Short take Thursday: Perry gets 25, Biden warns, Mayorkas lies
SGT Daniel Perry was sentenced to 25 years Wednesday for murdering an Austin protester, Garrett Foster.
On April 7, a Travis County jury found Perry guilty of murder in the July 2020 death of Black Lives Matter protestor Garrett Foster, and not guilty of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon for allegedly threatening to drive his vehicle towards another person.
Perry’s attorney defense team responded:
As part of the appeal we will be able to focus on the evidence that was kept from both the grand jury and trial jury including (1) repeated instances in which Mr. Foster, along with his friends, harassed and terrified other motorists in an effort to take over the streets of Austin and (2) the fact that Mr. Foster was dismissed from the air force for mental health reasons and prohibited by the military from possessing firearms for those same reasons. We expect the appeal will also focus on the allegations from decorated homicide detective David Fugitt that Travis County District Attorney Garza tampered with his grand jury testimony in this case as well as evidence of admitted trial jury misconduct that certainty (sic) could have influenced the ultimate verdict. It is also hoped that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton will now be in a position to initiate an investigation into the criminal witness tampering allegations against Mr. Garza by Detective Fugitt.
Testimony was unanimous that Foster never actually aimed his weapon at Perry, which hurt his defense. Now, I’m not too sure the first two points they raised are really relevant to a self-defense claim – it’s not your place to know if a possible assailant is legally armed or not. But that alleged suppressed evidence is a whole other matter – if true, the DA could be looking at disbarment. Wouldn’t be the first Soros-backed DA to lose their job this month. Texas governor Abbott has promised to pardon Perry preemptively – guess he knows more of the evidence than we do?
Tonight at 11:59 pm, Title 42 will be allowed to expire.
First implemented in 2020, Title 42 allows US authorities to swiftly expel would-be migrants attempting to cross the border from Mexico – including those seeking humanitarian asylum – using the Covid-19 pandemic as justification.
Joe Sanchez, the regional director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, compared the situation to a stampede at a football game – only many times larger.
“Imagine 60,000 people in one location, and all of a sudden an alert comes on and says there’s a bomb in the building. What happens after that? Chaos… It’s very hard to control and very hard to manage,” he told the BBC.
Estimates of illegals poised for a run at the border are far higher than 60,000, too – the mayor of El Paso estimates 10,000 there alone. BBC via Yahoo There were over 11,000 Border Patrol/illegals encounters Tuesday alone.
What’s PINO Joe have to say? President Joe Biden put it simply Tuesday: “It’s going to be chaotic for a while.” His plan to manage them?
After more than 11,000 migrants were caught crossing the southern border on Tuesday, the Biden administration is now preparing a memo that will direct Customs and Border Protection to begin releasing migrants into the U.S. without court dates or the ability to track them, according to three sources familiar with the plans. NBC News
Think Bette Davis said it better in “Three Faces of Eve”: “Fasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy night”.
But fear not: Immigration chief Mayorkas thinks they are on the ball and ready to handle however many (hundreds of ) thousands try to cross.
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas touted the “effectiveness of our approach” to stem the flow of migration at the US-Mexico border Wednesday, while criticizing Congress for failing to pass legislation to repair “a broken immigration system.”
And he repeated a direct warning to migrants seeking to enter the U.S., warning that just because Title 42 expires Thursday, that “does not mean our border is open.”
Yeah, the fella who stood behind our Border Patrol agents and accused them of whipping Haitian immigrants says it’s all hunky-dorey. I feel better.
Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Border, Crime
“while criticizing Congress for failing to pass legislation to repair “a broken immigration system.”
Congress did legislate: it was called ‘Building the Wall’ you useless, traitorous, simpleton.
Yesterday Biden said that he had requested a lot of money to improve security at the border but that the Republicans had voted it down and so it was all their fault. But the Whitehouse website says that they increased finding by a billion dollars (17%) and hired 600 new agents this year.
Not sure which lie to believe
Why don’t they just send those newly hired 87,000 armed IRS agents to the border to construct lists of new “citizens” and potential taxpayers.
Those illegals will be working under the table and not paying taxes, that’s for sure.
Many will pay taxes. Maybe under your name or someone else’s.
