Active shooter at the Navy Yard
The Navy Tweets that there is an active shooter at the Washington, DC Navy Yard. No details just that. So stand by.
UPDATE: Fox5 in DC says that there are injuries.
Fox News says it’s one man with a shotgun.
From the Washington Post.
Fox News reports that there’s an DC Metro officer down on the third floor of that particular building.
UPDATE: NOT a Metro DC cop. But “officer down” nonetheless.
Category: Breaking News
Brother Tim, don’t get me started lol
The security at that building must be a lot more stringent than it is at the main gate. I work a few buildings over, and just by chance was on leave today, and I was unpleasantly surprised at how lax some of the civilian security guards were at checking IDs at the gate. Obviously, that’s going to change. I’m just thankful my colleagues are all ok.
So, let me get this straight. I can’t even carry pepper spray with me so I don’t get mugged on the way to the metro but this guy was able to bring a gun through the gate? Wonderful.
Seeing reports that he spent time on active duty in the Navy. I’m sure there will be a PTSD spin on this too now.
We’re told that we can’t even bring pepper spray with us so that we don’t get mugged on the way to the metro at night but this guy manages to get a long gun on. Sadly, the last time that I went through the gate (I work a few bldgs over but just happened to be on leave today) it was a pretty lax glance at the ID. That will probably change now though it doesn’t really matter since they are saying the shooter was using a stolen ID.
I’m just thankful that my colleagues are safe.
Oops, sorry for the repeat posts-I thought it didn’t take earlier
Here’s a comment I saw from one of the WaPo’s articles:
MatCauthon wrote:
4:03 PM EDT
What needs to be done:
1. Repeal the Second Amendment
2. Confiscate, by force if necessary, all guns from Americans who are not police or U.S. military
3. Make it illegal to possess or shoot a firearm unless you are approved by the government to be a member of the police, U.S. military (on duty only) or other approved security force.
4. Undocumented workers are exempt. They are not citizens, therefore they should not be held accountable.
5. All firearms manufacturers should be held accountable for all deaths caused by firearms.
6. To keep children from thinking about firearms, and possibly becoming dangerous in the future, all hand gestures simulating firearms should be considered a crime.
7. Children should not be permitted to own toy guys. Research finds that toy guns are “gateway” guns that could lead to future firearm ownership.
8. To keep guns from entering the United States illegally, all parcels entering the United States should be examined. This includes all imports via air, rail and sea. The threat of gun ownership is too great to allow even one firearm to enter the United States illegally.
9. To keep potential gun-runners from entering the United States, a 15-foot fence should be constructed along the U.S. borders with Canada and Mexico. All vehicles will be inspected for firearms by authorized government officials.
10. The words “gun”, “firearm”, “rifle” and “handgun” should be removed from the dictionary and never uttered again in the United States, except by government approved officials.
This will make us safe.
(I wouldn’t be surprised if this person actually feels that way.)
Yeah, how we’ll did Prohabition work to combat illegal liquor?
@57 My guess is that the second entry on that list would cause a bit of a hassle.
Seriously though…It sounds like sarcasm to me. At least, I hope it is.
Ah heck, how well has our Border Patrol and ICE worked to keep illegal aliens out of our frikkin’ country?
How well has the War of Drugs worked to keep illegal substances out of our country?
How well have our laws worked to keep beer and liquor out of the hands of those under 21?
How well have our laws worked to keep people from drunk driving?
Laws, and even enforcement is NOT the problem with guns. The problems only goes away when those who would misuse one/them is too afraid of encountering someone else with a gun who is willing to use it to protect themselves, their loved ones, their property, and other innocent lives.
Laws are only effective when folks are willing to observe them.
@61 – AW1Tim, answer to your second question there:
I disagree with whoever MatCaulthon is, because almost all kids in my generation had toy guns as birthday or Chrismas presents and, for the most part, didn’t turn into crazy people who go postal when something goes wrong. The ignorance that comes from these people who are afraid of their own shadows never ceases to amaze me. I’m SO tired of gutless wonders like that.
And anyway, did the shooter actually work at the Navy Yard, or was he just ‘going hunting’? That is not clear.
And, yeah, I wish bodaprez would shut his flapping yap about it. He lives wrapped in cotton and insulated from the real world. He’s lived that way his entire life. He has nothing of interest to say, and should stay out of it.
wonder if Aaaron Alexis could be Obama’s son too?
Supposedly his best friend says he has a Texas CHL; no confirmation from Texas as yet.
