IVAW’s nutjobs can’t stop the Truth (Updated 3x)

| March 11, 2008

Well, I made Michele Malkin‘s blog again – but not in a good way this time. She reproduced the insane rantings of Jonathan DeWald who last week threatened to somehow put holes through my head (along with Robin, Denis Keohane and Thus Spake Ortner) when we show up at Winter Soldier II this week – even though we’ve been invited by IVAW.

In fairness, DeWald apologized – but even his apology was an unbalanced display. It’s almost funny that Michele Malkin mentioned DeWald because she’s spent more time in Iraq than this particular member of the organization called Iraq Veterans Against the War.

Apparently some other unbalanced fellow has also threatened to bomb the two Gathering of Eagle and Eagles Up events scheduled for the weekend – that’s at Michele’s blog, too. I’ve gone back and forth on whether I’d attend this weekend because of the unreasonable and irrational reaction to our participation. But, I’ve decided that I’ll go.

DeWald has threatened me with physical harm and he’s threatened to gun me down – that kind of reaction means to me that the Left’s intellectual depth on this subject is shallow and they know it, so they can’t stand to have their motives questioned. That only reinforces the fact that my attendance is essential.

So Friday morning, I’ll be at the National Labor College, live blogging – with my back to the wall.

I’ve shut down the comments for this post because whenever I mention DeWald’s name, it becomes a childish back-and-forth.

Update: I have it on very good authority that the bomb threats against the GOE that Michele wrote about have been reported to the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Bureau.

Update: Apparently either Google or DeWald took his blog down.

Update: One member of IVAW apologizes for the behavior of the others;

Two members have been identified as making personal threats recently. One has been requested not to attend Winter Soldier, and the other situation is currently being handled internally.

Those of you who have served in the military know that you accept responsibility for all under your command, even actions specifically against your wishes or orders. As such, though the situations are far less exact than I would like, I would like to apologize both personally and professionally to Michelle Malkin, Robin, Nicki, Thus Spake Ortner, and Jonn Lilyea and others for the actions of these members, and assure the public that steps are being taken to ensure this does not occur again.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Politics

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