Uncle Frank Biden’s Purple Heart

| December 19, 2022

Several people are questioning a story that President Joe Biden put out.  There was a statement Biden made claiming that his Uncle Frank was awarded a Purple Heart.  I would say “allegedly,” but Biden’s words were provided on the official White House (dot gov) website.  Therefore, there is no question about him saying it.

Remarks by PresidentBiden at a Delaware Veterans Summit and PACT Act Town Hall | New Castle,DE

    You know, I — my dad, when I got elected Vice President, he said, “Joey, Uncle Frank fought in the Battle of the Bulge.”   He was not feeling very well now — not because of the Battle of the Bulge.  But he said, “And he won the Purple Heart.  And he never received it.  He never — he never got it.  Do you think you could help him get it?  We’ll surprise him.”

So we got him the Purple Heart.  He had won it in the Battle of the Bulge.  And I remember he came over to the house, and I came out, and he said, “Present it to him, okay?”  We had the family there.

I said, “Uncle Frank, you won this.  And I want to…”  He said, “I don’t want the damn thing.”  (Laughter.)  No, I’m serious.  He said, “I don’t want it.”  I said, “What’s the matter, Uncle Frank?  You earned it.”  He said, “Yeah, but the others died.  The others died.  I lived.  I don’t want it.”

Just like a generation — this generation in Vietnam — excuse me, in — in Iraq.

Several journalists are calling these remarks into question.

Biden Says He Awarded Uncle A Purple Heart—But His Story Isn’t Possible
Nicholas Reimann | Forbes Staff
Dec 16, 2022

President Joe Biden appeared to make a major gaffe Friday when he claimed that after being elected vice president in 2008, he awarded his uncle, Frank Biden, a Purple Heart for his service in World War II, but there are some major holes in his story–primarily the fact his uncle died almost a decade before the 2008 election.


Biden recounted the story at a town hall event on veterans benefits on Friday, saying his father—Joe Biden Sr.—encouraged him some time after the 2008 election to give the Purple Heart to Frank Biden for his service during the Battle of the Bulge, claiming he deserved the medal but had never been awarded it.

  • The president’s father died in 2002; his uncle died in 1999.
  • Biden claimed his uncle told him, “I don’t want the damn thing,” when it was presented to him because many he served with did not survive the battle.
  • There doesn’t appear to be any record of Biden giving his uncle the honor—the president hasn’t mentioned the story in the past, there have been no news articles written about it and Frank Biden’s name does not appear on a list of recipients held by the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor, though the list is incomplete.
  • The White House did not respond to a request for comment from Forbes.


“My dad—when I got elected vice president—he said, ‘Joey, Uncle Frank fought in the Battle of the Bulge … and he won the Purple Heart,’” Biden said.

Reference: “I don’t want the damn thing”

This is quite common and I refer to this as the KMA Purple Heart.  The KMA Purple Heart is awarded quite frequently.  It’s the one that was supposedly offered but the person it was offered to says some variant of ‘Kiss My Ass’ – hence… KMA – and immediately cite that many more of his/her buddies either did not make it or were wounded more than him/her.

On the surface, this sounds noble, but if one were to refuse the Purple Heart then the value of that act was spent right there on the spot – if it happened at all.  To continue to repeat the story of alleged refusal is still claiming the person earned it, but there is a reason, and a noble reason, that they don’t have it in their records.

This is not honorable, IMHO.  If the story is true and you refused the award, then stop talking about it.

This is a KMA Purple Heart and they are quite common.  No medal… just a story.

We don’t know what the ground truth is for Uncle Frank, but it sounds like there is enough implausibility to ask a few questions.

Category: Politics, Purple Heart

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Forest Bondurant

Biden is lying, as usual.


Another lie…what else is new. The obituary/headstone just state ‘T Sgt US Army WW2’. He could have been in Belgium/Luxembourg Dec-Jan ’44-’45, but just as likely was slinging hash at Ft Dix. The silence by the White House and the Lamestream media ‘screams’ another conflated story from a man in cognitive decline. He put a few unrelated things together in a story that was not true. I watched my grandmother go through the same thing towards the end.


“Well, I shoveled sh*t in Louisiana” is more likely, if he were alive to say.


General Patton. Great quote!!

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Just like how Joe lied to a crowd about Beau Biden being KIA in Iraq when he died Stateside of cancer.


Or when he said his first wife and daughter were killed by a Drunk Driver…

Ironically, they were killed 50 years ago, 18 December 1972.

“Biden Marks 50th Anniversary Of Death Of First Wife, Daughter In Car Crash



She pulled out in front of that truck, and he’s been smearing that guy ever since.

Sam Bowles

Exactly. The press willing goes along.
The truck drivers daughter says Biden never apologized for the lie.


She didn’t smear anyone, as she died in the crash.

Forest Bondurant

He has woven his political career around his lies,and would have to answer for who he actually is. He has lied about his academic record, where he claimed he graduated at the top of his class (when he actually was at the bottom). He had to drop out of his Presidential bid in 1988 for plagiarism. He has lied about the border being closed; lied he was “appointed” to the Naval Academy; lied about being a professional truck driver; lied about getting arrested while protesting Civil Rights and arrested in South Africa visiting Nelson Mandela; lied about the time when he visited Afghanistan, a 4-star general asked him to award a Silver Star to a Navy Captain, who refused the award during the ceremony; lied about “Corn Pop”, lied to downplay his role in silencing Anita Hill during Clarence Thomas’ confirmation; lied about his stance on anti-segregation; and every promise he has made has been a lie. His biggest lie was when he took the oath of office to support and defend the Constitution

Army-Air Force Guy

….and lied about turning down a job offer from Boise Cascade in Idaho when he was fresh out of college.


This guy literally just makes random crap up in his head and just lets it all out.

I figure he doesn’t think it really matters, since no major news organization will cover the lies and will just ignore it, if not outright cover it up.

“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do read it, you’re misinformed.” – Mark Twain

An Old Arty Sgt

Crazy Joe has no idea what he’s doing. When left alone, he will tell stories of things that never happened. He is an insult to those that served and died in WW II. So sad.


But, but he can still read the words on TOTUS, even if not flawlessly.


What difference, at this point, does it make? (s)

I wouldn’t even believe a story if someone told me he produced a purple fart.


The more that I think of it,



Biden thinks the battle of the Bulge was the Allies looking for Mussolini’s lost cod piece. Ask him, he was there.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Oh, I thought that was Brian Williams.

AW1 Rod

So, the gibbering geriatric invited his dead uncle over to the house, to award him a fictitious Purple Heart, eh?


At the suggestion of his dead father, no less.


Sadly, there are a lot of people that just accept Biden’s lies as Ol’ Uncle Joe being Ol’ Uncle Joe.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Oh, many of us accept Ol’ Unkle Joe’s rantings, there’s not a lot “we” can do about it. If it were possible to mock Joe to his face, we would. But now…….does no good.
Still, we don’t have to act on or obey those rantings.

AW1 Rod

I’d believe the authenticity of a photo of Bigfoot riding a Unicorn through the forest over anything that Retarded Uncle Joe spews.

Anna Puma

Just don’t taste the rainbow…


Of all people you should know better.


If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes…


I had to look twice.

I thought that BF was doing Man Love Thursday Habibbi kinda stuff to that Unicorn.

Hack Stone

Did Barrack Obama have an uncle or grandfather “who liberated Auschwitz”? Hack Stone remembers the campaign commercials saying “Vote for Obama, his grandfather fought in WWII”. If that all it takes to be qualified for President, Hack needs to move into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


If you are a politician who has a dead relative who served in WWII, why not metaphorically dig him up and put him to work for you? After all, the MSM is not going to dig up his records. Anyway, not if you are a D-rat.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone

Let’s try this again.

Anna Puma

What’s next?

Corn Pop gets the Presidential Medal of Freedom?


Well, George Floyd ain’t available…
comment image

Hack Stone

As long as Uncle Joe is handing out overdue military awards, can he take a look at Hack Stone’s end of tour award for when he left III MEF in June 2000? If it doesn’t get here soon, Hack just might have to escalate it up the chain. And make sure that when those crackheads with blowtorches and pliers do finally catch Hack, Hack’s tombstone includes the highly coveted and rarely awarded Precious Metals Recovery Expert Badge.


Biden will consider it once you’ve passed away. Pinning on your chest at a private get together will be a vivid recollection.

Anna Puma

I’m sure he will get right on it once you donate a million dollars.


His other lies:

“In The Firing Line Again: Biden Lies Again About The Number Of Times He’s Visited Afghanistan And Iraq – And Claims His Uncle Won A Purple Heart In World War II When NO Such Record Exists”

  • President Biden has once again claimed he has been to Afghanistan and Iraq ’38, 39 times, twice as president’ – when the true number is closer to 21
  • His last visits were to Iraq in 2016 and Afghanistan in 2011 – long before he was elected 
  • Speaking to veterans in Delaware he also bizarrely claimed he awarded his uncle, Frank Biden, a Purple Heart for WWII service when he became VP in 2008
  • But his uncle died almost a decade before the 2008 election in 1999
  • There have been no news articles about Frank Biden’s medal, and his name does not appear on a list of recipients held by

Why is it that these facts are only reported in an English newspaper? Could it be because our MSM is just a propaganda ministry for the D-rats?




The Official Transcript with Old Brandon Boy’s Lies…


You know, I — my dad, when I got elected Vice President, he said, “Joey, Uncle Frank fought in the Battle of the Bulge.”  He was not feeling very well now — not because of the Battle of the Bulge. But he said, “And he won the Purple Heart. And he never received it. He never — he never got it. Do you think you could help him get it? We’ll surprise him.”

    So we got him the Purple Heart. He had won it in the Battle of the Bulge. And I remember he came over to the house, and I came out, and he said, “Present it to him, okay?” We had the family there.



I said, “Uncle Frank, you won this. And I want to…” He said, “I don’t want the damn thing.” (Laughter.) No, I’m serious. He said, “I don’t want it.” I said, “What’s the matter, Uncle Frank? You earned it.” He said, “Yeah, but the others died. The others died. I lived. I don’t want it.” 

Just like a generation — this generation in Vietnam — excuse me, in — in Iraq.


My uncle Frank never won or was awarded a damn thing.
He fought the battle of the buldge though.

Last edited 2 years ago by 26Limabeans

“For inauguration day we honor Frank H. Biden, President Joe Biden’s uncle. Not to be confused with @POTUS’s brother of same name. Frank served in U.S. Army ordnance during #WWII. He entered service July 17, 1941 at Camp Lee, Virginia and was discharged July 24, 1945 at McGuire General Hospital in Richmond.”


frank h. biden 7.jpg

From the link posted above.

frank h. biden 4.jpg
Daisy Cutter

There are many references to him being born on October 15, 1918 yet this grave marker says January 15, 1918.

Daisy Cutter

From same Find-A-Grave… odd.


Yep…It is indeed Odd…

Just as the May 1942 newspaper article stating that Frank Biden was KIA in Australia.

Do know that Ole Joey’s Boy Uncle (Maternal side) 2LT Ambrose Joseph Finnegan Jr.was MIA in 1944 somewhere over Australia.



WWII Hospital Admission Card For Frank H. Biden.

He was admitted in February 1945 and was discharged in July 1945 from the McGuire General Hospital in Richmond, Virginia.

*Diagnosis: Sclerosis, Disseminated

*Type of Injury:InjuryType: Disease; InjuryType2: Not A Traumatism

*Type of Discharge:Disposition: Discharged Or Retired For Disability, Line of Duty, Yes;

*FinalResult: Discharge/Retirement: Med Reasons–But Not For Any Residual Condition W/ A Code

*Notes:Invalided Home (Except Repatriated) During Current Year

frank h. biden 5.jpg

Information about McGuire General Hospital in Richmond, VA where Frank H. Biden stayed from February-July 1945:

“McGuire’s Beginnings:Built To Meet World War II Demands, McGuire General Hospital Still Serves Today’s Veterans”


RGR 4-78

Multiple (cerebral) sclerosis (MS), also known as encephalomyelitis disseminata or disseminated sclerosis, is the most common demyelinating disease, in which the insulating covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord are damaged.
Causes: Unknown
Diagnostic method: Based on symptoms and medical tests
Treatment: Medications, physical therapy, occupational therapy
Usual onset: Age 20–50″

How is MS service related?

Edited to add link.

Multiple sclerosis – Wikipedia

Last edited 2 years ago by RGR 4-78

In June 1950, Frank H. Biden submitted an application to the State of Pennsylvania for WW2 Compensation for his time with the Ordnance Corps during WW2 (17 July 1941-24 July 1945).

He entered Active Service at Camp Lee, Virginia and was separated at McGuire General Hospital in Richmond, VA.

According to the document he submitted, Frank H. Biden served “Domestic Service” from 7 December 1941 to 28 April 1942.

He then served “Foreign Service” from 29 April 1942 to 19 May 1945.

He then served “Domestic Service” from 20 May 1945 to 24 July 1945.

Frank H. Biden’s application was TURNED DOWN/DISALLOWED/REJECTED from the State of Pennsylvania because at the time at the time of his entry into Active Duty, he was NOT a resident of Pennsylvania.

He was a resident of Virignia.