Okay, so now we have a name and a face. Security sucks and it’s nothing new. Some targets (e.g., schools) of terrorists or madmen are more attractive than others. Why? You know why. Security that isn’t multi-layered is fairly worthless. I always chuckled to myself at court entrances where a few retired police man the public-access entrance. First, at lunchtime, a delivery man carrying a pizza bag walks right in. What’s more, there are no security layers and one guy can take all the retirees out in seconds. Hell, they even tell you to go into your pockets! Surprise! So, if your “secure workplace” has a post with a uniform or two or three, are the guards congegated or separated? Are they locked and loaded or just looking snazzy in their uniforms? It matters, as we are seeing once again. My point is that GUNS are not at issue: Proper security is, especially for desirable targets of terrorists and madmen.
Alexis is being identified as a former Naval Petty Officer.
Just saw this on Twitchy: Some reporter named Chris Cuomo is doing the normal due diligence and exposing his utter lack of understanding anything about the military. “Received awards for work against terrorism and for national defense.” – Anybody else want to take a guess that means he had the GWOT and National Defense ribbons?
Stupid reporters…
This may be too soon, but…anybody else wonder where Leroy Jethro Gibbs was during this CF? I know Ziva is leaving, but where was she?
Also, is ensimp our only Navy Yard contact? I mean this blog reaches millions right? Jonn, we really do need to ramp up on our embeds.
@67, that’s exactly what he got the ribbons for, according to Fox. But, Chris Cuomo is an “expert” on national defense and guns, just ask him, or Mario Cuomo, his daddy.
Apparently, the dude was nutty before he joined the Navy.
The PTSD thing starts, right on cue…
Yup, predictable as clockwork, the SPD log linked above by Jonn has the shooter’s father claiming that Aaron Alexis had contracted the PTSD from performing rescue work in NYC on 9/11/2001. I would be almost stunned if the relatives of a mass murderer/shooter these days DOESN’T claim that their beloved perp had “contracted the PTSD” from whatever horrific incident/event/war…
This, of course, begs the question, has anybody talked to this guys recruiter in an “up close and personal manner” about letting this asshat get into the Navy?
@69 – I wondered if he was a relation. I wonder how long before someone calls him “Highly Decorated”? Or mentions his weapons training…
All the anger I read here worrys me if this guy posted here ?
OK guys, you tell me. Does the fact that my first thought after reading @75 was “bite me” mean that I too have anger issues?
More nutty shit with a gun three years ago.
#76, Susan, it just means that you’re in the right place.
Susan-don’t pay it any mind, its troll-fu is getting weaker, and it was never particularly strong to begin with.
@68, Susan… I was waiting for someone to make an NCIS comment. You win the prize.
@75, what anger are you referring to? The righteous indignation that someone decided to murder innocent men and woman who were doing their jobs or the fact that the man who did it was a sleazeball? Perhaps you should go back to protesting and leave the work to real men and women who believe that actions are louder than words (even if those words are written on really big signs).
I was at McNair today while this was going on. It was somewhat of a goat-rope afterwards, but McNair wasn’t affected much except for a temporary lockdown.
Summary of what’s known so far:
1. Published reports show 13 dead (including one perp) plus 15 wounded. Possible 2nd perp reported but apparently unconfirmed at this time.
2. Dead perp was 34 y/o Aaron Alexis. Former USNR PO3, apparently assigned to JRB Fort Worth. Enlisted 5 May 2007, thrown out 31 Jan 2011 for misconduct.
3. Had at least 2 arrests for firearms violations previously (shooting out tires of someone’s car and firing a shot into upstairs neighbors apartment). First incident predated his enlistment, 2nd occurred while in USNR. Charges in both cases were dropped.
4. Apparently used another individual’s ID/pass to gain access to Bldg 197 where he committed his crimes. My guess is he smuggled weapons into the base by car, probably hidden under a seat or in trunk, taking advantage of lax security. Reportedly may have used AR-15, shotgun, and handgun (unconfirmed).
Assessment. Unlike Fort Hood, this may well be a case of workplace violence. That assessment changes if there actually was a 2nd gunman.
The biggest question I have is how in the hell this guy ended up working for a CDC (cleared defense contractor) providing IT support on-base at the Wash Navy Yard with (1) a discharge for misconduct, and (2) his past arrest record in today’s economy? I know IT skills are in demand but still – how in the hell did they miss the red flags on this guy?
68W58Flagwaver: see comment 1 by OWB.Why is it that some folks are not content to simply prove their ignorance, but compound it and remind everyone of their choice to remain ignorant until it becomes bragging?
There is medication for delusions such as those displayed in #75.
