of NYC, Chi-raq, Philly, St. Louis, Baltimore, LA, or SF ay night…
The Dems strategy of ‘not reporting’ crime or raising the threshold doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. In the areas where police don’t respond to 911 calls, people stop calling which “reduce crime in the area” <heavy sarcasm>. Juiced-Up Joe will appear tonight because he need a week to adjust his sundowning, his meds, and rehearse the question that CNN already gave him. They did gave Hilda-beast the question for Democratic debates in 2016, so you know they’ll do it again.


Of course, in any of the cities mentioned, no witnesses available. Snitches get stitches.


What do I win if I’m actually able to walk the streets of all seven of those cities at night and survive?


It makes you bonus round eligible. You do the South. Houston (5th Ward), Atlanta (Vine City), Jacksonville, and NOLA (9TH Ward).

If you survive all of those you get to go to the final round, Jackson, MS. In order to complete Jackson you have to collect at least three fresh human body parts that you find on the streets (Don’t worry that’s the easy part), and get two or less bullet wounds. If you succeed in all that, then they make you the mayor. It only pays 32.5 a year but you do get a mayors mansion and an armored car.


Gonna be pure comedy, Blazing Saddles on meth.


It will be funny as hell if Joe shits hisself on live TV and Trump asks if the sewer is backed up.

Old tanker

Given that his pet surgeon general has just come out with the statement that gun violence is a health problem, dementia joe is going to harp on gun control. Seriously, it’s not like he can realistically claim he has stopped illegal immigration.

Hack Stone

Joe Biden can’t even keep firearms out of the hands of criminals within his own family. Nor get them to pay their fair share.


He can’t keep cocaine out of the White House either


Cops got the best dope its been said, so it stands to reason the white house would have the best cocaine that money could buy, whether with taxpayer funds or laundered money.

You know they ain’t buying it from Leroy on the corner.


He did stop “illegal immigration”. Jumping the border is no longer illegal. Therefore…


Lies, damned lies, and statistics. No doubt in my mind that the reporting of “crime” is skewed. My daily hunt for FGS is all the evidence that I need. I admit to being slightly crazy, but I’m not stoopid. Being slightly (YMMV) crazy is one thing that helps keeps me from going insane. No, I won’t be watching the “debate”…I like my TeeVee Set and do not want to be tempted to throw a brick at it. I’d hate to miss seeing Gunsmoke everyday.

I’ll just stick these right here…

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As Sapper mentioned above, it will be comedy. Trump smugly smiling while Bidens handlers trying to spin FJBs gaffes into what he meant to say, and social media’s job is to censure what was actually said thanks to recent Supreme Court ruling.

All above board, nothing to see here.



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Hack Stone

Hack Stone will vote for the “convicted felon” over the guy who has been ruled too mentally incompetent to stand trial. Release the audio tapes, Joe.


I won’t be watching, but I’m wondering if ol’ Shotgun Joe will spend an hour & a half screaming.


Tonight may be an exception,, however I read the debate will be on a 2 minute time delay.. Gotta get Joe’s gaffes under control before they become public record.

RGR 4-78

Know what I want to see? Someone to HONESTLY parse shooting statistics – how many are committed by thugs and drug dealers with illegal guns? Break it down by race, too. Heck, might even throw in religious affiliation. Bet you would hear people’s heads exploding all over the country.”

Don’t forget to request immigration status while you are at it.

Hack Stone

Much like the Left always cites statistics about violence against transgender people, but conveniently omits that most of them are engaged in prostitution in the inner cities, and their customers get upset when they discover the bait and switch. To be fair, those customers know those street walkers are packing heat, but the trannies are the only ones to honor the Friends of Phil Monkress 10% discount.


I have read that several large crime ridden cities did not report their crime stats to the fan belt inspectors for the past two years.

Winston Smith

Correct, as I noted above. When you take three of the largest cities by population out It really changes things. So now the FBI just makes the numbers up.


Correct as I noted above. When you take the three largest cities out it really changes things. All Trump really needs to do is point at Bite me and say “liar liar pants on fire”.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

I would love to watch Trump catch Biden in an obvious lie, then call him a “Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier”.


