Chinese troops infiltrating through U.S. southern border?

| June 17, 2023

Among the illegal aliens crossing the southwest border are Chinese nationals. Information from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency indicate an increase of Chinese nationals found to be crossing the border into the U.S. Many of these individuals are of war fighting age. Representative Mark Green commented on the possibility that they are being sent, by China, similar to how the Russians infiltrated military men into Ukraine.

From Newsweek:

During a press conference, Green noted that there had been “a massive surge in Chinese nationals” crossing the southern border, claiming “many of whom are military-age men, many with known ties to the PLA, ties to the CCP.”

Public data from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency shows 2023 has seen a spike in encounters of Chinese nationals at the southern land border compared to the previous years–when border crossings were overall lower due to coronavirus pandemic restrictions.

As of April, there had been a total of 9,854 encounters in the fiscal year-to-date, which runs from October to September, rising sharply from February. In 2022, there were 2,176 encounters.

While over 1,500 of these were individuals in a family unit, the vast majority (8,304) were single adults–though a breakdown of age and what proportion are male is not given. Neither has the government publicly stated if any were believed to have ties to Beijing.

Asked about the credibility of Green’s claim, Rebecca Grant Ph.D., a national security analyst at IRIS Independent Research, told Newsweek that she personally believed it to be true, referencing the likelihood of some immigrants having ties to the Chinese state given the many Chinese nationals already in the U.S.–5.4 million in 2021, according to Migration Policy Institute figures.

“If you’re a bad guy that wants to infiltrate operatives into the U.S.A., the southern border is a pretty easy way to do it,” she added.

Newsweek has additional information on this story.

Category: China, Illegal Immigrants

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Just like the commies in Red Dawn


Col. Tanner said it best…
Done of this is by accident. Joe Zee Ping has SOLD US OUT!!!

“…illegals came up through Mexico…”

Last edited 11 months ago by HT3

“Infiltrators came up illegal from Mexico… “– not that we need a secure border or anything.

Last edited 11 months ago by Anonymous

The Chinese are in negotiations with Cuba to set up a “training” base on the north side of the island. Puts them back at 90 miles from Florida……. 😳 


They’ll put missiles in there next.
comment image

Last edited 10 months ago by Anonymous

Just sayin’:
comment image


Everyone else is.


Said it before, I’ll say it again, our number one threat for this next go-’round is reduction of our electric grid via various means that could lead to Clusterfuck par excellence, resulting in up to 90% mortality from sea to shining sea.

To think that prepositioned supplies to effect that ain’t here is idiotic.

Our troops would have to disengage the world and come back here post haste if we are to have a nation once more ‘gain.

Of course it goes without saying, I have no inside knowledge but paranoia shouldn’t be dismissed out-of-hand just because ‘it makes you feel icky‘, we’ve seen this movie

To quote our Arty guy: Prepare.

US fore pol flow.png

Ammo, canned food and gold. Buy now, avoid the rush.


Wait, a second, you are saying if they make enough from us buying their stuff they won’t destroy the world?


Probably not. Buy some cigarettes too.


Good suggestions from Major Kong.


“He who panics first panics best” –Origin unkn


Hey, we can always use more ramen or canned corn but not having ammo if needed would really suck.


Dinty Moore beef stew.


It’s coming, shore as God made little green apples. Those such as the SPAPOS that are so consumed by their hate of all things Trump, or Boomer, so blinded by having their heads up their asses that they can’t see the sh^t on the end of their noses will welcome the very ones that will kill them when their usefulness if over. It’s sad that they don’t know their history or realize what is coming.

Do the math. If only 10% of these 8K are “sleeper agents” that’s 800 some odd that could be divided into teams and scattered across the country, hitting critical bridges, power plants, telecom sites, etc. And we won’t even discuss the millions of other illegals that have NO loyalty to this Country or even need for the freebies that are given away by the taxpayers. They’ll just become scavengers of the leftovers. Doing more math using the 150K some odd mooselums that poured in after the afghy fiasco, 10% of them is 15K. That’s an assload of “Special Teams” whose stated purpose is the Death of America.

The power mad, money hungry despots that control this Country now will burn the place down so they can rule over the ashes. What THEY don’t realize is that their bodies will be used to feed the flames of the fire that they themselves started.

Trump was not their target…We, The People are. He was just in the way. Odd that all of the things people were thinking he would do, Xiden & Co are doing.

Prepare. No one is coming to save us.


Green is a moron. Her entire basis for this is “many” are fighting age. Her claim that they have ties to the CCP or the PLA are bullshit.

The reason we are seeing a spike in Chinese migration is because Xi JinPing is becoming more and more authoritarian and targeting dissenters, and he demonstrates mistrust and animosity toward any educated or influential Chinese that are not open supporters of his regime.

Xi is ambitious, sociopathic, and ruthless.

People are trying to escape.

As for “fighting age” immigrants. MOST illegal immigrants are fighting age, and MOST are men. Because it requires a pretty rigorous trek or being transported by criminals with a reputation for kidnapping or sexually exploiting women who they are transporting.

Women are less likely than men to attempt illegal migration, unless left with no choice, because women take significantly greater risks than men attempting to illegally migrate.

