Pro Life march? When?

| January 23, 2008

Yes, yesterday tens of thousands marched in Washington, DC on the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal. The Washington Times’ Arlo Wagner has the whole story including video of the Mass before the march. But if you’re a Washington Post reader, the only thing you can find is a 1:14 minute Associated Press video stashed away in the “Metro” section and “A Youthful Throng Marches Against Abortion” on page 3 – but to find the story online, you have to use the search feature – there’s no link on the front page. The only photo is from Reuters;


Who’d think a protest this size, a gathering of people that locked traffic and subways up for hours yesterday afternoon, wouldn’t even attract a single WaPo photographer. Even Telemundo covered the march better than WaPo did last night.

But that’s more than you’ll find in the Washington Examiner. Searching the term “pro life” on the Examiner’s website returns stories about Heath ledger’s suicide.
Every year thousands of people from across the country come to DC to protest the controversial decision, and every year it’s ignored by the media. The marchers have outnumbered nearly every protest against the Bush Administration since 2001, yet the Washington Post has videos and every camera-angle imaginable for anti-Bush movements and not a single photographer showed up for the anti-abortion march.

Oddly enough, Michele Malkin, says the same things I wrote only much better.

Category: Media, Politics, Society

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