That would be pure gold. And then watch the whole truth telling media tie themselves in knots claiming Biden never said that.


The goose is cooked.

Biden didn’t totally glitch out, so the usual sycophants will be shrieking “victory”.

But it is clear that Biden got skunked. Some dumb comments by Trump, but his voters wouldn’t change their minds now if Trump spent the whole debate blatting a tuba, like an orange Harpo.

Grudging kudos to the moderators. Fairly even handed for well known Trump haters.

Wondering now how the Donkuloids throw Biden under the bus and anoint a replacement.

I suspect serious ugly will occur.


That was painful to watch and I watch the entire entire thing except for about two minutes when I went to the kitchen.
Him talking about family members and girls raping women?!?! And he seriously had a bunch of times where was Bubba Bubba Doo Ba Ba Doo bum Wawawa boo-boo Doodoo… And multiple times he had this deer in the headlights giant eyeballs look like somebody who just pulled their dick out off stage or boobies or somebody was waving a giant ice cream, At him.
Absolute bug out eyes


No idea what you mean.


Any golfers here, and what is a 6 handicap. Trump offering to play a round with Biden was funny, but FJB saying Donald has to carry his own bag was hilarious. Bicycles and stairs have been Joe’s downfall in the past, what would a golf bag do to him. Would he last 9? The whole 18?

I don’t play golf, but am pretty good at driving the cart and keeping the beers iced down when asked.


I don’t think that Biden could carry his clubs to The practice green.

A handicap of six would put him in the top 2% of golfers in the United States. Not really pro level but good enough to say “damn he’s good*. Someone would have to be pretty athletic and talented to have such a low handicap.

I believe it about as much as I believe he graduated in the top of his class in law school.


Thanks for the explanation. I’ve tried playing a couple of times but never got the hang of it.


He spent an entire week practicing to get an ass whooping?


It’s already gone wayyy past an ass whooping. 25 minutes in, Joe ain’t even there.


This pretty much sums it up.


I can’t stand Joe but this is just plain sad.


He needs to go to the hospital and get a full mental eval and physical workup. I’m 100% serious about that. If that’s what he looks like after a week of prep he has some kind of serious underlying condition that needs to be addressed.




I wasn’t even alive, but I’m gonna bet that this is going to go down to history as being worse than Nixon Kennedy,


At least twice he started to stare off into space and they cut away the camera real quick.


You mean like this?
This was bad, and this was only one of many opportunities where he was just completely out of it for a moment.
And I think that’s being fair and nice about the observation.


One was just like that, The other time I think he was staring at the ceiling.


CNN & MSNBC just trashing Sleepy Creepy Sniffy Joe. Weak, confused, incoherent. The panic reaching DEFCON 2.


We all knew this day was coming. That’s why they had the debate in June. So who’s going to sweep in and save the party? Anybody associated with the presidency is tainted because they allowed it to go on for so long.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

They must also not be confident in Trump being given jail time, otherwise they would have held off until the middle of July.


They have no choice but to give him jail time now. We are literally three one-thousands of an inch from full blown banana Republic. And those guys at least have bananas.

You will note that when Trump accused him of using lawfare against him, he never straight up denied it


Hillary 2024. Watch.




Hillary/Newsome. Kamala will be shown the door shortly after Joe gets tossed. She will just be a place holder until November. And you know they won’t cook the books for kamala.

2 Hillary terms, to be replaced by 2 Newsome terms. Dems are in open panic mode now, while a few are sporting wood at the idea.

Pray for Trump and family safety, wisdom, discernment and confusion to come to those who want to dismantle America.

Hack Stone

Can you imagine how bad he would have performed if he didn’t take the whole week off?


His handlers have said he did so poorly because he has a cold. So we should feel sympathy. You can tell he had a cold because of all the sniffling and coughing and during the debate. This was all edited out live by AI.

Immediately after the debate Joe went home and went to bed instead of going to Waffle House and bragging about how he was “macking with the ladies” at the club, and how he totally would have slugged that bouncer at the bar, if his friends had not jumped in.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

Biden didn’t do so good.
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