Amateur hour

| September 14, 2009

US gunship watches an IED being placed in the roadway while they hold fire.

This is why you keep the clacker in your pocket when you’re setting up your claymore mine;

Category: Terror War

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SSG David Medzyk

LOL!! I love it when a crappy plan comes together :D:D


LMAO!! Maybe Achmed should have connected the wires last?

Old Tanker

I LOVE happy endings!!!


DT!DT! Nothing better than a dead Tango. Too bad, soo sad.

Frankly Opinionated

That is how those IED thingy’s are supposed to work. They finally got it right.
nuf sed


Was this in Afghanistan or Iraq? Also this should be referenced to anything that Andre Shepard story about the ‘evils’ of those Apache helicopters.

Also bet you twenty bucks that someone will try to say that they where innocent and that the helo really fired a missile at them.


On a side note that video system is the most un-user friendly I have seen. I had to go find another one of it on youtube.


“Pay attention. I’m only goona show you how to do this on…..”

Wyatt Earp

And most libtards would not take notice that the crew had the child’s interests at heart here. So much for our “eeevvviiilll troops.”

The Sniper

Never have the words “whoa, never mind” sounded so sweet.


What you have here folks, is a classic case of reaping what you sowed. I wonder how those 72 goats are working out for them …

B Woodman

Like watching a movie about the “Titanic”. You know what’s coming up, you’re just waiting for it to happen.
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of a***s.


Glad to see the kid did not get hurt, granted he could turnout to be a terrorist, but until he crosses that line he is innocent in my book.

B Woodman

Another thing. . . .
I could’t believe that those Muzzies were planting an IED right under the very lens of the camera.
What was flying up there? A UAV at 5000 ft? Wouldn’t be surprised.
If it was anything else (i.e., a Blackhawk), then I WOULD be surprised.