China in talks with Cuba regarding joint military training facility

| June 21, 2023

Beijing and Havana are reportedly in talks about a joint military training facility in Cuba. This arrangement, if it is put into action, would give the Chinese Army a location to conduct training in Cuba. This would appear to be an extension of what the Chinese reportedly are already doing in Cuba. Team Biden has mentioned the fact that China has a base in Cuba from which they could conduct spying activities.

From Politico:

According to a senior U.S. official, Beijing and Havana are discussing what kind of training would take place at the facility and what the leadership structure would look like. Biden administration officials have brought up these talks with their counterparts in Beijing and Havana. It’s unclear, however, how far along China and Cuba are in their chats about the prospects for a deal, the official said.

Asked for comment, an administration official said the U.S. “can’t confirm on that reporting or comment on that specifically. We continue to be concerned about [China’s] longstanding activities with Cuba,” adding that Beijing “will keep trying to enhance its presence in Cuba, and we will keep working to disrupt it.”

The officials were granted anonymity to discuss a highly classified intelligence issue. The Wall Street Journal was first to report on the negotiations.

The revelation comes on the heels of Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s trip to China where on Monday he met with paramount leader Xi Jinping. While both men said the talks were fruitful, though devoid of clear deliverables, China refused to reestablish military-to-military communications like Washington wanted.

Asked about the report of the Cuba training base talks on Tuesday, Blinken told reporters he had made it “very clear” during his meetings in China this week that Washington has “deep concerns about PRC intelligence or military activities in Cuba.”

Politico has the balance of the story.

Category: China

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They don’t even need it. They have spy bases right inside the United States. Enough Chinese have crossed the southern border to keep them occupied for decades.


“Infiltrators came up illegal through Mexico… ”

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

Another foreign policy opportunity to excel for Joe’s Handlers!



Old tanker

How long do you think it will take before china moves nuke missiles into Cuba?


About a week.
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jeff LPH 3 63-66

Still in high school during the cuban blockade in 1962. graduated in 1963. Alot of the LPH-3 crewmembers had their hitch extended when I was aboard.


Cold War never ended as far the Chicoms are concerned.
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So the Chicomms are going to build a base in Cuba… just in case they need to… cross a relatively narrow body of water… to get onto American soil… necessitating a confrontation with Florida man?

IMVHO, the PLA/CCP need to start a gofundme to fast track this!

Edit, future headline: All of China Army Invades FLA! Whole army wiped out in less than 12 hours when online rumor incorrectly stated ‘chicomm soldiers have meth hidden in their brainstems’

Last edited 1 year ago by Roh-Dog

And in other news…

Five suspected PLA infiltrators were found partially eaten by a homeless man on bath salts on the side of I-95 near Miami.
In an incident that brings back memories of Ramree Island in 1945, over 500 suspected Chinese soldiers were chased into the Everglades by a group of meth heads who stole the catalytic converters off of their vehicles before accusing them of being shadow people and stealing the insoles from their shoes. Twenty survivors were found by a group of LBGTQ boaters heading to Key West for Pride Month, where they were allegedly sold to Dog Mask Colonel for an undisclosed amount.
An undisclosed number of suspected PLA managed to traverse Florida but unfortunately ended up the wrose for wear. The groups found wandering around the training areas of Eglin AFB, Pensacola NAS, Fort Benning, and Fort Stewart were the fortunate ones. It is suspected that thousands of others disappeared in the back woods of the Florida Panhandle, Alabama, and Georgia. An eyewitness claims that he heard a local man shout, “These Colors don’t run, Boy!” before hearing gunshots. Later, he claimed to have seen local farmers lining up at the Sheriff’s Office for free hog feed.

Last edited 1 year ago by fm2176

The above article bought to you by AI CHAT GPT and fact checked by MSNBC+.


I guess when the PLA starts marching down Pennsylvania Ave folks will realize that the Chinese Communists are NOT our friends and that their goal is world domination.



Same sh*t, different commies.
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