Where do they get the nerve?

| January 22, 2008

Yesterday, Don Carl, on this blog, wrote about a preacher in Atlanta campaigning against, well, one of those Clintons from his pulpit. I’d always wondered how Democrats get away with that stuff. We have pictures today all over the internet of Hillary addressing a congregation in Harlem.


And Obama talking to a congregation in Atlanta


On Sunday, no less. If a Republican campaigned from the pulpit, or if a preacher campaigned for a Republican, the outcry would bring down satellites. And the Leftist blogs would be screaming about the christianist conspiracies that threaten to make us live with consequences of our actions.

But that’s not all. I was reading at Newsbusters about Chris Mathew’s show yesterday (cuz, lord knows I can’t watch the damn thing anymore) and Tim Graham quoted Mathews’ pre-station break teaser;

Chris Matthews previewed that chat: “When we come back, Republicans already have an unpopular war to run on. Now it looks like a recession.”

Now, I remember the tech-bubble bursting in March 2000, but I don’t remember Mathews, or anyone else claiming there was a recession that we could blame on Bill Clinton (even though it was Clinton’s Justice Department who burst the bubble with their lawsuit against Microsoft).

In fact, up until this point, the only month of negative growth in the GDP we’ve had was less than two months after President Bush took office. It takes two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth to qualify as a recession – but Mathews has called one after two negative stock market sessions.

And while we’re on the subject of getting passes, what the Hell is Bill Clinton doing campaigning for his ex-girlfriend? If George HW Bush had campaigned for his son against Gore to the degree that Bill Clinton has campaigned for his wife, the Democrats and the media would be calling it “unseemly” for an ex president to be campaigning.

Clinton is spending so much time campaigning for the Queen that Obama is confused about who he’s running against (Link to Liberty Pundit);

As Obama tried to defend his recent comments about Republican ideas and Ronald Reagan, Clinton interrupted and said she has never criticized his remarks on Reagan.

“Your husband did,” said Obama, who has accused the former president of misrepresenting his record.

“I’m here. He’s not,” she snapped.

“Well, I can’t tell who I’m running against sometimes,” Obama said.

I’ll admit that he’s pretty confused anyway, but still….

So, I’m just throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks.

Category: Politics

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