Air National Guard Lieutenant Colonel arrested for burglary

| April 23, 2024

Nicole Mitchell, 49, is a lieutenant colonel in the Air National Guard. She is also a state level senator for Minnesota. Mitchell was arrested on suspicion of burglary in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. This is the same woman who advocated for safer communities via “common sense gun reform.”

From NBC News:

Democratic Sen. Nicole Mitchell, 49, of Woodbury, was being held in the Becker County Jail on suspicion of first-degree burglary. Formal charges were still pending Monday afternoon, Detroit Lakes Police Chief Steve Todd said.

Mitchell did not immediately return a call left on the jail’s voicemail system for inmates. It’s not clear if she has an attorney who could comment on her behalf. The police chief said he didn’t know of one.

Mitchell was arrested while the Senate is on its Passover break. Her arrest comes at an awkward time for Senate Democrats, who hold just a one-seat majority with four weeks left in the legislative session. Her absence would make it difficult to pass any legislation that lacks bipartisan support.

Mitchell worked as a meteorologist with the U.S. military and for KSTP-TV and Minnesota Public Radio before she was elected to the Senate in 2022 from a suburban St. Paul district. She still serves as lieutenant colonel in the Air National Guard, commanding a weather unit, her official profile says. She worked for The Weather Channel earlier in her career, her profile says.

NBC News and CBS 2 Iowa has additional information on this story.

Category: Crime, Gun Grabbing Fascists, Society, Veterans in the news

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Slap on the wrist and the Guard will say it’s a civil matter.


Likely, she’s a Dem, and according to the articles, they need her vote in the state senate if her party wants to see anything pass.

Forest Bondurant

I was sorta thinking the same thing, considering the possibility of her affiliation with the ANG is part time (versus full time).

The Guard could easily say she was not on orders at the time of the offense, so there is no UCMJ jurisdiction.

Something like that…


She will be able to serve with a felony conviction either way.


Her Air Force picture.


Her Air Force picture with her Bling-Blings…


Her Mugshot.


Not so nice.

A double dip pension now gone. I wonder if she knows how to say… you want fries with that?

Green Thumb

Or the weather is currently 72 degrees with clear skies here at All-Points Logistics in Merritt Island, Florida.


“Mitchell worked as a meteorologist”
I’ll bet she doesn’t know which way the wind blows
but is about to find out.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Weather it’s hot or weather it’s cold, there will always be weather, weather or not


It’s about to rain on her parade.


Where’s the meme maker with a “How it started…How it’s going” take on these shots?


Vive la difference???


Really? Isn’t it her Ugh Shot?


Better picture.


We apologize for the poor posting of her Air Force picture and mugshot.

Pictures obtained from this site if one is interested in seeing her ribbon rack:


Rack doesn’t seem much aside from the ribbons, I must say. 😉


Damn. I’d bugge….I mean….burgle her




This comment was supposed to go under her first photo, not randomly later.

Prior Service

She doesn’t look like a Democrat.


Because she is white and blonde?


No, because she’s not ugly to the bone you fool


Dude, stop being a drone.

I see republicans make this claim to each other all the time. It doesn’t work to make it to a lib.

The vast majority of movie and tv celebrities are libs, Most are celebrities because they are hot.

The vast majority of the modeling industry are libs.

The vast majority of female college students are lbs.

The vast majority of the music industry are libs. Being attractive makes it much easier to succeed in the music industry.

In fact every industry, job, or career where attractiveness matters is mostly lib dominated.

Except one…broadcast journalism.

And that is because talent and journalistic abilities matter more on liberal outlets.

Conservative outlets know their viewer demographics which heavily skews older misogynist leaning men..

And they know their older male audience is less likely to pay attention to a female news broadcaster unless they are attractive.

Then they tune in like hungry puppies.

And because politically activated conservatives see their broadcasters as more attractive than broadcasters they see on MSBC they assume “lib women are uglier than conservative women.”

Then they share memes every time they see unattractive lib protestor, journalist, or News guest.

Brainwashing themselves and each other.

I am non partisan with respect to getting laid. In my experience most women, including most hot women, are liberal.

Last edited 4 months ago by Commissar

To you a “HOT” woman is slightly above room temperature and still moist.

Green Thumb

Don Lemon forever!


