Stupid people of the week

| September 16, 2023

Man wanted in Georgia arrested after applying to be a cop in another state

A man wanted in Georgia has been arrested after applying to be a police officer in another state.

According to the Monticello Police Department in Arkansas, 24-year-old Justin Carter applied for an open position with their department as a patrolman through an online form. Police said when he went from Atlanta to the police department for the physical fitness test on Aug. 15, officials noticed there were some discrepancies in his physical appearance from his background check, which led to the discovery of his actual identity and a warrant for him out of Georgia.

Monticello PD said they allowed Carter to perform the physical test for pre-employment and then took him into custody immediately afterward.

Carter is currently awaiting extradition back to Georgia to face the charges against him, police said.

Source; Atlanta News First

Man jailed for raping masked intruder in home

A Melbourne man who overpowered and raped an intruder will spend at least four years in prison.

Klay Holland, 32, faced the Supreme Court of Victoria on Tuesday when he was sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment, with a non-parole period of four years and 10 months.

Holland’s victim, Shane Cox, had broken into a unit in Melton in Melbourne’s west in March 2021 armed with a knife and wearing a mask.

He had asked for money and drugs, and was allegedly linked to others who had gone to the home to stand over a resident.

Mr Cox, 36, who was high on methylamphetamine, was overpowered by Holland who was a guest at the home.

Mr Cox was beaten with a baseball bat and was incapacitated on the floor, where Holland then raped him.

His body was found at the scene under a pile of blankets a day later by police, who arrived at the property on an unrelated matter.

He was hogtied, his mouth was duct taped and his pants were pulled down to his upper thighs.

In March, a jury convicted Holland of one charge of rape, but he was found not guilty of manslaughter.

Justice Christopher Beale described Holland’s offending as premeditated and particularly humiliating.

“Your rape of Mr Cox was a callous, degrading and humiliating act of retribution,” Justice Beale said.

Holland’s mental impairment, time in prison during the pandemic and separation from his three young children were all taken into consideration for sentencing.

Part of me thinks that if you break into a dude’s house and try to rob him, the consequences of that are on you.

Source; Yahoo!

Woman who discovered her stepdad subscribed to her OnlyFans says mom ‘turned’ on her

A Newcastle, Australia woman has revealed how her OnlyFans account almost destroyed her relationship with her mother because her stepfather subscribed to her account.

Taila Maddison previously said she “ruined her mom’s marriage” with her OnlyFans account, revealing when she started on the site, she had a subscriber from the get-go who would talk to her every day.

The subscriber spent up to $2000 requesting photos of Taila’s underwear daily, content with Taila and her boyfriend, and filmed in particular rooms of their shared home.

Within two months, the user – who also had an account on TikTok with the same handle – had spent $2000. TikTok informed her the account user was also in her phone contacts.

She said she went “mental” trying to discover who it was, narrowing it down to six people – including her stepdad.

“I went with my gut feeling and I messaged the website account and I said, ‘I know who this is’,” she said on TikTok.

The account user initially denied it, so Taila said the person behind the account needed to tell her mom or she would.

“Within two minutes, [I] got a text from my stepdad saying, ‘Hey Tai can we talk?’”

The woman said her stepfather had been a part of her life since she was 11 years old.

Speaking on SBS Insight’s Sex and Subscribers episode on Tuesday night, Taila said her heart sank into her stomach when she figured out who it was.

“I went into a complete state of shock – and I probably was that way for about a week,” she said.

Taila, and her sisters, then called their mother to tell her what had been going on – she went completely silent.

Her stepfather was pleading to talk to Taila before she told her mother – so Taila called him with her mother listening on another phone.

Taila’s mom kicked the stepfather out – and Taila hasn’t had anything to do with him since.

But, it did impact her relationship with her family.

“For the first couple of weeks, he was very much the bad guy. But he then went silent on everybody, or people went silent on him,” she said.

“Both my sisters work full-time so [mom] didn’t have anybody around to take it out on because he wasn’t there. She quickly turned on me and it all became my fault and OnlyFans’ fault.”

“I was enemy number one to my family for a few months.”

But, the pair have been able to move on and Taila’s mother has moved on – adding no one in the family knows where her former stepfather was.

My biggest takeaway here is just how cheaply some women are willing to sell themselves. I’d have thought privately commissioned sex tapes would cost more than a couple grand.

Source; NY Post

California legalized jaywalking in the name of equity as Los Angeles pedestrian deaths soared

As the City of Los Angeles struggled to reduce pedestrian deaths after its deadliest year in decades, state lawmakers have repealed jaywalking laws in the name of equity. And one high-profile prosecutor questioned whether the new rules are saving any lives.

So far this year, according to the Los Angeles Police Department, the city is on track to see a reduction from 2022’s 20-year high in pedestrian fatalities. But nearly three-quarters of the deaths involved potential jaywalkers.

Deputy District Attorney John McKinney, the DA candidate who landed a life prison sentence for the man who killed rapper Nipsey Hussle, is calling the deadly results “predictable outcomes.”

“The new law, which legalized jaywalking, was enacted in January of 2023 and has already led to 19 fatalities due to unsafe crossings” out of the 26 pedestrian fatalities in Los Angeles through Aug. 7, McKinney said. “California’s pedestrian fatality rate is [already] 25% above the national average.”

McKinney, who called the new jaywalking law “equity run amok,” is running to unseat his incumbent boss, District Attorney George Gascon, in the upcoming 2024 election and has been sharply critical of soft-on-crime policies.

“Lawmakers justified legalizing jaywalking to reduce law enforcement’s contact with citizens,” McKinney said. “Supporters of the new law believed it would remove a justification for police to stop and question people in minority communities. The predictable trade-off for reducing traffic enforcement has been more deaths of pedestrians.”

California state Assembly GOP leader James Gallagher told Fox News Digital that “legalizing jaywalking is a clear example of California Democrats’ reckless disregard for public safety. Like so much of their legislation, this bill put Californians in danger in pursuit of a radical agenda to eliminate consequences for breaking the law.”

When the state’s new “Freedom to Walk Act” legalized most instances of jaywalking in the state Jan. 1, Los Angeles had just come off of its deadliest year for pedestrians in two decades, according to LAPD statistics reviewed by Streets Are For Everyone, a local nonprofit.

In 2022, 157 pedestrians died in the city, SAFE director Damian Kevitt wrote earlier this year. The grim total exceeded 2021’s number by 20%.

Traffic fatalities as a whole also passed 300 for the first time since 2003, according to the report, and cyclist fatalities also increased from 2021 totals.

The victims in pedestrian-related traffic deaths are overwhelmingly homeless, according to SAFE. They are 40.2 times more likely to be fatally struck by a car than everyone else.

Jaywalking laws were repealed, in part, because Democratic lawmakers argued that they unequally impact poor and minority communities, according to FOX Los Angeles.

“It should not be a criminal offense to safely cross the street,” State Assemblyman Phil Ting, D-San Francisco, told the outlet last year. “When expensive tickets and unnecessary confrontations with police impact only certain communities, it’s time to reconsider how we use our law enforcement resources and whether our jaywalking laws really do protect pedestrians.”

The bill put lives on the line, and a new question is whether repealing the jaywalking laws really does protect pedestrians.

“Our law only legalizes safe street crossings when no cars are nearby,” Ting told Fox News Digital. “Jaywalking in traffic is still a citable offense.”

He added that he has also supported other traffic safety measures, including adding speed cameras and lowering speed limits in certain areas.

“The Governors Highway Safety Association has said increases in pedestrian fatalities could be stopped by improving infrastructure, lowering driving speeds and focusing traffic enforcement on people who are speeding or exhibiting other dangerous driving behaviors, such as driving while distracted or impaired,” he said.

For McKinney, the change is another road bump to restoring Los Angeles’ diminished luster.

“Iconic streets and shopping plazas, once gathering places for happy residents and tourists, have recently become scenes of criminal chaos,” he said. “There is an upsurge in crime going unaddressed, leading to a feeling of hopelessness and a lack of confidence in local government.”

Source; Fox News

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Stupid Criminals, WTF?

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AT1 ret

Guy in Aus proves the meme


😂I guess that the problem was not calling the Cops coroner right away.


Lefties often express theur sick desire to geld people. Some Lefties even invent imaginary genitalia to remove.

Sick puppies.

Bubblehead Ray

The “Freedom to Walk Act” should be renamed the “Darwinism in Action Act”.


