Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Offends Veterans in a very BIG WAY!

| April 24, 2009

Today congress was debating a new round of hate crime legislation and really showed the true colors of the Democrat Party.

This is not a post about hate crime legislation which I think is crap on its face.

This is about how the Democrats slice people into categories, label them and then pander relentlessly. But that’s not the point here.

Congressman Rooney offered an amendment asking that veterans be added to the list of protected under the act.

Enter Congresswoman Wasserman-Schultz.

See the video here.

First she said that veterans do not deserve protection. I don’t necessarily disagree with this because I think most veterans are more than capable of protecting themselves. My problem is that at the end of her mindless diatribe she says that including veterans in this bullshit legislation “be-littles” those that it’s intended to protect.

Who are these people that are be-littled by association with veterans?

African Americans, Jews, gays and (put down the drink) PEDOPHILES!

Category: Politics

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Fraking Democrats. God, I loath them.


Hey, COB6, how do you embed video code instead of just a link? I have a great clip from YouTube from Top Gun that I am dying to post on TAH

Jonn wrote: Go to the HTML editor and paste in the whole embed code. and you have to “Publish” from the HTML editor.

Richard Romano

When I saw it, I wanted to smash my computer — this is outrageous. These people are simply certifiable…how in the world do they get elected to office?

Pedophiles have protection over our troops?!? That politician’s phone and email better be bombarded by her constituents.

B Woodman

Wasserman, Wasserman. . . Isn’t that the name of a test used to detect sexual diseases like gonhoria or syphilus?? (snark, snark)

Eventually it’s going to come down to this . . . “The Government” is going to get its tit in a wringer, and come to the people and ask for help in a big way. And there will be no one left to say “yes”.
Many will be libbers on the dole, too comfortable to get up off their asses, afraid of losing their entitlements.
The rest will be hard-working, conscientious people that have been taxed so much, insulted too often, that will be glad to see the government fail. They, too, will say “no”.

Guess who (as a group) will be the survivors?


Richard, “gay” does not equate to “pedophile,” no matter how reactionary you want to be. This dumbass leftard is obviously a flaming moron, but you can’t seem to separate yourself from the same sort of pigeon-holing that makes her such an execrable beeyotch. I agree that Wasserman-Schultz is wrong about everything that she believes in, but asshats who think that gays are evil are members of one of several branches of the conservative movement that guarantee that Republicans will never win another re-election. In other words, you are an ignorant sumbitch who needs to STFU.


Gay, Straight, Transgendered, Black, White, Female, Polish, Italian, Chinese, Hopi Indian, Left handed, Right handed, Redheads, Bald, Hairy Who gives a danm?…. Hate crime laws are all bullshit pure and simple. There is a very nice clause in that moldy old document they used to forge this country that states “equal protection under the law”. Go after crimes, not thoughts. (Well I know your straight, white son was killed the same way, but it was much worse when they beat MY son to death because he was a Bald, Gay, Left handed Hopi Indian who was in the process of changing sexes!) What a crock.


Surely no one is surprised at what Ms. Schitz had to say… if anyone was not already totally familiar with the dhimmicrat ayhole party’s hatred for the military ( and all other things American) one need only recall the statement by… was it Kerry? – that the young kids should stay in school and get an education, or they would end up in Iraq ???
The only use that I know of for dhimmicrats is as crash test dummies. They are too effing stupid to use as doorstops.

Richard Romano

“Republicans will never win another re-election. In other words, you are an ignorant sumbitch who needs to STFU.”

You mean nominate another moderate like McCain and lose? Seems to me the ignorant sumbitch here is you, moron.

I didn’t know the insane asylum granted computer room access to their residents. Thanks for letting us know, skh.

Airborne Injun

Let me get this straight…If I knock the shit out of J3,it is assault,But,If J3 knocks the shit out of me,it becomes a federal hate crime? WTF? That has got to be the most asinine pile of bullshit I’ve ever heard! Assault is assault! DAMN!!!


Actually, brother Airborne – I would rather that we BOTH knock the shit out of ( fill in the blank with whoever you choose ) than each other… and, as a very tiny note, on my Dad’s side of the family there was a bit of Lenape blood, in the 1700s… so technically, we would both be doing the hate crime rag ;o) And they could hang us both.
I certainly agree with your point though – if one guy slams another one in the head with a ball bat, does it really make it any better or worse if one of them is gay, black, NDN, skinhead, rodeo clown, or whatever?
As that English writer guy, Shakespeare, once said,
“A head whack, by any other name, still hurteth like Hell!”


This is getting surreal. I had fired off an email to my Congressman, who I have met a couple of times, about the DHS report and subsequent limp dicked apology from Napolitano. I mentioned that this report is still out there and that it is being used by the left/commies as ammunition to marginalize Veterans all over again. I have had people tell me I was blowing it out of proportion, etc., because I said this is going to get worse. Well, I hate being right about something so important, but damn if I’m not. I will be respectful of this Congresswoman and call her the Honorable Ms. Stupid Bitch.


Let’s see, making the murder of a black, Hispanic, gay, or any other (fill in the blank) so much more heinous than the murder of a white, veteran or conservative ensures that justice will be done? The two victims are equally dead. Last time I checked, the only reason to make it a federal crime is so that if someone accused of said “hate crime” is acquitted, then the Feds can go after them for violating the victim’s civil rights. If the appointed US attorney doesn’t agree with the jury, or if political pressure is brought to bear by the Rev Al or the Rev Jesse, then the Feds can come in and make sure that “justice” is done?
The states really need to assert their rights under the 10th Amendment.

Dee Dunn

Debbie Wasserman Schultz? knows nothing. Robert Lowry will be taking her place for Florida’s US Congressional District 20 in 2010. LowryforCongress (dotcom) is the web site. Be gone, Debbie, be gone!