Rain, snow, and wind gusts followed by frigid air this week

| December 19, 2022

If you have travel plans for the coming days, weather forecasters are projecting a storm system this week. The National Weather Service is advising about a major storm system leading to this weekend that could provide gusty winds, heavy rain, and heavy snow. Bitter cold is projected to follow. Other forecasters appear to be in agreement with this forecast. If you have travel plans for the impacted days this week, be careful.

From Newsmax:

The National Weather Service wrote on Twitter Sunday, “A major storm system is forecast to impact much of the Nation leading up to Christmas Eve, with widespread gusty winds, areas of heavy rain and heavy snow, as well as bitter cold in its wake.”

Other forecasters warned similarly.

“Our confidence is growing. And what that means is that there’s more agreement on the forecast data, so the significant winter storm becomes more likely. The timing right now is that this could last into Christmas weekend. For some, it’s a nightmare. For others, this could be dreaming of a white Christmas come true,” Fox Weather meteorologist Amy Freeze said.

According to Accuweather, the storm will send a “wide swath of snow, rain and fierce winds from the Plains to the Atlantic Seaboard. The intensifying storm will coincide with a surge of frigid air that will send temperatures to bone-chilling levels through the holiday weekend and could be one of the most intense and prolonged periods of Arctic air in decades during Christmastime. The plummeting temperatures with the storm could also lead to concerns of a rapid freeze-up.”

Accuweather also said that the travel outlook on Dec. 22 is “poor” for much of the mid-Atlantic and northeastern states.

Newsmax has the rest of the story.

Category: Society

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A Proud Infidel®️™️

Have the lefties screamed “climate change” yet? Gee whiz, it’s winter!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

In & near SLC, UT, snow Wednesday, with 20 degree high for Thursday. BRRRRR…

-5 below at Stately Claw Manor right now.

But take heart, the Winter Solstice happens on Wednesday the 21st, and by the year 2090 it will have increased by 8.7 seconds to 9 hours, 15 minutes and 24.9 seconds from where it was in the year 2005 when we moved from balmy, sub-tropical Wyoming to here. / s

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Balmy sub tropical Wyoming.
That’ll be the day.


The low on Christmas Day in my area of Florida is 40…that’s COLD, damn cold for around here.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

40 degrees?
That would be a heat wave around here.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I’m in South Florida and it’s supposed to go down into the 60’s next. Looks like the LPH 3 A Div deck jacket (50’s/60’s era) is coming out of the closet.


They are saying 9 on Thursday and 8 on Friday around here.


Must be north Bama or Miss


Bama was 32 when I left Sat morning. Here in CO, the high for Thursday is gonna be Neg 6..


Fyr, you didn’t bring Trailer Smith back home wid ya, did ya?…any luck with the scratch offs?…guess there’s no beer left and the porch is back where it’s supposed to be?

Throw another log on the fire and hunker down, Brother.


Forecast 17 in the GB AO this week, several days of below 32.
Plenty of propane in the tank if the electricity goes out. Good thing the grandkids all live withing walking distance.

Y’all be safe, an all ye in the Northern Climes (may God have mercy on your condition) – please take care.


“…gusts of frigid air…” Sounds like one of my ex-wives. heh heh Throwing my log in the fire box did help. Took a lot of kindling tho.

Y’all keep your damned ice and snow up yonder. My plan was to make a spirited attempt to head to the Gunshine State FIRST (ht2 Tox) Thing Christmas Morning for a few days. The cold I can deal with, but the idiots that can’t even drive in 75 degree sunny weather give me pause for concern. With a lack of snow/ice removal road equipment, GDOT’s SOP is to wait a day or so and it will be over. Remember the Snowmageddon that shut down everything here a few years back? The Atlanta Interstate system was a parking lot for 2 days.

Any of you snow bunnies need shelter, it’s a balmy 46 right now at Firebase Magnolia.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

And just think about how well electric cars will do when stranded on snowy roads!


Word! Imma 100 miles south and we had an inch or two. Had family from Nebraska here that was scheduled to fly out that day, but the ATL Airport was shut down. BiL was snorting over it. “They call this a snow storm?” I enjoyed the extry days with him and Sis.

Had a buddy, 18 wheeler operator, that sat on I 285 for 18 hrs cause of all the stuck/abandoned 4 wheelers. He just rode it out with full diesel tanks, snacks, water and his DVDs. A tour of duty in the ETO gave me a bellyful of snow and cold.


The ORIGINAL “Baby It’s Cold Outside” from the 1949 Musical Romantic Comedy Film with Esther Williams, Red Skelton, Ricardo Montalban, Betty Garrett, Keenan Wynn, Xavier Cugat and Mel Blanc.

The song won the 1950 Academy Award For Best Original Song. It is commonly regarded as a Christmas song.

Sadly, a bunch of Weak, Woke Individuals that have nothing better to do tried to destroy this song….

4 minute video well worth watching!

baby its cold outside.jpg

You Be The Judge…

 😉  😎 

cold outside 2.jpg

Good tune. It’s no My Wet Pussy but still pretty good.


Weather Guessers and Intell Weinies. “We bet your life.”

pookysgirl, WC wife

Not going anywhere for awhile, so it’s time to stock up on Snickers before the blizzard hits.

OH! OH! This means I can link one of the greatest commercials of all time! 😀


Only Army Mom

Was out in it Saturday for WAA for about 5 hours. I’m ashamed to admit I needed my snow gear for warmth – the temperature was only the low 20’s. Come January, that’s going to feel like spring has sprung.

Thursday we’re in for it with a predicted low of -3 and a high of 3 before somewhere between 3” and 19” of snow hits. The snow gear will definitely be justified, with no shame.

I’m filling up the gas cans, have the generator ready to go, and will be on my couch with piles of blankets come Thursday. I can’t remember, why do I live where the air hurts my face?

Old tanker

Forecast for my little part of TX is not good. High winds Thursday followed by 10 degree low and a 35 degree high. I imagine plumbers will be busy replacing busted pipes.


Thursday night will be pretty awful in Corpus Christi, going from 71 down to 23. Otherwise, Christmas is looking like about 50. Think I can handle that without too much suffering.


Great time to stop fossil fuels from being used.
The heathen non-believing trolls that dare to question the mantra of being in the middle of a climate crisis can freeze and die so that the right people will inherit thee planet without so many of them to mess things up for the right of us !