Purple Heartbreak: Living the Lie

| December 5, 2023

Stan Wineberg lived quite the life. Claims of Green Beret, Purple Heart, Vanity Plates, etc. Over six wives were left in financial ruin.

PURPLE HEARTBREAK: Fake war hero scammed state — and many others along the way
By Elias Weiss, Managing Editor – Dec 4, 2023

Wineberg fronted as a Sergeant First Class in the Army with 15 years of service, a Green Beret in the Elite Special Forces with Top Secret Security Clearance. He earned his Purple Heart, telling anyone who would listen, when he suffered shrapnel wounds, saving his comrade “Eddie” in Somalia.

Indeed, Wineberg is an Army veteran who was honorably discharged, earning 18 medals and badges along the way. And yet no detail in his story — not a single one — is true.

He served fewer than seven years, according to military service records obtained from the National Personnel Records Center through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Wineberg’s highest rank was E5, two notches below what he claims. The records don’t mention Somalia. Although his awards suggest he saw combat, he was also a driver and mechanic.

He never received a Purple Heart, the National Archives confirmed. He’s not credited with saving anyone’s life. He had standard security clearance, and he was never in the Special Forces.

Yet his Purple Heart vanity plates read “SF RNGR” — Special Forces Ranger.

Gone fishing

Earl Fisher isn’t just a detective at the Office of Inspector General in Phoenix. He’s also a proud veteran who served in the Vietnam War as a medical combat corpsman.

For him, investigating stolen valor is personal. So, when the state opened its investigation into Wineberg, Fisher was the man for the job. 

It seems that Wineberg took advantage in a loophole in the system in Arizona, but stopped short of forging a DD-214.

According to Fisher, Wineberg abused a loophole in the system. Had he gone into a Motor Vehicle Division office to request his plates, he would have been denied. But he used the MVD Now website to order them, which at the time would send the tags by mail and allow the driver to supply his DD Form 214 — military discharge paperwork — after the fact. 

Under Arizona law, he needed to prove he received a Purple Heart to obtain those plates. 

“Because of the glitch in the system, I couldn’t prosecute him,” Fisher said. “I brought it to MVD’s attention, so they’re fixing that flaw.” 

Instead, Fisher sent the letter demanding Wineberg turn in the plates or face criminal charges. The detective didn’t confirm whether he surrendered the plates and neighbors reported seeing them months later. 

When he received the letter, Wineberg called the inspector general’s office. 

“He was very distraught when he called me, probably because he thought I was going to arrest him,” Fisher recalled. “He said, ‘I made a mistake, I was in a bad place.’” 

For Fisher, Wineberg’s Somalia story reeked of falsehood. “I don’t know how that story can be true,” he said. As soon as a soldier is wounded, his unit would recommend the Purple Heart and it would be awarded immediately upon treatment. 

Wineberg never supplied a DD Form 214. 

“If he provided any of those documents, they would have been forged,” Fisher said. “That’s where we’d get him. On forgery charges, and maybe tampering with public records.” 

Wineberg has moved on, but it was a challenge to see if he was held accountable other than public shaming. Often, that seems like the only tool.

Category: Green Beret, Purple Heart, Stolen Valor

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Daisy Cutter

Sounds like ol’ Stanley would benefit from a page right outta Alaska Bob’s playbook – 1) send the DD-214 in by way of sled dog team 2) only let the reporter get a quick glimpse of it – no copies 3) make some aspects of it not legible.


Always a “cool guy” phony when it comes getting the costume & bling together. Civilians must think everybody in the military is some sort of SPECOPS: Rangers, SEALs, Recon Sniper, PJ’s ect. because that’s all they seem to meet. This REMF Cold War vet feels left because nobody ever pretends to be like me.

Green Thumb

Alaska Bob is sitting in some roadside bar drinking up the donation money.


After yodeling up Kelly’s Canyon.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I wonder if Bob took yodeling lessons from Wilf Carter AKA Montana Slim in the past.


Green Thumb,
That donation money ran out long, long ago.
Likely that same week in Sturgis, or limping his way back home.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Read my reply to Daisy Cutter GT.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

That dog sled team sledding Alaska Bob and his DD-214 is being lead by Sgt. Preston of the Yukon and his lead dog King, last I heard tell was that they were still stuck in a snow bank awaiting for King to return with help, and more Quaker Rice Puffs to scarf down. I think they were down to around 2 dozen boxes of Quaker Puffed Rice. Now where did I put that little finger cannon that shot a kernel of Quaker Puffed Rice.


And of course, there’s a motorcycle and a leather vest adorned with POSer bling involved in this steaming hot mess (please see the linked article).

There just has to be.

Last edited 9 months ago by Mick


Please don’t forget those wrap around sunglasses!



The ex wife pictured and quoted in the inMaricopa story
has just left a 1st hand linked post
in a Stolen Valor private group on the Book of the Fake.

I left her a link to this VG article.
She really wants this dispersed.



Heh heh heh!

Methinks that this case has the increasing potential for a Sock Puppet or two to make an appearance.

We haven’t had one around here for quite a while…


YES! Sockpuppets! We need sockpuppets!


Vee vant sockpuppets!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

YAY! A new chew toy!


Good catch, thanks!

Now if they only had the highly tactical white frames, he’d really be rockin’ it.

Forest Bondurant



Legend in his own mind…

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

He has a mind?

…it’s a small, poorly created legend.

Last edited 9 months ago by Anonymous
Hack Stone

Does All Points Logistics have a branch office in Phoenix? Asking for a friend.

Green Thumb

I heard they do.

Joeseph Cryer is in charge on the branch as per my understanding.