Fuck Mayorkas!!!
This is all the plan to bring MILLIIONS of illegals and replace the current US population. It doesn’t matter what color you are, US Citizens have too many rights and they know it. Elites want to replace you and me with 3rd World refugees that will be happy to eat bugs, never own a home, and work until the day they die. They won’t ask questions, and the ‘vote’ they way the elites want. COVID gave the government a taste of tyrannical power, and they ALL LOVED IT…FUCKING LOVED IT. They’re sterilizing this generation with their gender ideology and flooding the country with another 10 to 15 MILLION illegals before the 2024 election. Meanwhile the US will launder another $10 to $15 BILLION in Ukraine. I’d say Fuck this Biden Administration in the ass, but they’d love it.
“The spice must flow.”
Official statement from The White House.
You Be The Judge.
“NYC Considers Closing Off City Streets To Shelter Illegal Immigrants After Title 42 Expiration”
“…New York City is reportedly considering closing down some city streets to temporarily shelter migrants after running out of available housing for asylum seekers.”
“A Memo reveals NYC officials are reviewing plans to block off large sections of the street to aid the thousands of migrants seeking shelter in New York.”
“The memo suggested placing shipping containers or foldable tiny homes of 420 square feet in the streets to house the homeless migrants who arrive in the city…”
“Being on the street bed would provide access to water, sewer and electricity and could then support trailers or modular/prefabricated housing…”
“Mohamed Ahmed, CEO and co-founder of Hapi Homes, told CBS2 he has been in contact with the city about supplying tiny homes for the project.”
“We currently have a model, currently right now it’s 420 square feet. It’s a two-bedroom, and it’s a foldable unit that can be deployed on site…”
My Aunt Fanny’s fanny!
Mayorkas reminds me of Tweety Bird – looks, speech, facial expressions, evasive answers, list goes on..
You Be The Judge.
“Who Counts As A Veteran? Not The Latest Texas Shooter”
“Mauricio Garcia, the gunman who killed eight people at a Texas Mall on Saturday, spent three months in Army Basic Training in an attempt to become an infantry soldier in 2008. But military leaders on Tuesday bristled at the suggestion that he deserves the title of ‘Veteran’.”
He is not a veteran,” Pentago Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder flatly stated to reporters at a department press conference. “According to federal regulations, this individual, in terms of the time of service, would not qualify as a veteran.”
“The term was used in several news reports (including Military Times) to describe Garcia, who was killed by police responding to the deadly attack. The confusion over exactly who can call themselves a veteran underscores the varying definitions used by the public, federal and local government officials and even within the military and veteran community, whose numbers have dwindled steadily over the last three decades.”
“When it comes to issues of veterans benefits and services, the rules are straightforward. Federal code classifies a veteran as “a person who served in the active military, naval, air, or space service, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable.”
“VA officials said that most individuals must serve two years on active-duty to qualify for things like veterans home loans and education benefits, although some troops injured early in their military careers or even in basic training can qualify for assistance.”
“Garcia didn’t fall into either of those categories. According to Army officials, he was dismissed from the service before completing his training because of an “uncharacterized” mental health condition. That discharge is not the same as an injury separation.”
Counts as an “Army reject” maybe.
I had this brief bar convo at the VFW canteen,
about 4 years ago.
Other guy – “WHO… is a veteran of foreign wars??”
Me – 3 seconds of silence, with a questioning face,
like why ask that question here at the VFW.
Other guy – “EVERYONE is a veteran of foreign wars.”
Me – “Really?” Shaking my head.
Next month, that other guy will become the state head,
the Department Commander
of the VFW Department of Pennsylvania.
I believe my VFW Post has gotten my message….
by my absence from post meetings and functions,
since that other guy has chosen to make my VFW Post
his home away from home,
and hang around (at the bar) way too much.
Thank You for sharing, MarineDad61!
You’re welcome.
And, I should point out,
that although he is VFW eligible 3 times over….
Because of MY inquiry and complaints,
with some helpful assistance from VG/TAH…..
his official VFW bio webpage
NO LONGER says “Combat veteran of Iraq.”.
Only if their ass left the country doing it… gotta have a campaign/service medal and/or earned HFP/HDP there too.