Last edited 11 months ago by Commissar

And you know this is bullshit how? I mean I’m good at figuring shit out most days but I’m not a medium with a crystal ball and can look in the minds of men and figure out what they are doing and why.


Corporate girlboss dipsh*ts (susceptible to CEI/ESG stupidity) are responsuble for Leftist policies gone wild lately.

Army-Air Force Guy

I don’t know why everybody’s getting so upset. Why, Secretary Mayorkas says the border’s secure.🙄


um hmm, sure it is.

laurel hardy.gif

More liberal/progressive/democrat talking points. Remind me once again just who is the brainwashed cult follower. You’re a fraud.


His training manual…


So these dissidents just swim to Mexico and walk to the US Border?
If you really are that much trouble to the CCP, you’re either in jail or no access to any funds because of social credit score/digitized currency.
Somebody is paying their freight?
DNC/CCP/CNN/MSNBC (birds of a feather)?


becoming more and more authoritarian and targeting dissenters, and he demonstrates mistrust and animosity toward any educated or influential Chinese that are not open supporters of his regime.”..
You just did a great job of describing Biden (or those controlling him) and the american left there Commissar..


Um, Green is a he, unless HER first name is Mark! Which, now that I think about it, makes sense in today’s world.

So even though most criminals sneaking across our Southern boarder are naturally fighting aged men, due to the rigors involved with the trip, that’s where you see it stop? None of them are coming here for nefarious reasons?

Luckily for me and mine, We’re not in a population center that would be a natural target rich environment. All of you that are, might want to stay vigilant. Unless Commissar is correct and you have nothing to fear.


I don’t think he is aware that most Republicans believe in only two genders and the ones with twigs and berries are boys.

But that is ok, he also knows more about people crossing the border than the chair of the House Armed Services Committee. He neatly parsed the quote as well removing this pertinent part:

“many of whom are military-age men, many with known ties to the PLA, ties to the CCP.

He also swallowed the salami juice from panel of intelligence experts that said the Biden laptop wasn’t real.


“Salami Juice”!!! 😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣!!! I’m stealing from that!!!

Commissar Pooper's Narcissism

Upon examining the additional posts, I have concluded that I got my ass kicked. I further conclude that if I try to correct you guys, that I will continue to get my ass kicked. Because nobody wants my superior knowledge, I refuse to participate any further. 

A Proud Infidel®™

As usual, you’re being the village idiot running his mouth at full turbo with no clue that you’re just a useful idiot to them that they’ll dispose of at the first opportunity.

Forest Bondurant

For you, Commissar…


I disagree that our border is in devastating condition.”— Sheila Jackson Lee

For a list of some of the greatest hits from the senior congresswoman from Texas:


Shiela Jackson Lee – Whiz Wheel®™ base score: 32. / s


I think she’s the one who suggested the Mars rover go over to where the astronauts planted the flag.


It wasn’t on camera so it didn’t happen. She did however say that people can live peaceably together just like North and South Vietnam. They just have a difference of opinion.


Just give me their names. I’ll run them through the KAL-55B Whiz Wheel®™ and if their base score is more than 25, they’re sleeper agents. / s


These are the 3 they’ve found so far:
Fuk Yu
Won Hung Lo
Sum Ting Wong



The Whiz Wheel®™ says No Winners yet:

Fuk Yu – 15
Won Hung Lo – 16
Sum Ting Wong – 18

Last edited 11 months ago by Claw

Here’s the first winner/sleeper agent:

(English) I bumped into the coffee table.

(Chinese) Ai Bang Mai Fu Kin Ni

Base Score: 28

The name was also plugged into a CRM-114 for authentication. Same Score. / s

Last edited 11 months ago by Claw

Sum Dum Goy
Hui Wang
Long Hung Dong


Yet again, Sorry, no winners/sleepers yet.

Sum Dum Goy – 18

Hui Wang – 14

Long Hung Dong – 19


Ho Li Fuk

His Cousins…

Ai Fuk Chin

Ai Fuk Yu

Sum Fuk Yu

Ai Di Ho


Nope, no sleepers yet. Scores in descending order are:

17, 15, 21, 17, 20 and 10. / s


Wonlong Huang


No way! How could that be possible when our Southern boarder is secure?

FC2(SW) Ron

Anyone catch this a couple of years ago? 10,800 Assault Weapons Parts Seized by CBP in Louisville | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Also, check out Brad Thor’s book Act of War.

FC2(SW) Ron

I agree he’s a douchebag and I don’t agree with his politics even a little bit (learned them after the fact). But, the story is worth reading and has some parallels to the Chinese ballons this year. Hydrogen balloons to be filled and launched within CONUS with EMP devices attached. All plausible.


Don’t care about Thor’s politics. I care about his backing of a complete and utter shitbag like John “Shovels” Giduck, who was the second winner of our Ballduster McSoulpatch award. You have to be a real piece of shit to beat out Paul Wickre, but Giduck pulled it off. And Thor went to bat for that cocksucker (Giduck) even after Giduck sued SOCNET for calling out his bullshit. So, to reiterate:
Fuck John Giduck
Fuck Paul Wickre


Last edited 11 months ago by MustangCPT
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Almost wish I’d been there to find some of those parts before they were seized.

Or Wood you rather have your parts seized, B man?