That is quite possibly the largest piece of regurgitated liberal bullshit I’ve ever seen you spew. Congratulations, you’ve really raised the bar. You’re still a raging fraud, but you’ve definitely cemented your place in the fraud hall of fame.


Well said. I am jealous.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Glad to see you back with your socialist Shtik routine getting everyones BP up to a Zillion my Conservative friend Commissar. Better than sex, drugs and rock and roll.

Hack Stone

“And that is because talent and journalistic abilities matter more on liberal outlets, except at NPR.”

Fixed it for you.


“except at NPR, CNN, and PMSNBC”.

Fine tuned it for you.


OOh, I also forgot to add, Because she wasn’t born with a dick! That particular feature is almost exclusive to liberal “women”


Look up Kat Williams on youtube and listen to his take on how the hot models/actresses got/keep their jobs.


They went to the Kamala “heels up” Harris school of liberal arts.


Heels up and head down (to the “audition”)


Harvey Weinstein knows.


Move on folks, there’s nothing to see here.

A Proud Infidel®™

YOU couldn’t even get laid in a Women’s Prison with a $100 bill and an ounce of cocaine taped to your forehead!


“I am non partisan with respect to getting laid”.

I’m willing to bet that “non-participating” would be more correct.

Forest Bondurant

You can’t say a vast majority of women who attend college are liberals because liberals cannot define what a woman is. Given that, you just mischaracterized a certain group of people by assuming their gender

You should be ashamed of yourself and repeat whichever gender studies class it is that teaches about the 180+ different genders and how you’re supposed to refer them.

Report back here when you’ve got your shit wired correctly.


Don’t you have a “mostly peaceful protest” to go play medic at?


She is not a little fatty with blue hair and a hardware store sticking out of her face. Come on man. Take a look at the kids you hang out with.


Mugshot looks like she ain’t natural blonde.
She also has that Amy Schumer smile.

Last edited 4 months ago by 26Limabeans
Prior Service

Because she’s in the military, but thanks for jumping to conclusions.


Gallery o’ pics here (a dozen)…
including the shot o’ the mug, and others that ninja found.


Where’s IDC SARC? He’d be all over this, so to speak.


I was thinking the same thing: “Where’s IDC SARC when you really need him?”

Seriously …. where is he?


Damn. If I die, I’d like to come back as her seat pack

Prior Service

Forecast says grey ceiling and bars ahead.

Anna Puma

Reading between the lines of the NBC story.

She was arrested in the area where her recently deceased father and still living stepmother live. Got a feeling there is a family feud over an heirloom.

Even if true, stupid move to break into the house.


The details are comedy gold.

Police found Mitchell in the basement of her stepmother’s home “dressed in all black clothing and a black hat,” As she was being detained, she told her stepmother “something to the effect of, ‘I was just trying to get a couple of my dad’s things because you wouldn’t talk to me anymore,'” the charges state.

Officers found a flashlight near Mitchell that had a black sock covering over it. A sliding window in the basement had been opened and had a black backpack stuck in it, according to the charges.

“Officers searched the backpack and discovered two laptops, a cell phone, Mitchell’s Minnesota driver’s license, Mitchell’s Senate identification, and miscellaneous Tupperware,” the charging document states. Mitchell allegedly told an officer that both laptops were hers and that she had “just gotten into the house,” and commented, “Clearly, I’m not good at this.”



She was literally dressed like a stereotypical cat burglar from the movies. Grace Kelly she ain’t. 🤣

Anna Puma

Not the sharpest tool. Apparently she’s never heard of deniability.

And Tupperware?


To hold some of his ashes.


Probably to hold her weed, it locks the flavor in.


Some more context; apparently the home was her recently deceased father’s home. Now owned by her stepmother.

I suspect this is an internal dispute over her father’s property or family heirlooms. Or she merely went on a bender and tried to sleep it off in a place she felt closer to her father.

Apparently her and her stepmother are not on good terms.

She was also a well know TV weather person in the area before becoming a state senator. So kind of a local celebrity.

I suspect “State Senator arrested on Suspicion of Burglary” is a much more interesting headline and story during an election year than “Family property dispute leads to burglary arrest”.

Although, “burglary” does not necessarily mean theft. If you enter properly without permission, bypass any mechanism to prevent entry, and intend to commit any crime whatsoever or commit any crime whatsoever even if unintended on that property it meets the elements for burglary. And using a key, even one given to you by a deceased father, to open a locked door is bypassing a mechanism designed to prevent entry.

