Space…. the Ultimate Frontier

| February 12, 2021

Solar eclipse 8-21-2017

Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are squabbling over who gets to have the “best” spot in satellite orbits for the foreseeable future. Rocketman Musk has already launched his Starlink satellite setup couple of months ago, and Bezos is working on his very own version of essentially the same thing. He stepped down from his position as Amazon’s CEO to be a Board member, and that timing coincides with this news.

So is there going to be any room left for space travelers, what with these two who are nearing the pinching and eye-poking state, and the larger satellites and space telescopes that are already up there?

Frankly, the UAE’s Mars orbiter Hope has already arrived, and is in orbit around Mars now. This will be followed by China’s orbiter/land rover craft and the US/NASA landing craft Perseverance.

I wonder if they’ll find Gekko and Willis…. (See Red Planet for info.)

Sounds like it’s getting a bit crowded to me.

Category: NASA, Space Force

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Lots of stuff out there:


OK, I work at NASA so I’m getting a kick out of you guys….(meme alert)

SO, seriously guys, I am pretty jaded about this, like having my kids at work and showing them the astronaut gloves that like 10,000,000 germy toddlers have stuck their hands in for Outreach, BUT, letting them handle the Mini Power Tools here.

“Hi, I’m ChipNASA and I have to manage and store and document all your shit and who do you come to when you want something???” (Like the MPT or the Bit Carrier or the STIS Fastener Capture Plate – 1099…The plexiglass thingie with handles on it.) (Yes and I know all 4 of these people and I even know John Grunsfield, astronaut, and pretty cool guy. He’d remember me, the other 3, Christy I haven’t worked with in quite a few years but Ed and Russ, yeah, well, before COVID, they said next to me in the offices. )
Yeah, so that aside, this website was pretty cool because IT’S LIVE!!!!
Get this… it and then zoom in on your area of the US and then realize THE DOTS MOVE. You don’t see that on the big picture because you’re not in a vantage point of being much closer in perspective….
OH LOOK, it’s GOES 12 or the ISS or Hubble or a fucking CIA/NSA KEYHOLE ( KH – oops, but anyway, they’re up there.
One other thing, it’s not quite as crowded as you can imagine. There’s a reason they call it *Space*.
There’s a reason we don’t aliens visiting us daily (that you know of) because things are far far far far away….


Motherfucking HTML!!!!!!!
(Me entirely, my fault, I just forgot to close my tags before I hit “Post”)
At least the whole thing wasn’t bold and italics


I think aliens roll up their windows and lock their doors when they go by.


I know they do …. I’ve seen them.

(the other D’weed at NASA)


We’re their reality TV.


ChipNASA, check out these two t-shirts!!

And if you’re a Dr. Who fan:


I am *SO* fucking buying the first one and wearing it to work once we go back.


Already have mine … will wear it to our next MS-Teams meeting on Tuesday!!



The best argument of intelligent alien life is they haven’t tried to contact us.


Avi Loeb thinks we’ve already been visited.

If (big IF) aliens did send Oumuamua our way for a system-wide New Horizons-style fast pass through, it could be another millennia before they send another one back to say “Hi.” The way things are looking, we’ll be back to pelt-wearing hunter gatherers again by then.


Oh and then just before the credits roll….


Haywire Angel

Looks like we need to have a clean-up detail. Space Force needs to jump right on that.


Space FOD walk.


Pissing contest. My prediction? Bezo the bozo will win out. He has the ear of the handlers of Sniffy Joe and The Ho. They need him to sell and ship out all of the Chinese Communist built crap that the sheeple can’t do without. Tesla will be shut down, FIRST, by all of the Chinese Communist built electric cars, and then by his inability to get the chips needed to build more baby birds. Not to even talk about the lack of rocket fuel to launch more birds…Including the Falcon Space X. Also Old Cotex will lobby to have Bozo Bezo to get the contract to launch enough of his birds to block the sun, thereby slowing down the AlGorbull Warming.

Now…Think about this a minute. How ANGRY is Marvin gonna get with all of the settlement talks of Mars?


Perseverance is carrying “Ingenuity”… a helicopter drone on a test mission – to see if it can fly on Mars. If successful, it may open the door to helicopter drone being sent to Titan and other moons.

BTW – each of the US rovers sent to Mars have been named by school age children.


Leaving the naming up to adults would end up sending Marsy McProbeface.

Green Thumb

Don’t worry.

If All-Points Logistics get the contracts they will be grounded for a while.

But then again, sending Phildo into space does not seem like a terrible idea.

Hack Stone

If Daniel Bernath were to fly to Mars, his capsule would run out of fuel 200 yards from the landing zone.


I’d put a retarded monkey at the controls before using that lunatic. He is exhibit A for the concepts of Vne and terminal velocity.


A new special mission to the Dark side of the Sun. They will only travel at night to avoid the heat.

Only the enlighten left can apply for the mission crew.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist

“I wonder if they’ll find Gekko and Willis…. (See Red Planet for info.)”
Thanks for the RAHeinlein shout-out. The Grand Master of SciFi would be proud. He always advocated for private enterprise to move us into space. He would be ok even with the squabbling.


Multi Billionaires squabbling about who gets the best parking spots in space. And here I am just trying to find a spot at the grocery store.


Marvin the Martian an Amazon employee now?

The Other Whitey

Eh, let me know when they figure out the Epstein* Drive.

* Not that one.


Earth’s orbit may flip over, if we keep putting more & more junk up there. C’mon, man!