Gregory Charles Banks – Valor Vulture
Long time known Valor Thief Gregory Banks is in the news… again. According to, it seems he now gets to leave his fecal stain in prison.
Vanessa Roberts Avery, United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, announced that GREGORY C. BANKS,50, of Brookfield, waived his right to be indicted and pleaded guilty today before U.S. District Judge Michael P. Shea in Hartford to health care fraud.
According to court documents and statements made in court, Banks owned and operated North East Counseling & Trauma Services and Gregory Banks Counseling, LLC. North East Counseling & Trauma Services, which had an office in Danbury, provided counseling services to individual patients, including those with mental health and trauma issues. Banks was enrolled individually as a Behavioral Health Clinician provider in the Connecticut Medicaid Program (“Medicaid”), but North East Counseling & Trauma Services and Gregory Banks Counseling LLC were never enrolled as providers in Medicaid.
Between January 2018 and July 2022, Banks submitted and caused to be submitted fraudulent claims to Medicaid for counseling services that were purportedly provided to Medicaid clients. Specifically, Banks submitted claims for dates of service when no services of any kind had been provided to the Medicaid clients identified in the claims.
In October 2020, the Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) audited Banks and his businesses and requested documentation from Banks for six sample clients. In response, Banks made multiple false statements for the purpose of delaying the progress of DSS’s audit and to conceal his offense. For example, in February 2021, Banks sent an email to DSS in which he falsely represented that one of the files DSS requested was destroyed by a water leak above his office when, in fact, no such water leak had occurred.
Through this scheme, Banks defrauded Medicaid of $1,044,387.08. As part of his plea, Banks has agreed to pay full restitution.
Judge Shea scheduled sentencing for March 13, 2023, at which time Banks faces a maximum term of imprisonment of 10 years.

Gregory C Banks Phony Valor Vulture
Jonn posted about this Valor Vulture starting in 2014. We have fed the Google Gods information about him many times for nearly a decade.
The Round Ranger was such an internet hit, Guy put together another wanted poster for our buddy Greg Banks, who is going to be famous in Connecticut tonight. Greg’s back story is that he’s one of those rare phonies who never served but promoted himself to an Army Major and awarded himself the Bronze Star Medal a few weeks ago. He claims that someone stole his identity, but apparently the identity thief also stole his face. Greg doesn’t have the gonads to call me himself, so he sent his teenage phony Marine after me. But here is his wanted poster. Is this enough attention for you, Greg?

Gregory Banks Phony
“Life Coaching” well, color me skeptical. I can not help but wonder how many phony veterans or embellished imbeciles are now parking in veteran spaces and getting some form of disability for nonexistent PTSD because of this clown. Sadly, his client list needs to be gone through. We will be glad to assist with verifying any of their service claims.
I feel badly for legit people who reached out to him for professional help and were duped by this clown. However, unless they were incapable of doing a simple Google Search before seeing this fraud, my sympathy runs a bit shallow.
My guess is he may have has some kind of professional insurance issued by a company that could not use Google either. If that is the case, the lawyers will be swooping in to feed on some cash.
What ever happened to Tort Reform?
Category: Army Poser, Valor Vultures, Veteran Health Care
Well you can Bank on Banks doing time and Bank on him not doing a small stretch and I’ll Bank on that.
Can I take that to the bank Jeff??
You can bet that I’ll Bank on that Eggs like a bank shot putting the 8 ball in the bank.
Oh looky here!!! My schedule is empty on that day!! [Hartford] ain’t hell but [I] can see it from here.
Want some frontline reportin’ done?
I promise not to throw a pie,… or shoe. Super promise.
I’m not seeing any events for Banks…
Have to head into Hartford today for an actually-peaceful protest with CCDL over some more dumb gun laws the Assembly Generally-ish be floating.
Surrounded by idiots and assholes here in PRoCT.
Curious to see what happens
I want to see his sorry ass cry like the bitch he is.
Per prior task for the day, Hartford was a bust. Not sure if the
LegislativeLobbyist Office Building is open or not, or they’re requiring people ‘protest’ by Zoom meeting…?Could be People of the Gun are tired of showing face to these petty tyrants and will do their further negotiations by noncompliance.
Anyone have an update on Gregory Banks’ upcoming sentencing on Monday, March 13, 2023? Would like to pass this along to news outlets in CT but unable to locate court information. Sentencing is supposed to be before Judge Shea (per the December 2022 DOJ press release) but no courthouse info that I can find. Currently asking local news orgs for assistance in finding this info out as well.
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Check with Lori Benton.
Thank you, Green Thumb. Who is Lori Benton and how can I contact her?
Hi, Green Thumb. Nevermind, I searched previous threads and discovered that Lori Benton is an attorney in Orlando, FL. I would like to call her office on Monday to inquire more but can you simply tell me– is she a ‘good guy’ in helping expose military fakers? I’ve seen your comments mentioning her on threads over the years but I can’t tell by the context if she has been helpful or harmful to your efforts. I would love to have some slight background before contacting her about Gregory Banks. Thanks in advance.
I did not mean to mislead you. My apologies.
Lori Benton was that fucking clown who defended Phil Monkress when he was knee deep in the shit over his fake military, Native American and Law Enforcement claims.
She sent out a bunch of threatening letters and such stating we were the posers and were making things up about Phildo.
Confirmed today that the new sentencing date for Gregory Banks is:
TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 2023 at 2PM
Proceedings are open to the public at the U.S. District Court in Hartford:
Abraham Ribicoff Federal Building
United States District Court
450 Main Street
Suite A012
Hartford, CT 06103
860-240-3200 | Clerk’s Office
I personally won’t be missing the opportunity to see this fraud face the music in court.
Like this guy..? If you decide otherwise, won’t blame you one bit just DON’T MISS!!
I would never, Hatch. That would be downright uncivilized, or something.
“I had 197 confirmed kills and three water buffalos– them’re all confirmed, see muh PTS of D diagnosis from Da Banksmeister!”

