American woman trained with ISIS

| May 10, 2024

Halima Salman was 17 when she left the United States for Syria. She entered ISIS controlled territory in late 2016 or early 2017. When she turned 18, she received training from ISIS. After she completed this training, she became a member of an all-female battalion. Salman insinuated that she was just married to an ISIS fighter. However, that fighter’s phone had pictures of Salman doing ISIS activities.

From CNN:

According to court documents, Salman, who was 17 years old at the time, left the United States and entered an ISIS-controlled area of Syria around late 2016 or early 2017. Once she turned 18, prosecutors say, Salman received her training from ISIS. She was captured by or surrendered to “forces opposed by ISIS” about two years later in Baghouz, Syria.

In 2023, Salman was interviewed by FBI agents at a detention facility in Syria, court documents show. She allegedly told agents that she had married an ISIS fighter but denied being involved in any ISIS activities.

The FBI, however, obtained information from a phone found in the Middle Euphrates River Valley in Syria — a phone they claim belonged to Salman’s husband. The phone’s photo library had pictures of a document saying that Salman had completed her military training successfully and was in possession of an AK-47, prosecutors say, adding that the document was stamped with a signature indicating that it was issued by an ISIS military battalion composed solely of female members of ISIS.

Additional Reading:

Rabinowitz, H., (2024, May 7). American woman repatriated from Syria accused of training with ISIS. CNN. Link.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Isis

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Will she be tried as an enemy combatant, sympathizer, or released as just a confused youth who didn’t realize exactly all she was doing.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Nah. She should be declared “persona non grata”, her US citizenship stripped from her, put on a perpetual border watchlist and deported.
Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“We don’t care where you go, but you can’t stay here”


THIS x1000^^^^

A Proud Infidel®™

I distinctly remember reading the page in the front of my first US Passport stating that one can forfeit their US Citizenship by renouncing it overseas in the presence of U.S. Consular Officials and serving in a Foreign Military will also do the same, thus IMHO that fleabag moonbat bitch needs to be stripped of hers.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

See my comment above


Why was she even repatriated?


She was repatriated because as a US citizen she has a constitutional right to the “liberty” of returning to the US. However, she lied during the process.

Since they didn’t have proof of the lies, and her and her family were US citizens, she was permitted to return but an investigation was launched during the process.

An investigation that has now led to charges.

The 5th and 14th amendments are intended to guarantee procedural due process.

She was granted that due process during the repatriation process. And now she will be granted due process during her criminal proceedings.

Green Thumb

I think it is pretty clear she is full of shit.

Even you have to see this…..


Yes. She is. I am. It defending her.

I am defending the existence of due process.

Not surprised I am being downvoted by the authoritarian clowns on this blog for that.


Authoritarian clowns? You mean, those that don’t agree with you? You do realize she has been trained, or brainwashed, to kill anybody who doesn’t agree with their way of life or beliefs? And yes, that includes you. And defending her just means she will kill you last

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY DUMBASS, yes you Major Moonbat, where is your proof that the allegations are false? Tucked away somewhere with the “Russian Dossier”? Keep the laughs a-coming, I bet I could write a Masters or Doctoral Thesis in Psychology on brainwashing just off of the drivel you post here! 😀😀😀

Hack Stone

“I am defending the existence of due process.”

Kind of ironic, given that you want Donald Trump to be convicted on a misdemeanor crime that was charged as a felony despite that the statute of limitations expired and the alleged crime falls under Federal statute, not the State of New York. And this is the same District Attorney who downgrades felony assaults to misdemeanors or outright dismisses charges, except when someone is defending themselves from criminal assault. “No one is above the law.” //S//


“The Department of State holds that voluntary service in the armed forces of a foreign state engaged in hostilities against the United States is strong evidence of intent to relinquish U.S. citizenship.”

Fuck her. She should do time at hard labor in Leavenworth. Her whole family should be investigated/be under surveillance for aiding hostile foreign forces/fighters. If the Dems/3-letter agencies want spy on parents that want to keep porn out of elementary schools, then this basket of rotten eggs deserves the same treatment. Did say I say ‘fuck her’? Well, it needs to be said again. Fuck her.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Sorry, HT3, but not even with Commissar’s dick.


Then drop her back to where they found her. That’s where she wanted to go, let em have her!


They didn’t have the evidence at the time her repatriation was being processed.