The second article was written by a moron.
We’re to assume the perp died? (not convicted of manslaughter)
What were the perp’s buddies (who had gone to the home to stand over the resident) doing while he was being ‘humiliated’?


Someone had to record it for Onlyfans.

Hack Stone

Dat’s a good one.

He fucked around. He found out.


An entirely new definition of “well and truly fooked”.


About our left/libtard “betters”:

Hack Stone

Focusing traffic enforcement on people who are speeding or exhibiting other dangerous driving behaviors… Which leads us back to disproportionately citing “people of color”. We are in a continua loop of absurdity.


Another Military Phony who went to his grave with the claim of being a Vietnam POW:

Donald Lynn Johnson of Abilene, Texas:

Donald Lynn Johnson graduated from Abilene High School in Texas in 1965.

He served about 2 years (1965-1967) as a Fireman Apprentice with the USNR.

According to his local hometown newspaper in June and July 1967, Johnson was still identified as a Fireman Appentice and was serving with the Destroyer USS Jenkins, which was part of Seventh Fleet in the Pacific and was based at Pearl Harbor.

In July 1967, the USS Jenkins participated in a 16 day Exercise outside of Thailand called Sea Dog.

We found the 1967 yearbook for the USS Jenkins…yet we could not find him in the yearbook:

3 months later after the July 1967 newspaper article about Johnson, i.e. November 1967, his engagement was announced in the same newspaper.

He was identified as only serving 2 years with the Navy and was now working at the 3M Company in Brownwood.

His 26 December 1967 wedding announcement basically stated the same.

We are speculating that he may have been indeed a “Prisoner of War”, i.e. held in a Brig at Pearl Harbor and kicked out of the Navy in 1967. For what we do not know. We do know that in his later years, he was charged with falsifying documents to obtain money he was not entitled to.

Here is his obituary. He is buried at the Texas State Veterans Cemetery at Abilene:

June 24, 1947 — July 28, 2023

Donald “Lynn” Johnson, 76 of Abilene Texas passed away July 28,2023.

“He was a Navy Seaman from 1964-1967. During his time, he was a POW, in the Vietnam war. After obtaining his freedom he was awarded 3 honors which were National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Medal (with device) and the Vietnam Service Medal.”


All hat, no cattle.


He has that thousand yard stare…. Must be legit.


That happens when you get poked in the pokey.

A Proud Infidel®™

More like a thousand-yard Meat Gazer’s stare!


Thousand zipper stare.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Sometimes a crew member wouldn’t be in a cruise book for maybe being on leave, but if the ship was at sea, I can’t see any reason that johnson wouldn’t be in the book unless he never was on the ship. Interesting that the USS Jenkins 1967 west-pac cruise book was the same year that my former USS Okinawa West Pac cruise book came out with the TAH story on phony Seal John Watts who was in the Engineering A Div. in 1967. I left A Div/ the ship in Nov of 1966 and she left for San Diego in early 1967. I wonder if anyone used the foia to try and get his record of service….


California should get rid of the laws against murder next. Those laws are crazy unjust. More black people get convicted of murder than white people and there are a lot more white people. Once those laws are gone no black people will be convicted of murder and everything will be fair again.


I am starting to see a link between stupid people of the week and bad porno plots. I am betting that there is more than a casual relationship there.


Cops of my acquaintance occasionally described incidents as “No humans involved.”

Easier to understand it these days.


Woman attacks apparently wrong 13-year-old at McD’s in L.A.:

Too W Kone

Last century (‘97) when I was a Drill Sergeant, we had a person go AWOL. About six months later they were brought back.

We had to hold on to her till the hearing to kick her out.

All day she complained about how they caught her.

Clinton had created the “deadbeat dad data base” where employers could check to see if you owed child support, and it would flag outstanding federal warrants.

She had applied to be a county prison guard, “and they illegally ran my name through the data base, because I’m not a dad!”


(the pilot is reported to be fine, so game on!)

If you happen across a missing F-35 please give the JB Charleston Base Defense Operations Center a call.

Not sure if there’s a reward for information leading to the capture of this fugitive jet but I’d def ask.

Let’s hope someone hasn’t turned it into a bass boat already.


Four (4) more reasons why Aliens don’t want to be in contact with Earthlings.