I see that little butt pirate is still wearing that Expert Marksman badge, that he never earned. Anyone know if they let him out of prison yet?
Again? (They did once and caught him, so… )
I imagine that was his qualification badge for his pepperball gun. Gotta stay current, you know. On one of his videos, a funeral home director asked him what caliber it was and Denitwitte kept changing it from a 9mm to .40 when he was describing it.
He was in jail and for probation violations and was arrested again. He is currently looking at 75 years for the new charges.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
“As part of his plea, Banks has agreed to pay full restitution”
Dats funny…
It is. Imagine stealing over a million dollars from the government as a mental health counselor only take face up to 10 years imprisonment for it and *still* having to pay all that money back? That’s karma, in a small way, but Greg Banks still needs to face accountability for all the individuals and families he has hurt over the years. There needs to be further action. The government is getting their pay back on the financial end but what about everyone else?
Once again, military fakery is always that rancid cherry on top of the shit Sunday.
I remember when he was first posted here, and the errors on his uniform still make my eye twitch.
Good morning, everyone.
Maggie DeSanti is at it AGAIN in 2021-2023.
TAH 2014MP 2019TAH 2019 x 3Phony Silver Star
Phony Vietnam Veteran
Fake Army LTC Nurse
Now 21 YEARS of phonying as an Army officer and V V.
Here is an AZ Central story from October 2022,
about SV,
with a list of local area AZ phonies.
And Maggie DeSanti is NOT on the list.
Similar to Honor Flights,
She is now ripping off ANOTHER charity.
Flights for veterans in vintage small aircraft.
Who would like to take the lead in contacting the Mesa PD,
as well as AZ Central and other Phoenix news sources?
[What is stolen valor?Arizona man’s phony exploits inspire law to crack down on it]
Didn’t see the Maggie connection on the Grounded No More site, a little assistance please?
In that FaceBook group.
Just search Maggie Desanti.
You’ll see accolades.
Many thanks!
You’re welcome.
(Ron Popeil) – “But wait, there’s MORE”
I hate to detract or divert attention
from Dave Hardin’s article
on this shitbag Banks….
But it was Jonn Lilyea
that first nailed Maggie DeSanti, in 2014.
LTC Margaret DeSanti; phony Army nurse Jonn Lilyea | December 24, 2014
This 21 Oct 2019 article mentions John Lilyea –
Disgraceful old bat..
What still amazes me is that after fifty years, the stupid “reporters” at Military.Com don’t know that the 1973 fire at the nation’s military records facility had no effect on anyone’s records serving in the Viet of the Nam or during those “Vietnam Times.” If Magotty Mags ever served in the 1960’s through 1975, her records would still be there. Moreover, other civilian records show where she lived in the states during that timeframe.
More at the bottom here.
Stolen Valor – Handlin’ Bizness Steve Balm | March 4, 2023 | 20 Comments
David Carrasco runs a POW/MIA Honor Guard in Arizona…
Does that sound familiar?
“Sanderson Ford & ABC15 salutes Veteran David Carrasco”
“David Carrasco to lead Phoenix Veterans Day Parade as Veterans Community Grand Marshal”
“Carrasco’s assignment as a Security Policeman was the safeguarding of B-47s, B-52s and nuclear weapons. He later spent a year in investigations when he was assigned to Law Enforcement.”
“In 1966, he was assigned to a K-9 unit and was deployed to Vietnam. Even the best men disobey on occasion. While serving in Vietnam, Carrasco ignored the order to stay clear of an unsafe area and instead put himself in harm’s way to ensure that each Sentry Dog Team was safe. No Sentry Dog team was injured, and every team member was accounted for. Carrasco’s disobedience earned him a Bronze Star.”
“Loss was a recurring struggle in Vietnam and Carrasco was no exception, losing his best friend and holding the hand of an unknown Army Military Policeman as he drew his last breath.”
“Sometimes, just standing sends a message’: Honor guards pay homage to McCain”
“Sometimes, just standing sends a message,” David Carrasco said while on duty outside the north-central Phoenix funeral home where John McCain’s body now rests. His main job is to stand at attention for hours under the scorching sun.”
“Carrasco is a Vietnam veteran and commander of the POW/MIA/KIA Honor Guard. Members of the volunteer organization have devoted time, resources and energy in homage to McCain.”
“In chance encounter with Cindy McCain, Vietnam veteran gives her war medallion”
“Veterans Day parade in Phoenix”
I seriously doubt Carrasco rates to wear that American Indian war bonnet. Those aren’t just given away.
From His Facebook.
Forest B. and ninja,
New post today (March 7).
No clicks or replies
on the new comments
on his Book of the Fake.
Just this new post.
Yeah, riiiight! What happened to his “best friend?” He get hit with a 122 mm rocket? Or was he run over by a jeep load of drunk fighter pilots? Wish I could have done my tour stationed inside the extremely secure Da Nang airbase. The pilots had air-conditioned quarters and there was a party practically every night in the “O” club.
Holy Crap.
Listening to ABC15 “Salute” news video now.
Is that a Purple Heart with his Bronze Star?
He joined the Legion, not the VFW?
Only (now) 20 years ago? After 9/11?
Considering what you’ve just found,
between the medals,
American Legion Honor Guard,
POW*MIA Honor Guard,
and now
either willingly or unwittingly
looking like a Phony Enabler
for 20 year phony Maggie DeSanti…
Is getting the FOIA appropriate for this guy?
David Carrasco’s Facebook Account.
Just wait til ya see some of the pictures we found… 😉 😎
Guess Who Maggie Is… 😅 😆
Maggie and David’s comments on that item… 😆
David Carrasco claims he did two tours in Vietnam…1966 and 1971.
Is it possible that
I bumble stumbled into a HIVE ???
With accidentally impeccable timing?
Something tells me
the angle of some “General Anger”
has a whole lot more (smell) to it.
Starting with this Anthony Anger
pilot / religious / charity guy
that BLOCKED me on FaceBook.
You know,
for showing him links to VG and MP.