The criminal consequences are starting now.

I am not defending her. I am defending the process.

I am not even defending the outcome of her repatriation. Only that without evidence showing she was actually involved with ISIS as a fighter that can’t claim she was involved in voluntary service in the Armed Forces of a hostile power.

Now that they have the evidence they are making the claim. In court. Where there is criminal consequences for her actions.


“I am defending the process.”

Yet you obscenely and fraudulently attack nearly everyone on this forum for objecting to the perversion of “the process” used to “prosecute” Trump. How many faces do you have? What you mean to say is “I am defending the processes that I agree with”.



Very eloquent!!!


“Only that without evidence showing she was actually involved with ISIS as a fighter that can’t claim she was involved in voluntary service in the Armed Forces of a hostile power.”

Millions of Americans have served in the US armed forces without ever fighting. “In voluntary service” should not be predicated upon “actively fighting”.

Hack Stone

Those radios aren’t going to fix themselves.

Hack Stone
Comm Puke (Ret)

Amateur Historian

Major General Benedict Arnold has entered the chat.


How the fuck is explaining that the constitution requires due process according to the 5th and 14th Amendments being a “traitor”?

“Amateur Historian”?

Definitely “amateur.”


Tell that to gov. Hochul, jack Smith, fanni Willis, Alvin Bragg et al. Also include J6 people who are still being held on ehats basically a trespassing charge. Imagine that, trespassing in the “peoples” house.


They committed crimes and were given due process and a trial or they pled because they were guilty and were hoping for lesser charges.

If anything makes someone a traitor it is someone that supports storming the capitol in an attempt to overthrown an election because they didn’t like that their authoritarian cult leader lost.

And anyone, like you, that supports those traitor fuckstains and attempts to claim it wasn’t what we witnessed on live TV, what was proven in court, and what the guilty parties ADMITTED to is allied with traitors.

You are also a lair or a coward. Because if you believed the election was stolen and you say on your ass and did nothing you are a coward. If you didn’t believe the election was stolen then you are lying to support your cult and despotic cult leader over the country.

Either way. Go fuck yourself.


Seems our government that you speak of spent untold amounts of money tracking and capturing those who trespassed, while those that stormed the borders were given lodging, money and released with a court date TBD later. We gave/are giving Ukraine who knows how many billions now, Io strings attached,srael who actually is an Allie a bunch as well, but with stipulations attached. No money for our border, but go find grandma and frog march her in here. It’s easy to get someone to plead guilty when they don’t have the unlimited amount of money the government does.

Your point holds no water.


Yes Sir. As Trump said “they’re coming for you, I’m just in the way”!!

And I didn’t even like or trust him till AFTER he was president!


Such an angry little elf.


Commissar does not know me.


Kinda reminds me of ace of spades hq type of comment.

I’m sure theywould show no mercy in their replies to Mr. Commisar.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure he’d get eaten alive over there as well.


After being held in solitary and abused for over a year without charges, many of them would have plead guilty to most anything, just to make it stop.. but then again, you already knew that.. everything about their detention was illegal and politically motived, and not a damn bit of it met the definition of “DUE PROCESS”..


Should Trump return to office, I have no trouble paying them reparations from the money of those who jailed and held them. Let those assholes hire a lawyer to defend themselves.


Sounds like a plan…



C’mon Man!


We also witnessed “on TV” “the mostly peaceful” actions of those that you support!

Wow! Please do better!

Hack Stone

So you agree that everyone who destroyed public and private property on January 20, 2017 because Donald Trump was sworn in as President are traitors?


He won’t admit that as the soapbox upon which he stands would collapse.

Amateur Historian

Wow. Angry at a joke much?

Also, she’ll get her day in court, but until then (and after then) I do not really give a damn about the rights of someone who committed very provable treason. She’d spit on the very rights you espoused.

Should’ve let the Kurds keep her.


You say she lied during the process, and you then say there is no proof of the lies. Both things cannot be true. Becoming a member of ISIS and completing their training will likely be accepted as intent to relinquish US citizenship. She should be allowed to follow her wishes and return to her life as an ISIS bride.


You have reading comprehension issues. As usual.

They had no proof of the lies during repatriation. The investigation led to the proof. Hence the charges.


