Weekend Open Thread

| February 12, 2021

Lago Bianco of Switzerland. Frozen lake with frozen bubbles. (Lucie Debelkova/Travel & Landscape Photography/flickr)

Lago Bianco (White Lake) of Switzerland. This lake is frozen, and what you see in the picture are frozen bubbles. Luci Debelkova, of Travel & Landscape Photography, took this shot right before it started snowing. Enjoy your weekend.

Category: Open thread

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Lookie at this MFer!!


Rats of the Kong to My Man Chipster. Leave the bone laying around long enough and even a Blind Dog will find it. I left it alone trying to keep the bitchin’ and moanin’ down to a minimum. It wuz hard not to jump on that orphaned bone tho, went back to reading the space linky thingies you dropped on the other Thread. Some kool stuff. Closest I ever got be being a real rocket man was launching The Sergeant Missile out over the Sea from Crete. Or maybe taking a nap on top of the missile carrier while we were riding in that Aerial Box Car.

What, no snacky stuff for your delightful d’weeds or the adorable deplorables? No refreshing beverages? Or even an unfield stripped butt picked up on a police call across Gunny’s Parade Ground? What kind of King of FIRST are you anyhow? Just another pretty face I guess. SMOOCHES!!!!!


Sorry all,
Tech and Intrawebs issues,
Twinkies all around, dark and milk Chocolates around, Smith Island 10 layer cake for anyone who cares for it (comment image?resize=768,480 )
A nice dark rum to go with and maybe some lemon and cola for you fancy boys (or gals).


Good on ya’, Chip!




We bad.
No —-.


2 minutes….



O.K,, R Lee Emory Space Force CSM 1995.


A Proud Infidel®™

YA’ KNOW, every one of our beloved Armed Forces has its own balls:
The US Army has its annual Army Balls,
The US Navy has its annual Navy Balls,
The US Air Force has its annual Air Force Balls,
The United States Marine Corps has its annual Marine Balls,
We now have a United States Space Force, so thus we now have, you guessed it, SPACE BALLS!!!

A Proud Infidel®™

Thankyuhverymuch, don’t forget to tip the Veal and try the Waitress!!!

Green Thumb

That is more along the line (cleaning toilets) of an All-Points Logistics type contract.




Literally, waiting for wife in Home Depot and rolled on to see who won.


You is de second Dude.
I’ll go ahead and shut up now.


*** Shows the WoT to Gunny Hartman…” ***




You’ll be seeing this one again.




Have a great weekend all.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone would have checked in sooner, but he was performing some personal hygiene activities, and he ran out of shampoo, so he adapted improvised and overcame utilizing Gorilla Glue to wash his pubes, and things did not turn out as planned.


So glad I learned, a long time ago, not to have anything in my mouth when reading TAH, especially the WOT.


The words in this headline are likely to get KoB a little overly excited, but here’s a Mad Libs like headline:

Marjorie Taylor Greene had an affair with a polyamorous tantric sex guru:


At least, according to the Daily Mail, which isn’t exactly a first-rate source, but tends to be good at finding salacious stories.  

In other news, Michael Taylor, former US Special Forces, is fighting imminent extradition to Japan for his role in smuggling Carlos Ghosn out of that country:


For background, here’s a Military Times article on Taylor, who has had a colorful career to say the least:


Hack Stone

Any idea how much he would charge to launch a rescue of Elaine Ricci? That placebo addiction rehab center has been brainwashing her.


I admit nothing! Call my lawer.

Tho the journey to the destination can be fun. En Guarde!

Green Thumb

Taylor seems like a pretty good dude in my book.

What about yours, LC?


I think some stuff he’s done is fantastic, at least with the information we have – like rescuing the Californian woman’s kid from Beirut. Other things, like planting drugs in a client’s estranged wife, seems pretty poor form.

Given the difference in danger in those assignments, I’m inclined to think he did what he felt was right – as in, with the planting drugs, he felt maybe the estranged wife deserved it? That is, she had drugs, but wasn’t caught with them, so this was simply rectifying a situation? If so, I can respect that, even while I think if the law catches up to you when planting shit, that’s the price you need to willingly pay.

All in all, I’d like to know more, but I lean towards your position. I’d definitely like to know why both the Trump and Biden administrations haven’t blocked the extradition. I’m all for prosecuting fraud, but finance stuff like this where he didn’t screw over the little guy, he just (allegedly) bilked a company that already paid him over $140M of a few tens of millions more, and didn’t report it, doesn’t get me all worked up. So I’m pretty ambivalent on Taylor’s op to smuggle him out, except to say it was seemingly well-planned and executed.