A group of skunks is called a surfeit.
I know that there is:
A flock of geese
A murder of crows
A committee of vultures
Wow, you learn something new every day. However, I am disappointed after my latest trip to the liquor store. I had mentioned yesterday how it seemed to be getting harder to find my old faithful CC12. I may have found the reason why. Instead of the previous square bottle with prominent labeling like shown below:
The bottle now looks like this:
The juice inside tastes the same, so I can’t complain too much, but the old design was kind of cool. I guess if it’s a choice between cutting costs on the packaging versus cutting costs on the whisky, I’d rather lose the frills. But still. I’m going to blame Justin Trudeau AND Joe Biden for this.
I love me some CC! Even the regular stuff in a manhattan or sour is a good time.
Not sure if its old age or what but canadian sauce gives me some heartburn…
Damn shame that, may pick up CC12 based on your ravings!
The white label, ie the Don Draper, is damn good for cheap whisky. It’s aged 6 years so I think it is smoother and more complex than Crown. The 12 is on a whole other level. It’s a $25 bottle and I’ll put it up against anything including aged single malt Scotches. Yes, the Scotches (Macallan 12 or Glenlivet 18) are better but they cost 2-3 times as much. And CC12 blows the cork off Glenlivet 12, it’s not even close.
Oh, and once I started watching Mad Men, I found out that the real “Don Draper” was an Engineer Captain before his unfortunate death. Seems like I was on the Draper train before I even watched it for the first time.
I gave that “Anthony Anger” some comments
with the links to MP and VA,
and he BLOCKED me.
I can still see that group,
but nothing now from A A.
However, I am receiving screenshots today
of comment threads ABOUT Maggie DeSanti in that group.
Anthony Anger CONNED by a push ups news story STILL UP.
And it blew up from there,
with the comments.
NEW this morning.
Grounded No More Veteran Flight Lift
group on the Book of the Fake
Entirely due to comments left with A A and also the group.
Comments open.
But not for me.
Comment with Maggie DeSanti MP and VG links,
get suspended from commenting for 28 days.
This is what this charity does, for over 6 years.
2 man cockpit rear seat flights in vintage aircraft.
And it appears this pilot,
and charity leader,
and YouTube channel owner,
has been CONNED by Maggie DeSanti.
Did Maggie come clean and say she’s NOT a Vietnam Veteran?
Hell no.
Maggie DeSanti is riding the phony pony anew, with new targets.
What is interesting/funny is that Anthony Anger runs that Charity and what Average NCO wrote in 2019 on TAH reference Ole Maggie getting her Silver Star from “General Anger”…
“One of her defenders was willing to have a civil Facebook conversation with me. To summarize her explanation for her Silver Star: In 2014 Maggie encountered a general officer with the last name Anger. Unknown if Anger was retired or active duty. According to De Santi, Gen. Anger told her he was submitting her for a Silver Star and advised she could start wearing it immediately. He later told her he made a mistake and he should not have advised her to start wearing it. Unfortunately, Gen. Anger has since died and can’t authenticate her story.”
“General Anger”, a difficult search on the Fu of Google.
Has there EVER been a US Army “General Anger”, ever?
If not,
this wraps around not only Maggie DeSanti,
but also that Anger family,
and their vintage aircraft.
What if….
the Angers are touting lineage or ancestry
to a “General Anger”, that never existed?
I hope this is not a huge ball of phonies.
Only Maggie.
But the probability, and the bullshit meter, are now on the rise.
We conducted a research on Anger and his Dad and his Grand Dad..
Anger’s Dad died around 1984 in Virginia.
Anger’s Grandfather died in CT.
Anger and his Dad performed as Circus Clowns on Airplanes in Virginia. Anger grew up in the Fairfax VA area and graduated from High School in Virginia.
BTW, here is a member of Carrasco’s POW/MIA organization.
His name is Valentine Costalez.
This is his Facebook account.
Does his ribbon rack look strange?
From Valentine Costalez’s Facebook account.
It sounds as if both Costalez and Carrasco claim USAF service, yet in Costalez’s picture posted above, it looks as if he is sporting a CIB….
Tony Anger’s Facebook.
that’s the guy who BLOCKED me,
for handing him MP and VG links.
Embracing Maggie DeSanti
(after 20 years of phonying,
3 VG articles,
1 MP article,
and other internet outing)..
will be their downfall.
Considering multiple charities are involved (donors / donations),
can this get high(er) priority FOIA redacted military records results,
on ALL of them?
Tony claims that Jesus is his Lord and Savior…He also is a grown 68 year old man.
He is not the first person to be fooled by a Phony.
Ole Maggie has mental issues/problems. Similar to Ole Biden Boy.
She is a Pathological Liar that seeks and craves attention.
She has been lying for a VERY LONG TIME…going back to the 1950s.
TAH has exposed Maggie so many times…and yet, she still persists with her lies..
She has Enablers/Gullible/Ignorant Friends/Acquaintances.
Sad, isn’t it…
Mostly because holy locals, when faced with facts, truth, and reality (about their favorite HOLY PHONY),
refuse to even consider the most basic of a deployment of the FU of Google,
which reveals both MP and VG (and others) outing Phony Maggie DeSanti…
…. ON PAGE 1
of Google results.
And then pray.
IMHO, I do NOT see Heaven in Maggie’s future.
That Arizona Group is similar to the Elko, NV/Les Brown Group.
Ole Maggie will go to her grave never admitting her lies.
Mental Illness Is A Terrible Disease.
That could change in 2023,
following upcoming phone calls to American Legion Post 138, to speak to Post officers, about that new table display of a statuette / figurine, put in by 1 aging Post member.
Tony’s facebook resume doesn’t indicate any military service. So, he would be easy to bamboozle.
His charity is likely a way to pay to operate his aircraft. If nothing else, I bet it pays for all his fuel.
But his flight suit sandy desert color scheme,
along with a name tag with military looking flight wings,
raises a big question.
What does Pilot Tony
tell others about his own military career?