Last edited 4 months ago by Commissar

Anna Puma posted before I finished writing mine. I was too long winded.

Anna already added the context.


“I was too long winded.”

At least you are consistent.


You’re always long winded.


If she was a repub, you’d be screeching about corrupt right-wingers.. double standard much?


Trump caused her to do this in 3-2-1

Last edited 4 months ago by SgtM
Green Thumb


He jetted over during his break at the trial yesterday.

Jake Tapper and a few unnamed sources saw it.


Bullshit. I call out Dems for being corrupt all the time. I have posted on here for years how much I hate political corruption, think it should be a capital offense, and despise the Clintons.

I literally think politicians convicted of corruption should be dragged out of and executed in the street. Along with whoever bribed them or payed them off.

Also, burglary is not corruption. Unless she burglarized an opponents office or campaign headquarters. I would not be stupid enough to conflate burglary and corruption.

I heard about this yesterday and assumed she was probably Republican because she was a state senator and national guard officer from Minnesota.

And I still was curious about why she did it and checked for more information. Because it is weird to hear about a national guard officer committing burglary. State senator not so weird to hear about though given the shitbags being elected.

I didn’t even know she was a democrat until I saw this blog post.


A commisioned officer alleged to have committed a felony sounds pretty damn corrupt to me. But then again, you really wouldn’t know much about being a commissioned officer, would you.


“Corruption” is used to describe a specific category of criminal activity. And you know that.

You are just being a bad faith troll by trying to use a 16th century notion of being a “corrupted” person.

Ever since the origin of the modern state “corruption” has been used to describe bribery, fraud, or dishonest abuse of authority by those in power.

So basically you are using a 250+ year old secondary definition to make a bullshit personal attack.

In fact most of your posts directed at me are bad faith attacks. Some would even say they lack integrity. But you wouldn’t know anything about integrity would you?

Last edited 4 months ago by Commissar

That “250+ year old secondary definition” is, and has been, used daily in computer science, as in “corrupt data”. Just because you are unfamiliar with word usage do not assume others are just as ignorant as you.


Alright Commissar, point taken, I’ll amend my statement to “criminal” vs. “corrupt”.. is that better???

Still makes the point. No question that the majority of criminals, if registered to vote, do so on the demonrat side..


“Some would say”. Who would say? You? Are you “some”? If you know of someone who would say that, spill your guts and lay it out. You can’t. Because it’s a lie and you don’t have the balls to say it if it was true. My attacks on you are many things, but “bad faith” is not on the list. Yes, corruption is most commonly used as you describe. One can alao be corrupt in morals, values, and behavior. I would recommend that you avoid playing word games, because like so many other things, you really suck at it. Have yourself a fraudulent day, you may go now.

Last edited 4 months ago by SFC D

Don’t you know the cuttlefish aka Squidward is an expert/authority on everything, including etymology and criminal law.

Forest Bondurant

Thank you, AOC.

Prior Service

Interesting that you presumed she was a Republican, yet when I said she didn’t look like a Democrat it had to be about her appearance. I wonder why you’ve now leapt to two wrong conclusions. And three, if you made any conclusions about me based on that. Hmmm.


Of course you assumed she was Republican. You are not only biased, but lazy and incurious as well. It took me less than a minute to find;


From Minnesota? Solid blue state, I believe.


Burglary isn’t corruption? Tell that to Nixon. I’m sure he would love your support.


“I didn’t even know she was a democrat until I saw this blog post.”

Oh come on, I was born on day but it weren’t yesterday.


Spin it and dress it up all you want. It’s still burglary and you’re still a fraud.


Yes, didn’t OJ spend time in the Nevada State pen for trying to retrieve something he believed was his?

Green Thumb

I would want my shit back too….


That was a robbery and kidnapping on private property where OJ had no reasonable claim to have a right to enter.


It is still a “suspected” burglary.

And whether it meets the elements of the crime or not…it being her recently deceased father’s home is mitigating circumstances in the eyes of most prosecutors and juries.

So while she most likely technically committed the elements of the crime the end result of this is probably going to be a trespass guilty plea or some other slap on the wrist.

There is also a small chance it will be determined to be a civil matter if there she can show legitimate grounds to dispute the notion that her mother in law is the homeowner and she used a key given to her by her father. The home being owned by the father before the marriage could give grounds for the claim.