She’s still better than Ilhan Omar. Now if one of those guys was her brother…


One more that might be slightly newsworthy here – Colt is bought by a Czech company:



EXCELLENT! CZ is a well run company with good R&D and a good mix of old and new tech in pistols and rifles. Maybe they can drag Colt out of the doldrums.


Ol’ Sam Colt must be spinning in his grave, though.


My nephew is a gunsmith for CZ, in Kansas City. I’ve seen their pistols, very nice products.

The Other Whitey

For those interested.


Making rifle slings in 1/35 scale is one of those things made easier by large amounts of profanity.


Tanks for the update TOW. Looking good. We’ve missed the updates/progress. Hope the relocation is going well for y’all.

When dealing with small, intricate, aggravating things just imagine they’re a garter needing hooking/unhooking to a seamed stocking…or an unfamiliar bra…attached to a hottie wife. Oh…wait…you don’t have to imagine that! 😛

Commissioner Wretched

So Chip made it FIRST this week! I hope you’re keeping score at home … Anyway, how’s about another trivia column? DID YOU KNOW…? Did a woman escape from serial killers because of who her father was? By Commissioner Wretched The second week of February is upon us, and a famous person in American history has a birthday this week. Yes, Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States, turns 212 years old on February 12th. Honest, Abe, you don’t look a day over 150. Lincoln’s importance in American history cannot be questioned. Did he always make the right decisions? Of course not. Who does? I certainly don’t. Every day I mess something up. Usually by getting out of bed in the morning. But Abe did his best at a trying time, and so do I. His best saved a nation; my best serves up trivia! Let’s enjoy that serving right now. Did you know … … a jellyfish can shoot out its stingers faster than a gun fires bullets? The uncoiling of the stingers is one of the fastest acts in nature. (And one of the most painful, if anecdotal evidence is to be believed.) … a town in Chile has never had rainfall? The town of Calama, in the Atacama Desert, has never recorded rainfall. (I suppose the weather forecaster on television there has a very easy job.) … the lollipop was invented by the Romans? They created treats of nuts covered in honey, placed them on sticks, and gave them to children – and each other. (But how many licks did it take to get to the center? The world may never know.) … you’re probably reading signs like “Ye Olde Towne Hall” wrong? The “y” in “ye” is supposed to be pronounced like a “th.” That sound does not exist in Latin, so in Roman-occupied Britain the people used a rune called “thorn” to represent the “th” sound. The rune looked a lot like the modern letter “y.” And when the printing press came into general use, the nearest character from the Roman alphabet that fit… Read more »


Back when, Navy Helo Rescue crew would refer to International Orange as, “Yum-yum Yellow.”

Dennis - not chevy

I often wondered if the orange flight suits really helped when looking for plane crash survivors. Any thoughts?


Would latchonphobia be a fear of marriage? Or ticks?

Another fine job CW! We look forward to next week!


Yes, you can have a pet honey badger…

A Proud Infidel®™

TALK ABOUT a pet that nobody would want to mess with, because we all know that HONEY BADGER DON’T GIVE A FUCK! His name isn’t Stanley, is it?


I admit to having been a Horny Badger.


Watching it snow at the AO… when it’s over they’ll be at least a foot of the white stuff on the ground.


Got shot #2 of the Moderna vaccine Wednesday. Competent medical authority (MRS D) recommended (directed) that I take Thursday off. As always, she was right. Fever and chills in the morning, no energy all day. Running at about 90% power today. No other adverse affects, no new appendages growing. I do have a strange craving for brains, however.


Go to Berkeley…lots of unused brains there.

Heck, they won’t even know their brain is gone.



Kinda like binging on junk food, I’d think!


Got mine today at Stanford. Sure hope I don’t react like SFC D did …..

And I’m happy to stay away from Berkeley!

Hack Stone

To start their day on the right foot, Zombies enjoy a bowl of Kellogg’s Raisin Brain Cereal. Each box contains two scoops of brains.


Still waiting on the Borg to contact me to schedule the first shot. They tried to schedule me to go about 50 miles beyond my area of operation, so I told them I’d wait til they could schedule me at the hospital with is exactly 3.2 miles from my place of residence to the front door of said hospital.
That was 3 weeks ago, now they claim to be waiting of further shipments of the vaccines.


Ex-PH2 will be happy to hear the Tacoma Washington area received 5 inches of snow last night with 5 more projected for tonight. Our first snow of the season! Monday we’re back to the mid to upper 40’s.