Hey, Randy Quaid grew a beard!

He is sporting a CIB and aircrew wings. That ladder of gun-power and ribbon rack tells me he is a phony pony. The pic directly above is his basic pic in the Army AG44 uniform.
Excellent finds.
Holy Crap Rack.
VG admins…
😅 😆 😅
“Pictures of her while serving in Nam…”
This is the picture of the deceased Army Soldier that David Carrasco held his hand while the guy was dying in Vietnam.
Interesting how he got this picture to post on his Facebook…
Guess he got the picture this way.
Robert Pasco was an Airman, not an Army Soldier.
Carrasco claims
Air Force, too.
Yes. We are running out of space!
I knew “holding his hand was bullshit.”
I bet Pascoe would be even more amazed to find out that Careasshole was there too. In a just world he would come back from the grave and haunt that asswipe for using him in his scheme.
From the vspa article posted below:
“The guys who had been cleaning their weapons were injured, but there was no remains left of Robert Pascoe.”
Not sure how you can hold someone’s hand in that case, but… whatevs.
The Holy Craps just keep mounting,
enough to overflow a latrine burn barrel.
He held his hand. But was that hand attached to the rest of Robert?
Completely vaporized lol! Must have blown out to sea.
[“Pictures of her while serving in Nam…”]
Now that the hive hunt is underway,
especially with your discovery of
Carrasco’s ribbon rack…
Here is a member of Carrasco’s “Honor Guard”.
Can anyone identify these 3 medals / ribbons?
Looks as if he served in the US Navy during the WW2 period.
Found them.
American Campaign,
Asiatic – Pacific,
World War II Victory.
Is he wearing an Antartica Service Ribbon?!
I see three chevrons and rockers, no E-8 and above unless they were effectively a vegetable, would allow a rack to look that Fked up.
You need me to do a sneak-n-peek at anyone’s meetings in my AO, lmk.
I’ll have to see if CT is a one or both parties state for recording.
Negative on Antarctica.
However, that mangled rack alone
of triple excess
is a VG article.
As posted above.
This is another member of that Honor Guard.
Valentine Costalez.
His ribbon rack looks strange. He is also sporting a CIB.
It looks as if he placed the NDSM before an ARCOM.
Looks as if he has Vietnam awards as well as Desert Storm awards. Also an Army Reserve Overseas Training Ribbon.
He also is wearing the Army Service Ribbon.
Does his ribbon rack look strange?
Yep, sure does for an Army First Sergeant whose ribbon rack starts off with an NDSM, then stretches from Viet of the Nam to Desert Storm, has Flight Wings, but no Air Medals, and only has one Good Cookie. / s
The rack is legit… too legit, too legit to quit… hey hey!!!
An NDSM as his top award is probably the only accurate thing about Valentine Costalez’s ribbon rack. (Although with Viet of the Nam, Ku of the Wait, and I of the Raq campaign medals, there should be a couple of gold stars on the NDSM).
Army First Sergeant with one GCM? Unlikely.
TheCloser and ninja,
No less a 1SG
who can’t figure out the order
of ribbons on a rack.
Ugh !!!
Someone researched this the last time around with Maggoty Maggie and there was no Army General Officer alive named “Anger.”
Falcon Field Airport,
Mesa Arizona.
Location of the charity flights.
More on Falcon Field.
And Maggie DeSanti.
1 month later, VG article #1 on Phony LTC Maggie.
November 21, 2014.
Aviation Fascination post on FaceBook
(paste) This is the bio for one of our speakers this evening.
#kindofabigdeal LTC, Margaret DeSanti, USA Retired,
served in the United States Army Nurse Corps for 30 years.
She was deployed in the Vietnam era during the Tet Offensive in Saigon, Pleiku, and China Beach from 1968-1970.
She was one of 50 flight nurses attached to the 1st Cavalry helicopters who repelled on dust offs and was deployed to forward positions.
She also served during Desert Shield/Desert Storm for one year.
(end paste – cont’d)
As a rifle company commander in Vietnam who had to call in a Dust Off evac bird, and as I previously commented, there were no nurses serving on Army Dust Off helicopters. The crews were all male, period. And No one ever rappelled out of a medevac bird. They either landed or sent down the jungle penetrator.
For her service to our Country, she achieved a Meritorious Unit Citation, a Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation, a Silver Star, a Soldiers Medal, a Meritorious Service Medal, an Army commendation Medal, an Army Achievement Medal, an Army Reserve Component, a National Service Defense Medal, a Vietnam Campaign Medal, a Kuwait Liberation Medal, Army Airborne Wings, and Chief Combat Flight Nurse Wings.
U.S. Senator John McCain presented LTC DeSanti a Lifetime Achievement Award from Maricopa Association of Combat Veterans.
She is honored to have an Arizona State University nursing scholarship in her name.
After retiring from the Army, LTC DeSanti served as secretary on the committee for the Veterans National Cemetery in Calverton.
She was a police traffic control officer for 11 years on Long Island. New York’s 5th precinct Patchogue.
There was and is no such MOS or position as a U.S. Army “Combat Flight Nurse,” Chief or otherwise. The last Army flying nurses were in the Army Air Corps in WWII. They rode in evacuation aircraft tending to the wounded.
What are the odds
Maggie DeSanti was the 1st or 2nd firewoman
in the city or state of New York?
Just the list of phony medals is a sick example
of not only Stolen Valor,
but failure by everyone around her to VERIFY.
Remember, her public ribbon rack had everything
from WW2 to Vietnam
to Gulf War to GWOT.
For starters, it appears the order of precedence of her ribbons are out of order.
She’s also missing a small bronze star device on her NDSM, and the scroll on the Vietnam Campaign ribbon, a mobilization device on her Armed Forces Reserve ribbon, and one or two missing devices from the Army Overseas service ribbon.
It appears she has 4 bronze oak leaf clusters on the Army Good Conduct ribbon – and not sure how she would rate one as an officer (unless she was prior enlisted).
