Meet Sgt. Major Ronald Mailahn, the youngest Marine SGM

| May 19, 2013

Bumped back up to the top because Mailahn wants us to take it down. He threatened us with a law suit until I sent him our attorney’s email address and now he just wants me to be cool (You used to be cool). Just some background; he’s ALLEGEDLY behind on child support, he ALLEGEDLY stole $12k from his daughter’s Little League Association. He ALLEGEDLY got fired for making $800 worth of phone calls from the fire station where he worked for phone sex – but I’m the reason he can’t find a job.

Lately, every time I try to be a nice guy, I get it stuck right in my ass, so those days have passed and Mailman is a fixture here. I think he started in again because the Stolen Valor Tournament is gearing up this week and he’s shooting for another one seed. But he even failed at winning the tourney last year.

Yeah, that’s Sgt. Major Ronald Mailahn who claims to be the youngest sergeant major in the Marine Corps. He’d have to be with only nine years in the Corps, according to his hash marks on the sleeve. The good folks at POW Network decided that he needed broader exposure so they sent him to us.

They tell us he’s a 43-year-old car salesman who lives in his mother’s basement. He was a fireman until he ran up the firehouse phonebill with more than $800 in telephone calls to phone sex numbers and they fired his horny ass. According to his own profiles, he graduated from high school when he was 20 years old – a real over-achiever.

Did I mention that he was arrested for embezzling over $12,000 from the Barrington New Jersey girls little league association? Well, he did – that over-achiever thing working for him again. his defense in that case? He’s a Marine and he’d never violate his code of ethics and do something like that.

Well except that the NPRC has no record of him ever serving. Ever.

He has a philosophy that the more websites that he posts this information, the more credibility he has. So here’s his information posted on yet another website. let’s see how that philosophy works for him.

Oh, by the way, he just sent the good folks at POW Network an email threatening to…guess what…sue if they don’t remove the information from their website that he himself posted on the internet;

U have my info on your site I want it removed asap I gave no permission to have any of my info pix or anything on your site I would also like to have the name of whoever put my name on there I have the collingswood police dept looking into to who put it up there but I want it removed forthwith

I’m sure that “forthwith” had Chuck and Mary shaking in their shoes. I know it gave me a feeling.

I will keep sending u my request till u do oh and I contacted my lawer if its not down with in 2s hrs I will sue u

If I ever start typing like a twelve-year-old girl, I’d hope that one of you fine people would put me out of my misery.

So, now his “info pix” are posted on yet another website…I wonder what his “lawer” will advise. I’d better call my “lawer” and tell him that there will be one more in the “I’m here to sue TAH” line at the Mineral County Courthouse next Tuesday.

Category: Phony soldiers

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more super heroes

Ron Mailahn Says:
February 10th, 2012 at 3:15 pm
This is the last time I post on your sad website you old men have nothing better to do then post shit about me and my family . I can’t stop what’s posted here but I will not read this shit. My last 2 words are FUCK YOU!!
Youngest SGM, USMC….you have several years on me….just turned 30 a few months ago…so please do pay homage to the [mine’s legit btw] screaming eagle on my right sleeve….wait…never-mind…don’t want your retardation anywheres near that….

and yes…as i said before…you are and always will be….TURD-BURGLAR IN CHIEF….so carry on with your bad self and don’t get caught pilfering the poop jackass!


After reading Ron/Jenny’s posts, all I can say is I am glad that though that kind of stupid may be hereditary, it is generally not contagious.


Sadly, Susan, his type has more time to procreate, and we’re usually the ones picking up the tab–this guy is a prime example of Idiocracy in action.


I love torturing turds like this, but please dont harass his mother Brandon, and I usually go overboard on things, also good job torturing the doucher!

Brandon B

Was just meant to provide info incase his “mother” begins posting. I sincerely hope that she’s not dragged through the mud because of her idiot son.

Ron Mailahn

I never disrespected the uniform. I always hung up my blues and laid my cover on the night table before tying up and molesting cattle. Well once I forgot and her hoof caught my jacket and pulled off a button. But I have earned the prestigious title Sgt Major cattle porker. She looks hot with nipple clamps on all six of her utters.


ROFL, “Ron”. Good thing I had no beverage near the monitor.

This guy is going to rival Soup Sandwich for sheer stupidity and entertainment value.

Well, okay–maybe not QUITE that much, but damn it’s good.

more super heroes

lmfao! and more from the barnyard bruiser….yeehaww!


Someone needs to tell our Jersey rodeo clown that if he breaks the rope before she gets out of the chute, that’s a ten-second penalty.

