Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| February 22, 2022

You’ve heard of using a paper bag…

Child abuse in public education

Not sure if this is more disturbing that the schools are teaching people how/what to use for masturbation or that kids today have so little imagination they need to be told what to use…

I thought New Zealand was a free country?

I had to see it, now you do too

Openly racist assholes

You’re suspended, but not today, we need your plague rat ass too badly,

God bless whomever did this

Everything about this is gross and repulsive

‘Climate grief’?

Corporal Klinger wore it better

If you don’t want your chicks to have dicks, you’re a transphobic bigot

Escape from Los Angeles was a prophecy!

Individual freedom is a far-right myth

Racism is so prevalent, they have to fake it

Our education system has failed our young people

The left is so mature

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok, YGBSM!!

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“It’s not you, it’s the government that owes us reparations”!

Where does she think that the government gets it’s money?


Gee Wally, were those trillions of dollars spent on “black” issues since the end of the Civil War “reparations”?

Why yes, beav, yes they were.

Well how much Wally?

Over $55 Trillion Beav.

Wow! That’s a lot, Wally!

Yes it is beav…yes it is.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, all the programs of LBJ’s “Great Society” sure have worked wonders for the Minority Population.


Clearly, education – of any sort – was not a priority in this women’s upbringing.
And as Mason kind-of alludes to – probably needs her med’s tweaked…


Because I spent so much time working on this today I’m not wasting it…
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That one from “Escape from LA” seriously looked like Baghdad in 2005…

AW1 Rod

So, I’m “transphobic” if I don’t want to date someone with a mental illness…..and a dick?


They think that they could shame us into engaging in abominations like that. Not going to work… The left doesn’t understand our side of the argument, we’re willing to continuously reject wokeness even if it means that we end up going to the graveyard with all sorts of labels of “isms” and “phobias” attached to our names.

Call me old school like woman without penis.jpg
AW1 Rod

Big deal. These losers may call me anything they wish. Their opinions mean precisely dick to me…..you should pardon the expression.  😀 


More on the firefighter (and police) suspensions. Those whacky fire fighters don’t want to turn over a copy of their DNA profile to our close friend and ally China. What silly people.


60 Second Presidents is a program by PBS. They don’t have a video on Donald Trump . The school has nothing to do with it.


To each and every one of these WORTHLESS Twitter-twots – especially the corpulent THING in what passes for a bathing suit and the other THING that followed a women into the restroom:


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Waited til the end of the day…purposely. Just scanning thru this makes me want to go caress my NIB Kimber 1911 Custom LW and fantasize what type of pattern it will make on these targets. Bring it on, sickos! Hell ain’t full yet.


A Proud Infidel®™

GEE WHOZ, liberalism sure has turned major Metroplitan areas of Calizuela into beautiful utopias, hasn’t it? Let’s not forget that it’s just what the left, namely the filthy rich liberals want to inflict on the rest of the USA.


Re: I had to see it, now you do too.

All I have to say is hubba hubba.