Spitzer is one of Hillary’s super-delegates

| March 11, 2008

The Wall Street Journal’s Washington Wire reports that Hillary loses Eliot Spitzer’s super-delegate vote if he resigns;

If New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer resigns, as is widely anticipated, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton will be down one superdelegate. The scandal-tainted governor and his Lt. Gov. David Paterson currently are two of the roughly 800 superdelegates who will also cast ballots at the August nominating convention. Both are public backers of Clinton.

If Spitzer resigns, New York succession laws provide for Paterson to assume the role of governor until the term expires in 2010. Here’s the rub: succession law also provides for the president of the state senate to become lieutenant governor. That man is Joseph Bruno, a Republican and political enemy of Spitzer.

It is safe to say that Bruno will not be casting a ballot at the Democratic National Convention in Denver.

It’s also safe to say that Spitzer won’t be getting invites to the Clinton New York home…well, none from Hillary anyway.

That was fast! I just checked out the history of the Mann Act on Wikipedia and Spitzer has already been added as one of the “Notable Individuals Investigated Under the Act“.

Category: Politics

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