Phony Air Force officer in Orlando

| May 19, 2013

The Orlando Sentinel tells the story of 37-year-old Chantal M. Lanton who pretended to be an Air Force officer deployed to Germany in order avoid paying her mortgage using regulations that protect deployed members of the military services from foreclosure proceedings while they are deployed;

Lanton never served in the Air Force or any other branch of the U.S. military, officials said.

Lanton pleaded guilty Friday to two counts of making false statements to a bank while applying for a residential loan and mortgage, the U.S. Department of Justice said.

Wanting to leave Orlando and purchase a home in Pensacola, Lanton applied for a residential loan with Regions Bank in March 2005.

Investigators discovered she allegedly lied on her application, inflating her income and the extent of her education and provided false information about her debts, federal officials said.

As a result of her guilty plea, she faces a possible sentence of 30 years in prison and a fine of $1 million on each count.

I’d say sentence her to a career in the Air Force, but that would hardly be punishment, would it? I kid, I kid.

Category: "Teh Stoopid"

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she was just exercising her freedom of speach


Hey, Jonn! You provided no evidence that the Air Force needed to be punished for this!!

Retired Club Mgt Warrant

Let’s see if I’ve got this right. She cannot pay her mortgage loan, does not make enough money, and our government in their infinite wisdom charges her with a crime the penalty of which is payment of a one million dollar fine on each of two counts.


Investigators discovered she allegedly lied on her application, inflating her income and the extent of her education and provided false information about her debts, federal officials said.

Yeah, never saw that one coming. People who couldn’t get a car loan who were making $25K a year were getting “stated income” aka liar’s loans for $700K houses in CA before the market tanked.

You don’t think those crappy loans slipped into the rest of the A-paper could have caused the markets to tank, do ya?

No doubt she deserves to go to jail, but if she does, there are a shitload of buyers, mortgage brokers, etc., who need to be in the cell right there with her.


always acceptable to make fun of the air force

CC Senor

Except for the Air Force aspect, this doesn’t seem to be all that different from what so many others did that contributed to the housing bubble collapse. In those cases Obummer’s administration wanted to shovel good money after bad, though.

CI Roller Dude

Oh my gosh…let’s blame the bank and make her a victim.

Mr. Showtime Formerly C2

NHS, thinking they wont even give her jail time and make her pay a fine that she can afford I bet. Something tells me that they are going to take it easy on her.

If you cant get a car loan but can get a house loan, tells you just how screwed up our system is. Most of these banks are willing to take a hit on people getting sh*tty deals like that.

Someone I know in my area has a 250k and 400k house. Yet he just works part time for reserves and when he is done with drill he attempts to get unemployment to try and cover the idiotic mess he made with his house situation.

B Woodman

” . . . she allegedly lied on her application, . .”


DAMN! . . just. . .DAMN!!


The Air Force makes it too easy.


Green Thumb


Good point.


it’s a bitch to may off $1,000,000 at $0.15 an hour in the laundry