If she served in Desert Storm, she’s also missing a Southwest Asia Service ribbon with devices,
She’s missing a Southwest Asia Service ribbon, with subsequent bronze star devices.
Can’t seem to make out some of the others.
USMCMSgt (Ret),
All figured out in 2019.
Ribbons stretching from WW2
to Vietnam
to Gulf War
to post 9/11 GWOT.
Ribbons stretching over 57 years !!!
She could get this sh*t made online and read an order of precedence/devices chart, but no. If yer gonna lie, do da research.
David Carrasco knows Maggie is a phony. He posted a comment on the MP site post which shows she never served.
She also was one of the first two women firefighters in New York.
She is a lifetime member of the VFW and the Amvets.
She now resides in Mesa, Arizona, and belongs to the American Legion Post 138.
(end paste)
Well, it appears SEVERAL veterans organizations
allowed Maggie DeSanti to join,
either their bar/canteen, or their ranks.
Those could all be checked anew
in 2023.
Somewhere Phil Monkress weeps….
Christmas comes early – more dick-candy for Bubba, Thor and crew.. Couldn’t happen to a nicer waste-of-skin.
And you know this clown was around kids…
We will try to make one last comment about those folks in Arizona.
Majority of the time, when one starts peeling back layers of Embellishers/Phonies, it turns out they had a troubled past. Majority of the time, the Embellishers who did serve were either kicked out of the Service, denied re-enlistment, got in trouble with their Chain Of Command, were poor performers, etc etc. They HAD to reinvent themselves by embellishing/lying about their Service.
Majority of them had/have Brain Hiccups. Mental Disorder. A Personality Disorder. Addictions, whether it be drugs, alcohol, food, sex, etc etc.
We see it time after time after time.
They have Enablers.
Ole Maggie has a Mental Illness. A Personality Disorder. She wants to be pampered and admired. She seeks and craves attention.
In reality, she is a lonely, old woman. She will never admit to her lies. Narcissism At Its Best.
Lonely, old Maggie is not as lonely as you think.
She gets out.
She drinks.
She dances.
She hangs at a bar, possibly the same Legion Post as Carrasco.
She obviously gets driven around. A lot.
She tries to take terrible advantage of everyone around her.
For over 20 years!
And now, repeatedly, she’s plundering veterans’ charity.
I give her NO pass on age.
I give her NO pass on her past.
I give her NO pass on whatever anyone claims as mental illness.
She should be held ACCOUNTABLE,
just as you or I.
And so should any others knowingly acting as her Phony Enablers.
I assume many in Mesa & Phoenix are on to her,
and long done with her.
But she finds others.
And others find her.
Mostly because the MEDIA failed us,
by keeping those TSA agent push ups videos
of “Hero Maggie”,
which STILL get views, as well as clicks and comments.
AZ Central, who put out a 2022 list of phonies WITHOUT Maggie,
and still has 2019 video up,
SHOULD do a new story.
… and, IMHO,
so should VG,
when the FOIAs roll in on the Mesa, Arizona hive.
It appears All-Points Logistics is opening up another “franchise” in Arizona…
Green Thumb,
I was thinking POW*MIA chapter
sharing of info (plots & schemes)
with neighboring state Nevada,
specifically Elko, Nevada.
If we have learned anything about our news media, it is that they are incapable or unwilling to investigate or report on anything counter to preconceived ideas or prejudices. As far as they are concerned, Maggie is a Vietnam war hero. After all, she was awarded a Silver Star by General Anger.
Many in the media did take down the
happy hero pushups story and video when notified,
but as the Fu of Google shows us today,
many have not.
As a result,
Maggie DeSanti remains able to fool new targets.
Which she clearly has done AGAIN.
Sad, that so many in the media
couldn’t even bother to Google a name.
After all,
before the viral happy hero pushups video,
VG from 2014 was a Page 1 Google result.
In fact, it still is today.
Your Google results are going to skew here because you post here all the time.
UPDATE on Maggie DeSanti – March 7, 2023.
As you can see,
Maggie DeSanti gave a February 2023 home tour to David Carrasco,
showing “pictures of her while serving in Nam”
She gave Carrasco this statuette.
Carrasco is now displaying it at American Legion Post 138.
Carrasco is also having a PLAQUE made.
A Maggie DeSanti PLAQUE.
New FaceBook comments left with 2 Angers (the flight charity),
David Carrasco,
and commenters on Carrasco’s March 2023 statuette post.
You can see, Maggie DeSanti herself commented, only days ago.
So far,
0 replies or acknowledgments.
2 FaceBook BLOCKS,
1 with comments deleted.
We shall see,
who wears the horseblinders, and
who accepts truth and reality in 2023.
Maggie DeSanti CAN be replied to… and clicked…
right here on Carrasco’s most recent statuette post.
Statuette now on display at American Legion Post 138.
Notice the painted details.
Notice the photo of dear ol’ Maggie DeSanti on the statuette base.
Surely, they’re not ALL fooled
by the insanity of Maggie De-Sanity?
Who would like to call American Legion Post 138?
Open Wednesday – Sunday. Phone: (602) 837-1247
1 more new comment today on the Carrasco page,
with the mil com story link,
showing how
Maggie DeSanti duped Honor Flights Arizona in 2019.
UPDATE on Maggie DeSanti – March 8, 2023.
>>>> Kudos to ninja,
for finding Legion video in 2019. There are more.
As you see,
Bar Mongrel Maggie DeSanti
is doing her push ups shtick in 2012,
10 years ago,
reposted by the post in 2015.
A bar favorite at AL Post 35 between 2012 and 2016,
with 2 other singing videos,
1 with the whole crowd holding hands in a circle,
Maggie DeSanti singing in the center.
AL Post 35 has nothing on their page about Maggie since 2016.
It appears they told Maggie to take a hike, long ago.
Clearly by the end of 2019.
And now,
Maggie has found a NEW Legion hangout.
American Legion Post 138 in nearby Tempe.
Mostly a bar, and a home base for “American Legion Riders”.
