Pelosi *gasp* sides with Republicans against Reid

| February 7, 2008

While the Senate gazes at it’s collective navel, Nancy Pelosi sided with Senate Republicans to urge the Senate to pass the economic stimulus package without substantial changes;

The retreat by Senate Democrats came after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sided with Republicans, including McConnell, and called on the Senate to stop its infighting and pass the bill.

In doing so, Pelosi, D-Calif., split openly with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., who backed the more expensive package.

“There’s no reason for any more delay on this,” Pelosi said Thursday before agreement was reached.

Reid on Wednesday narrowly lost a crucial procedural vote to push the $205 billion Senate Democratic stimulus plan — as a take it or leave it proposition — toward a final vote in that chamber. Eight Republicans, including a handful who helped craft the measure, voted with Democrats.

Later, Pelosi issued a statement tailored to support McConnell’s position — which Reid has repeatedly rejected — and pointedly ignoring the other add-ons.

Seein’s how the economy is recovering nicely without any stimulus, though, I guess she figured she’s better get the ball rolling before the Democrats take another hit in the polls for being too slow and lethargic. But, at least they’ve (tacitly) admited that the Bush tax cuts and rebates saved the economy in 2001.


“We all have to acknowledge that the House bill has been improved significantly…. We’ll be back and do more things to help stimulate the economy,” Reid said.

A Senate vote on the measure was slated for later Thursday and the House is expected to send the bill to President Bush for his signature by the end of the week.

So Reid is taking credit and declaring victory even though he split his own party. What a ma-roon.

Category: Economy, Politics

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