“A Mockery of the War on Terror”

| January 14, 2008


Photo from the Miami Herald

Yesterday, I read on Babalu Blog about the Code Pink Demonstration on Miami’s Calle Ocho Saturday afternoon. More interesting were the comments on that particular post on the delicacies involved in the Posada issue. Although the Left likes to paint with a broad bush, the discussion in that particular thread proves that the Cuban American community is not a homogeneous vote.

Well, anyway, I didn’t post on the rally because the bloggers at Babalu and Gateway Pundit had pretty much covered it all. Until I saw the above picture in the Miami Herald this morning. And read the quote from Code Pink’s founder Susan Benjamin;

”The Bush administration’s failure to detain or extradite Luis Posada Carriles makes a mockery of the war on terror,” said Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CodePink.

I sat in stunned silence for about 15 minutes. How dare this ignorant POS even use the phrase “mockery of the war on terror” when refering to anything except itself and the POS members of Code Pink? Obviously, the worst case of projection in recent human history.

I’ve seen Code Pink POS even at the protests against the Myanmar government’s embassy in DC blaming the mistreatment of the Burmese on Bush, for pete’s sake. If anyone has made a mockery of the War against Terror, it’s Code Pink.

I admire the Cuban-American Community for their restraint. Tearing bunting from a Code Pink float should be considered an act of kindness in the face of what Code Pink insinuates by being on Calle Ocho – that the Cuban American community are terrorists themselves.


Category: Antiwar crowd, Bloggers, Politics, Terror War

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