(Please see the attached 3 documents).

frank h. biden 1.jpg

What is confusing on the documents he submitted was that he annotated that he served “Foreign Service” from 29 April 1942-19 May 1945, yet his WW2 Hospital records shows he was hospitalized from February-July 1945 in Richmond, Virginia.

Perhaps he “embellished’ his time with “Foreign Service”?

Again, his hospitalization was based on him being having the disease Sclerosis; i.e. no injuries.

frank h. biden 3.jpg

Part 3.

frank h. biden 2.jpg

Anything to do with Biden is a Purple Fart….


The more that I think of it,


Daisy Cutter

This is similar to what a female comedian Brett Butler said about Bill Clinton…

“He’s like one of those guys you meet in a bar – you know he’s lying to you but you sleep with him anyway.”

Daisy Cutter

Here is the clip… I was off by a few words.



In September 1941, Frank Biden was identified as being a member of the US Army stationed at Aberdeen Providing Ground, MD.

He has also been identified as being a member of the US Army Ordnance Corps.

frank h. biden 1941.jpg
Daisy Cutter

You’d think if he was in WWII and the Battle of the Buldge, they would highlight that in his obituary. This omission doesn’t prove anything, but it still is a bit odd.

Last edited 2 years ago by Daisy Cutter

The attached reference September 1941 obituary was about Biden’s Grandfather, Joseph H. Biden, not Frank.

Frank Biden, the son of Joseph H. Biden, is mentioned in Joseph H. Biden’s Obit as being stationed at Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG), MD in September 1941.

Frank came on Active Duty in July 1941 at Camp Lee, Va.

Am speculating that he attended Basic and Advanced Training at APG in September 1941 as an Ordnance Soldier and then went forward to the ETO in April 1941 (Iceland).


The saddest part of having a lying, grifting, sniffing, creepy, pedophilic career politician (s)elected as the Prez is the UniParty accepts his shortcoming and allows it to continue. joey learned his lessons well from oblowme…he picked an idiot for his VP. Job security insurance.

Daisy Cutter

If you remove the personalities from the equation, the difference between Trump and Biden is that Trump can’t be controlled and Biden can easily be controlled.

We are most likely relegated to puppet regimes with many people pulling the strings. The silver lining here is that Trump and Biden both showed this to be true.

If you don’t fit into the system, your life will be destroyed along with everyone around you. If you do fit into the system, you’ll be protected – no matter how much of an idiot you are.


This 24 April 1943 newspaper article identified Frank Biden as being stationed with the Armed Forces in Iceland.

frank biden 1943 iceland.jpg

This is what I like about F Joe Biden. When he steals valor he does it for family. It’s not about him. Mostly. Somewhat. A little bit. It’s about stealing it for the dead relatives.


“It’s about stealing it for the dead relatives.”

But always in such a way as to reflect well upon Joe, himself… 🙄 


It’s only because he cares so much. About being loved.


Well, this is interesting.

Newspaper clipping dated 30 May 1942 from The News, Frederick, MD that stated Frank Biden was killed in Australia.

Name of the Father is incorrect in the article. Father was Joseph H. Biden, not Joseph P. Biden.

It is the same Frank Biden and Joseph Biden.

Could not find a correction to this story.


frank biden killed 1942.jpg
A Proud Infidel®️™️

Uhhhhm, Australia wasn’t exactly a Combat Zone during WWII unless you count all the native wildlife there that can kill you!




Another one is the Irukandji jellyfish. Tiny and nearly invisible. It will phuq you up (as in dead) if stung & not treated quickly at a hospital. ‘Not a joke’ as Joey B-Lieden likes to say.
Irukandji jellyfish – Wikipedia


Don’t tell that to people from Darwin.

Prior Service

Well I came here to say something about Corn Pop (I hear he was a bad dude!). Instead, I’ll say that Frank Biden, whatever he did and wherever he did it, and whether or not he rated a PH, at least did something for the country. A shame Bidumb has to smear it with his ineptitude.


Good point – Uncle Frank may not appreciate nephew Joe embellishing his honorable service.

Last edited 2 years ago by tshe

Much less digging him up to pin a PH on him.


Since Brandon has provably lied about every other aspect and fact of this story, I conclude Uncle Frank was a Remf who was not in the Battle of the Bulge and never wounded in combat.


From the White House Transcript.

Yep. The Commander In Chief stated the his Uncle Frank “WON” the Purple Heart.

