Maryland again… sigh

| April 10, 2024


Apparently we need more legal immigrants because illegal immigrants are taking all the construction jobs and there are not enough of them?

A Democrat in the race to represent Maryland in the Senate urged listeners at a recent candidate forum to “forget the border,” calling it a “Republican talking point and a distraction” as he pushed for an increase in the total number of migrants allowed to legally enter the U.S. each year.

Asked about his plan to address the “lack of affordable housing,” Trone ( Rep. Favid Trone, D – MD) suggested that the prices of houses have reached new heights in recent years because there’s not enough supply to meet the demand.

Trone said the U.S. is “650,000 workers short in the construction industry” and insisted that’s a result of America’s immigration policies.

“We drive our economy with folks that have ideas, that don’t look like me, that look different. The difference of all of us, our diversity, that’s what makes us such an unbelievable, incredible country — our diversity.”

Well, I agree that looking like him is not an asset.  But I think (like apparently many who frequent here) that ‘diversity’ in and of itself is not a particular asset. Having the skills and the attitude to get things done and built – now, THOSE are assets.

“Right now, we have one million immigrants come in a year, legally, for the last 25 years. We’ve never changed it in the last 25 years. Why? Because Congress is waiting for comprehensive immigration reform.”

“We need to take that one million to five million,” he added. “Five million legal immigrants by in-country immigration.  Fox News

Tell ya what, let’s give him the benefit of the doubt. Five million LEGAL immigrants annually. Oh, and a complete 100% lockdown on illegals. Automatic arrest and speedy emigration of any illegal until they’re all gone. Enforcement of I-9s for ALL businesses.  Yeah, maybe we can come to terms… but I’d bet he would only like one side of that bargain.

Can we assume in the interim that Trone would be happy to support multiple illegal families at his place? Pay for them out of pocket?

And also in Maryland, a circlejerk group of politicianswants to rename the replacement bridge, from the Francis Scott Key Bridge to something less racist. Key:

He grew up on a slaveholding plantation in Maryland and owned at least six enslaved individuals himself. He did free several of them eventually.

His relationship with the slavery is complicated. He opposed the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and as an attorney, he defended enslaved people seeking their freedom. But he also represented slaveholders hoping to regain their runaway “property.”

While Key opposed abolition, he supported the idea of sending freed Black men and women to Africa. He helped establish the American Colonization Society, which started a colony on the west coast of Africa that became the independent nation of Liberia.

The Caucus of African American Leaders is requesting Maryland Gov. Wes Moore and the General Assembly to rename the bridge in honor of Rep. Parren J. Mitchell, the first Black congressman elected to the U.S. House of Representative from Maryland.  WTOP

Much of this revolves around a single quote attributed to Key:

“Incorrectly credited to Key as a first-person expression of his attitudes about race in the United States, the quote asserts that free Blacks are “a distinct and inferior race of people, which all experience proves to be the greatest evil that afflicts a community.”

The Star Spangled Banner Foundation says that is an inaccurate quote:

“The quote is taken from page 40 of Jefferson Morley’s generally insightful 2012 book Snow-Storm in August: Washington City, Francis Scott Key, and the Forgotten Race Riot of 1835),” the foundation continued. “Morley, in turn, cites as his sole source a quote in the 1937 biography Francis Scott Key: Life and Times by Edward S. Delaplaine.  Fox News II

Maybe they could name him after that fella who wanted every man to be judged not on the colot of his skin, but on his worth and character? Nah, that’s not a popular view now.

Category: 2024 Election, Democrats, Illegal Immigrants, None

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Since the bridge fell down can we rename it the FJB Memorial Bridge? Or at least the railroad portion of the bridge?

Skivvy Stacker

How about The Impotence Memorial Bridge ?

Suggesting for a friend…..


I thought we were not a racist country anymore after we removed the Native American woman off the Land o Lakes butter package and the African American lady off the Aunt Jemima pancake box.


That was supposed to solve the problem I though


But all these people who have racist thoughts assume that others do too and therefore we are a racist society, because you know… [insert random word here]!!!

Last edited 4 months ago by MIRanger

Didn’t uncle Ben get taken off the rice as well? We kept the land after getting rid of the Indian woman tho. Weird.

Hack Stone

Name that bridge after someone who truly represents Baltimore. The Freddy Gray Memorial Bridge. Or maybe The Catherine Pugh Memorial Bridge, with each toll paid, the driver gets a copy of Healthy Holly.

As to (see what Hack did there?) David Trone, he really stepped in last month with this Bidenesque incident:


Marilyn Mosby is unavailable for comment.


Forget the borders? OK Maryland, prepare to accept Texas’s overflow. Send to his town specifically.

Green Thumb

Hook him up and send them all the Maryland.

Have an odd feeling he will not be elected.


He’s a Democrat-that’s all it takes in Md.


Not just no, but, HELL’s to the NAH! These idjits needs to shove those Good Ideas right back up their Fairy Azz. You want to come to America, and become an American, fine. Make application, get approved, stub out your Camel, pick up your shovel, and go to work. Quit coming here to become a member of The Free Sh*t Army.

Lack of construction workers. Well, yeah…we have a lack of workers of any sort…because you d*ckheads pay deadbeats more to sit on their azz…you took away shop classes and pushed underwater basket weaving as a career. Contractors wouldn’t pay a journeyman carpenter decent wages ’cause he could get Hose A and Pedro to work for 1/2 the money and no taxes. Saw a chart the other day showing how illegal immigrants sent back to their home country some $57 BILLION in USD, all the while getting free everything.

And to all of the blaqs that keep screaming RAAAYYCISS RAAAYCISS RAAAYCISS? News flash for you…you’re being replaced too…and Wakanda never existed. Dr. King…weeps. The good news is Saint George of Fentanyl has been drug free and hasn’t assaulted anyone for a long time now.


I was told approximately at 1215 on Jan. 20, 2009 that I lived in a post-racial America.

Did something go wrong somewhere?


Yeah. Jan 21st.


Yeah, weren’t certain people finally proud of America? I thought I heard that on the news, a lot.