Weekend Open Thread

| July 7, 2023

A Facebook friend, who was stationed with me on my first ship, posted about a dinner experience he had out in town. Apparently, a woman sitting at a table close by had forgotten proper table manners. She was chewing her food with her mouth open and she sounded like a horse eating with its mouth constantly open while eating from a feeding bag. I used his words to instruct the AI image generator to create a horse at a restaurant eating with its mouth open. According to this individual, this image turned out to be a pretty good depiction. Enjoy your weekend.

Category: Open thread

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MY MAN! Two (2) Seconds to Third Place! And beat out the Hoosier by a gnats hair! Welp, we all know what Granny had to say about Hoosiers (*grin*)!

The Trappings of Power, a Large Kong Rat, and a toast of Mr. Miller’s Elixir for your victory.


a woman sitting at a table close by had forgotten proper table manners. She was chewing her food with her mouth open and she sounded like a horse eating with its mouth constantly open

Yeah, but did she bring cocaine to the Witless House?

After y’all do your chores: have a month’s worth of provisions stocked, med supplies, water on-hand and the capability to make more; ample Arms, shot and powder; commo, PACE plans, and PT’ed; you may draw your supper:
-Chicken, rotisseried
-potatoes, fat, rosemary and pepper, black
-slaw, cole
-Patrol Boat River (pabst) and/or yings

-Shortcakes (straw and/or blueberries available upon request)
-wife’s home made whipped cream is mandatory (and no, you may not eat it off each other)

-Anything from the bar (I recommend the bourbons)
-humidor is open (leave me A maduro)

Have a great weekend!

Last edited 1 year ago by Roh-Dog

Nice to see you guys at it. I’m over here working stuff….the roof the roof the roof is on FIRE!! OK no it’s not but a leak nonetheless. Oh well, after 20+ years and 2 sheets…we’ll see in a few days when I can get a pro out here to look at it.





Naw man, just skill by the metric shit ton!

Consolation prize: David Spade and Dana Carvey roast the recent unpleasantness.


Consolation prizes.. Makes one wonder why they didn’t give trading stamps to be cashed in later for “valuable” kitsch.

Like the good old days. S&H type stamps.




Fourth !!!


Bah! Lost by milliseconds due to first fraud by Roh-Dog.

Congratulations on ruling over the TAH Tavern for a week. Enjoy our dickweedery.



On station.


Wondered where you were going with that pic.

Commissioner Wretched

Whoa … Roh-Dog grabs the coveted FIRST this week! I can attest that the King of Battle left everything in proper order. And in deference, and respect, and all that stuff, I have the honor of leaving some trivia for you all. Please enjoy!

Did two different nations use the same flag for years, and not know it?
By Commissioner Wretched

Three cheers for the red, white and blue!

Yes, our nation celebrates another birthday this week. Two hundred forty seven years ago, on July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed, and thirteen British colonies were suddenly on their own.

No, I am aware it wasn’t as simple as that. There was a war to fight, a peace to be negotiated, and all that stuff, but once that was out of the way, here came the good old USA.

And I’m rather glad that it happened.

I do hope your Independence Day celebration was the best it could’ve been, and in honor of our nation – and you – how about some trivia? Got a fresh batch right here. Enjoy!

Did you know …

… romance in Austria in the 19th Century could be a bit nauseating? In the rural areas of the country, for example, a woman who went to a dance looking for love would place a slice from an apple into her armpit. At the end of the night, she would give the fruit to the man she most wanted to get to know. Additional trivia note: Think that’s disgusting? Consider this: if the man returned the feelings, he would eat the slice of apple. (Ewwww!)

Commissioner Wretched

… a Super Bowl kickoff had to be redone? In the first Super Bowl (then called the AFL-NFL World Championship Game) held on January 15, 1967, the second half kickoff had to be a do-over. The reason? NBC had a half-time interview with comedian Bob Hope (1903-2003) which ran long, and viewers did not get to see the kickoff – so the network asked that the kickoff be re-done. The game saw the Green Bay Packers defeat the Kansas City Chiefs, 35-10. (An interview with Bob Hope that ran long? Perish the thought!)

… a French king believed he was made of glass? King Charles VI (1368-1422), known as Charles the Mad, suffered from a delusion that he was made of glass, and he even had iron bars sewn into his clothing to keep him from “shattering” if he were to bump into another person or fall down. (His mania was rather transparent, don’t you think?)

… you may suffer from zoophobia? If you do, city life is best – you have a fear of animals. (Having grown up in a big city, I could make a comment about other types of animals … but I won’t.)

… recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a television set for three hours? (Now if there were only programs on television worth recycling the can …)

Commissioner Wretched

… two nations used the same flag for 18 years and did not know it? The nations of Haiti and Liechtenstein had identical flags of half blue and half red, but until the 1936 Olympics neither nation was aware of the other’s flag design. They discovered their flag issue when they competed against each other at the Games in Berlin that year. After learning of the faux pas, Liechtenstein changed their flag by adding a golden crown to it, leaving the blue and red flag by itself for Haiti. Haiti later added its national crest. The two countries had developed their flags totally independently of each other.

… Smokey the Bear has his own zip code? The symbol of preventing forest fires can be reached by writing to zip code 20252. (And yes, Smokey will write back to you.)

… it is against the law in Alabama to stab yourself in an effort to gain someone else’s pity? (Pretty silly and painful way to go about it as well.)

… potatoes do not have a lot of calories? According to one estimate, you would have to eat 11 pounds of potatoes to gain one pound of weight. Potatoes have no more calories than apples do. (But 11 pounds of apples would taste far better.)

… you may suffer from vestiphobia? It’s a shame if you do, though, because going outside might just land you in jail for indecent exposure. Vestiphobia is the fear of clothing. (I have a line I could use here, but it would close the show.)


Um, it’s Smokey “no ‘the'” Bear, per: 16 U.S. Code § 580p – “Woodsy Owl” and “Smokey Bear” characters and names; definitions (edit: link to Cornell)

Thanks CONgress, the opposite of PROgress!

How that extra ‘the’ happened (from wiki):

in 1952, songwriters Steve Nelson and Jack Rollins had a successful song named “Smokey the Bear” which was performed by Eddy Arnold. The pair said “the” was added to Smokey’s name to keep the song’s rhythm. During the 1950s, that variant of the name became widespread both in popular speech and in print, including at least one standard encyclopedia, despite Smokey Bear’s name never officially changing. A 1955 book in the Little Golden Books series was called Smokey the Bear and he calls himself by this name in the book.

now YOU know!

Last edited 1 year ago by Roh-Dog
Commissioner Wretched

I stand corrected!!


Just messin’ CW. I love trivia and your work is fantastic.

I just remember the kittens had in the 2012-2014ish timeframe when the Ad Council was trying to break the people of adding the ‘the’.

Always wtf with these government programs.

Thank goodness for liquor.

Last edited 1 year ago by Roh-Dog

Smokey Bear is still standing Fire Watch on (no the) USFSS (United States Forest Service Ship) America. Another beloved character that folks want to add a “the” to is Huckleberry Hound. There was a “the” in the cartoon “The Huckleberry Hound Show”. My speckled pup (mostly beagle, partly bull dog, and all around batch of hell) was named Huckleberry The Hound, Huckleberry coming from the Tombstone Motion Picture (I’m your Huckleberry), and The Hound from him being…well…The Hound. I always listed my phone number in the book as HTH ******, getting a kick out of telemarketers calling to speak with Mr.******. I’d ask “Which one?”. “Mr. HTH ******.” “Hold on a minute I’ll get him…he’s out chasing a squirrel and licking his nuts right now.” Good Times! Not having a SSAN for him is the only thing that kept me from applying for an unsolicited credit card or loan. Just like his adopted Daddy, he was an original in a world of copies and a sho ’nuff Babe Magnet. “Oh, how cute!” “Well, Thank you, how about my puppy?” Worked.every.damn.time! A constant and loyal companion from his birth on this date in history 7 July 1995, (the 7th son of a 7th son on the 7th day of the 7th month, the only White with Black Markings in a litter of black and tans) until he was possibly poisoned by a vindictive final former Mrs. Gun Bunny on 5 Nov 2006. I grieve for him to this day.

Happy Birthday in Heaven Huck, I’ll see you again.

ps…another great job on the trivia, CW. Little dusty in here now.

Dennis - not chevy

The sales rep’s at street markets, county fairs, dog & pony shows, etc tell me to enter their drawings for whatever and go on to tell me there’s no cost or obligation. They just want to show me their product and no one will contact me. I always enter my dog’s name. I like messing with sales reps and the dog always appreciates getting mail.


Damn sorry to hear about the pup King. if she did that to him, may she rot in hell. anyone that’d hurt an innocent up deserves an eternity of pain..

Commissioner Wretched

… American television programs are pretty violent? Yeah, you already knew that. But to prove the point, I invite you to consider The A-Team. The popular show about Vietnam veterans on the lam from the law, which ran in the U.S. from 1983 to 1987, was offered internationally and picked up by a German broadcaster. However, the show’s tendency toward over-the-top violence was so strong that of the series’ 98 episodes, only 26 were aired in Germany. (Of the 26 they aired, most were incomprehensible anyway, at least until translated into German.)

… the nation with the most islands would probably surprise you? You might think it was Indonesia or another South Pacific island group. No, it’s actually Sweden. The nation of Sweden has 221,800 islands. Of these, only 1,000 have people on them.