She was repatriated because as a US citizen she has a constitutional right to the “liberty” of returning to the US. However, she lied during the process.
Since they didn’t have proof of the lies, and her and her family were US citizens, she was permitted to return but an investigation was launched during the process.

My reading comprehension is just fine. It’s your writing skills that need work. Those are your words, cut and pasted exactly as written, emphasized by me for clarity.

Perhaps a wiser choice of words would have been “After repatriation, it was found that she may have lied and an investigation ensued”. What you wrote was two contradictory statements worthy of the MSM. Fraudulent and nonsensical.


Commisar is an idiot, he writes one thing then another. He is a fucking fool. Arguing with fool gets you nowhere.


I use him as a writing exercise. I enjoy taking him apart without resorting to his usual routine of childish, profane insults. It’d be so much easier to just call him an indoctrinated progressive fucktard, though.


But… but… he went to “OnE oF tHe WoRLd’S gReAtEsT iNsTiTuTiOnZ, hurr hurr..”

Now BOW before your jobless lord!!


To be fair, he’s not the worst of the bunch when it comes to logic and reason (he may be the most misguided, in most cases, but he’s hardly the worst arbiter on this site).

Forest Bondurant

The FBI interviewed her last November before she was repatriated, and they knew she was lying then.

The cell phone that was found is believed to have belonged to her deceased husband. On the phone were pictures of her holding an AK-47 and photographs of documents (written in Arabic) that referred to her weapons training was complete. The date associated with the document was March 17, 2018, which indicates the document would have been generated when she was 18 years old. (She was born around May 1999). 

One photo of her holding an AK-47 was found on the phone and taken around April 2018. 

The photos of her that were found on the phone were verified to be her by someone else who was interviewed, who was also a family member.  

She would have been repatriated anyway because she could only be tried in the U.S.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Glad to see you today my conservative commissar friend, raising everyones BP to a Zillion. Love your Shtick.


So when do we get to hang the bitch for treason? Of course we’ll wait till we convict her, nah! Let’s just hang her now! She came back to the US as a spy, to infiltrate and attack us from within. She renounced her citizenship by her actions of joining a foreign military organization. She’s not a US citizen. No rights under our constitution. Summary court martial and hang her as a spy. Hang her now.

Green Thumb

Hell, Biden might give her a medal.


She should be stood against a wall.


And then send in the painters to cover what’s left of her protest message.


I prefer a public hanging — no drop. Let her struggle for 15 mins or so.

That’ll learn ‘em.

Hack Stone

She served with honor and distinction.



She serviced with honor and distinction.


I had to read that twice.


My inner 12-year-old wrote it. He’s a rotten little bastard.


But funny as hell..


he would sniff her first


She’s still be preferable over Kamala as a running mate.


Funny, Ray William Johnson recently did a video on the three British teens who joined ISIS. I guess that one of them was denied repatriation after her friends were killed, and after having three children–all of whom died–she’s sitting in a Syrian refugee camp, now in her mid-20s.

Kids do dumb things. Adults learn from the mistakes we made as kids, but sometimes those mistakes are irreversible. Look at the 14-year-old that stabbed a 13-year-old cheerleader to death and got a life sentence. This kid betrayed her country, went to fight for a terrorist group overseas, and now expects to be treated as a completely loyal US citizen.


Remember the teenage Austrian ISIS brides? They realized they fucked up and wanted to go home — one was beaten to death with a hammer and the other supposedly died in an air strike.

Fuck ‘em.

Prior Service

Let’s put one of the JDAMs Biden is denying Israel to good use. Anybody got a good ten digit grid to her current location?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Better, a ten-digit grid to the ISIS camp she trained at. Make it into a WASWAS.


Stick a rocket up her ass, aim in general direction of Middle East, Bye!


Rope, scaffold, this disloyal skrunt. Some assembly required.


Let her assemble it, tell her to be sure it’s sturdy because it will hurt more if it isn’t. Then let the carrion eating wildlife pick her bones clean. Leave the bones hanging as a warning to others who may want to pull the same shit.

A Proud Infidel®™

Tell that to Major Moonbat, aka Commissar who was and likely still IS part of the Covid Cult, remember his rants about how the Zika virus was going to be the next big apocalypse? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Oh yeah all us assholes we’re gonna die. I hope his heart is gonna give out due to the vaccine, even blood banks do not want the tainted blood.


She better hope that her family has political connections that are as good as Martin Monti’s.