Tuesdays with the Libs of Tik Tok

| December 7, 2021

Dad keeping it real

Want to help out BIPOC communities, white people? Stop having babies.

That’s entirely reasonable, right?

“Black power” chants demanding a “life for a life” at Ofc Potter trial in Minneapolis

Time was that men would teach boys how to be men. Not now.

Liberal politicians in the UK commit the same hypocrisy as our liberals

This person seems mentally stable

All she wants for Xmas is to inject experimental vaccines into her toddler

Beware Russia. War with the US means you will have to face this!

Coming soon to the US

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Dumbass Bullshit, Libs of Tik Tok

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That PA teacher’s job only exists because of the ambivalence-induced inaction of good men.
Don’t make them ‘valanced’ and resentful of your continued attack on the sacred foundations of modern society.

And that all I have to say about that.


The posts about her are spreading around the Book of the Fake,
but teacher Mumau’s FakeBook account is no longer visible.


I’m surprised a creature like that has the capability to feel shame…


FFS! Living proof that idiots do exist. And homie with the whole life for a life thing? Sorry Bruh, them numbers don’t work out very well for your side. Wonder what would happen if a buncha good ol’ boys was to start marching around the Court House where a certain uninvited parade float driver was being tried? Pity that a very small % of the 13% are causing so many problems for the Good People of that group.

Skivvy Stacker

“A life for a life”?

Sorry guys; we don’t have the death penalty in Minnesota. You need to leave.


They should contemplate the outcome if their opponents were to reply:

“We accept your terms.”


– Kerry Hunter-Coming Out: It’s not what you say, Kerry; it’s how you say it. In the mean time, the World-at-large might suggest you applying a dab or two of some Butt-hurt paste(e.g. welcome to the reality of a really real world).

– Show support for the BIPOC community by White People not having babies… Very obviously a ‘nishnawbe, just NOT a traditional ‘nishnawbe. Braids are cool Bro, your shared thoughts on birth control; not-so much.

– ‘The Lion of Judah’ at Kim Potter’s trial – just another collection of puffed-up BLM rabble with poor cadence and not very much to say.

– This Mom needs to read Johnny The Walrus. Great! Child/Parent bonding is absolutely critical path in any child’s upbringing but where the hell’s Mom? Is it the one with the beard or in Tartan?!

– Zarah Sultana = Hypocrite. In all latitudes and in EVERY sense of the word. S’crunt. ‘Nuff said.

– Pennsylvania teacher Mollie Mamau – should do the World a favour and lead by example-either die from the virus or shoot herself live on FuctBook. For more ‘Likes’ she ought to do both.

– All she wants for Christmas is vaccine for her two yr old daughter.
Assuming her daughter lives long enough, she’ll grow up to be just like Mom and her future family will still be a blight on the ass-crack of humanity.

– Beware Russia-War with the US means you will have to face this – ‘wedgey in my bootie feel’n tight’? Hopefully, Putin will laugh so damn hard he chokes on his caviar and biscuits(IMHO-this bunch needs an all-expense-paid visit to NTS-Nevada so we can actually Nuke ’em from orbit).

– And in Canada, we’ve got this waste-of-skin to add to the Lib’s of TikTok –




REALLY hoping Romana will have some spare time to join the dancing/rapping troupe at NTS…

Thanks Mason.


The comments on that first article are….. fun?
WTF is happening up there? So much for super-friendly, live-and-let-live Canaduh, eh?

Kevin Haan-
I thought this country was ruled by supreme oppressor Justin Trudeau?

Jeff Dwyer-
Don’t worry. You’re not. Only intelligent Canadians are ruled by Trudeau. You and Queen DeDildo aren’t.

In this American’s opinion, Trudeau is at best a heavily flawed hatchet man* for a cabal of foreign interests, and I’ll leave it at that.

*See what I did there?!


Yeah, Dog, saw what ya did there. Har… Fair to say, True-Dolt can easily be called a heavily flawed hatchet man for a cabal of foreign interests. Just as long as you see that this particular Hatchet used to work for the PEOPLE of Canada and NOT True-Dolt and his pocket-collection of sycophants…
But also fair to say, I abhor Justin and Joe with equal measures of contempt as both are seemingly working for a cabal of foreign interests… *shrug* I’ll remind you to murder me later.


Actually Mason, Queen Elizabeth is still Queen of England but when refereed to as The Queen of Canada, she is only a constitutional monarch, acting entirely on the advice of Canadian Government ministers.
Evidently, a point entirely lost on Didulo.


All she wants for Christmas? All her husband (in the rare possibility she has one) probably wants is a separate bedroom with a steel door and triple deadbolts.

Those crazy eyes remind ol’ Poe of a time many years ago when he and Miz Poe had to rent a small house out in in the Hill Country for a brief time while waiting for their new country home to be finished.

While being shown through the property, Poe asked the owner-husband about the heavy steel door to the master bedroom which was pitted by countless dents on the outer side. He nonchalantly responded,

“Oh, those are from the butt of the butcher knife my crazy ex-wife used to pound on it with when she was trying to get at me.”

Thank goodness we were only there a couple of months ’cause Poe never got a single night of restful sleep in that room…😳😳😳


I feel sorry for Evan, the kid never had a chance to grow up normal. Bet mom just loves to dress her son up as a girl. Those guys mom took him to see look like they live in an asylum, and they shouldn’t be let out….ever.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

Most (all) of those videos made me ill. Wanting-to-throw-up ill.
As for Mollie Moo-moo, being head hatchet (sorry, Hatchet) in the NEA (National Education Ass’n) sez it all.