Vests. With patches. On Harleys.
Let’s ensure
AL Post 138 knows the real Maggie DeSanti.
I am reaching out to American Legion Post 35 today,
to ask their assistance
in “enlightening” American Legion Post 138,
before Carrasco (and others)
embarrass themselves any further
with pumping up Phony Maggie with a table display.
Unlike the Elko POW*MIA Awareness Ass….
I embrace being a different type of Awareness Ass….
truth and awareness about military phonies and Stolen Valor.
A “Messenger of Truth” for VG/TAH and MP,
who make this part time hobby of mine possible.
Scroll up, and click DONATE on the upper right of this page.
More incoming… this evening.
I’ve got ANGER in FaceBook PM…
and a phone call coming in shortly from a Legion Post.
Stay tuned !!!
WOW, MarineDad61!!!
ninja (and VG admins),
Sneak preview.
This is real.
Anthony Anger, the owner of the
Grounded No More flight charity,
BLOCKED me on his namesake primary FakeBook,
but answered my PM on this alternate account.
Anger claims to have SEEN
Maggie DeSanti’s DD-214
and more.
He’s VOUCHING for Maggie DeSanti.
Let’s see IF Anger accepts my offer,
to send the DD-214 and records of Maggie DeSanti
to MP, VG, or me.
If she gave him a DD214, it would be a forgery. There have been at least two FOIA’s with her SSN which have resulted in no records of her. Her badges and ribbon rack are a joke. And her stories are total BS.
Of course !!
Nothing like civilians claiming
they can vouch for a(ny) veteran,
when almost all
have no clue what they are looking it.
All it takes is a Les Brown / Elko POW*MIA type doing the flash and pull,
and pointing his finger at something and saying
“See, that proves I was there.”
in the case of my family back in 2015,
after 3 months of holding back and delays,
a blatantly FAKE DD-214.
Ole Maggie could have used information from her Deceased Husband, Samuel Francis DeSanti, who served in the US Army and the US Air Force.
Sam served in the Regular Army from 1 March 1949 to 11 October 1952 as a Supply Specialist and got out as a SSG.
He then joined the Air Force and served as a AC&W Operator from 19 October 1954 to 31 October 1958 as a 27350 at Elgin AFB, Florida.
Looks as if he also did a short stint with the 872ND AC&WRON APO 284 UNIT 1 in August 1958.
He was discharged at McGuire AFB on 31 October 1958 as an Airman 2nd Class IAW AFR 39-13.
Ole Sammy’s awards/medals include the Army of Occupation Medal with Japan Clasp, the NDSM, the UN Service Medal, the Korean Service Medal, the Good Conduct Medal and the Air Force Longevity Service Award.
7 years combined active duty, and he gets out as an E-3 A2C?
On a hardship discharge?
No one knows,
but it appears he could have had his own agenda to embellish his service,
wifey Maggie saw how easy and effective it was to pull off,
and she learned his tricks.
An Army/Navy store or 2,
an estate sale auction,
and presto,
instant Silver Star Captain Maggie.
Ole Maggie could have also stolen information from her deceased older Brother, Fernandez Garcia Macalino.
Fernandez served in the US Army from 30 March 1948 to 31 March 1968.
He retired as a MSG/E8 and was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the Army Commendation Medal, the CIB, 5 Good Conduct Medals, 2 NDSMs, a Purple Heart, an Expert Badge (Rifle) and the United Nations Service Medal.
He attended the Military Police School for 3 weeks in 1949, the RANGER School for 8 weeks in 1949 and the Ordnance Ammo Specialist School for 3 weeks in 1950.
From 30 March 1948 to 11 July 1950, he was a PLT SGT 51 MOS and was an E6/SFC INF.
In July 1950, he was an Infantry Rifleman 111.10 with CO B, 187TH ABN INF REG at Camp Campbell, KY.
In September 1950, he was with CO F, 8TH CAV REGT, AFFE-Korea.
In November 1950, he was with HQ CO 229 ORD BASE DEPOT, AFFE-Korea.
In March 1951, he returned to CO F, 8H CAV REGT.
In October 1951, he was with CO B, 85TH TNK BN, AFFE-Korea and CO A, 11TH INF DIV, AFFE-Korea.
In September 1952, he was with HQ CO, 365TH REGT in Alaska.
In September 1954, he became a Supply SGT, 768.60 with HQ CO, 365TH INF REGT at Fort Dix, NJ.
In May 1955, he became a PLT SGT, 111.60 with HQ BTRY, 879TH FA BN at Fort Dix. He then transferred to HQ&HQ CO 365TH INF REGT in July 1955.
In March 1956, he was a PLT SGT, 111.70 with HQ&HQ 1ST TNG REGT, Fort Dix.
From April 1960 to July 1965, he was a 91L40, Occupational Therapy Specialist with the MED CO, WALSON AH (1A-1262-1) at Fort Dix.
He PCSed to Valley Forge Hospital in Phoenixville, PA and served as a 91L40 from 1966 to 1968.
He retired after 20 years in 1968 and was separated at either Woodbridge, VA (FORT Belvoir) or the VFGH in PA.
He was a Vietnam Era Veteran. No time in Vietnam. Looks as if he received his PH and BSM while being Boots on The Ground in Korea.
Most likely received the ARCOM as a Retirement award, which was common for NCOs in that timeframe.
Another Brother, Bernard Frank Macalino, served in the US Army from 12 March 1952 to October 1956 and was discharged as a PFC when on Active Duty.
He then served with the Army Reserves from October 1956 to October 1960.
His awards included the NDSM, a Good Conduct Medal and the Expert Badge with Rifle Bar.
His Military records are difficult to read. It looks as if he spent time at Fort Dix and Camp Kilmer, NJ and may have or had not completed Airborne Training at Benning.
He served as a Cook and a Cannoner in Europe with APO 22 and APO 179.
Several of his units were the 39th AAA BN and 60th AAA AW BN.
Fernandez was wounded in Korea.
