Tuesday FGS

| October 31, 2023

P08 Luger

13-year-old killed in failed carjacking attempt, police say

WASHINGTON – A 13-year-old was shot and killed after trying to carjack an off-duty federal security officer in Northwest D.C. Saturday, according to police.

Police say they responded around 10:00 p.m. on Saturday to 6th and D St NW for the report of a shooting. Officers found a juvenile male with gunshot wound injuries at the scene. He was taken to a hospital where he died.

The 13-year-old has been identified as Vernard Toney, Jr. of Southeast D.C.

Police say Toney and another teen approached an off-duty federal security officer who was sitting in his car waiting for his shift to begin.

The duo demanded the federal security officer get out of the car. Police say one of the teens was holding his hand in his front waistband pocket as if he had a handgun.

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Fox 5 DC

Teenager shot overnight in OKC after attempting to steal security guard’s gun
Authorities said the teenager is either 16 or 17 years old.

Brooke Withrow
A teenager was shot overnight in Oklahoma City after attempting to steal a security guard’s gun.

Just after midnight, police responded to a scene near Southwest 59th Street and South Pennsylvania Avenue where a person had been shot. Officials said a teenager was attempting to steal a security guard’s gun and got shot in the chest.

Police said the teenager was taken to a hospital but there is no word on their condition. Officials said the teenager is also under arrest for attempted armed robbery.

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Atlanta Police Department
Aggravated Assault: 1218 Epworth St.

Preliminary Information: On 10/28/23, around 12:25pm, officers responded to an aggravated assault at the location of 1218 Epworth St. Upon arrival, officers located a juvenile male with a gunshot wound to the leg. He was alert, conscious and breathing and transported to the hospital in stable condition. (in police custody) Preliminary investigation indicates the victim, who is an adult male, was working construction on a house when he observed the juvenile male suspect breaking into his utility vehicle. The juvenile suspect brandished a firearm and fired at the victim. The victim, who was also armed, returned fire, striking the juvenile suspect in the leg. Officers on scene placed the juvenile in custody with charges pending. The investigation continues.

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Atlanta PD

The victim selection skills learning curve is steep and unforgiving. Thanks, Gun Bunny.

It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion.
Joseph Goebbels

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Fuck around and find out, Trifecta Edition!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I’m sensing a theme in today’s FGS selections. Hmmmmmm….

But really, a 13 y.o.? The PARENTS need to be charged and tried for Junior’s (lack of) upbringing and subsequent death.
I’m hearing Elvis’ “We’re Caught In A Trap”.
(On the plus side, one less miscreant for the state to spend money on in future years – for either welfare or judicial)

LOL at “parents” as if both were really involved.


Cost of a bullet – $1
Cost savings – Priceless


Of course, these felons’ mamas all came running down the street yelling, “MAH BAYBEE MAH BAYBEE”

All future news articles will include pictures of the felons from when they were five years old.


Wrongful death civil suits in for these gud bois who dindu nuffin. Followed by the placing of statues on the Court House Squares to these “victims” of their own stupidity and lack of proper home training. Plenty of room on the Square since all of those evil Confederate War Memorials are soon to be gone.

Old Joe grins that his policies are still being used by the current “Old Joe”. I have made my opinion public that we all need to…Prepare!

“Many—perhaps most—of the original DWM pistols found in the U.S. made the trip here as wartime souvenirs.” There were several of the WWII Vets that I served with that still had theirs kept in the Arms Room back in ’71. At least two (2) of them were also carried by their owners in Korea and The Viet of The Nam Times.


I have the Luger that my grandfather brought back after WWII. I shoot it every now and then and it is a smooth shootin’ accurate as heck pistol. One thing I know for sure, however, is I’d never use it for defense. “NAZI PISTOL USED TO KILL XXXXX (enter intersectional characteristic here)” headlines wouldn’t be great before the trial.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Need to carry two 9mms. The Luger, and a High Point. The cops seize the High Point, you keep the Luger hidden.


Dad had both a Luger and a Walther P38.
He could only bring one back, and left the Luger because the P38 shot better.
(And yes, I actually just praised a Walther. KoB will be so proud of me.)


You didn’t praise them per se, Brother Graybeard…you just pointed out a fact that your Dad had discovered. The Walther that built the pistol that Dad brought back is not the same Walther that built the abomination that you had…and they certainly don’t have the same level of customer service from back then…but hey…who does?

Full disclosure…I just went and gave my Kimber Model 1911 Custom LW a hug. Let’s see….hmmmm…How many wars did Luger or Walther win? Hmmmm

All Hail His Most Saintly, John Moses Browning, Howitzer Be His Name…ALL HAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have a luger built in 1916 and modified for the Ordnung Polizei in the 1920’s. It frequently fails to fully chamber the second round when I shoot it. Perhaps, I need a new spring.


Sadly, after working in prisons the teen criminals don’t surprise me at all.
I can pretty well guarantee you that the sperm donor for each of them is no where around, and the egg donor is too busy spreading her knees to others to be very active in their raising.
I can also guarantee that at some point in the future inmates in a prison will be talking about when their homie was killed – and not be intimidated by it at all.


I still remember an assault report I took, way back in the day. The victim was an eleven year old girl. The suspect was a thirteen year old boy young man. He stuck around for the cops to show up, almost like he was really proud of what he did.
When asked why he’d done what he’d done, his reply was eye-opening, to say the least. The conversation went like this:Me, why’d you hit her with the hammer? Him, cuz she done disrespected me. And, if she diss me again, I be hittin’ her again.
His momma couldn’t understand why he went to Juvenile Detention.


I’ve met his posse.
They really don’t have a clue that they are wrong.
Why I’d have no qualms firing upon a teenager if, God forbid, I ever had to.


That is because they have adopted a value system that being a thief, burglar, drug dealer, pimp or a gang-banger is a favorable source of income.


Oops, I forgot armed robber, cuz carjacking is armed robbery.


How dare they take futere Demonrat voters out of the system.


Just because he’s dead doesn’t mean he can’t vote a straight Democratic ticket. In fact, it practically guarantees it.

Skivvy Stacker

13 years old.

When I was 13 years old I was making model airplanes, reading “Tom Sawyer”, watching “Rat Patrol” re-runs, and having night terrors that drove my parents up a wall.
But never once did I think about trying to steal anything…ANYTHING.


Well, thank God there will not be a Vernard Toney III. If that idiot had a clue where he was at he would know that is at the DC US Attorney’s building and three blocks from FBI HQ. Some serious stupid removed from the gene pool.

Hack Stone

13 year old Vernard Toney, Jr. has a long and distinguished career with the DC Juveniles Justice System. He had about ten prior arrests for armed carjackings. Looks like he was shooting (see what Hack did there?) for a Baker’s Dozen, at which point he would have turned his life around.