Colleen Harding

Ok, I am friends with (exwife)

Ron, you are a total assclown. You look like you’ve been run over by those short buses that rejected you. You are a moron, no one believes your lies, and you are a twisted cow. Your ‘teef’ are all jacked up.
Is this harassment if it is proven fact? GOOD. I DARE YOU to go tell your ‘lawer’ You know your PO is after you for back child support since your car sale days have met their demise. Maybe a call into him about how you are harrassing people online and posing as a member of the Marines might intrigue him to revoke your probation.

AND PS TARD; YOU DIDNT PAY A DIME OF THAT MONEY BACK TO YOUR DAUGHTERS LITTLE LEAUGE. EVER. You are the epitome of a dead beat dad, and you should be ashamed of yourself. Get a job instead of playing WWE on playstation all day. LOSER.
Didn’t you steal your moms credit card a couple of years ago?

*steps off soapbox*

Everyone else- good for you for giving this tart a dose of common sense. Seems like his mommy is now the only one that doesn’t know this facade is not real.
Thanks for serving this great country!


Just. Fucking. WOW.


Holy bat shit man. And I thought the interesting part was over with.


This thread is heading for 400 posts by Monday. Ronnie’s PO ain’t gonna know whether to shit or go blind.


Colleen, you rock! This is starting to look like an episode of “This is Your Life” for old Ron but the only prizes are shame and humilitation, but wait, he is obviously incapable of feeling shame so maybe the prizes are…?

that one prick

I took it upon myself to help this moron out, his address(es) are showing as BARRINGTON NJ 856-547-3189 ALSO OAKLYN NJ ALSO OAKLYN NJ 856-952-2873 ALSO E OAKLYN NJ ALSO BLACKWOOD NJ AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST CLEMENTON NJ…this douche bag that touches himself has ALOT of addresses showing, it appears that he lives with a Kelly, must be his mother, please enjoy the provided information and use it to your likings 🙂

that one prick
that one prick

his last check in on feb 2nd
this just shows that the collings ave oaklyn nj address is the most recent, good job mailman showing where you live on your public facebook. ill be sure to throw bricks thru your windows, Im sure I wont be the only one

the ex mother in law

#269, the address you have is wrong,Please do not look for him on page ave, my daughter got rid of that POS over a year ago, kelly is the ex wife, not his mother,,, he lives with his mother in Collinswood NJ on Taylor ave,And i want to thank all the real hero’s,for keeping us safe, God Bless America,

that one prick

give kelly a heads up…seems like mr mailman may be using her name for something, because its showing up at every one of his addresses…he may have credit cards in her name


If he tried to steal her identity, then he is so much toast for Bubba to butter. She should definitely get a credit report run ASAP. Might be a good idea to check her daughter’s credit report, too. You never can be too sure with some people.

Yat Yas 1833

Uhh SGM NUNBNUTS Those are not your Blues you didn’t EARN them and you disrespected them and the Marine Corps every time you put them on. Oh yeah, it’s called a ‘blouse’ not a jacket!



@264- Stick around, Ms. Harding. A few of the regulars here, like myself, just love to goad fakers and make fun of them. But some of these people here at TAH are all business, and they’ve been known to make things happen. I’ve a feeling Ron will get some sort of comeuppance for his douchebaggery.

Thanks for your input. Welcome aboard.

Old Trooper

Jeebus! A guy leaves for a half day and you miss all the drama, plus the post count goes through the roof!

To the ex, friend of ex, and ex m-i-l; thank you for coming here and pouring some more gas on the fire. Ex-m-i-l and ex; please take into consideration what t-o-p had to say in #273, because that kind of shit happens (and I wouldn’t put it past mailman) and can ruin Kelly for years. Just take precautions.

i know you

Hey Ronnie remember JC Penny. You know, where you were employed in loss prevention ( go figure) Remember using their credit card for your own twisted purposes. This is only scratching the surface.


Oh this is just scratching the surface of the many frauds of Ronnie. He went bad on student loans and his poor ex wife got stuck paying them off. He has put that poor girl thru hell with not working and sitting home playing video games while she was out trying to make a living. Now he doesnt even pay the child support that he is required to pay by law! He doesn’t deserve the title Dad!

Old Trooper

@278: “He doesn’t deserve the title Dad!”

You’re right; that’s why we gave him the proper and fitting title of douchenozzle.


Anyone NOT think that Ronnie will make the Final Four in the Second Annual Stolen Valor Tournament? I mean, he and Jonathan the Impaler Sharkey have already locked up 1 seeds I would think

Old Trooper

@280: I don’t know. The fakes have been coming out from under their shit piles fast and furious these days. We may get some that will push mailman off the top seed before the tourney starts, but as it stands right now, I think he has a very good chance for a #1 seed. It seems that the ones that come on here and start running their pieholes usually get a top seed. Vampira definitely helped his case for a #1 seed, so you may be right, TSO.


Sharkey is a piker compared to this assclown.


I need to go through our archives next week and see how many SVA guys we have. I bet we have almost 30 already, so this might be a 64 man tournament.


