The latest COVID madness, forcing small children to eat outside where it’s freezing
This one combines COVIDiocy and child torture, the hallmark of a proper public education these days.
From KSTP;
Pictures of Normandale Elementary School in Edina [Minnesota] show students eating their lunch outside with hats, coats and mittens on.
“Since the beginning of school, I learned that essentially if you brought a lunch from home, you were eating outside,” said Carissa Palm, the mother of a third-grader at the school.
Palm’s daughter frequently brings home lunch, although Palm says she won’t be anymore after realizing her daughter was still eating outdoors in November.
“I felt silly for not realizing that she was sitting outside when it was 36 degrees,” Palm stated.
Edina Public Schools says outdoor lunch is an element of its COVID-19 mitigation strategy and says it is optional.
But 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS found it is not optional at all schools.
At Normandale, if you bring cold lunch — like Palm’s daughter — you eat outdoors.
“It was surprising that they didn’t have any type of temperature guidelines for what might be too cold and that [the principal] wasn’t open to putting anything in writing so that we could make plans and go forward based on our family,” Palm explained after reaching out to the district about concerns.
Outdoor lunch has also not been optional at Highlands Elementary in Edina, where Dan Stocker’s second- and fifth-graders have been eating hot and cold lunch outside all year until last week.
“My kids did have days where they were asking for fingerless mittens or mittens where the fingers can be accessed, so it was concerning as a parent,” he explained.
Stocker and Palm both said they understand those who want their children to eat outside and said they should have that option, but both think there should have been an indoor option as well, especially as temperatures dip.
“We’re all trying to keep our kids healthy, but when you take a step back and look at the larger picture, we are forcing our kids, who are in elementary school, to go outside and eat their lunch in 40, 30, or 20-degree temperatures, that doesn’t make any sense,” Stocker said.
The district didn’t have anyone available to answer questions on camera but responded via email:
“Edina’s six elementary schools have had outdoor spaces as an optional lunch location since the start of school.
At this time, most of the elementary schools have moved to indoor lunch… two schools have continued to offer outdoor lunch as an option.”
The district did not respond when asked about a policy or guidelines for outdoor lunch regarding temperatures, wind chill, rain, or snow.
I just can’t wrap my head around any of this. Why is lunch more of a transmission vector than any other time of the day? Why did anyone involved in putting this policy in place, implementing the policy, or even just watching this policy continue not stop and push back on this.
If kids want to eat outside, fine. Making it mandatory, especially as the upper midwest descends into the single digits? Lunacy. Pure lunacy. You’ve got kids asking for special mittens so they can eat their cold lunch in the cold without cold hands. Meanwhile, the students who bought the school’s hot lunch get to dine inside in the warmth?
Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", COVID-19, YGBSM!!
People control, not virus control!
I have eaten many a cold lunch outdoor in my day.
But with kids, this is ridiculous.
We were tough LOL, This is retardation on steroids. The intelligence of the people running our schools should be looked into.
“The intelligence of the people running our schools should be looked into.”
Likely to be a fruitless search…
Outdoor lunch during a Minnesota Winter? That kind of stupid deserves a wooden mallet to the forehead!
May I use a pickax instead, API?
On those heads my wooden mallet may shatter.
You could break said pickax, I prefer that you use a 2 pound mallet instead!
Charge admission, sell popcorn and you’ve got one hell of a business model!
Torturing children for an nearly-asymptomatic disease for their cohort that’s “‘killed'” 712 under 18?
Some societies are not worth saving.
About 73.5M children in this country (that we ‘know’ of), setting the fatally rate of roughly 0.001% and no one bats a fucking eye over the 30% y/y increase of overdoses.
My statement stands.
The drugs coming across our open border are allowed by our government.If not controlled by them.
And, Narcan is free in most places. Can’t have dopers dying of their own stupidity.
But, Epi Pens, Insulin and cancer treatment drugs have hefty price tags.
But I thought the virus only attacked at eye level or higher? You were SAFE seated. That’s how it works in restaurants, right??
Just getting the kiddos ready for the inevitable gulags.
Well, under Tennessee law, that school staff would be subject to arrest and conviction; and so would the parents if they fail to protect their children from such abuse or neglect.
T.C.A. §39-13-401:
(b) Any person who knowingly abuses or neglects a child under eighteen (18) years of age, so as to adversely affect the child’s health and welfare, commits a Class A misdemeanor; provided, that, if the abused or neglected child is eight (8) years of age or less, the penalty is a Class E felony.
(1) A parent or custodian of a child eight (8) years of age or less commits child endangerment who knowingly exposes such child to or knowingly fails to protect such child from abuse or neglect resulting in physical injury or imminent danger to the child.
(2) For purposes of this subsection (c):
(A) “Imminent danger” means the existence of any condition or practice that could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious bodily injury;
(B) “Knowingly” means the person knew, or should have known upon a reasonable inquiry, that abuse to or neglect of the child would occur which would result in physical injury to the child. The risk must be of such a nature and degree that the failure to perceive it constitutes a gross deviation from the standard of care that an ordinary parent or legal custodian of a child eight (8) years of age or less would exercise under all the circumstances as viewed from the defendant’s standpoint; and
(C) “Parent or custodian” means the biological or adoptive parent or any person who has legal custody of the child.
(3) A violation of this subsection (c) is a Class A misdemeanor.
These are the so called “adults” in charge.
I miss the old days when common sense was utilized on an almost constant basis.
That’s “racist” and not “equity” now, comrade!
RGR, unfortunately, common sense is now considered a super power.
Left/libtards be both crazy and stupid about Teh Covid.
The only food vector for Covid might have been in a Wuhan Lab biologist’s lunch box.
The Stupid, it burns.
Shaking my head in abject dismay… And what will the children benefit or learn from all of this? A hundred miles beyond Lars-stoopid.
When I was stationed in Minot AFB, ND our kids were sent outside to play during recess, and were only allowed to play inside when it was 0 deg F or lower. These kids are sissies.
Time to keep the kids at home and give them home schooling, just like or pioneer ancestors. They’ll be safer, learn REAL stuff, and won’t freeze to death trying dig their way through a frozen bowl of chicken soup.
This is absolutely disgusting. That is the politest word I can find to use.
My carefully massaged “empiric data” tells me that IT’S TEH COVID and the little heathens need to eat outside since they can expose me to TEH COVID and I may die of it!
You’ve been saying the same thing for almost a year now.
Vaguely curious as to why you’re taking so to die..?
Asking for a friend.
It is sounding more and more reasonable to consider the public educational system as institutionalized child abuse.
Private and home schooling are growing by leaps and bounds.
Which is why I wish the Republicans would get off their asses and run on school vouchers this year.