I was told by the VFW that I could be a member since I had the Korea Defense Service Medal! Spent 6 months at Tongducheon in the S5 shop and one year on Chejudo.
Suuuurrreeeeeee “foreign war” meant going into the TDC bars on courtesy patrol and squaring away the rowdy GIs. 😂
Oh …. I didn’t join.
Ah, the bar strip outside 2ID/CP Casey at TDC… not like that any more:

Spent a week at Chejudo in ‘88, one seriously good time!
I joined my Dad’s post when I got back from Iraq. Nice little place, but I’ve only been inside a few times. For the record, my Dad was eligible due to his service in Korea in the late-’50s. He was also in West Berlin in the early ’60s but I don’t know if that qualifies. He rarely spoke about his service but did mention once or twice exchanging fire with the Norks near the DMZ.
When I was a Recruiter I got in the (bad?) habit of stopping into the local post, usually bringing in Army Strong goodies like shirts and mugs to hand out. Most of the guys there were cool, but I usually hung out with a 70-something-year-old non-member whose son was a Rakkasan serving in Afghanistan. He didn’t elaborate or make any false claims, and his only “war stories” were about his year or two boxing while in. Over time, members died off or disappeared, and I’ve stopped in maybe once or twice in the past decade. Since moving back I avoid the place. No reason to go, and I don’t really want the interaction anymore.
What has West Point’s Superintendent, Lt. Gen. Steven W. Gilland been smoking?
“Inspiring Remarks”???
Harris’s “speech” is gonna be interesting…
“VP Harris To Be First Woman To Deliver West Point Graduation Speech”
“Vice President Kamala Harris will deliver the commencement speech at the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, later this month, becoming the first woman to do so.”
“Harris’ address at the graduation ceremony on May 27 will mark her first visit to the service academy.”
” ‘We are honored to have the Vice President as our commencement speaker,” West Point’s superintendent, Lt. Gen. Steven W. Gilland said. ‘As an accomplished leader who has achieved significant milestones throughout her career, we look forward to her inspiring remarks to our cadets.’ “
Well, it’s not like the dude is going any further up the ladder. LTG Gilland is supposedly in a sunset billet (Though rule was broken recently).
Her speech is sure to be epically cringeworthy.
“So, here we are, after four years, it’s time for graduation, and we have gathered to see you graduate. You have earned our trust in you, so we will trust you to go out into the world, using Ven Diagrams, and looking at the craters on the moon [cackle, cackle, cackle], or your long gained knowledge that you gained here at West Point to gain knowledge…”
You forgot her signature phrases about the passage of time.
I compiled some of her best hits to make a gooder speech. Maybe she will google it and use it?
“When you think about your time spent here, think about the significance of it. The significance of the passage of time, right? The significance of the passage of time. So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time.
“Many of you will go on to serve your country, some of you in the Army, or some other branch of the government. We must together… Work together. To see where we are. Where we are headed, where we are going and our vision for where we should be. But also see it as a moment to, yes. Together, address the challenges and to work on the opportunities that are presented by this moment.
“Some of you may go to the Ukraine to fight there. Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong, and it goes against everything that we stand for.
“It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day. Every day it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to do things.”
I opted to not attend any college graduation ceremonies. Is that an option for USMA?
Here We Go Again…Same Ole Stuff Again..
“Air Force Two-Star General Under Investigation, Fired For Alleged Misconduct”
“A two-star general who commanded the 19th Air Force has been fired, citing undisclosed misconduct allegations.”
“Maj. Gen. Philip Stewart was relieved of command Tuesday by Lt. Gen. Brian Robinson, the commander of the Air Education and Training Command, “due to a loss of confidence in his ability to lead, related to alleged misconduct which is currently under investigation…”
“Stewart took command of the 19th Air Force in August 2022. He deployed to Afghanistan in 2017.”
That has to be the GOOFIEST smile on a flag officer that I have ever seen.
What is he smoking, and where can I buy an ounce?
We thought the EXACT same thing about that smile….and what he is smoking..😅😂😆😉😎👏👏👏👏
Here is another picture of him:
“What, me worry?”