Get my 2nd Pfizer shot Sunday morning @10:15 via the Army Medical Center weekend vaccine appointments. RN family friend recommended I take Ibuprofen before shot.

I’ll start shoveling early so I won’t be sweaty tomorrow like I am now from shoveling the driveway for an hour and a half. I also hope the county eventually plows the road out of here because it’s uphill. They don’t use salt on the roads around here, just some beet juice mixture because it’s better for the “environment”.


Present and unaccountable.

Trying to prep the GB AO for prolonged freezing temps. NWS is now predicting 5’F for Monday evening – and highs below 32 for 2,3 days straight.

We may actually get another instance of Pond GB freezing over. Happened once about 10 years ago. Along with some good snowfall. If the ice brings the lines down, I may have to pull out the old propane space heater so the troops can take refuge in the old home place. At least we have it still!

Tried to help Airborne Son get some medical paperwork to his 1st Sgt. so she knows not to schedule him for duty this coming weekend.
Why the hail the Army insists on using only Microsoft browsers is beyond me. And only a Windows OS will run the CAC card properly for them. That makes it take 2 hours rather than 20 minutes. (Yes, the Preacher did cuss a bit during that.)

Other than that, and staying semi-reclusive due to Favorite Daughter testing positive for the Wuhan virus for the past 10 days, not much going in the GB Compound.

Praying you all have a great weekend. And praying our country makes it through the Cluster Schmuck that is going on in The Swamp.

A Proud Infidel®™

PRESENT and Honorary First yet again.



Who would believe it? How can it be?

A local from these parts went to D.C. on January 6,
and ended up on the big screen,
with his face and blue Hershey Christian Academy sweatshirt,
in the U.S. Senate (the SAME U.S. Senate)
as a part of the Impeachment Managers’ case in the
2021 Senate Impeachment Trial.

Worse, the Impeachment Manager put him on freeze frame.

Leo Brent Bozell IV is the son of
MRC head and Fox talk guest Brent Bozell (III).

Others around Leo Bozell have been arrested and charged, but
Leo still walks, as of today, even though he’s been spotted on
5 videos inside the Capitol, and the Senate balcony and floor.

Lesson for the kids….
If you’re going to go places or do things you shouldn’t do,
don’t wear local school, company, or organization logo gear.


Features Officer Eugene Goodman

[Senate Votes Unanimously to Award
Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman
the Congressional Gold Medal]

[Officer Eugene Goodman played an integral role in protecting lawmakers from the violent Jan. 6 riots in Washington, D.C…]



A church for veterans.
Civil war site, Camp Curtin.
Unnamed buyer from the west coast.
Coming soon….. to Harrisburg, PA.

We should be feeling good about something like this, right?



25 years ago, when I moved to my present city,
not far from Harrisburg,
a large downtown business building (former car dealership)
with sidewalk access basement steps
had a large sign with a down arrow pointing down the steps, to
Point Man Ministries.

Hence, the cynic is me comments today.

No, it didn’t last that long after my arrival in town.
And, it didn’t end well for Point Man Ministries.


My girlfriend has been getting me gifts from a company called Man Crates for a few years now – some really neat stuff on their site. The most recent gift is this:


Took about 4 hours to put together and it’s a blast!



I haven’t seen this one. I’ll watch it shortly, the How Ridiculous guys are awesome and fun.


A few days (6?) late, but just like Pepperidge Farms, I remembered.

Happy Birthday to ya, Ex-PH2.


#MAGA2024 clear for launch!


Trump acquitted, again.

Good. We


You left off “win.”

I am pleased the Rinos and the D-rats didn’t have the votes to call witnesses next week and drag out this Kabuki theater Orange Man Bad show trial for another week. Plus, they would have had trouble tracking down all the Antifastanis behind the Capitol mobbing (aka fake “insurrection”).


I was kind of hoping they’d drag it out. The longer they were tied up with this BS, the harder it would be to pass any of the terrible legislation O’Biden’s cooking up.


Agreed. As I think either Mark Twain or Will Rodgers once put it: “No man’s liberty or wallet is safe when Congress is in session.”

A Proud Infidel®™

JUST a shameless last-minute plug here, but YOU can help sponsor some poor Millennial who has struggles through seven years of college to get a four year Degree in something like Gender Studies, Underwater Basket Weaving or Lesbian Dance therapy, CALL NOW:

A Proud Infidel®™

*OOPS!*, THIS is to help some poor Millennial: