Speaking from a position of strength

| January 14, 2008

In this morning’s Washington Times, Jon Ward reports from Abu Dhabai in his article “Bush Tries To Rally Iran Foes“;

President Bush yesterday appealed to the broader Middle East to unite against Iran and al Qaeda, and sought to reassure Arab countries that the U.S. will not abandon them if they do so.

“The US will not abandon them…” How can he say that? Because he hasn’t abandoned Iraq , he hasn’t abandoned Afghanistan, he hasn’t abandoned Columbia, he hasn’t abandoned the Phillipines – he hasn’t abandoned any country who needed our help in fighting off the influences of terror. Despite withering opposition, both popular and political, President Bush and the current administration has held their ground for our allies against criticism and political posturing.

Overcoming our legacy of abandoning fights for liberty from South Vietnam to Somalia, by both Democrat and Republican administrations, President Bush has restored us to a true superpower – by not only having the capability to project our military power around the globe, but also by having the willpower to use it and to use it until the fight is gone from the enemy.

Will our next President have the same strength of character to ignore detractors and critics and to do the right thing? If he or she doesn’t, he or she had better be prepared to pay in innocent blood for their weakness of character.

Category: Foreign Policy, Politics, Terror War

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