Finally…The Rest Of The Story As Well As The Truth…
“After Arlington National Cemetery Horse Deaths, Army Makes Changes To Improve Their Care”
“The commanding general of the Military District of Washington, Army Maj. Gen. Allan Pepin, said the conditions were a result of mismanagement, not soldier abuse. Pepin said the conditions reflected a lack of full understanding by Army managers of the horses’ needs and the training needed for the soldiers to care for them, and also a lack of resources.”
More…The Rest Of The Story And The Truth:
“Arlington Horses Are Getting Improvements After Deaths. But Other Army Animals Also Face Poor Conditions, Review Found.”
“The challenges we are facing in our caisson program jump from a number of cumulative issues resulting from a lack of adequate facilities, pasture space, diet and nutrition, and poor herd management that can date back many years since at least 2010,” Maj. Gen. Allan M. Pepin, commanding general of the Military District of Washington, which is in charge of the Old Guard said”
” One item the assessment pointed to as a primary issue for the management of horses was the lack of a Pentagon-wide policy or doctrine used to manage horses.”
“There were areas and gaps in the execution of appropriate herd management, feed and nutrition, ability to have the right facilities — potentially in some locations because they were in older locations that needed to be upgraded,” Army Veterinary Corps Chief and Task Force Military Working Equids lead Col. Deborah Whitmer said.”
“Leadership told reporters Wednesday that the unit has hired a new herd manager, improved feed quality, and received $15 million in funding from Congress.”
“The unit has struggled with space for its now 49-horse herd — a 27% decrease, as some have been adopted out of the unit since last February — which were confined to under 10 acres until the unit began rotating some to plots in Lorton, Virginia.”
“Now, the Army is eyeing 50 acres for the caisson herd, according to Pepin.”
Young kids only know Xbox, not horses, any more… and their old, crusty NCOs and occifers (and for years) by now, too.
A complete travesty of justice and a complete failure to “…provide for the common defense…”
In the immortal words of SarMaj Plumley…”Gentlemen, prepare to defend yourselves…”
One of the things that sank the Sgt was his social media posts where he was “less than kind” to protestors. It was used to set a mens rhea (guilty mind kind of thing) and as a premeditation for a violent act.
One of the things I haver mentioned to some folks was that opinions expressed online (which is forever in the internet) can and often will be used against you. Saying you dislike someone is far different that wishing harm on them. That stuff will hurt you in court.
As to suppressed evidence. That is a Judge’s decision, not the DA. Judges routinely deny the use of the “victim’s” past history as a means of preventing the jury from being biased against him / her.
Now if the DA withheld evidence from the defense and judge, that would be grounds for an appeal. Withholding or hiding evidence collected by the prosecution and Police is far different than suppressing it as the judge determines what is relevant evidence during pre trial hearings. Suppressing is legal, withholding is not. Now if the defense can get an appellate court to agree that one or more pieces of evidence that was suppressed went too far, then the defense might have a shot at another trial.
Best advice I can give younger folks is to get rid of their Facebook and Twitter accounts. Or at least keep your posting on it to a bare minimum.
Like you said, the internet is forever.
Nothing good happens after Midnight or on social media.
This is ONE of the many reasons why we like Congressman Byron Donalds.
“Byron Donalds Has Heated Argument With CNN Host After Trump Town Hall: Voters ‘Tired Of Y’All'”
“Town halls are for the voters, not for the press or the person who is the moderator,” Donalds said, slamming CNN host Kaitlan Collins for imposing her own views on the public during Wednesday night’s town hall featuring Trump.”
“Kaitlan spent more time interjecting her own viewpoints or her own views on the situation,” Donalds said before Cooper interrupted him. “Those are actually facts though,” the CNN veteran told Donalds.”
“Hold on,” Donalds shot back, “are you guys now going to interject your views on me, or do I get a chance to speak?” Donalds said as Cooper continued to speak in the background.”
“If you’re speaking falsely, those are facts,” Cooper told Donalds.”
“Donalds also criticized Collins’ focus on the Jan. 6 protests at the U.S. Capitol and Trump’s claims that the 2020 election was “rigged.”
“Voters want to talk about the border, inflation, foreign policy,” Donalds said as multiple CNN panelists asked if he believed the 2020 presidential election was legitimate.”
