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Fed Prosecutors: Woman Defrauded Military Charities

| May 3, 2024 | 22 Comments
Fed Prosecutors: Woman Defrauded Military Charities

Add to another Stolen Valor and veteran charity fraud… but once again, Stolen Valor only gets lumped in due to financial fraud. Newburgh Woman Stole Veteran-Earmarked Donations: Feds Prosecutors said the woman also falsely claimed she was injured during her military service and was a Purple Heart recipient. NEWBURGH, NY — A Hudson Valley resident […]

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Minnesota Man Accused of Stolen Valor, Collecting $100K in Veteran Benefits

| April 4, 2024 | 52 Comments
Minnesota Man Accused of Stolen Valor, Collecting $100K in Veteran Benefits

A Minnesota man is being accused of Stolen Valor as well as fraudulently taking $100K in veteran benefits from the government over a period of years. If the above Purple Heart citation is the one he used, I can’t for the life of me understand why he spelled his own first name incorrectly – plausible […]

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Jon Vigue – Another Phony Beirut Bombing Survivor

| February 5, 2024 | 281 Comments
Jon Vigue – Another Phony Beirut Bombing Survivor

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Sarah Cavanaugh Gets Reduced Sentence

| January 17, 2024 | 25 Comments
Sarah Cavanaugh Gets Reduced Sentence

We have posted about Sarah many times. This stolen valor theif has now been given a reduced sentence – nine (9) months shaved off. RI woman convicted of impersonating a sick and injured Marine gets a lighter sentence Katie Mulvaney | Providence Journal | Jan 16, 2024 PROVIDENCE – A federal judge has shaved nine […]

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Hamm Sentenced to 11 Years for Stolen Valor and Fraud

| December 8, 2023 | 31 Comments
Hamm Sentenced to 11 Years for Stolen Valor and Fraud

We wrote about Derek Hamm in the following two blogs Texas Man Indicted on Stolen Valor Derek Hamm – The Rest of the Story As a quick reminder, Hamm claimed that he had been awarded a Purple Heart, a Silver Star and a Bronze Star. He scammed a lot of people. Well, they finally got […]

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Purple Heartbreak: Living the Lie

| December 5, 2023 | 215 Comments
Purple Heartbreak: Living the Lie

Stan Wineberg lived quite the life. Claims of Green Beret, Purple Heart, Vanity Plates, etc. Over six wives were left in financial ruin. PURPLE HEARTBREAK: Fake war hero scammed state — and many others along the way By Elias Weiss, Managing Editor – Dec 4, 2023 Wineberg fronted as a Sergeant First Class in the […]

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Good news story from Illinois

| November 9, 2023 | 8 Comments
Good news story from Illinois

Hard to believe with all the nonsense that comes out of Illinois (especially Chicago, and their Legislature) but this time Illinois is getting it right. Other states would do well to follow Illinois’ example. The family of Marine Corps Pfc. Charles John Alexander was reunited with his Purple Heart after it was found in a […]

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‘Former Marine’ Arrested for False Purple Heart Application and Fraud

| September 2, 2023 | 31 Comments
‘Former Marine’ Arrested for False Purple Heart Application and Fraud

The internet lit up like a Christmas tree yesterday with stories of Paul John “PJ” Herbert, 52, of Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts as he now faces one count of theft of government money and one count of making false statements. These charges could land him up to 15 years in prison if he’s found guilty. Former […]

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