What’s with wearing the hat backwards?
Looks like he stuffed it with a Kotex.
I’ll bet that’s his callsign…..


Someone should send OIG Detective Fisher after Maggie DeSanti.
After all, Maggotie is just up the road.
And her helicopter rappelling stories of saving guys on the ground in Vietnam will surely get under Detective Fisher’s skin.

Show Detective Fisher THIS.

Last edited 9 months ago by MarineDad61

Any of us who served in the Shenseki-era earned a Green Beret…if we left our black beret in storage long enough to grow mildew. I was personally given a Purple Heart…from my friend who gave me his used ribbon rack when I gave him some new ribbons for an inspection.

Jokes aside, and hopefully they don’t rile anyone up too much as I’m just being me, but anyone claiming a bunch of BS they never did is utter horse scheisse.

We enlist, often as gullible young men and women, and are molded into Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, etc. Whether we spend two years in or forty, we should be proud of the service we rendered, the awards we received (even if we feel slighted), and the stories we have to tell. True stories, of course, without embellishment and false claims of being something we’re not.

My uniform reflects my service: CIB,(unworn) EIB, Air Assault, Recruiter and Drill Sergeant Identification Badges, a couple of Meritorious Service Medals, a number of Army Commendation Medals, a few Army Achievement Medals and a single Joint Service Achievement Medal, along with a Presidential Unit Citation, a couple of Meritorious Unit Commendations, and an Army Superior Unit Award, not to mention various service and campaign medals. Enlisted Records Brief complete…no one cares; that era of my life is over and will never be resurrected.

I know and have known many who earned far more qualifications than I did: Special Forces, CAG, you name it. I’ve also laid to rest many who never had the opportunity to finish a career and earn some of the accolades my peers and I did. It’s disrespectful as all get out to lay claim to things you never did.

Last edited 9 months ago by fm2176

You left out the most prestigious of all. The coveted NDSM.

Daisy Cutter

Silent confidence knowing we are part of the brotherhood.


Damn, and the [nearly] equally lusted after ASR for us Army folk.


Back in my day, all we had was the NDSM. The only ribbon I could wear as a butter bar. I think I even have the actual medal somewhere.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

All I have is the Coveted NDSM and the AFER (Dom Rep 1965) and never thought of embelishing/BS ing my service.


Years and years ago, when Military.com had forums, I was amazed by a fellow user who’d been a CPT in the ’70s and had (I think) a single AAM to show for it. The awards system is broken and things like the Army Service Ribbon (ASR), Overseas Service Ribbon (OSR), and NCO Professional Development Ribbon (NCOPDR) are just free bling to make us feel good. I mean, if I’m wearing the uniform at my unit or an official event, I’m probably not a phony and am definitely serving. If I’m an NCO, I’ve likely completed some level of NCOES (though the Army changes the criteria every few years as to whether you need the school before the rank or not).

Anyway, in today’s Army, a butter bar is likely to get an AAM before pinning 1LT, and for twenty years during OEF/OIF, every bit as likely to have an impressive ribbon rack by the time they made CPT: ASR, OSR, GWOT-SM, GWOT-EM/ICM/ACM, AAM, ARCOM and/or MSM (for PCS), BSM (for combat deployment), not to mention a shiny NATO Medal if they went to Afghanistan.

So, when I interacted with that former CPT and saw his profile as a young SGT with six medals on my TOG Blues, it was all but incomprehensible. Of course, we can make the point that medals do not make the Soldier, and that the more medals and badges the Army approves, the less distinguished they become. Just during my two decades, the Army approved the Space, Combat Action, Military Horseman, Instructor, Expert Soldier, and Master Gunner Badges, not to mention the Combat Service Identification Badges for the Army Service uniform. They also approved the Sapper Tab and Jungle Tab (USARPAC only).


Oh, and since I love mentioning Firsts, the Wikipedia page for the Master Gunner has an example of one: Master Gunner Identification Badge – Wikipedia

Great job to SGT Ramirez, but I think a Soldier should be a Soldier. When I first woke up at 1230 this morning, I got news of the First Active-Duty female Soldier to graduate from Sniper School. Good on her, too, but I don’t care what your gender is. If you’re in an overwatch position, I want the best man or woman behind the trigger. If you’re supporting me with artillery, armor, or air defense support, I want the best man or woman doing the targeting.

On a less-divisive note, I think that badge isn’t the worst idea. I had a Soldier who went from hero to zero real fast despite being a Master Gunner (essentially the Ranger Tab for Mech and Armor). He left Fort Carson as an E-5(P) but went to 4th BDE, 3ID, which was Light Infantry at the time. The battalion CSM had his promotable status revoked, which he’d have likely kept if he had that glamorous Ranger Tab, and he did himself in after that, getting in trouble and making it to SPC before getting chaptered. It may not have made a difference, but having some representation of his qualifications and potential value he could have brought to 3ID might have prompted his 1SG or even the CSM himself to advocate for his transfer to one of the Heavy BDEs across post.

Hack Stone

That should be referred to as the highly coveted and rarely awarded National Defense Service Medal. It’s not like they just hand them out for showing up.


Always earned, never just given. I stuck around long enough to “earn” two. Those and six bucks will get me a quarter pounder with cheese.

Last edited 9 months ago by SFC D
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Lucky you.
I was in for 20, and as far as I know, I “earned” only one.


Yep. Two-time recipient as well. Since the most recent award period expired fairly recently and with the global security situation fast deteriorating, I have an outside shot at being a 3-time recipient. That would be rarefied company indeed! I could call them my “I was alive in ‘95”, “I was alive in ‘05”, and “I was alive in ‘25” awards!🤣


I’ll settle for two. I ain’t about to unretire. I’m too old for that shit.


