Fred’s out

| January 22, 2008

I just read on Flopping Aces that Fred Thompson is out of the Republican race. He was the only candidate I could get excited about up until now, well besides Duncan Hunter, who didn’t have much of a chance anyway. So, for the remaining few candidates, my support is up for grabs. Wow me!

Looking for moral support, I find JammieWearingFool and SeeDubya say; “Thanks for running, Fred”. Liberty Pundit is “all in” for Mitt. Michele Malkin quotes fred;

I’ll repeat what Fred said in South Carolina after his disappointing showing:

“…we need to deserve to lead. That’s what this is all about. Deserving to lead…We’ll always stand strong. Stand strong.”

The Anchoress, my rock, calls Fred the “flirt who would not put out.” Earlier today she’d taken we Republicans to the woodshed;

…too many “faithful GOP voters” are having a hell of a time dealing with the fact that the party has not manufactured a candidate pure enough, perfect enough and “Reaganish” enough to suit them, so they may just sit out what will arguably be the most important election of this era.

RedState has Suggested Fred Goodbye Remarks;

My fellow candidates are all men. Not good men, I say, cause most of them aren’t. In fact, most of them just can’t handle it if you asked them to get into a fight. They whine and complain about personal attacks, they flip and they flop like retarded carp, or they check to see if they broke a nail. I have never seen such a bunch of pansies strutting about pretending to be leaders.

Warner Todd Huston at Stop the ACLU;

Fred Thompson was the last chance we will see for a very long time for a president that is a traditional, conservative, principled American presidential candidate. We will see from this point on candidates who are far more socialist than conservative with their base ideological philosophy. Sure they will pretend at being conservative, but they will not be and their records will prove it.

William Teach at Pirates Cove wonders along with me; My question is, who to support now? Thus Spake Ortner at The Sniper; Well, this is an appropriate finish to one of my worst weeks of all time.

Spree at Wake up, America;

This is disappointing for those of us that thought he was the best conservative candidate, but not completely surprising because he is also a realist and the reality is things just didn’t spark for him and this was the classiest move for him to make.

Bookworm at Bookworm Room;

His folksy charm passed me by entirely, and while I agreed with his stand on issues and his thoughtful take on myriad important subjects, I found him a dull, ponderous speaker — which would have been death on the national campaign trail, especially if he was facing Obama, the man annointed as the “powerful orator” (although I find him dull and and vapid).

Don Surber writes “Fred was the most conservative in the bunch. He didn’t make it. That tells me that maybe Republicans don’t want another Reagan. Maybe it is Eisenhower time.”

AllahPundit; So I’m chalking it up to disorganization.

Sweetness and Light; What a disappointment in so many ways.

Frank J. at IMAO; I heard Romney react on FOX News. It was extremely choppy, but he said Fred Thompson would make a good VP. Having Fred Thompson in reserves would pretty much make sure all of America’s enemies would be very interested in the U.S. President’s health.

So, I’m right back where I started – Thanks, Fred, but what do I do now?

Category: Bloggers, Politics

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[…] This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here » Fred’s out […]


I’m bummed out… If McCain or Huckleberry get the nomination, I’ll be in quite a pickle.


[…] There’s lots of commentary on the web. Michelle Malkin comments with relevant quotes, and a fine blog site called, entertainingly, “This ain’t Hell, but I can see it from here” has a pretty good collection of links. […]


Geez, he looks like Jack Nicholson in that picture!


Now… the day of mourning is over, it is time to take one more look at how McCain and Romney have voted on issues in the past.

Last night I took a piece of paper, wrote down McCain’s pros and cons, then did the same with Mitt.

Then I asked myself just three questions… who stands closer to my values on important issues, who stands on principle and who do I think can win Obama OR Clinton.

Those last questions, while looking at the pros and cons and previous votes, cleared it up for me and I think it will for you.

Notice I am NOT shilling for either candidate, I just listed the process I used to pick Fred while taking Fred out of the equation.

Busy day today but when I get back, I am going to write a post on that process, if it helps even one person decide, I will be happy.


I hope that whomever gets the GOP nod will have enough sense to choose him as a running mate.