“This is what’s frustrating to a lot of people. You want me to state it the way you want me to state it,” Donalds said.”
“Most voters are frankly kind of tired of y’all,” Donalds also told the CNN panel, arguing that American voters were more interested in inflation and crime than on the 2020 election.”
“American people aren’t speaking about the 2020 election, a liable case after 25+ years, or January 6th. They are talking about the price of gas/groceries, fentanyl killing Americans 18-45, crime in the streets, & the streets, & the fear of WWIII. CNN’s top issues aren’t America’s,” Donalds tweeted.”
Uh, Oh…
We used the DJT word….
3…2..1…Here is comes…
Y’All know what we are talking about…
Uh-oh, Lars will be triggered…

Excerpt from the TH After Debrief:
“Donald Trump, you have to be blunt about it, is not a truth-teller. That’s the way he’s always been when he was a businessman and when he’s been a politician,” said Tuchman. “He has lied about the 2020 election, stuffed ballot boxes; it’s all made up. He’s lost dozens of court cases.”
“Does it bother you that he keeps talking about 2020 and not 2024?” he asked. “How do you feel about those lies?”
The first audience member to answer, a 40-year-old Republican who voted for Trump twice, responded, “So, I feel like part of it is also the media narrative, as you guys asked him the first question at the town hall about the 2020 election rather than current stuff.”
Asked again by Tuchman whether he thought it was time Trump started “talking about 2024 and not lies that aren’t true,” the audience member replied, “Couldn’t the media ask him a question about 2024?”
Kaitlan Collins is an Airhead (even though she DID attend University Of Alabama)..
Please help us understand why this story made National news…and why the Sailor had to be identified as “Active Duty”.
He was an Aviation Electronics Mate and had been missing since 5 May 2023.
We have compassion for the Sailor’s family; however, he is not the first person to have gone missing and later found dead.
It happens everyday.
What are we missing? Not enough news stories?
“Active-Duty Sailor At Jacksonville Base Found Dead After Having Gone Missing”
So the LEA, when they don’t know who did it or what happened tries to get the news out there. So that way if anyone knows anything about it they can call it in.
Lee County is quite a way from Jacksonville and likely he would have had contact with people on the trip if he were traveling of his own free will.
Sentenced to the max for killing a “Black Lives Matter” protestor (who was white and pointed a bigger gun at him) by an activist black (and leftist) judge… but no conflict of interest there. /sarc
Please donate to help Sgt Perry in a clearly illegal prosecution. It was self defense and Uber’s fault for sending him into a highly dangerous area when they knew that but still sent him there.
Please donate, I’ve been there since the beginning.
“…the Biden administration is now preparing a memo that will direct Customs and Border Protection to begin releasing migrants into the U.S. without court dates or the ability to track them…”
So, basically nothing changes, they just won’t keep any paperwork.
Volume. Volume changes.
…with amnesty and main-in ballots.

Perry got his just deserts, he’s a criminal like trump will be soon!
Last warning.
Eff you, we don’t need another Kool-Aid slurping Prog posting agitprop here. Go away, troll.
Eloquent little fucker, ain’t he?
Why don’t we let our new friend introduce himself? It’s a big ship here. Somebody has to row.
What rock did you crawl out from under?
It’s time to go back now.
Get back on the buffer and stop huffing the floor wax.
Reach into that tiny melon of yours and connect the fucking wires already.
I don’t think there are any wires to connect. The only things in that melon are a rusty hamster wheel with a dead hamster laying inside.
You evidently do not understand the law regarding the use of force in self-defense.
I would advise you to check Graham v Connor (1989) for the Supreme Court ruling. Then check your state’s black letter law (Statute Book). You would then need to look at any interpretations of the law over time that courts have arrived at, and finally, check out the Jury Instructions for your state regarding court cases that involve the use of deadly force in self-defense. Realize also that a claim of self-defense is a “positive defense” in that it only takes a preponderance of evidence on your part to convince a jury. If so, a judge will order the jury to find you NOT GUILTY should your evidence point in that direction.
In the meantime, Jussie Smollett and OJ Simpson are still out there.
“Marine veteran to be charged by Manhattan DA in Jordan Neely subway chokehold death”
Alvin Bragg again… gee, why does that name sound familiar???