Chiroux’ tin cup [Jonn]

| December 23, 2008

IVAW’s newest liar, Matthis Chiroux who claims he was honorably discharged after five years (have ya’all ever heard of a five-year enlistment?) and also claims he’s a veteran of the war in Afghanistan  (with a tour of six days in country) is perpetuating the illusion. He’s started a  website from which we can track his daring exploits – oh, and send him money to fight against the Army.

After five years of service and an honorable discharge, the Army said my “service” wasn’t finished.

They were right about my service, but wrong about the location.

I’m here in the U.S. FINALLY serving liberty and humanity. The Army said I had to enable destruction abroad to do this. The truth is, the real fight is at home.

Actually, Chiroux, you’re serving your own ego. He’s been hanging out with Maoists in New York City pretending to be an honorably discharged veteran of the Afghan war who is suddenly jumped by evil Bushists and waterboarded. He also pretended to be occupying the scaffolding outside of the National Archives. How is that “serving humanity”? Or this;

Oh, the “enable destruction abroad” is a joke, too. He was an Army journalist. unless he was planning on taking pictures of ugly women in Iraq and putting them on the internet, he wouldn’t have been enabling destruction.

For my refusal to deploy, the Army has alleged misconduct and is trying to downgrade my discharge. I’ve demanded a hearing. That date is yet to be known.

The Army isn’t “alleging misconduct”, it’s a clear case of breach of promise. Matthis signed up for eight years in exchange for monetary compensation and college money. He took the money and went to college and now he wants to bail on his promise. Demand all of the hearings you want to demand. that doesn’t change the facts.

From this website, you can access up to date information on my refusal, activism and what you can do to help. Please, click the donate tab below right away to contribute URGENTLY needed funds to my legal fight with the Army.

Since when does it cost money to fight the Army over administrative policy? You mean to tell me that there are no shyster ambulance-chasing lawyers for the Quakers who aren’t willing to battle the Army pro bono? If he can’t find one, it’s probably because they know it’s a lost cause. No one gets famous by losing cases.

Updated: He sure wears his uniform a lot for a guy who doesn’t want to be in the Army. Someone sent me this link to an interview he did with insane new age goofball Naomi Wolfe. If you’ve been drinking, don’t watch this;

Category: Politics

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BTW- Anyone notice similarities between “Joseph Hill” and another guu who used to post here before engaging in threats?

Dave Thul

Translation of Mr Hill’s last comment-

Don’t you go trying to confuse me with the facts, TSO! I’m clearly much more pretentious and elitist then you could ever aspire to be, and besides I know lots of big fancy words! I’m on a rant and I wont let you get me off my CodePink talking points-er, I mean my message. I’m obviously way too erudite to converse with you on a common level. So there, you capitalist pig! Whoops, wrong talking points. I meant so there you slave to the military industrial complex! Ha!


Yes, I am properly chastised.

It never ceases to amaze me when folk like Mr. Hill come here and try to hijack a thread and/or get us to debate them. Don’t go to CNN for dick jokes, and don’t come here to try to change our opinions. I get along with damn near anyone, and regularly debate people, but when someone comes in here like him, posts ridiculously long and off topic comments and then cries that we won’t debate him, it always cracks me up.

Believe you me, the amount of time I spent worrying about Mr. Hill’s opinion of me is unimaginably minute.


TSO, I come here to change your opinions.


Yeah, but you aren’t smarmy about it, you don’t generally insult me, and I actually consider us friends (of a sort anyway) and so we treat each other fair. Plus, you come here via the swirling vortex in happy bunnyland.

Dave Thul

AS is right. She changed my opinion that all IVAW members are crazy to some IVAW members are crazy. That’s progress.


I’m still on “vast majority” of them myself. I like Hogg, AS and the medic from Maine (name escapes me.) Don’t agree with them, but they seem nice. Dougherty also, although I may be giving her more credit because of her admittedly comely looks. The rest I find to be almost universally dishonest.


I gotta give AS credit. Back on Facebook about 6 months back, I thought she was just another nutcase in IVAW. Now I consider her a straight shooter, mostly. Joseph hill, on the other hand, I suspect he a a teenage retard.


AS is totally straight. If she tells you something, you can believe that SHE believes it, even if it is impossible. Mind you, I think she is often (almost always) wrong on stuff, but she plays it straight.


Yeah, but at least she doesn’t foam at the mouth like her friends do.

Joseph Hill

It’s apparent that you posters are determined to avoid any substantive issues…either out of fear or stupidity.

I’ll leave you to your own closed little clique. You have proved the perspicacity of historian H. G. Wells who once wrote, “The professional military mind is, by necessity, an inferior and unimaginative mind…..”

Adios Muchachos

Paul Couturier - OIF Vet

Hey joey, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!!!!!


Hey Joe,

Don’t forget to “Support The Troops”…