Ah, the Shinsucki era:

Chairborne soldiers on profile,
Fearless men PowerPoint style…

Last edited 9 months ago by Anonymous
Green Thumb

Remember when they blamed the E-4 who ordered five million Chinese berets?


Shane Ladner did all that too and caught 7 felonies for it. What’s up with these douche nozzles?

Green Thumb

I forgot about that loser.

I assume he is pulling the night shift as a security guard at All-Points Logistics. Or maybe Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency? Word has it that getting employees is tough these days…..


Hack Stone

How is Thomas “Turd” Bolling doing these days? Is he still misplacing his firearm and sexually harassing the female employees?


They named Bolling AFB after him? Now, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling.

Green Thumb


I need to check in on him.

Been a while.


Fat sack of shit patrolling? Now THAT’S a blast from the past!🤣

Pineywoods NCO

What ever happened to Dennis “Heavy Chevy” Chevalier??

He never took up on my offer to see me in the Pineywoods …probably because I would given him an earful and then some.


Man, I hope Heavy Chevy choked on some cheddar. 🧀🧀🧀

Daisy Cutter

He’s a lover, not a fighter…
… he kind of likes it that way.


The only Purple Heart recipient I ever met commented on his medal “everyone wants one, they don’t realize the way you get one actually sucks pretty bad.”

Remember the scene in Flags of Our Fathers when the son finds his dad’s Navy Cross tucked away in an envelope in the attic, hidden away with anything else related to his service? Those types leave me awestruck — those are amazing men of character. Not ass clowns like the guy in this article.

Last edited 9 months ago by Deckie

The Readiness NCO at my previous unit received a Purple Heart back in ‘05 and, while the wound wasn’t life threatening, it was in a, shall we say, sensitive area. It’s definitely NOT his favorite medal.


Nothing more despicable than an embellishing POS such as this POS, the embellishing, lying, cheating, stealing, con artist known as Stan Wineberg, that stands on the bodies and in the blood of true Warriors. He had, what appears to be from the linked article, perfectly Honorable service that he took a great big steaming Phil Monkress on. Bet he’d fit in real good at a chili cook off.

“…public shaming…” I say we give the embellishing, lying, thieving, POS, Attention Whore Stan Wineberg some public shaming and attention. I hereby make a motion that we deploy the TAH As(s)teroid of Insults upon this despicable POS, Stan Wineberg.

Can I get a SECOND and an AYE?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“I SECOND that emotion….”



AYE! For the love of God, AYE!



Cheaps! We need cheaps.


Si! Si! Con una chingada, SIIIIIIIIII!


Alrighty folks, I know it’s been a loong time and I had to break out the Pine Sol and then the Brasso and tidy up this old girl, but, and as is I believe the newer protocol…(Rathar than gum up the blog with 15 or 20 posts)
Oh I certainly hope you enjoy your new found fame and fortune and reap the rewards of such.

Oh and please do come by and visit us? Won’t you know?? It’s been such a long time…

Here’s a link (let me know if it doesn’t work) and then you can Google Fu Drive this file for FUCKBOI Stan “The Man” Wineburg



Gun Bunny, wept! The King of Battle…THE King of FIRST leads the TAH Choir is a rousing AMEN! FIRE MISSION FIRE MISSION TIME ON TARGET FIRE MISSION…ON TARGET… FIRE FOR EFFECT…Poser pieces and parts are scattered to the winds! Secure the guns, Class VI Supplies will be provided from The Gun Bunny’s Personal Stores…All are invited to the upcoming Festival Feast of Saint Barbara. For them that can’t handle The Artillery Punch we will provide the House Wine; Sweet Iced Tea.

All the linkys opened up, Chippy, reading 5X5. This format doesn’t have the impact of the old way, but can understand the limitations of the character #s for each comment. Maybe some one at Admin can send Susan B (Sue Bee A Honey) a ping and direct her to this post you made? Now…did you see what I was speaking of (HONEY (c what I did there?) HUSH) or do you need that map, flashlight, and two (2) hands?

You da Man! See you tomorrow on or about 1500 hrs? They’ll be a 2nd Place trophy awaiting you in the Ladies’ Room.

Susan B

That. Was. Impressive.


Welcome to the fold Susan.

Just so you know, I am but the curator of the Asteroid of Insults. It has been a work of all of us here over many years. I have certainly contributed to it, but I am not solely responsible.

Just a note to follow up on KOB
Dave and I had a phone call sometime back to discuss the logistics of posting the Asteroid of Insults and it wasn’t that we didn’t want it here. It’s just that with other people visiting occasionally and with the way social media is late we didn’t wanna have it immediately on the blog itself, because not only was it an enormous amount of space, there were issues where it might’ve caused concerns around censorship and butt hurt if you catch my drift .
There was also some other technical issue as well. I forgot what we discussed, but that’s kind of an issue so my resolution was post it on Google Drive and link to it there which also made it easier for me. And yes, it doesn’t have the impact it used to, but you can go see it there.
And in my opinion, it’s still a work of art.


Roger that, Chipster. I remember those discussions, it bees what it bees…Just like Suzy bees…well…you know…a Honey. Damn shame that these mofos play their games on these unsuspecting ladies and make the Good Guys look bad, the ladies thinking, “OH f*ck another Vet, bet he’s like that other POS” You may notice that not only I am the FIRST (ht2 CW) take make a motion, but am usually the FIRST to lead the AMEN Choir. Imma gonna open the linky again and bookmark the damn thing so I can keep it handy…and make a hard copy. You da Man of The TAH As(s)teroid of Insults. BTW…call your Buds out in Colorado and tell them to get our Trophy back to Hudson High where it belongs. 😀

Suzie B Honeymaker

Why am I back to having posts “reviewed”? Who did I offend?? 😂
And I am still pro Veteran as far as dating goes should that ever again enter my mind….I mean would God really do that to me twice???