According to a 1951 newspaper article, his Brother Albert served in WW2.
So there you have it. Ole Maggie had family members who served with the Military. She married Ole Sammy in 1954, so she may have been an Air Force Wife living in Florida.
Found an October 1944 where Albert completed Airborne School at Fort Benning.
I sent “Tbone Anger” a PM,
with links to military dot com, MP, and VG.
ninja (and VG admins),
Here it is.
“Tbone Anger” just ANSWERED.
running a charity
that gives vintage aircraft flights to veterans.
How will THAT go over with donors ???
Just like Honor Flight Arizona,
who grudgingly admitted in 2019
that they gave a DC round trip vacay to Maggie DeSanti
… because they don’t check or verify veteran status,
taking flight applicants at their word,
and doing so on the backs of donors…
Grounded No More Veteran Flight Lift,
a veteran flight charity at Falcon Field in Mesa, AZ…
ALSO funded and flying on the backs of donors…
… When given an opportunity to properly verify
the service records of someone (Maggie DeSanti)
that he himself claims to be a Vietnam Veteran….
Anthony Anger clearly chooses to not only
fail to properly verify veteran status,
but offers up a FAKE VOUCH for Maggie DeSanti,
and then cuts off commo.
2 American Legion posts….
what they both have to say about each other… and
what they both have to say about Maggie DeSanti.
Keep an eye out…
For a future
Maggie DeSanti charity flight video,
right here on YouTube.
Maggoty DeSanti…
Seems Phil Monkress has a distant aunt.
I wonder if she is taking the taxpayer-funded flight paid for by Phil Monkress and his fake ass claims “honor” flight to All-Points Logistics?
Home of the turds.
Now 2 people have sent me FaceBook PMs, asking
IF the charity Grounded No More Flight Lift
is “filed with the State of Arizona
regarding his “charity” and tax status”.
Is this something that VG fans / sleuths can answer?
IF his AZ charity and non-profit status are both legal and legit?
I ask, because it appears that
Anthony Anger / Tbone
may have a lot more to hide
than pumping up Impostor Maggie DeSanti as a Vietnam Veteran.
Especially with the duck, dodge, and hide routine
when presented with factual information and fair questions
about Phony Maggie.
Phone call completed with 1 AZ American Legion Post.
FaceBook PM and email exchange underway.
June 1, 2021.
Why does this interview with Tony Anger
only make me MORE skeptical ??
Grounded No More, Inc.
non profit status is good.
Thanks to the volunteer who assisted on verifying this.
ninja *(and VG staff),
UPDATE on Maggie DeSanti
AND American Legion Post 138 – March 9, 2023.
Emails and PMs exchanged
with the neighboring AL Post Commander.
But he’s in no hurry.
Last PM from him –
“Yes I received both. I will review the issue later.
I am more concerned about taking care of my post.”
So, I asked him for referrals to AL District and AZ Dept.
No reply to that (as yet, to be fair).
So, on my own,
I now have names and contact information for the
American Legion Arizona District 12 Commander,
American Legion Department of Arizona officers and staff.
The pursuit of accountability continues,
not only for old phony and long time impostor Maggie DeSanti,
but also American Legion Post 138 of Tempe, AZ,
for over 10 years of Phony Enabling
and harboring a Legion ineligible.
You have to learn to speak double talk…
“taking care of my post” = “avoiding bad publicity”
Yes. Obviously.
I did tell him, in our phone call,
that his Post 35 is fine, in the clear,
and that I am seeking assistance with Maggie,
and neighboring Post 138
that has been harboring Maggie for over 10 years,
and now in 2023,
putting up a display table with statuette in her honor.
It’s likely I may never hear from him again.
If he can’t get back to me with action by this weekend,
I will be after both District and Department on Monday.
This all seems so obvious.
To us.
Maggie DeSanti should have been relegated to a cave
way back in 2014.
Certainly after 2019.
But she lives on.
And phonies on.
And there doesn’t seem to be much urgency in Arizona.
More on this soon.
I will provide the next update on the next Weekend Open Thread,
and link back to here,
so anyone interested in the drama of
Maggie and her wagon train,
can see this Banks article as the March 2023 origin.
Speaking Of The US Army…
“Morning, 1SG!!”
US Army Goes Retro, Brings Back ‘Be All You Can Be’ Ad Campaign To Fight Recruiting Slump”
“On Monday, the branch rolled out a new ad touting the slogan amid a slump in recruiting, as it recently came up 15,000 soldiers short of its goal of 60,000…”
“It has never been more important to recruit and retain the talented men and women who make our Army the world’s greatest fighting force,” the service’s top enlisted leader, Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Grinston; Gen. James McConville, the Army’s top officer, and Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said in a joint statement. “People are the United States Army’s greatest strength and our number one priority. They enable us to fulfill our very purpose: protecting our Nation by being ready to fight and win the Nation’s wars.”
What the US Army is trying to do?
Winnie The Pooh nails it…
Had an official email regarding this, first thing this morning. Had to clean the coffee off my monitor. That was a common reaction in my shop. Are we going to bring back SFC Hulka as well?
😆 😅 😄 😉 😎
Here it is, Folks.
The NEW US Army “Be All You Can Be” Commercial.
Released about 7 Hours ago…
You Be The Judge…
This new commercial STINKS!!
How can folks “Be All You Can Be” when Wokeness has taken over our US Army?
Good Luck, US Army. This Commercial AINT GONNA WORK… :wpds_chuckle:
Where are the stunning and brave alternative-lifestyle female “‘rangers'”?
Probably at the house nursing that hip dysplasia.
Sucks to suck.
Man, I remember when I went to Army Basic in 2011(at age 38), there were a bunch of mofos and mofo-ettes walking around on crutches. Turns out they had stress fractures of the hip. Apparently, a sedentary life of going to school with no PE class, not drinking enough milk, and sitting around playing video games does not prepare you for the moderate exertion of ARMY BCT. My old ass managed to make it through with nothing more than some random soreness and I smoked better than 3/4 of those kids on the 2 mile run. Shit, I even lapped a couple. 🤣
And before you ask, I was prior Air Force Reserve/Air National Guard and crossed over to the Army after they did away with Warrior Transition Course. So, my old ass went to Basic with kids half my age. Shit, I was older than my Drill Sergeants, the 1SG, and the Company Commander, who was prior enlisted.
