Oregon Medical board trying to mandate snitching

| June 27, 2024 | 36 Comments

Oregon, the state which is leading the race to out-California California. If they haven’t already gone off the tracks, this should do it.

The Oregon Medical Board has introduced a new ethics rule that threatens to revoke the medical licenses of doctors who commit “microaggressions” in the workplace.

Under the proposed law first introduced in April, doctors will be required to report “unprofessional or dishonorable conduct” by themselves or a licensed colleague within 10 business days. If they do not comply with the mandatory rule, they will face disciplinary action, which could include the loss of their medical license, according to the proposal.

Okay, what the hell is a micro-aggression? In clear, understandable, unambiguous terms? As far as I have been able to ascertain, if someone doesn’t like it, it’s a microagression whether you know it or not. And to make it mandatory to submit a mea culpa or denunciation? Law professor Jonathan Turley had this reaction:

“The incorporation of microaggressions under the new ethics rules is precisely what some of us have been warning about for years. As is often the case, activists begin by insisting that language monitoring is purely instructional and optional before codifying those rules in mandatory terms,” Turley wrote.

Turley said he has been critical of the “microaggression” rules on college campuses in the past, arguing that they are “hopelessly vague” and highly controversial.

“That ambiguity creates a threat to free speech through a chilling effect on speakers who are unsure of what will be considered microaggressive,” he warned.

“Terms ranging from ‘melting pot’ to phrases like ‘pulling oneself up by your own bootstraps’ have been declared racist.

Apparently suggesting people learn to merge into a dominant culture is wrong, now. How about suggesting that if they don’t like it that they leave?

Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, a former University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine associate dean, told the outlet that he fears Oregon’s attempt to penalize microaggressions so severely will have a “chilling” effect on medicine and could prevent doctors from providing optimal care.

“Physicians need to be able to speak frankly and honestly with their patients,” he told the Free Beacon. “If they believe that they can be sanctioned because they deliver bad news or make a comment that the patient misinterprets, this will lead to a chilling effect on speech and ultimately lead to deterioration in the patient-physician relationship.”

So if a doctor speaks bluntly to a patient and the patient doesn’t like it, they can complain. If a colleague hears it and doesn’t inform on them, they could ALSO be sanctioned. Geez, we have a shortage of doctors in most places, and you want to disbar or defrock or whatever you call it the ones we have due to some cockamamey 1984 type informants mandate?


Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves"

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A Proud Infidel®™

We need to MAKE ORWELL FICTION AGAIN, that alone will make snowflakes melt. The movie “Idiocracy” was supposed to be FICTION, not prophecy!


Ditto in spades.


I have to say this gives a whole new spin to the phrase; “snitches get stitches”.


From other snitches. How ironic.

Old tanker

Liberal stupidity has no limits.


Liberal stupidity. That brings to mind the Disney (?) song… anything you can do I can do better.


Liberal stupidity brings to mind the Disney song… anything you can do I can do better.


The use of “liberal” to describe these progressives/marxists is a misnomer. Traditional liberals likely find this totalitarian Newspeak language thoughtcrime abhorrent.


Those guys are all dead. When we consider the Beatles were all opposed to Marxism and socialism, that’s when things really get weird.


They definitely use Lenin’s definition:
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Last edited 2 days ago by Anonymous

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Left/libtardery run amok again:
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Green Thumb


Curious as to what percent drop in provider applications we will see….


Did I miss the repealing of the FIRST (ht2 CW) Amendment to The Constitution of these States United?


The way things are going, it’s almost as if they wish to see America as FORMERLY united.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I thought that this America is supposed to be now spelled as


Or AmeriKKKa as Democrats complain (though that was their guys).

Last edited 2 days ago by Anonymous

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Winston Smith

It’s the same as it’s always been.

“Congress shall make laws not allowing religion and prohibit the free exercise thereof; and abridge the freedom of speech; and of the press; and the right of people to peaceably assemble, and not allow the petition for grievances.”

This has been verified and fact checked by News Guard.

I’m not slacking, “Winston Smith” is a nom de guerre.


Winston Smith works hard in the records department of the Ministry of Truth constantly amending and correcting public records so that they are more truthy.

Hack Stone

I, for one, welcome our Thought Police overlords. I’d like to remind them that as a trusted Director of Media Relations I could be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their reeducation camps.


Tattletales got beat up when I was a kid.
Nobody likes a tattletale.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Hence the expression, “snitches get stitches and end up in ditches”.

Hack Stone

“They deliver bad news or make a comment that the patient misinterprets…” Like when the offended party doesn’t know the definition of a word and assume that is racist?



We have judges on the Supreme Court who don’t know what a woman is. Idiocracy isn’t just for the 25th Century anymore.

Green Thumb

Do we have a link to this?

Green Thumb

Appreciate it.

RGR 4-78

The number 1 microaggression for 2025 is.

“If you don’t lose 100 lbs., you are going to die.”

Major Tuddy

“You have one munt to lose turdy poun.”


Is that guarantee that I live forever? Because I’m thinking I’m going to die either way.


Any ‘man’ who uses the word ‘microaggressions’ has a micropenis


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Vague laws with uncertain definitions are the only ones I follow.


To date 13 of 36 counties in Oregon are seeking to join Idaho.
That was before the above came along.

tom reynolds

Idaho just cut off water to half a million acres,after farmers planted their crops,at a cost of a couple thousand dollars an acre. Sounds like they aren’t too far behind Oregon