Check your email.

Suzie B Honeymaker

Got it, thank you!


screen name change or keying in the email wrong can cause the system to hic-cup. Could also be using a different device to post with.

Or, it could be you’re so hot the connectors are melting on the server end. 😉

Suzie B Honeymaker

Maybe luke warm 😉


Settle down, Junior…


Too late, Pappy…can’t help myself. It’s a feature, not a bug. I like females that were born female. I’m queer that way.

Suzie B Honeymaker

I think you did a damn great job at capturing pretty much every single appropriate adjective necessary to describe scum of the earth.
And sorry for my delay in responding. It’s been a hellish few days learning new revelations. And thinking this clown may actually continue to walk among us while keeping a nice cushy job that enables him to continue being a predator. Sigh….I’m exhausted.


Hang tuff, Mi’Lady. You got this. We’ve all been burned, at some time or ‘nother by parasites. Iffen his company was to see this thread it may not bode well for him. Jus’ sayin’. Most companies take a dim view of lying cheating, stealing SOBs. They figure if he’ll lie, cheat, and steal from someone that loves him and he supposedly loves, he’ll lie, cheat, and steal from the company. Karma is a cast Iron Bitch with titanium teeth. He’ll get bit, eventually if not sooner.

Suzie B Honeymaker

Thank you for the pep talk. I needed it tonight. This has shown me that I am much tougher than I ever knew


The only perfect man is a Ginger Bread Man. He’s warm, soft, sweet, satisfying, goes well with coffee and/or tea. And when he gives you any crap, you can bite his head off.

Suzie B Honeymaker

Run run as fast as you can, I’m the Gingerbread Man! Glad I’m gluten intolerant 😎

Green Thumb

He has moved on alright.

Moved on to All-Points Logistics.

Hack Stone

Dat’s a good one. Phil always needs someone on staff who can be easily manipulated into doing his dirty work.


Yeah, the last guy wasn’t getting it done what with the lack of reliable transportation and that damnable mailbox with no door!


“Soldier for Life Medal” ???

That’s a new one on me.
So I deployed the FU of Google.

There is such a thingy. However…..
It looks more like a CHALLENGE COIN.




We saw the same thing.

Looks as if the Soldier For Life program was created in 2014…if he got out in 1998, trying to figure out how he received it…

Supposedly, there are Soldier For Life badges that can be worn by US Army Retirees…and pins for Civilians who served, but never retired from the Army.

We are happy with our “Retired US Army” pins we received when we retired (it’s boxed up with our awards/decorations/ribbons with other memories as well as our uniforms).

We are more happy with our DD214s…




Ruptured Duck… back the day ya actually used to get something wearable:
comment image

Last edited 9 months ago by Anonymous

Cloth version:
comment image


I was supposed to get a pin? Nobody told me!


There are little lapel pins provided to Retirees. At least, I think there are. I treated my retirement like I did PCS moves. Give me my DD-214 (NCOER for PCS) and medal and keep the farewells and consolation prizes. As such, my walls are a bit barren, having only ever received a departure gift from JTF-NCR that’s…somewhere. I opted out of a ceremony because I’d made that 40-mile drive to Myer and stood in Conmy Hall too many times to count. Besides, by retirement I was at the point where simply standing at attention for more than a few seconds was demanding, even the National Anthem often saw me trying to find something to prop up against. My second tour in TOG saw me having to fight to hang in there even doing Assistant NCOIC duties in Arlington, as the second I had to stand still my hips, knees, and feet were screaming. I was surprised I passed standing proficiency, but I got to the point where I couldn’t even hold a sword steady. Physical pain and self-imposed anxiety made it a constant struggle just to maintain composure.

I left Belvoir with a slightly flawed DD-214, missing a Gold Achievement Star for the Basic Recruiter ID Badge and with my ACM and ICM having their numbers of Campaign Stars transposed, and never received a certificate or flag. Civilians (and I) were still mostly teleworking, and I figured five months of transition leave was more important than stuff that was going into a box.

Okay, did some digging and found that the Army does have a Retired Service ID Badge.

Per DA PAM 670-1: “(15) The retired service ID badge is worn on the wearer’s left side. Personnel may wear the badge only on the ASU or AGSU after officially retiring from the U.S. Army. Either the old version or new version is authorized for wear.”


Like the Hoth Campaign Commerative Medal with Endor Clasp? (Open to everyone with $14.95 in their pocket… )

Skivvy Stacker

This is the original model for the “Soldier For Life” medal…


According to the article, Stanley Wayne Wineberg served 6 years and 9 months in the US Army. The article stated he got out in 1998, so most likely, he served from 1991 to 1998.

During that timeframe, he lived in areas surrounding Fort Drum, NY (around 1993) and Fort Campbell, KY (mid 1990s) and received the EIB, the CIB, the Air Assault Badge, the Driver and Mechanic Badge and the RANGER Tab.

Wineberg is credited as being awarded the ARCOM, AAM, NDSM, GCM, AFEM, HSM, ASR, JMUA, NCOPD, UN Medal.

Based on address history and awards/ribbons/badges, sounds as if he was deployed to Somalia in 1993 with the 10th Mountain Division.