When I went in 1988 there were kids with stress fractures. The sedentary life isn’t anything new.
Yeah well, my old ass sat there and laughed at them.
I managed to make it almost to retirement before I had a stress fracture in my right foot. Doc looked at the x-ray, points out the fracture, then says” look here, there’s 2 more that healed nicely. When did that happen?” I had no idea.
Nine recycles was not enough….?
Too wussy.
‘Winning matters’ now? I take issue with that, a lot, and all over.
You fucked with my Infantry. Get rekt, fuckers.
Too “woke” and spineless– old one was better. Ah-nold’s best is preferable just by having more spine:
What shit show.
What a bunch of clowns….
Maybe this CAPOS (Cocksucking Asinine Piece Of Shit), Gregory C Banks, should join forces with his State Senator, DaNang Dick Blewthemall, and form a support group.
A more accurate slogan would be “Be all you identify as and we’ll pay for your transition, give you 21 days free leave for your abortion, and provide safe, stress-free training”. We are well and truly fooked.
Agree. I thought the Army was effed up back in the 1970’s, post-Vietnam, but this woke shit will be the death of it.
The leftists controlling our military are totally alienating those members of what has traditionally been their primary recruiting/retention pool in a foolishly vain attempt to appease and recruit from that unfit and unmotivated segment of the youth population which has historically shunned military service.
Knowing how the left is hellbent on destroying America’s traditional institutions, one could be forgiven for believing it’s intentional… 🙄
Preach it Brother Poe!
Leftists gonna Leftist:

They are locusts subsiding on functional apparatuses.
This meme deserves constantly repeated reiterating:
With all these posers, I told CINC Household that I’m Re-designating my gun allowance as bail money.
Told her that while I think it’s morally wrong to deface a gravesite, I will make allowances, and if one of these twat-waffle posers gets a military headstone/grave marker, I will take a sledge hammer and chisel and remove any military references from it.
Just need to find a good lawyer and see if I can get a raise in my allowance, at $400.00 a month it’ll take a bit of time to build it back up to a decent stash.
USAF Retired
And on that day the hard steel of retribution hits that rock of lies… have her make a GiveSendGo.
I ain’t promising the world, just my fair share of the task: righting the wrong.
THAT POS who IMO is more worthless thana third-hand used dildo also attended Masonic lodge meetings in that damned costume of a uniform, I hope he has to give up half of his meals and desserts for “protection” and still gets whored out during shower time!
OH, and now that he has been convicted of a Felony, that means he will be expelled from Freemasonry.
I thought that the Lodge of which he was a member booted him way back when…what was it 2013 or 2014 time frame?
Dumb ASS
Now if they would invite that sleeve ball Bloomenthal. He’s been saying he served in Viet Nam just to get votes.
$1,044,387.08 between 2018 and 2022? This guy was banking $250k a year. Wow.
Please let’s show up on this court hearing Monday the 13th to support the military men and woman
of this country
Keep American safe
The update on Gregory Banks’ sentencing is as follows for those interested in showing up to the courthouse.
After a phone call today to The United States District Court (State of Connecticut), we were informed that Banks’ sentencing date is now TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 2023 at 2PM.
(Add the event to your phone calendar right now!)
Proceedings are open to the public at the U.S. District Court in Hartford:
Abraham Ribicoff Federal Building
United States District Court
450 Main Street
Suite A012
Hartford, CT 06103
860-240-3200 | Clerk’s Office
This is the website to the court calendar (site notes that public proceedings are only shown 10 days out so check back at the end of April for additional details.)
Banks is facing up to 10 years’ imprisonment for fraud. Here is your chance to see an admitted fraudster face some repercussions for his actions.
Please comment here to let me know if you plan to attend on June 6 in Hartford and let’s make this an organized gathering to show Gregory Banks our support for justice. If you’d like to attend solo, that’s plenty helpful, too.
Anyone that has been affected in any way by Greg Banks’ fraud and ethical misconduct is encouraged to attend.
In the meantime, thanks for what you have done on this blog (and in the media) exposing this man over the past 9 years. A valiant cause it has been!
Edit: Check back on the court calendar end of May*
Any updates will be posted as I learn more.
Thank you for your attention.
The update on Gregory Banks’ sentencing is as follows for those interested in showing up to the courthouse.
After a phone call today to The United States District Court (State of Connecticut), we were informed that Banks’ sentencing date is now TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 2023 at 2PM.
(Add the event to your phone calendar right now!)
Proceedings are open to the public at the U.S. District Court in Hartford:
Abraham Ribicoff Federal Building
United States District Court
450 Main Street
Suite A012
Hartford, CT 06103
860-240-3200 | Clerk’s Office
This is the website to the court calendar (site notes that public proceedings are only shown 10 days out so check back at the end of May for additional details.)
Banks is facing up to 10 years’ imprisonment for fraud. Here is your chance to see an admitted fraudster face some repercussions for his actions.
Please comment here to let me know if you plan to attend on June 6 in Hartford and let’s make this an organized gathering to show Gregory Banks our support for justice. If you’d like to attend solo, that’s plenty helpful, too.
Anyone that has been affected in any way by Greg Banks’ fraud and ethical misconduct is encouraged to attend.
In the meantime, thanks for what you have done on this blog (and in the media) exposing this man over the past 9 years. A valiant cause it has been!
D-day eh?
I’ll clear my calendar.
It’s amazing to see this narcissistic predator come to justice. I saw him in around 2015-2016 and did report him to the state of CT but he lied and said he never saw me. He said he was going to be deployed to “army duty” during a counseling session. I remember how he lacked empathy and sensitivity since I had seen him for counseling. What a sad sack of shit.