… scientist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) had some pretty odd beliefs? For instance, the man who gave the world alternating current would not speak to women who wore pearls. (I don’t know why, maybe he was a fan of oysters.)

… fireworks can be pretty dangerous? Oh, you were aware of that. Well, consider this: the fireworks display at the 1770 wedding of France’s King Louis XVI (1754-1793) and Marie Antoinette (1755-1793) went wrong and caused the deaths of 100 people. (There’s room here for a line about a bang-up wedding, but I’m not going to do it.)

… diamonds can be made from peanut butter? Diamonds, the hardest natural substance known, are simply carbon that has been heated to very high temperatures and compressed by great pressure. If you take something rich in carbon – like, say, peanut butter – and subject it to that tremendous pressure and heat, you get a diamond. (Plain or crunchy?)

Now … you know!

RGR 4-78


The good old days of s#!tbags and sock puppetry.


I would like to use the WOT forum to propose a new word for the English language:

hunter (verb): to leave behind important items, particularly incriminating evidence, due to being in a drug-induced stupor.

Example: “He would have gotten away with it, but he huntered his notebook and the cops found it.”

Last edited 1 year ago by NDHoosier

I don’t always visit the White House but when I do I hunter some coke in a cubby located in a common area that somehow doesn’t have video cameras.


I don’t say anything to anyone, anymore when they’re doing something really rude or stupid. I just film it. When they ask me why I’m filming it I tell them the truth I’m going to put it on the internet and make money off of their stupid or rude behavior. Doesn’t hurt that I’m kind of a large guy and so nobody has threatened to beat my ass yet, or even tried, but that day is coming.


My Navy chose this holiday to beclown itself. What is wrong with this poster?

NAVY 4TH.jpg

Russian aircraft & ship depicted!


The Winnah! Kashin DDG and SU-35 Flankers- nicely done PACFLT PAO.


comment image


To be fair, silhouette target ident is harder than not bringing cocaine to the Whyyyyyy House.


They didn’t even try.


That’s not fair, I’m sure Hunter tried to not bring coke to the White Bolivian Flake House but he is only human.

Which leads me to a second point, I think Hunter is using he/him pronouns not they/them.

We here at the TAH WOT:FoF Throne Room and Leftover Fireworks Emporium appreciate the timely response and information but we want to remind all knaves, knavettes, and non-conforming knavekin, that proper usageing of pronouns, just like BL, do in fact Matter.

Buckeye Jim

left-handed salute?


You think they’d learn.


Is that a pic of AOC before anybody heard of her?


Riding tomorrow, I make it every year, sometimes the I am only one. His funeral was my last mission before retirement.


Great ride, great turnout, the whole SAPPER (MTN) company bused up from Bradford VT.

20230708_110052 3.jpg
Green Thumb

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) works balls while avoiding calls seeking clarification of his highly questionable and potentially felonious claims with his new batch of Phildo Supporters as they steal from the American Taxpayer under the guise of his Navy SEAL status, Native American heritage and Law Enforcement appointment to gain taxpayer-funded contracts for their “less than awesome” endeavors and work.

And the Phildo knows where the meat pole goes, in the American Taxpayers collective asshole.

And the new batch of Phildo Supporters should know better. But, hey, free cash, drugs and no real oversight to show some backbone send a strong message.

Will not be before to long that Phildo or one his supporters do / claim the transgender thing to squeak out a few more bucks from the citizens of this country…..

A Proud Infidel®™

I count myself “PRESENT” as I award myself yet another Honorary First.


Epstein did not kill himself.
WHOSE cocaine was that which was found in that wing of the White House?


Oh boy.
I really hate when the phony watch involves politics and politicians.
But here we go again.

Another phony pursuit in my area.
Another election.
Another County Commissioner race.

It’s already out of my hands,
but I provided online advice and assistance to others.

3 guys now running for 2 County Commissioner seats in November.
All 3 are veterans.
All 3 are touting their service.
All 3 have service photos.

Trouble is….
1 of the 3 touts war service in Afghanistan….
and the photos I was asked to review,
with help from others,
we have proven that his “Afghanistan” photo was taken in ARIZONA.
(Background benchmarks gave it away,
for anyone who has trained at this desert site in Arizona.)

Arizona Rambo proof has been handed over to the OTHER 2 candidates.
Their 2 circles, as well as the county committee,
are now taking care of this.

I do not know if anyone gets his FOIA before November.
I do not know when this springs up in the news,
or the online chatter.

But it’s promising, and likely to affect an election outcome.

Enjoy your weekend with some Whitesnake.
120 million views.


the 3 outed phonies and major embellishers
in Pennsylvania’s May 2020 primaries….
And lost.