Last edited 4 months ago by Commissar

You have no claim to anything belong to your deceased father until the estate is settled. If it’s a community property state, the spouse of the deceased has higher priority than the children. All or a portion of the estate may eventually pass to her, but she ai’nt there yet.


Property and debts owned or committed prior to the marriage are not regarded as shared or community property in Minnesota.

The surviving children would be the presumed owner of that property if there is no will or court order indicating otherwise.

So, like I said, if the home was owned by the father prior the marriage this might be determined to be a civil matter and the daughter has a legitimate claim to be the owner of the home.

Last edited 4 months ago by Commissar

Varies by state.
Not in my state.
The widow gets it all,
unless stated in marriage agreement (prenup) and/or will and estate planning,
or distributed before he passes away.

Apparently it’s similar for Minnesota.
Not the place to play OJ to get your stuff back.


I checked Minnesota law prior to reply above.

In Minnesota any property or debts acquired or committed to prior to marriage are not “shared” or community property.

Shared or community property is presumed to belong to the surviving spouse. Property acquired prior to marriage are assumed to belong to the surviving children or parents.

There may be specific exceptions for a dwelling being lived in by the surviving spouse. I didn’t look into exceptions beyond the question of whether property owned prior to marriage was “shared” property.

Here is a FAQ if you feel like reading it in its entirety. I did not.

Forest Bondurant

So divorce law is the same as property and inheritance law?

Got it.


Which one allows you to keep more of your stuff?

Forest Bondurant

Not sure how much stuff you can keep when you’re dead. Just an observation.


“I did not.”


Forest Bondurant

Nope. You’re conflating property rights associated with the dissolution of a marriage, not inheritance and property laws associated with the death of a spouse (with or without a Last Will).

FYSA, divorce is different than death.

So in your world, widows can’t own their own property without it first belonging to her deceased husband?


Since most of Minnesota is now governed out of Mecca, I wouldn’t be surprised if widows had any rights to their late husband’s property, and were themselves transferred to the eldest surviving brother’s harem.

Forest Bondurant

Good point, especially since people like Commissar believe nobody should have their own property and the whole distribution of wealth thing.


Yep, that is Sharia inheritance law, the law of the medieval Muslim war lord.


I’m not a lawer, but I’m gonna go out on a limb here… I’d think settlement of an inheritance issue would be a civil matter, right up until someone takes the disputed property without permission, or was to enter the home unlawfully to take said property. YMMV, and I’m absolutely sure it will.


You would be correct. One does not have the right to commit burglary cuz Dad’s widow possesses something you think you should inherit.


But I really want whatever they have. Are you sure I can’t just climb in a window in a cat suit and take it?

Green Thumb

There seem to be better this to dicuss unless you think this woman in innocent.


Minnesota is also not a community property state.

Forest Bondurant

They weren’t divorced. He was dead.

Community property doesn’t apply in this case.


Divorced, dead, macht’s nichts.

Forest Bondurant


The idea that the residence could have possibly belonged to her father before his death is hardly a mitigating factor and is an assumption on your part. Minnesota has property and inheritance laws, and, like most states, considers burglary as when a person enters a building without consent and with the intent of committing a crime (in this case, theft). 

She broke into the home during pre-dawn hours by gaining entry through a basement window – not by using a key – with intent to steal her father’s ashes and other items, many of which were found in her possession when she was apprehended.

She was charged with first-degree burglary which carries a punishment of not more than 20 years in jail and a fine of not more than $35,000.00, or both.

Since she’s a Republican, she’s DONE, especially if the Becker County, Minnesota DA is a Democrat.

Had she been a Democrat, that office would drop the charges because prosecuting her would run afoul of the donor money it received from Soros.


She is a Democrat.

Forest Bondurant

I stand corrected.

She’ll probably be okay then.


Yeah; sadly.


She’ll get promoted and re-elected.


Maybe she could move up and take Democrat Ilhan Omar’s Minnesota seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

They’re both crooks and Democrats, so Minnesotans shouldn’t care. Just more of the same…


She’ll have a shot if she converts and becomes a Muslima.


Moreso if she starts banging her brother like Omar did…to fit in with the community dontcha know..


Screw up and move up. It’s been that way just about forever.


“recently deceased father’s home is mitigating circumstances in the eyes of most prosecutors and juries”

There you go, assuming again.