The WASHINGTON POST in August 1993 did a story about Soldiers wounded and killed in Somalia:


“The night before, 1st Lt. Robert Mon, 25, of Fort Drum, N.Y., suffered shrapnel wounds when six mortars were fired into the U.S. embassy compound in Mogadishu. A piece of shrapnel went through one building and into the window of the room where Mon was in a meeting.”

Wineberg told his Durango High School (Colorado) classmates that he spent 8 years with the 75th RANGER Regiment:


Majority of folks who embellish/lie about their Military service are covering up their past while serving, i.e. they were either kicked out/Chaptered out/denied re-enlistment; received Article 15s or Court Martialed; were in trouble with either the civlian or military law; had substance or alcohol abuse issues; marital/family problems.

We have seen it time and time again with these Embellishers/Liars. Personality/Mental Disorders that hinged on Narcissism as well as Low Self Esteem and Attention Seeking Behavior (Look At Me!).

Dude defintely has a brain hiccup/mental issues. Public Humililation most likely will not work.


2nd try on picture.


3rd try on picture.


Appears to be a PNG:comment image


Thank You, Sam and sbalm!

That is the picture.



And there’s that “Soldier for Life Medal”.
But it’s listed under “THE FACTS”.


Not bad, for real, but why’d he have to sh*t things up with stupid BS?


What a shit show


Perfectly good service … E5 over 7 … but just had to shit all over it


Phony Stanley can now vanish from AZ, and resurface in nearby Nevada.

Phony Stanley is a good fit to replenish the diminishing ranks of the
Elko POW*MIA Awareness Ass.
He can even step up as “commander”,
and be the reincarnation of ol’ not so dearly departed Les Brown.
based on the history of the phony enabler crowd in Elko,
Wineberg Jr. might need to change his last name.
But he would already be motivated to do that anyway.

Internet infamy for Les, as seen on the FU of Google.

Susan B.

Thank you so very much for sharing this article about my ex-husband. He has used his fabricated military story to prey on women for decades. The article barely touches on his heinous acts. It’s despicable behavior and I cannot believe that I was conned in this manner. Thank you for all you do to expose these terrible people.



I’ve always been curious about these situations.

For you, was it more troublesome that he lied or that he did not do the things he claimed?

I know, it sounds like the same thing, but…

Some phonies claim that their wives or GFs love them for who they are and it doesn’t matter if they lied. Others believe that if they were lying about one thing, they’re probably lying about other things. Therefore, the violation of trust is the issue vs. they were not a war hero.

Susan B.

It was the complete fabrication of his life story that is the tough pill to swallow. The toughest being the stolen valor. However there was little of his life that was not a lie. Waking up one day after spending nearly 2 years with someone to discover you were basically living your own version of a Dateline episode has been incredibly traumatic. Then discovering all the women and children he has harmed along the way…..I refused to just let it go. The rest of the story is incredibly shocking and surreal.


Welcome aboard, Susan! We’re not from the government, we really ARE here to help!

Last edited 9 months ago by SFC D
Susan B.

Thank you! I appreciate you!

Green Thumb

No worries!

But unfortunately, we may have landed him a well-paying job at All-Points Logistics.

Susan B.

May I ask how you found that information? I haven’t heard anything about that.

Susan B.,
Welcome aboard and thank you for your comments. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. We do have a strict protocol concerning personal information on the site. There are very good reasons for this and is why I have been editing your name.

Susan B

Got it! Thank you! I didn’t even realize you were editing my last name out 😎.

Commissioner Wretched

Welcome to TAH, Susan! I’m the resident trivia nerd … I post a column I do for newspapers every Friday in the Weekend Open Thread and occasionally offer my somewhat-amusing thoughts in other threads as well. Nice to have you here, and I’m sorry you endured what you did with the “gentleman” in question.


“resident trivia nerd”.

Resident trivia KING!

Commissioner Wretched

You are far too kind! Thank you!

Susan B

Thank you ♥️. I’ll be watching for your column! I’m not gonna lie, I’m terrible at trivia so you’ll have to carry me 😉.

Commissioner Wretched

Your wish is my command.


Make you up a screen name to use…helps to protect the innocent…or in some cases…the guilty…but never convicted. Good folks here that absolutely despise Lying, cheating, embellishing, scum, that should be stopped from all of the above. There is a tremendous amount of sarcasm that is used, that to the FNGs (in your case the Foxy New Girl) may not make much sense. All Points Logistics, Merritt Island FL. is a hive of phonies that are headed by one of the biggest phonies out there that is still running his scams. GT was making a reference to that history. Use the “Search this site” icon thingy/archives. Dropping by on Friday afternoon for the TAH Weekend Open Thread, you will see a weekly reference on them from GT.

ps…Welcome Home…good to see a real live Sister Golden Hair Surprise Adorable Deplorable.

Susan B

Thank you for bringing me up to speed! 😉
It feels like home already! I am so encouraged that a group like this exists. And for the record, I typically speak fluent sarcasm but my mojo is (understandably) a little off at the moment. I can’t wait for this 🤡 show to end. I’m ready to get off this tilt-a-whirl.

I’ll work on a super cool screen name.


Susan B sounds pretty good to me.


Maybe she was sent over this way by an old friend. I believe everything happens for a reason.

Last edited 9 months ago by MustangCPT

I was thinking exactly that.




“Just B Susan”

Daisy Cutter

Sue Bee Honey (just spit ballin’)


Sue Bee Sure Bee a Honey?

Tell IDC SARC the line forms…..HERE!

Ernest T. Bass ain’t got nuttin’ on The Gun Bunny when it comes to Charmin’, Courtin’, and Wooin’ with his ways. I cook too, you know…and know which position a toilet seat is supposed to be left in.