All 3 have receded into their respective rabbit holes,
and stopped showing up to speak or grandstand
at their local area school boards,
county commissioner meetings,
and political events.

Hack Stone

The WOT has been up for almost 24 hours and it still has not broken the 50 comment barrier? What happened, did This Ain’t Hell accept Anheuser-Busch as a corporate sponsor?


We have heard that some are blaming the current title holder and occupant at TAH WOT:FoF Throne Room and Discount Marital-Aid Store but in fact we can show with volumes upon volumes of empirical evidence, provided by Congresscritter Schiff with an unnamed lawer and uncontrolled landing aficionado doing our statistical chart reading, that in fact the issue causing such a low turnout for our WOT is systemic racism caused by climate change.

And a lingering hangover from Pride Month.

That is all, carry on.

RGR 4-78

The WOT’s not hot this weekend. 🤔 


I would highly doubt that, Hack Stone. One thing that took away some comments could be the lack of whines from a certain poster in re of the vast chicken wing conspiracy to deny said poster a shot at the coveted EARNED NEVER AWARDED TAH Friday Open Thread FIRST. The bitching and moaning on that subject is always worth several comments by itself.

Could also be the shortage of keyboard ribbon ink.


It amuses us here at TAH WOT:FoF Throne Room and Return-to-Sendered Father’s Day Cards Repository with the outrageous claims of ‘vast chicken wing conspiracies’.

We will overlook the insolence and affronts to our reign.

Due to budget cuts and unforeseen increases of ice cream prices, any and all requests to draw ribbon ink are summarily denied.

We relish any inconveniences this causes the TAH serfs.

Commissioner Wretched

At least they’re not blaming the trivia.  😉 


Currently in KoB’s AO
see you later


DaHell?!? Come see me Graybeard. I’ll grill us some of the fatted beast while you bake me a cake. *grin* I’m dead center of the State of God’s Country. We’ll have refreshing beverages and talk trash about (BEAT) Navy.


Wish I had the time brother.
On the flip-flop with 5 grands after a week long construction mission to Kentucky with 43± friends and family form the GB Compound AO. Quick trip to Baby Sister to see her and hubby and meet her two daughters in law with three children between them I have never seen.
Gotta have eldest granddaughter home for a Monday appointment. Looking at a 14 hour trip Sunday.
Getting too old for those.


Enjoy spoiling them babies and visiting with beloved family, Graybeard. Drive carefully and let us know when you’re back safe at the GB Compound.


^^^ What he said! ^^^




Mrs. GB, our oldest 5 grandchildren, and I have returned to the GB Compound safely.
Hung a lot of 5/8″ 12′ fire-rated sheetrock in a church in Mt. Vernon, Kentucky. Sanctuary walls were 13-ish feet. Lots of walls in hallways and classrooms.
Our team this year was only 43 folks. We were running 3 to 4 crews of drywall workers, one electrical crew and one plumbing crew, plus our kitchen crew.
Youngest this trip was 2 years old, oldest in late 80’s.

Baby Sister and family in Atlanta are doing well. Got to meet the niece-in-laws and great-nephews and -neice, eat some grilled beef-beast (thx Bro-in-law!)

15 hour drive from Atlanta to GB Compound, but we made it with only a few missed turns, quickly rectified.


Thanks for the update sit/rep, GB. Glad you made it back safely. Long haul, no doubt, Tx-Ky-Ga-Tx…and all the states between. And no time for sight-seeing. 🎶Been driving all night, my hands wet on the wheel🎶 Been there; done that…way yonder too many times. Too old for it now, DAMNIT! I-20 to I-59 and/or I-65 to I-10? Several tricky heading changes along those routes. Add the tourists and all the folks that had to be back at work FIRST (ht2 R-D) thing this morning? I’ll take a hard pass.

BZ to you and the crews for what y’all did for the Kentucky Folk’s Church. One day The Master Builder and Former Jewish Carpenter will give you your reward and say “Well done, ye good and Faithful Servant.”


I-20 to Shreveport and cross-country from there to I-59 to Lufkin then cross-country to the GB AO. We come into the GB Compound a bit faster than otherwise.
I’m surprised I was able to drive the whole way. We took breaks periodically (like when we needed to eat or fill up with gas) and that helped.

I could write a treatise on how this group (mostly family with some friends-almost-family) teaches the next generation construction skills, work ethic, faithfulness to God, service to others, and how to have some really crazy fun through these trips. They’ve been doing them 43 years now, all over the continental US. (A few have done some overseas projects as well.) Just a group of country folks with our country humor doing what we can.

The big thing we try to model and teach is using the gifts God has given you to serve in Jesus’s Name wherever He points you to serve. (And watch to see Him pointing!)


 :saluting: 😇