The War Against Terror

| September 14, 2009

Fox News reports that a task force of law enforcement officers took down a suspected cell of terrorists in New York City this weekend;

Law enforcement agents raided residences in New York City before dawn Monday as part of a terrorism investigation.

One senator briefed Monday by federal law enforcement authorities on the raids said a terrorist attack was not believed to be imminent.

Fox News also reports that a SEAL force conducted a raid in Somalia to take down a terror leader;

Navy Seals from US Special Operations Forces conducted a raid in southern Somalia on Monday that killed Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, one of 4 co-conspirators wanted in the 2002 bombing of an Israel owned hotel in Mombasa, Kenya, two senior U.S. military officials told Fox News.

Ten days ago President Obama signed the Execute Order for Nabhan….

That’s a war against terror I can support and anyone who wants to take real action against terrorists has my complete support.

Of course, if Bush were still president, and I was an opposition blogger, I’d try to make the argument that he’s only trying to take the focus off of his domestic agenda failures – I’m not making these allegations against President Obama. I hope this president continues to make these kinds of decisions regardless of the political circumstances.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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I don’t care who is sitting int he White House, just like the fact we are not sitting on our asses, but taking the war to the enemy.

Good work, guys.


JTTF raid happened 5 blocks away from me, I thought it was odd with the News Helicopters today.


You mean President O’Dumbo’s media lap dogs had prior knowledge of the raid on the nest of ‘suspected’ terrorists. I’ll believe this wasn’t a setup to cover O’Dumbo’s week/8 months of screwups when they arrest the terrorists and seek the death penalty.


“That’s a war against terror I can support and anyone who wants to take real action against terrorists has my complete support. ”

Roger that.