Reyes Coming to the Rescue of Person that his Boss Whacked?

| April 24, 2009

There has never been much question that Silvestre Reyes (D-Tx) is a top tier congressman in terms of being an idiot but this one is really strange.

Here’s his response to the story that a fellow Democrat in congress has popped up on a wiretap talking with a suspected spy.

House Select Intelligence Chairman Silvestre Reyes has told the panel’s staff to begin investigating an incident in which Rep. Jane Harman was recorded on a wiretap talking with a suspected Israeli agent….
“In the context of the Harman incident, the committee is looking into the issue, including NSA involvement, as well as any other matter directly related to the committee’s jurisdiction over the intelligence community,” committee spokeswoman Courtney Littig said….

Littig said the panel had also begun an inquiry into another news report from last week involving surveillance of a lawmaker.

Here’s the back story and why it all seems almost surreal.

Harmon and Nancy Pelosi have been enemies for years. Harmon was lobbying hard to become the Chair of the Intel Committee which she was imminently more qualified for than Reyes. However Pelosi is nothing if not a vindictive, petty woman and snubbed Harmon by giving the chairmanship to Reyes.

Oh and Pelosi has known about the Harmon wiretaps since it occurred and said nothing.

Even the Kos-Kids are riled about this little circus.

Harmon and Reyes both suck. (0+ / 0-)
Harmon is a tool of the military-industrial complex. Reyes is an idiot. I can’t believe they put a guy in charge of the intelligence committee who doesn’t know the difference between Shiite and Sunni. Fucking pathetic. Makes Democrats look like a bunch of incompetent douche bags. Rush Holt was clearly the best candidate for that job. Pelosi should have figured out some other way to give some love to the Hispanic caucus.
Chomsky Fever!

Exactly On-Point! Harman Was Hoist On Her Own (2+ / 0-)
Petard, as it were. It makes me nauseous to see such incestuous knee-jerk pronouncements from Reyes’ office. Where was the umbrage when Adm. Poindexter (one of the greatest unsung villains since James Jesus Angleton, was sweeping up electronic communications of everyday citizens indiscriminately?

What Harman was doing, if it wasn’t overtly treasonous, just looks so bloody bad that it disqualifies her from serious consideration for responsible positions in sensitive government offices. It is perhaps, ironic, that she should be swept up by the very system she advocated for so rigorous, but she isn’t the first shark hunter to be clipped by a stingray…

For years he’s sat there like an obstructionist bump on a log, not lifting a finger to investigate ANYTHING the Bush admin did, no matter how obvious or egregious. Why the fuck does this guy chair a very important committee?

Can we kick this bum out? Anyone got the info?

One thing for sure, Reyes needs to watch his back.

Category: Politics

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