Man Ordered to Stop Falsely Claiming to be Navy SEAL

| July 1, 2022

A Florida man – Joseph Fucheck – has been ordered by the court to stop claiming he was a Navy SEAL as part of his plea deal.

Previously, we wrote about Fucheck:

* “Former Navy SEAL” and “Head of SWAT Team” Brandishes a Gun – Now Faces Charges

* Joseph Fucheck – NOT a Navy SEAL

Probation for man involved in racist rant requires him to stop pretending to be a Navy SEAL 

As part of his plea deal, 60-year-old Joseph Fucheck has been ordered to stop posing as a Navy SEAL or policeman.

A Florida man who pleaded guilty to aggravated assault with a firearm with prejudice after pointing a gun at a Black homeowner and hurling a racial slur has been sentenced to probation.

As part of his three-year probationary sentence, Joseph Fucheck has been ordered to stop pretending that he is a Navy SEAL or a policeman, according to The Miami Herald. He will also undergo mental health counseling and substance abuse treatment, plus must stay away from the victim, Dwayne Wynn.

This story was also carried on Task & Purpose.

Apparently, his claim of Navy SEAL was not just in a fit of rage as he has been claiming this for years.

I’m sorry, but I have to point this out – if someone was caught stealing cars and as part of their punishment they were to stop stealing cars… well, duh.  We need a ruling on this from Captain Obvious.

Category: Fake SEAL, Navy Poser, Phony SEAL, Stolen Valor

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Hack Stone

Love that “official portrait”. He has the look of a killer. Did he borrow that costume from David Byrne (Talking Heads), because that shirt and jacket look a bit too large for him.

As to (see what Hack did there?) his name, Joseph Fucheck, it’s just too damn easy of a target. How about Joey Fuckstick?


“Same as it ever was! Same as it ever was!”

The Stranger

He wants some wild, wild life!

Green Thumb

He got it at All-Points Logistics in Merritt Island, Florida.


Hey, it’s Bruce Dern’s character from Black Sunday!
comment image


Nice attempt at a dress blue jacket with the notched lapels… also pretty sure it’s single breasted, doofus.

Last edited 2 years ago by Deckie

Airline pilot… if he’d gotten promoted and didn’t shave:
comment image

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Florida Man strikes again!
Really!? A slap on the wrist and a stern “no! no! don’t do that again!”?
He wants to prove he’s a Navy SEAL? Take him five miles out into the briny deep (Gulf or Atlantic), drop him off into the water, and let him swim back to shore. THEN he can call himself a SEAL, no more legal repercussions.
He didn’t make it? Well, then, I guess he wasn’t a SEAL. (ARF! ARF!)


Florida again.

— SIGH —

There has got to be a motorcycle, a leather vest covered in POSer bling, a tiger stripe camouflage doo-rag, a pair of dumbass-looking white-framed mirror-lens wrap-around sunglasses, and a service dog (for the dreaded PTS of the D) involved in this steaming hot mess somewhere.

There just has to be…

A Proud Infidel®™️

I just hope and pray that he didn’t drag some poor dog into his con games!

Green Thumb

The bike is parked in the garage one floor down from his office at All-Points Logistics.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I guess it’s the Florida water and thats why I have an original authentic under the kitchen sink installed water purifier and don’t own and wear all of the above articles.


Commander Fuck-eck err Fuck-up err Fuck-whatever, what the hell is up with your costume? SEALs are Unrestricted Line Officers and therefore should have a star above those stripes. I can’t make out what he has in this picture. His ribbon rack is probably jacked, and why no Parachutist badge? I saw a SEAL Admiral with a SWO, but I wonder if he a tour on a surface ship during his career. Any way…what an asshole. SEAL? Cop? No. Douchebag, yes.


Just call him Commander Fuckstick and be done with it.


A retard who can’t RTFM before fakin’ it.


Commode-adore Fuckstick


Yeah, Fucksticks ribbons are all fucked up. His sleeve emblem appears to be the Naval CWO Special Warfare Technician.


He is wearing that insignia. UPSIDE DOWN!!!


Always do a fuck check before each mission.


If this ass clown ignores the court order, maybe a few real SEALs can pay him a visit and put him through some “training”.


