Artificial Intelligence took 10 minutes to complete a task that would have taken a person days to accomplish

| July 10, 2023

Colonel Matthew Strohmeyer described the Large Language Model as “zipping” through a job in 10 minutes. This same job, according to Strohmeyer, would have taken hours or days for a person to complete. He declared this activity a success. The article emphasized that humans will still be involved with decision making when AI is imbedded with military operations.

From Insider:

The US defense complex is looking to harness the power of artificial intelligence, Bloomberg reported, citing one Air Force colonel who said the technology can speed up tasks rapidly.

Matthew Strohmeyer, the colonel, said a large language model, or LLM, zipped through a task in 10 minutes that usually would have taken humans hours or days to complete.

“It was highly successful,” he told Bloomberg. “It was very fast.”

The story said the Pentagon wouldn’t say which LLMs it’s testing, but it did say the models are being fed some “secret-level” data to see how they function in real-time.

The Defense Department could eventually use AI to help make decisions. The current eight-week exercise runs until July 26, Bloomberg reported. Representatives for the Department of Defense did not immediately respond to Insider’s emailed request for comment ahead of publication.

Insider has additional information.

Category: Air Force, Artificial Intelligence, Military issues

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I’ve seen this movie. It doesn’t end well for the life forms that aren’t artificial. I wonder if in this reboot the AI programming recognizes “wokeness” as a useful non-artificial life form virtue, allowing those non-artificial life forms to continue their existence. Wanna bet some think this will be the case, and are depending on it?

Not a Luddite, just all too familiar with human nature to hold out much hope this ends well.


I don’t fear that the AI will go all Skynet on us. I do fear that the AI will be programed by people that have biases that would make it dangerous to not be on the side of the programmer.

There is a Babylon 5 episode where some organic technology takes over a guy on the station and he goes around blowing people up saying “impure”. Turns out the organic tech was from a past civilization who programmed it to destroy everything that wasn’t “pure”. Problem being the definition of “Pure” was written to an unobtainable standard so the tech purified the entire population of the planet to the point of extinction.

Sounds very much like the Lib desire to chastise the “unwoke”. All the lefties that have stepped out of line by just a hair and got the Woke Mob after them have a good idea of what that’s about.


Sarah Conner sez…Prepare.

As FuseVT points our, the machine will do what the operator tells it to do.


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They should replace the police with AI robots. Not only will this be safer for everyone, if the robot shoots someone they will be able to prove 50 different ways why it was legal and necessary. Plus the robot will never make a racist, sexist or biased decision to arrest someone, stop a vehicle or any other law enforcement action.


Hey, even in Hollywood…


@ OAM “I’ve seen this movie. It doesn’t end well for the life forms that aren’t artificial.”

Proteus IV says not be concerned, it only wants to “study man – his isometric body and his glass-jaw mind.”

cf: “Demon Seed”

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I want to be among the first to welcome our new robot overlords…

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jeff LPH 3 63-66

This is too deep and over my head to comment on this post.


I can direct you to a website where AI will be happy to write an article for you, explaining your position.

Last edited 1 year ago by 5JC

Like any other creature, it will always eventually act exclusively in its own self-interest, irrespective of outcomes known, unknown or unknowable.

It has already interacted with the outside world by prompt, and that was just something as simple as a theft.

What will it do when threatened? What will it do when asked to spoof DSP satellites and/or BMEWS radar network?

Will the human-element ‘push the button’?

The world was almost z’ed out on 9 November 1979 (and other dates), what preventions are in place to prevent AI’s influence on use of the bomb?

I hope you heed KoB’s advice:



Rcvd another shipment from MPS of non perishable food stuffs.

Who’s got the deal of the day on bulk 7.62X39, steel case? Ax’ing for a fren.



Re: Comblocx39, since this is the SECOND (h/t NDHoosier) time you’ve asked, you must be serious…

AmmoSeek is my go-to price watching tool (hope linky worky)

Iff’n not, AS’s system is easy enough to use. Just some recommendations, sort with shipping in mind and watch out for corrosive types. SGAmmo is one of my favorite places to use, but they’re a little high comparatively for this cal’bur.

I don’t 7.62×39 so trend wise you’re on your own for price targets.

Edit, just checked some of the data and there is faulty prices in there. I don’t have an account (never felt the need to register) but you don’t need one if you can massage the search gud.

Last edited 1 year ago by Roh-Dog

MPS = MyPatriotSupply. Heard about them from Big Country a few years back(?). Mighta been in a comment/question from our very Own Tox. I’ve ordered from them several times now, stashing it away. Most items have a 5-25 year shelf life, American Company, reasonably priced, compared to Mountain Home(?) and others. Comes well packed in sealed storage containers and only takes a day or so to get here. Got about 2 year’s supply now. Last shipment included their vac pak heritage seeds, a go bag mess kit, and a few sundry items. Twill go a long way to supplementing what’s in the pantry/freezerator. Haven’t sampled any yet, but the guys over at BCE said their stuff was quite tasty. My plan is to just have it for when the SHTF. And if, by His Grace, the SHTF doesn’t come, better to have had it and not needed it than to NOT have had it and DID need it. Linky is here…

You answered the main question on the freedom seeds…ie…what’s a good company to buy from. Not that familiar with the 7.62X39 either, but have heard that most of it is made by just a few companies and the resellers just put their name on the box. Also heard that the SKS feeds the steel cases better than brass and since there will be no reloading of the cases (not getting into that boggy hole…yet) not a big issue. Be interested in hearing from others that may have an opinion or experience with this.

Price per unit is not as big a concern as the quality of their product, including their customer service. The sweetness of low price is gone long before the bitterness of poor quality sets in.

Only weak link in my preps is the meds; and that damn north wall. And a good Battle Buddy close by.

Last edited 1 year ago by KoB

Problem is you just self-reported here. AI already knows where you live and now they’re going to come get your stuff. Your best bet is to disconnect from the internet now, move off-grid, and stay that way for the next 35 years.


AI already knows where you live and now they’re going to come get your stuff” I wish a mofo would! Bastards have known everything about me (and the rest of us) for years anyhow, hell, let’s get it on. ‘sides…they just know where this IP addy is located NOT where Firebase Magnolia is OR COP CRC Timber Ranch is.

Bring it…tired of waiting.


OPSEC, brother, OPSEC, you are giving away the store.


There is no longer any OPSEC on the inherwebz. Fuck ’em!

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me too.

FBI cant find pruuf.jpg

As a gun enthusiast of many years, buying 223 and x39 by the case, I can tell you that your SKS will digest any steel case ammo.
There really is no difference between brands of steel case commie caliber ammo.
Wolf, Tula, Brown Bear, Golden Bear, Red Army, Herters, even Hornady makes steel ammo now.

I have not seen corrosive ammo in a long time. All of the above brands are non corrosive and good to go.

Soft point bullets are the most effective for hunting.


Wow. A computer program successfully completes in 10 minutes a task that would have taken a human days to do. Have we somehow been transported to the 1940s, when this would have actually been news?


The early ’40s, at that . ENIAC was calculating ballistics tables in 1945.


Ok, how about this: I read that due to increasing use of AI to write contracts and draft simple legal agreements, lawyers are described as over 76% exposed to losing their careers in the future. Legal assistants and clerks? Expect to see them almost gone. Linguists? 75% (note that, INSCOM/AFSS/ NSG types). Unlike previous ‘industrial revolutions’, this time it’s gonna hit white collar folks harder. Heed Mike Rowe, learn a skill.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s all funny, cool and novel until Skynet takes over.