Hunter update

| May 30, 2024

We all know Hunter Biden’s story – poor little guy was singled out for prosecution, just because he was Joey Biden’s son (and neither was killed by a drunk driver, nor heroically killed in Medal of Honor-worthy combat in Iraq. Or Iran, or Rehobeth Beach, wherever Joe misremembers today.)

As I recall, Hunter’s trial was over the unfortunate coincidence of filing a form 4473 declaring himself a non-drug-user at the same time his autobiography told of him wallowing in drugs and sniffing the first base line at Yankees Stadium – in his defense, Delaware, like most states, does not have a professional baseball team, not even an American league team, so his confusion over that long white line is somewhat excusable. In one sense, though, his is an unusual case – he lied on a 4473 and actually got prosecuted. Better buy lottery tickets if you are hitting those kind of odds.

But his defense team did try an amusing tactic – they tried to get his prosecution dropped because his three felony counts infringed on his Second Amendment rights. Uh, no.

Biden’s defense attorneys wrote in court filings that the recent Supreme Court decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen protected the first son from being prosecuted for allegedly lying on a federal form about his drug use to purchase a revolver in 2018.

Judge Maryellen Noreika, a Trump appointee, denied Biden’s initial request. She said the charges on their face were compatible with Bruen, a ruling that relaxed some gun regulations in New York two years ago.

The first son previously asked the district court to dismiss his charges for three other reasons, including that the prosecution was, according to Biden, the result of a Republican pressure campaign and therefore “selective and vindictive.” Noreika denied all three requests, and the appellate court affirmed her denials, once again saying the requests were premature.

Biden’s attorneys also asked this month for the trial to be postponed in part because they were struggling with securing expert witnesses, but Noreika also denied that request.  Washington Examiner

Struggling in securing expert witnesses… I know Whitney Houston and Hunter Thompson are dead, but you would think Keith Richards could be available.

On a more serious note, as predicted earlier, various spurious defenses have cropped up based on the Supreme’s Bruen decision – expect it to become more problematic as lawyers try to manipulate the ‘historic’ phrase further.

Category: Crime

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I have to wonder how quickly you or I would be thrown under the prison if we to commit the same crimes. And how quickly our Public Defender would be disbarred for attempting the same defense?
As we all learned so long ago in the military, “Different spanks for different ranks.”

Hack Stone

Just hoping that when the sentence is handed out, the Judge considers Hunter Biden’s long and distinguished military service. All four hours of it.


We must also think that the Judge would consider what a good family man Hunter is, you know, by comforting female members in their time of grief, his support of single moms, and how he dotes on his child, insuring said child gets plenty of time with her grandparents. We mustn’t forget his contributions to the Arts by placing his artwork thru-out the world for all to enjoy.


You should probably go gargle now.


Chasing some shots of Jameson with a frosty Yuengling didn’t help much so I called my Ms Thang Dental Hygienist to schedule a deep cleaning.


Is Hack saying the First Son only completed one MUTA of four hours before his piss test came back hot for coke?

Hack Stone

One particular time when Hack Stone got on the air on The Chris Plante Show (WMAL, Washington DC), he told Chris that Hunter Biden was the only person in military history to have his Hail and his Farewell in the same week. How would you like to be the Active Duty Sailor who had to salute that piece of shit?


comment image


C’mon, you know he was just going to be f*ckin’ female O1/O2s and junior enlisted, and rippin’-off BAH and DTS travel vouchers.

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

Rules for thee, but not for me.

Old tanker

In the very slight chance that there will be a conviction, I expect the big guy to render a pardon post haste.


I’m sure it’s already written and signed, just lacking the date.


What are the odds in Vegas? I want to get my bet in.

Hack Stone

KJP: President Biden is proud of his son, Hunter.

Plenty to be proud of there. Blowing his daughter’s college tuition on cocaine and hookers. Or maybe his long and distinguished military career after receiving two waivers for a Direct Commission. Abandoning his illegitimate child that he had with a “exotic dancer” and refusing to pay child support while living in mansions and jetting around on private jets. Maybe he is proud of him not paying his fair share of taxes by claiming membership fees to sex clubs as business expenses. Or illegally buying a firearm while being a drug addict. Possibly most proud of Hunter banging his dead brother’s widow and her sister. He truly is an example of what a good son should be. You raised him right, Joe.


The only quibble I have with your comment is not giving that pole baby mom her due. First, she is the best looking woman he has ever scored, second, she is the only person to extract cash from him besides The Big Guy (other than the pros).

Hack Stone

Hack left out that when he hires Russian prostitutes, he doesn’t leave any permanent bruising on them. He truly is an Officer and a Gentleman.


This is why we can’t have nice things.

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous
Forest Bondurant

FJB and his son, Robert Hunter Biden.


Nothing to see here.

I mean, didn’t Joey just go and talk to the star witness Beau’s ex-wife, Hallie Biden, Hunter was banging?? And skipped out on the press and secretly scampered off to do it. Oh Wait, he was just going to send his condolences oin the 9th annioversary of his other son beau’s death, to his greiving ex-widow? (Ex which what? Like Ex Marine?)
Looks at MSNBC, CNN, ABC, ….huh….no mention of this….Newsweek is the only place I saw that mentioned it besides the right leaning news locations, obviously.

Not a THING to see here.


He can dodge the earthly judges, but neither he nor his abomination of a father can escape the Judge of the Universe.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Meanwhile, the rest of us down here on this dirtball Earth have to suffer for their actions. No justice, I tell ya, no justice!


As FJB said today after Trump was found guilty, nobody is above the law.

We shall see if he meant it, or if his pie hole sprung a leak.


The Brandon Crime Family has been above the law for over sixty years. He started grifting and peddling influence as soon as he got to the Disrict of Crooks.