Wow…you just move right along, dontcha? 🤣


Fluent sarcasm…
You’re gonna fit in just fine!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Welcome aboard Susan B, am sure you will enjoy this site and please don’t mind my puns which I sometimes punt a few out.

Susan B

If you also include a few dad jokes, I’m committed.

Daisy Cutter

There are some phonies that have been featured on this site that get added to “The Greatest Hits” distinction. Alaska Bob raised money for his non-existent cancer from his non-existent time in Vietnam. Swore he was sending his DD-214 to prove his claims. It’s been over two years and we are still waiting. The consensus theory is that he sent it via sled dog team.


I think one of the dogs ate it.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

The dogs most likely ate the box of Quaker oats puffed rice that Sgt. Preston of the Yukon along with his lead sled dog King were eating in the snow bank where the sled was stuck while escorting Alaska Bob and his DD-214 back to town. The sled was most likely packed with the sponsors boxes of Quaker oats puffed rice. I’m still looking for my Sgt Preston of the Yukon Finger cannon that fired one round of a puffed rice.

Susan B

…..frantically “search barring” Alaska Bob, All Points, Soup Sandwich…..


Susan B,

Welcome aboard!

You may also want to take a look at this “spectacularly famous” phony Navy SEAL. This assclown duped at least 8 women and cleaned out their bank accounts in the process. He’s now currently serving 24 years in Federal prison for scamming those women out of their money.

Derek Alldred; Phony SEAL : This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here (valorguardians.com)

Alldred – Fake Navy SEAL Speaks : This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here (valorguardians.com)

Green Thumb

I forgot about that dirtball.

The memories…..

Susan B

Just checked out ‘ol Derek. If it weren’t for me hating the name Derek, I could possibly see him as my next con artist husband.

I’ve found many more women than the 6ish Stan conned into marrying him. It was a revolving door of women for him. Always has the next one few lined up. Must be exhausting to spend so much time being a terrible human being. Imagine if all that time were spent being an honorable man.


Don’t go too crazy, just ease into it. There are literally thousands of comments on some of those threads and you’ll find that a particular group of frauds actually formed a “Legion of Dumb” to take us on. It was pretty crazy around here during the 2013-2015 timeframe. 😂

Green Thumb



Daisy Cutter, it’s been over four (4) years since Alaska Bob supposedly mailed out his “Restricted Foreign Service” DD214. He claimed he mailed it out on 23 Sep 2019 and as of today, 1,535 days have come and gone, and still no DD214.

Green Thumb

Tough to do when you are laid up in some roadside bar drinking up the donation money.


The All-Points Logistics thing is a long-running joke since one of this site’s busts involved a phony SEAL who also made phony law-enforcement claims along with false claims of Native American ancestry. He parlayed his phony Native American and SEAL claims into getting government set asides for his business, the aforementioned All-Points Logistics. There is also a related long-running joke about a residence on Wilson Lane in Bethesda, Maryland that has a mailbox that is missing a door. You can enter All-Points Logistics or Wilson Lane in this site’s “Search” function if you’re in need of a laugh. I must warn you, the language gets a little “colorful!” 🤣. Welcome to TAH.

Last edited 9 months ago by MustangCPT
Susan B

Wow, that’s quite story!
The more “colorful” the better as far as I’m concerned. Sounds like I’ve got some catching up to do so I can appropriately contribute 😉.

Daisy Cutter

Hopefully you can educate us as you see similar patterns with other phonies. There was a fake SEAL we helped out with that was featured on Dateline. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaS9J-m9-9s

Susan B

Awww he’s just a “bad boyfriend” 😂.
I will offer insight anywhere I can. My days of online dating are over for good. It’s a ripe arena for con artists and I’m pretty much full up on my quota.

Green Thumb

Make sure you buy some Pepto.

These clowns will make your gut turn.


APL, DRC, and other long-running inside jokes Based on a True Story ™ make this a site to come back to time and again. Dearly departed heroes like Bernath and Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich Androsky have provided a legacy for TAH/VG Vets to draw upon for eternity…or at least until the Interwebs break.

Green Thumb

Do not forget No More, No Less (Chili feed aside) and Ike “No More” Densmore.


Les “They’re Coming for our Vests” Moore.




Why???? He had a service record that anyone should be proud of. It didn’t need any embellishing.

Last edited 9 months ago by RCAF-CHAIRBORNE

I don’t think he had the confidence to get laid by six different women without it. He certainly doesn’t have the looks, and it’s likely he’s built like a mushroom. Which would explain the six divorces. He is going to end up in a bad place all right, I mean hell is a bad place so there’s that.

Susan B.

6 marriages that I KNOW of plus more women that he did not marry but either had children with or left them in a terrible position. I have been in contact with quite a few. Their stories are heartbreaking. His gift is that he is charming and comes across as incredibly chivalrous and loyal…there was never a car door I ever opened. But behind that facade was a womanizing, cheating, lying sociopathic narcissist.


I’m Sorry to hear of your pain but that is pretty much the mode personality of every military phony we run across. The destruction they leave in their path never bothers them. It’s almost like they get a perverse thrill out of it.

Susan B

Thank you. That sounds like a very true statement. I was contacted yesterday by yet another one of the women. Man, the trail of destruction is a long and disgusting road.

Green Thumb

Where is this loser now?

Susan B

Apache Junction Arizona. He lives in a mobile home that he told anyone within earshot he bought using VA financing. That. Is. A. Lie. VA does not loan in mobile home parks where you don’t own the land. I did some recon and found out he’s renting it. Apparently he forgot what I do for a living 🙄.