Bet Austin and Miley are cringing…. 🙄 

“You know, I — my dad, when I got elected Vice President, he said, “Joey, Uncle Frank fought in the Battle of the Bulge.”  He was not feeling very well now — not because of the Battle of the Bulge. But he said, “And he won the Purple Heart. And he never received it. He never — he never got it. Do you think you could help him get it? We’ll surprise him.”

“So we got him the Purple Heart. He had won it in the Battle of the Bulge….”

joe biden lies.jpg

“You are the lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier.”

Now go fetch your mask and leash from Barack… 😉 


Wasn’t that a term Joe got from the Duke in one of his cavalry movies? Like his comment, “now go get him”, which was from “U.S. Marshals”. Joe pretends he’s a movie star.


Actually, it was from the 1952 Tyrone Power movie, Pony Soldier.

Supposedly… 🙄 

Last edited 2 years ago by Poetrooper

It’s always about HIM.

His Son, Beau.

And now his Uncle Frank.

Guess the Commander In Chief forgot about the 13 Service Member killed in Kabul in August 2021.

Never Forget.

biden every life is on his hands.jpg

I hadn’t thought of this story from the KMA aspect, but I think Steve is right. It’s not honorable. That’s why Biden keeps it up. He’s not honorable either.


Fronteer gibberish from Joe?


Is that one of them pony soldiers? I hear he has been on Paw Patrol with some of his fellow hose hounds.


Seen more action than Frank Biden and that’s just in post gym’s male locker room!

Green Thumb

I can see this clown being a new member on the All-Points Logistics Advisory Board.

A true Phildo Supporter.

This is a man that Phil Monkress can get behind.


All military medals, from the MoH on down, are earned, not won. I have never heard of anyone actually refusing a PH (or any other medal, for that matter). I’m sure it’s happened, but there are other benefits (like an increase of money) that come with the PH (like Combat Related Special Compensation) or Airman’s Medal (10% increase in retirement pay) that come with the honor. And they deserve all of it, IF they actually earned it.


John Kerry supposedly threw his handful of dubiously-earned Purple Hearts over the White House fence, remember?

Last edited 2 years ago by Poetrooper

No, they were somebody else’s medals. Lesson there is never lend your shit to John Kerry.


Well, that is what he said when someone noticed he had his medals displayed on the wall in his office several years after his media stunt.


If one is hospitalized from a combat wound, usually the orders awarding the PH are cut before the medal is pinned on the man in the hospital bed. So, in most cases there isn’t an opportunity to reject the medal. I suppose if the medal was awarded erroneously, such as for an injury that wasn’t caused by enemy fire, then the award could be withdrawn.


You will never get any further records. The regime is corrupt and in full control.


Also, since Brandon made up the story, it is extremely unlikely he asked DOD to award any medal to his long dead uncle. Look at the content of the story, everyone in it besides Joe was deceased when he has them as alive participants. Remember Joe says this happened when he was Veep.


If that newspaper report of service in Iceland is true, that would be foreign service.


Ya gonna run out of bullshit flags to throw. No way in hell they’ll release those records. And we know that they have them. We requested our Father’s records 20 some odd years ago (WWII) and received some copies that had burn marks and other stuff that read “Constructed from other records” or similar words.

Tell you some other records you will never see evidence of and that would be any connections to the biteme family and the slave trade that went on in Delaware. The state had nearly 2K slaves, officially, in 1860. Delaware didn’t ratify the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments until the early 1900. And we can’t talk about the number of Slaves Ships that had roots there.


Just MHO, the official line will be to protect the family of the POTUS (wink, nod) but we know it is to protect them from embarrassment. Flip side of that is sniffy creepy has been an embarrassing the family for so long that they are used to it. I still say he is a puppet for the Deep State ’cause in a country of 350 million people, this is the best they got? China grins.


This explains the Joe / Kamala connection. Familial business connections going back several generations.

USMC Steve

Fairly simple. The VP has no authority or ability to make such an award. He is nowhere in the military chain of command. Then there is the fact that Biden is demonstrably LYING about the whole thing.


“LYING,” c’mon, man! Joe lying? Tell me it is not so. It is not like he has a sixty year history of dissembling and total fabrication of events.

Old tanker

Nothing to see here folks. Just the dementia of the world’s most influential powerful leader talking. Go on about your business, there is nothing worng about or with the president.

(spelling intentional)


I mean, come on man.


Biden got him a medal. “Undeserved and much appreciated”. Well he was half right. And of course he had to bring up “my son who fought in Iraq” which of course is untrue.


Is there any truth to ‘Uncle Frank’ even being anywhere near Bastogne during the siege?


[…] We posted about it here. […]