You just aren’t in it for the hunting. She confessed at the scene. Police don’t make an arrest without probable cause. If it were a civil matter they would have refereed it as such.


You fukn idiot. She climbed in a window in a cat suit. She didn’t use a key. And yes, she was there to commit a crime, duh.


This will not reflect well on her next OER. Re-election ain’t looking so good either.


Looks like she’s in for some stormy weather.


You said the magic word !!!
Could be either Daniels or Horne.
So, I’ll go with Lena Horne.

Last edited 4 months ago by MarineDad61

Daily Double of Daniels (Stormy and Teddy) going on right now… today….
But that’s for another article.


Write it up on a Stormy Monday.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Stormy Weather by the Spaniels 1958 on
the Vee Jay label. Five Sharps did it in 1952. on the jubilee label


Lena Horne: Class act!!!! Beautiful voice. Beautiful.
Thanks — just what I needed.

Green Thumb

What is the weather in Merritt Island, Florida?

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logisgtics) needs to get Lori Benton spun up and into action as this question needs to be answered.

Lori Benton needs to haul ass up to Becker County, Minnesota and get LTC Nicole Mitchell out of the clinck and get her headed to All-Points Logistics.

A change of weather in Merritt Island, Florida and being around similar, like-minded people may be a step in the right direction for the LTC.


I saw an article where she entered into the dwelling of her late father and his wife and was attempting to remove his ashes without permission to be inside the dwelling or permission to remove said remains from her stepmother.

It appears that the timing was not what one would consider normal business/visiting hours.

Now that I’m retired anyone that visits my house in the wee hours of the morning as this seems to be must first obtain the permission of my German Shepherd as well as receive his inspection.


This could’ve resulted in an ash-kickin’ then?

I’ll let myself out..


She’s gonna get what she urned.

Yeah, I know. I’ll put myself in timeout.


We gotta beat Jeff LPH (mebbe Jeff Lima for short) to these situations!


“Mitchell was arrested while the Senate is on its Passover break.”

I’m surprised they took a break for that. I thought MN only observed Muzzie shit.

Forest Bondurant

They meant to write Ramadan. Someone is probably going to get fired for letting the term “passover” be used in a state that caters to Islamists.


I noticed the flight suit picture as a Captain shows basic Non-rated Officer aircrew wings. The photo in service dress appear toshow Master Non-rated aircrew wings and Master Meteorologist Badge.

Since the Hurrican Hunters at Keesler (53 Weather Reconnaisance Sqdn) and their WC-130J are a AFRC unit, I’m wondering how she got enough time for permanent award of her Basic Wings much less enough time for Senior/Master Wings. Might her photo be embellished. The fact that in what appears to be an official photo not all ribbons, qualification badges/wings are visible its a pretty piss poor example set by a senior leader.


I found what may be her biography.

She was an enlisted weather guesser in the ANG before getting a commission in 2002

MN ANG, Weather Observer and Forecaster for the 208th WF (under the 133rd AW) 1992-2001.

IN ANG, Forecaster then Weather Officer for the 207th WF (commission in 2002) 2001-2003.

AF Reserve, Aerial Reconnaissance Weather Officer for the 53rd WRS (the Hurricane Hunters) 2003-2019.

WI ANG, Commander, 126th Weather Flight, 2019 to present.  

Her 16 years with 53WRS gives her a big enough window to have gotten her Master non-rated Wings.

The ribbon inboard of her AF Commendation Medal while mostly obscured is probably an Aerial Achievement Medal which tracks with being a Meterologist on Hurrican Hunters.

Just An Old Dog

Sort of a non-story,,, She reportedly went/ broke into her step mothers home to get her father’s ashes and items of sentimental value. Not the smart thing to do but sounds like a family squabble, Its not like she was smoking crack and broke into some strangers house and stole electronics and jewelry


She’s got a nice rack!


How many enlisted Airmen, that worked hard to get their undergrad while serving, were passed over for commissioning purposes in the same cycle that this peach first came in?

Skivvy Stacker

WHEW! At first I thought that said “Bugglery”.
We’ve got enough problems with our politicktitions up here in Minnesota without more Bugglery Practicin’ Pricks.
But this does not surprise me at all.
All you have to do is look at her picture to see that she’s a criminul.
It still isn’t any better in MY district. My repRESENTative is Angie Craig…a severe left wing bimbocrat who thinks she repRESENTS 100% of her districk.
Dumb shit.