Interesting. Just down the road from a certain fraudulent Army nurse, I wonder if he’s seen her shrine at the local VFW.

Susan B

He’s probably dating her already…..


And there it is. Proof positive that you belong here.

Susan B

I am definitely feeling the love 😎


Strap in and duck. You’re about to experience a little something called “The Asteroid of Insults”. It started as “The Wall of Insults” but grew significantly over time.


Holy shit D, don’t aim her at that yet. She’s too much of a proper lady.
She probably needs to get a proper pair of hip waders and a biohazard suit to hang around with us first if that catch some sort of cooties

Welcome Miss Susan we hope you will find some solace and comfort here going forward.

Susan B

You guys sound like my kind of people!
Thanks for the welcome!


That’d be Dickweeds. Or Dickweedians. 😎

Susan B

This sounds fun!


Possibly the best reading you’ll find on the interwebs.


Damn! That’s cold-blooded. I have to agree with SFC D’s assessment, you’re definitely “one of us.”

Green Thumb

How did you meet this loser?

Susan B

I met him online….FB Dating. The narcissist’s playground.

Commissioner Wretched

Online dating … sheesh. I’d prefer to stay single.

Susan B

I’ve learned my lesson 😭


His Twitter/X account name is swineberg33.

You can’t make this stuff up.

Our very own beloved Mick nailed it when he mentioned that somewhere in all of this, there is a motorcycle.


Swineberg loves his HOGs…Harley Davidsons…

Oh, the Irony…


He identifies as stanwineberg6991 on his personal You Tube Channel.

And yes, another picture of him…posing with his Harley…



He also enjoys motocrossing:

“I have been riding motocross for about 30 years.. I grew up on a dirt bike and has been my passion since I can remember. Many years have gone by and many crashes and hospital visits as well. I have worked my way through the 80 class all the way to the over 35 vet class. Even though I have had some crashes that make me think twice about getting back on a bike, I always seem to make it happen. With the help of my family and friends.”



In my experience those who say they race “aggressively but clean” will try to stomp my gear shift lever deep in a turn.

Susan B.

One day in June he came home with a brand new $56,000 motorcycle with zero discussion beforehand. That was when I told him I wanted a divorce. Only after he packed up and left did I pull on one tiny thread that led me to discover the truth about him.


I hope he didn’t use your good credit to finance it. I have purchased a number of used motorcycles (usually for only a few thousand), but I always told my wife before I did it.

Susan B

Fortunately, he did not. I was one of the few that didn’t acquire that kind of debt. Financially, he uses women for either their credit or a roof over his head.
Something always felt off with him but I could never quite put my finger on it. I didn’t even change my last name…..which of course because of his fragile ego infuriated him.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Sounds to me that he’s what one refers to as a “hobosexual”, one who pretends to love another solely to keep a roof over his head.

Susan B

Bingo. And occasionally cleans out their home of all the furniture on the way out the door.


I’m sorry you had a bad life experience. Rest assured that there are honest, good veterans out there that open car doors, take care of their families, aren’t sociopaths or narcissistic. But there are also tens of thousands of people out there faking the funk. If your BS meter ever starts going off again, have it checked. The genuine articles won’t mind and the crazies will likely rage quit.

Susan B

I got a turd burger this time, but I know there are far more good people than bad in the world. I’ve kissed my fair share of frogs and even a few turtles but a new day has dawned and I ain’t never gonna make this mistake again. (Even though I’ve said that many times before 😩).
I’ll have to run any future prospects past this group!

Commissioner Wretched

We do tend to be very protective of our own here, that is for sure!


Reminds me. It is often that the wife or GF of the phony will get out front of the accusations and defend the one they love. The phony will lay low, observing sheepishly in the background wondering how it will all play out.


I was thinking more like a Vespa or even a Cushman.


You just HAD to say Cushman, didn’t you?


Susan B

That’s too cool for this fool 😎



Thank You, tshe!


No shades!


And the hat is not on backwards!

Green Thumb

Slap that face hard enough and he will queef.

Susan B

If only there was a way to notify his company that his entire resume was fabricated 🤔

Susan B.



As PFC Pyle would say: “Surrprise, surprise, SGT!” All he needs now is the vest, doo-rag and a service mutt.

Green Thumb

What a clown.

Dude seems like he had a good record.


Exactly. If “The Facts” truly are “The Facts”, he had no reason to lie. Infantryman, Expert Rifle and Grenade, Air Assault Wings, EIB, CIB, and “The Tab That Is Ranger.” That’s something to be proud of, no doubt. Welp, his oh shit just wiped his attaboys. Dude reminds me of Heavy Chevy, what with all of the ex-wives, but this guy served more than 21 days. I wonder if there’s any cheese involved in this sordid affair? 🧀 🧀

Green Thumb

The cheese in his ass.


And there it is!😂

A Proud Infidel®️™️

He has the look of a Blobfish, I wonder if he guzzles cheese as well? Definitely a SHITBIRD FIRST CLASS without a doubt.


Literally taking it to the grave.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

One day late for this poser when we used to get a couple every Monday morning


Holy Daily Double Phony Green Beret !!!
Another one busted. Anyone here near Roanoke, Virginia?

A few weeks ago, in November,
GGB (Guardians of the Green Beret) took down Roanoke’s Deputy Police Chief.

This is good stuff.

>> Roanoke Deputy Police Chief Resigned Amid Scrutiny of His Military Record

>> The group Guardians of the Green Beret
was probing Morris’s military record around the time he was placed on administrative leave.