@280- I had high hopes for him, but goddamned if the Mailman didn’t surpass them by a mile.

I’m thinking he costs to the fecal four now. You can’t build up that much hate from your own family, co-workers, and acquaintances without having that fire, that drive to be the biggest douche in the tourney. He’s got the eye of the tiger, TSO, that’s for damn dure.

Old Trooper

@284: Damn, you make a good lobbyist, because you hit the highlights of his douchenozzlery with passion and eloquence.

friend of the ex's

The ex’s forgot to tell something about his moral charcater…while working at the car dealership, helped himself to a handicap placard, was caught with it, slapped on the wrist and fined. They didn’t look into his records to see if he qualified for that status. He really is the lowest form of shit there is.


TSO…we might have enough to actually go by location…do an East Coast/West Coast kind of deal.

Shit, NJ could be it’s own bracket, but that might not be fair to the other regions. Those guys are to SV douchebaggery what the ACC is to college hoops.


@287. That last sentence is absolute gold.


I’m still kinda new here. What’s the record for comments on a single article? “Are we there yet?” (smile)


The walls are closing in on you Ron….I will be knocking on your door at 3pm today, so you better go get your pistol badge!


He was fired from a car dealership in cherry hill for stealing money out of cars. He was the person who was only smart enough to use a bucket and rag and wash someones leftovers.
Ron, let’s not forget how you never paid your fantasy football money either. Or how you took “your” couch after the divorce, leaving your kid with no furniture in the livingroom.
Or how you left your wwe belt in the basement, and tried to pass it off as if you were a wrestler.
And the amazon cow your currently with was after about ten cows that took one look at your fucked up mug and left you.
Every week on facebook you had a new girlfriend, amazon cow is not the first person that was “special” enough to propose to…just this year.
You’re a liar, cheat, theif and a dirtball.

remember theses Ron

I think maybe Ron has bought him self a new gag ball and strap on and maybe he is to busy using them on him self to comment on here …. yes guys these were items Ron owned and forgot to take with him when he got kicke out of his house


His mom lives in a one bedroom apartment. He sleeps on the recliner. I tell no lies.


That’s not all that was found in the basement. How about the gag ball and the strap on they found in the basement after you moved out?


And anonymous is me. Colleen. My blackberry isn’t displaying properly.

I swear he tried to pass off that wwe belt as a trophy for winning a “wraslin” match. The only thing he’s managed to wrestle, is the amazon and she is just as dim as this assclown is.


Ok is there anyone Ron hasn’t stolen from?


Is there anyone here with the credentials to show up at his house and send him to J-I-L, jail? Perhaps, after “resisting” detainment and falling out of the car a couple of times on the freeway during “escape attempts?”

I know it won’t pay for his daughter, or the hell he has put his ex-wife and her friends/family through, or the stolen honor of those who earned their uniforms, but damnit, it will be the right thing to do.


Why the he’ll isn’t he in cuffs yet for being 8 weeks behind in child support?? Can’t pay for his child but can manage to take that moose to hotel rooms to tie her up and take disgusting pictures of her.


All I can say is “wow” from reading this posts about this guy. He has so many issues on many different levels Dr. Phil would be even stumped to try to fix them.

ex wifes friend

@298 I don’t think so…. he feels that everyone owes him the world.
OH ya Ron by the way remember that job you had at Macy’s in loss prevention and then the day before you started they called and told you they changed their minds and did not need you?? well you can thank me for that. See I called them and filled them in on all of your court room happenings from the week before that you failed to tell them about … yes I am the one who told them about you stealing the $12,000 for the kids and how you got fired from JCPenny’s for stealing from them. Oh ya and if I could have gotten the names and numbers to the other places that hired you I would have called them also .
OH YA Ron remember that girl that you were stalking and you were so in love with . Well I also found her number and called her and told her what a low life useless piece of shit you are. you remember you just happened to send her flowers the day that I called and when she never responded back to you and she told you that if you did not leave her alone she would call the police on you….remember Ron that is when you called your credit card company and told them that you had not ordered those flowers an that someone must have used your card. OH I could go on and on but I think the picture of what a low life you are has already been painted all to well on this site.
All I have to say is I am so happy that your daughter takes after her mother … she is an amazingly sweet loving child … you are not a father you were just a sperm donor it takes a real man to be a father anyone can be a depositor of sperm …think about that Ron


Oh, my… the Mailman brings his own road crew to the show! Why the hell is he posing as a vet? He gets enough well-deserved ball stompings from the civilians he’s pissed off.

@302- Bravo, sir or ma’am. That’s quite the dick-puncher you’re packing. Keep it up.

Virtual Insanity

The only thing missing from this thread is the video of the camera crew at his door a la Ballduster (May he rest in Maleboge). This is better than Saturday cartoons.


And evoking memories of Saturday morning cartoons, “What a maroon!”

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