So Fuckneck’s daughter knows the deal; “He’s a narcissist,” she said. “He just has to be the center of attention”. A smart one that one.

So true of all the phonies….


No time for half measures or to check on this fuker. I gotta go. I’ll just go on the info FTA.

Looks like I’ll have to be the FIRST, again, to call for a Deployment of the TAH As(s)teroid of Insults on the lying POS Joseph Fucheck. ChipNASA, standby.

Can I get a SECOND and an AYE?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande



I second the emotion!

The Stranger

Si! Si!


Go for it!


Second aye!

“You may fire when ready.”

“Commence primary ignition!”

Ominous hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm……..


In other words, unleash the Dis-Star.


OK Guys,
I’m really, really behind (NO JOKES!!) on my radar. I have typing to do.


I like it better when unhinged, chronic criminals serve years for assault with a gun they shouldn’t have.

This assclown needs some meat-injection therapy at the big house. May he step-on-dick and remand for that 3-year bid.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I’m betting that booger-munching fuckstick won’t last even a month until he gets himself in deep shit.

Green Thumb

Phil Monkress’ mentor, friend and brother from another mother.

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) is probably following this case very closely. I would be surprised if he has not already spun up Lori Benton.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I bet that the both of them blow winos behind bus stops for a nickel each and give change.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

With a name like that, he leads himself wide open. Making this short and on the way to dermitogist.


At least you had skin in the game…..

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Got a basil cell on the front of my nose so I’ll be doing the 3rd option which is the radiation deal using a machine that looks like one of those DR. Who robots… 6 seconds of a pin point ray and 5 minutes to set everything up. No slicing and dicing that I had on the side of my nose (MOHS) back in 2017. Sis tells me to use a red magic marker and circle the mark so I will look like a clown


Had one taken off the top off my head a few years ago. Same spot I had radium treatments at 6mos old.
Just off the top of my head I would guess they are related.

Daisy Cutter

His first name is “Gaylord” I bet.

Skivvy Stacker

He has to stop claiming to be a SEAL, and start referring to himself as a Navy OTTER.
As in; “I otter know better than to claim I’m a SEAL.”

I know, I know. Bad pun. Fuck you. I’m the product of a broken home. The roof had a hole in it.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Bad pun and very punny.


After seeing the Bob Neener Purple Heart certificate, the Whiz Wheel®™ determined that a new spin was needed for Joe Fubar to update the records.

Name as posted on the Neener certificate:

COMMANDER JOSEPH MAXIMILLION FUCHECK spins up a FUBAR* score of 77 x 7 = 539.

* Last year’s FRPR score was only 408.


Joseph Fucheck’s Purple Heart that he received for OPERATION JUST CAUSE in Panama in 1989.


Mental Illness Is A Terrible Disease.

RGR 4-78

They misspelled Fuckit.


Did the F U Check on Fucheck (FOIA results) ever come back?
It’s 4 days short of
since the 1st VG article.

You’d think the US Gov’t would do SOMETHING
(as simple as add employees or grant some overtime)
to cut down on the turnover time,
and reduce the covid induced backlogs
of FOIA redacted military records requests.




Joseph Fucheck’s SEAL Certificate.

Signed, SEALED and Delivered.

Seriously. The certificate states “SEAL DELIVERY”.

🙄🧐 What is that????

Mental Illness Is A Terrible Disease.


Sea, air and land, the means of “delivery” of a SEAL team.


But, of course, the certificate is totally bogus. In Special Forces we have the same means of infiltration. My certificate/diploma doesn’t say anything about “delivery” either

A Proud Infidel®™

BUT does he have a copy of his award for “Best blowjob behind a bus stop” on display?


They don’t just hand those out to every sucker of cock. That is truly a major award for POSers. The question is whether he has been awarded the brass testicle device on his corresponding ribbon.


Dude got his certificates off WISH.


He got them off the website  Bob Neener Military Certificates  2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019,2020,2021,2022©

You can tell by that little text line on the bottom left….every. single. time.
OG Stolen Valor Phony Supporter.
Has been arrested and sentenced multiple times for his phony certificates.


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