Last edited 9 months ago by MarineDad61
Green Thumb


In reading the article, the PD is being tight lipped as they may look like fools for not checking on this turd.

A Proud Infidel®™

SIX ex-Wives, he’s getting close to whatshisface, got the Blobfish look as well!


🧀 🧀 🧀

I wonder whatever became of Dr. Fromage Le Twat?🤣


A Proud Infidel@,
Phony Rambo Conman Teddy Daniels is now up to 3 ex-wives.
He never married the first baby mommy.
4 sons with 4 females.
Past child support and arrears troubles with 3 of the 4.
Past PFAs with 3 of the 4.

He bragged about being newly divorced November 2023,
and in the same week
he started putting up poser photos with his new Porsche 911.

But he’ll post, and put up con sales pitch videos,
claiming he is all about “protecting my family.”

Yes, Teddy even has a “Family” tat on his hand.
But many know, that this tat has NOTHING to do with women and children.

Susan B

I took this picture on Memorial Day 2022. We were at the National Cemetery in Phoenix when Stan ran up to this gentleman on the stage. He never introduced us but either said he had served with him or there had been a movie (think Blackhawk Down?) made about him. I recently figured out who this is and neither of those things could possibly be true. He was injured before Stan ever entered the Army. This is another crazy example of the weird ass lies he told.


I would be embarrased to wear a t-shirt like that.



In my experience, very few actual combat veterans would ever go anywhere near a “Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association” (because it’s most likely swarming with POSers), let alone sashay around at public events in a dumbass t-shirt with a skull on it like that.

Whenever I see idiots wearing stupid shit like that, I immediately think “POSer”.

And I’m rarely wrong.


Yeah, CVMA is a “pay to play” group where just submitting your dues and buying some of that sweet-sweet merch makes you a bona fide member. I was a bit of a smart ass and realized too late that my GS-13 boss wasn’t a combat vet. He picked up slugs (commuters, not sure if the Slug Lines have resurrected post-Covid), so for a while I rode into work with him and his wife to take advantage of the Express Lanes without him having to drive with a stranger. One day, riding home, I saw a CVMA vest on a biker and asked him if he was a member, since he had a bike.

It got awkward when he told me he’d never done a combat deployment and didn’t qualify. After all, our newly hired GS-12 was a fully patched member, having retired as an Infantry NCO. I’d assumed, as a retired SGM, the GS-13 had been “over there” at least once or twice, but nope. Doesn’t matter, he did 26 years as a 42-CMF, retiring as a J/G1 SGM. Squared the heck away as my immediate supervisor putting up with a retired LTC and then a career DA Civilian GS-14.


Very surprised that we haven’t seen any Sock Puppets yet…


We can always hope. But sockpuppettry appears becoming a lost art.


Just in case y’all missed it up thread in the weeds…The Vaunted TAH As(s)teroid of Insults, maintained and posted by our wing wiping loggie Space Cowboy…ChipNASA (who we all know is not totally worthless, he makes an excellent “bad example”) 😀


Suzie B Honeymaker

So the man pretending to be Stan, as I like to call him, is still parading around draped in lies. His company knows but so far has not acted upon the information. I hope there starts to be some vindication for these women and children he has and will continue to harm. I have to focus on what my true intent was…..to bring light and expose his stolen valor and many many lies and to protect people from him moving forward. Some days are just harder than others. I’m very grateful for all of you. Some day soon I hope to start my own healing journey.


We do what we can, even if it’s just words of support. It’s a good thing you’re doing. Stay strong!

Suzie B Honeymaker

Those words of support mean more than I can ever express. Thank you.


FIRST (ht2 CW) of all, Suzie, you mis-spelled Shitlicker, it has neither an “a” or a “n”. His company may not seem to be acting on this information but trust me, they will. Eventually if not sooner. The wheels grind slowly, but they do turn. Just as the military will make sure they document transgressions before they move, thus does civilian companies. TAH (and I’m not admin or even editor, just a commentor) does not offer legal advice, per se, that’s what lawers (sic, our spelling) are for. I hope you have one, if not…get one, you have a case for recouping losses, so do the others. If nothing else, the IRS if they already haven’t, will be on his ass for the back taxes. Al Capone was unavailable for comment. You have accomplished your primary mission and brought exposure to Swineberg. Punch in his name in a Google Foo search and these articles pop right up. As our Beloved AW1Ed said, sunlight is the best disinfectant. You have already started your healing journey and each day will get better. You can’t go by the number of comments here, ’cause there’res a bunch of folks that follow/read this blog every day that very seldom or never comment. And you now have a whole new family full of folks that will stand shoulder to shoulder with you as you carry the fight forward, legally. The lying, cheating, stealing, valor thief, POS, ESADMF, Stanley Wayne Wineberg Jr. is now inherwebz famous and the inherwebz are FOREVER. Dirtbags gonna dirtbag, but the POS will run into some ol’ boy that don’t like what happened to his Baby Sister (or a pissed off Papa that has no deterrence from a prison sentence) and…well…

Don’t be a stranger (we got enough strange ones around here, *cough* Chip *cough*). We’ll be here for you!


Hey, there’s no one “Stranger” than me, Junior. 🤣


You’re “The Stranger”, Pappy…Chippy’s “The Strange One” 😀 gabaf

Suzie B Honeymaker

I truly appreciate the insight and the kindness of your response. I’m very grateful to have found this group. Sad that there are so many disgusting POS dirtbags guilty of Stolen Valor requiring exposure.
I’m planning on sticking around this site and lurking/commenting if I have some nugget to contribute 😉. Can’t get rid of me so easily!

Green Thumb

Phil Monkress has him on the radar….