Evening news: While there was no statement from Great Lakes, Alexis went through boot at Great Lakes and was a reservist, from 2008 to 2011 and then discharged. Also, he was arrested in Seattle for malicious mischief and subsequently went to Texas, where his roommate said he was a ‘Buddhist just playing out his Buddhist thing’ (do not know exactly what that means, just a quote) and a female neighbor of Alexis in Texas said she ‘was terrified of him’.
This leads me to believe that he may have been discharged for some kind of bad behavior while in the Navy, but I’m not speculating on it, just relaying what was on the evening news.
VNQueeflette, unless you have something worthwhile to say, just shut the fuck up. Find another place to get attention.
Oh, and Susan, in answer to your earlier question about where were Gibbs and David: they were at Quantico in their new offices, but I am sure you will agree that it was probably they who cleared the guy in the tan uniform.
Is it confirmed he was a contractor or just that the person whose ID he stole was a contractor? That part wasn’t clear to me.
My building has a similar lay out with four floors looking into a common food court type area and I couldn’t help but wonder if this guy got the right building since there are many more activities in our space that a disgruntled type might go after.
@81 – So, Hondo, Alexis hardly fits the ‘meme’ of a vet with PTSD. Is it fair to add, not even someone going postal? More like a sociopath who finally got stopped.
It’s unfortunate that he was not stopped before he did so much damaged.
Ex-PH2: reports so far are unclear as to reason for his being a “former contractor”. He might have been fired and snapped, so “going postal” could be an apropos description. Too soon to tell.
It’s really sad that a British newspaper has better info on the guy than all US media outputs put together.
“Highly Decorated”. Yeah. From the UK’s Guardian.
It has also been revealed he was awarded the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and the National Defense Service Medal prior to his discharge in January 2011.
He may have gotten his discharge upgraded allowing him to pass a screen as a contractor.
Addendum: the PTSD angle could be technically correct – IF the reports that he assisted in 9/11 rescue efforts are correct. (PTSD can be caused by nonmilitary stress.) But that would NOT be military-related PTSD.
I wanna see proof about the claimed 9/11 rescue work, though. I suspect that bogus 9/11 claims are common, too.
Another IT contractor with an attitude. Awesome.
ensimp: doubtful, as that process typically takes a while and there’s a 15 year window for application. IMO it’s far more likely he got a “General (Under Honorable Conditions)” discharge because the approving authority was feeling generous (or the discharge packet was weak) and the CDC that hired him didn’t bother to investigate much or at all.
@ Hondo, well we both know that he likely didn’t report his “anger issues” at MEPS so he’s an erroneous enlistment at best, fraud at worst.
As for the PTSD angle, violence of this level is not common with PTSD, particularly premeditated violence, regardless of the etiology.
How in the fucking hell did this guy ever legally purchase a gun, anywhere after shooting out the tires of a car in 2004 during and anger induced blackout, and again in 2011 he shoots through the ceiling into his upstairs neighbors apartment whom he had been arguing with.. that was damned sure no accident and I know I am looking with perfect hindsight but still!!
How did he pass a background check for a security clearance.
His motives for today, who knows… he sure as hell planned it ahead of time, and the dick whose card he used I ‘d be curious to know why he did not report it stolen or lost.
It’s been suggested in multiple places that he started out with a shotgun, acquiring a pistol and AR or M4 from a murdered security guard and wounded DC police officer.
ensimp: no real argument on that score (possible fraudulent enlistment and/or hiding pre-existing anger management issues and/or PTSD). I was speaking solely of the discharge issue.
I’m guessing the Approval Authority for his discharge approved either an Honorable or General(Under Honorable Conditions) to (a) get rid of him quickly and/or (b) because the packet wasn’t strong enough to support a “General (Under Other Than Honorable Conditons)” discharge. In retrospect, the latter was certainly merited – and would also probably have raised more flags.
Doesn’t absolve the CDC of responsibility for hiring him, just helps explain how they could have been sloppy and missed him.
It also matters whether it was truly a pattern of misconduct or just “misconduct.” Fraud is technically misconduct but at least in the USMC, you can get no less than General as a characterization at discharge. It’s also possible that he played the “I have 9/11 related PTSD” at an admin board and they upgraded his characterization, particularly if his misconduct was minor.
rb325th: charges in both cases were dropped. He thus had no firearms convictions.
Charges that don’t result in convictions are typically not disqualifying. And in both cases, the charges probably would have been misdemeanors (malicious destruction of property in the former, unlawful discharge of a firearm in the latter). Damn hard to prove intent to injure a person in either case.
Other than domestic violence, misdemeanors typically aren’t automatically disqualifying regarding firearms ownership either.
Somewhere Joe Biden is patting himself on the back saying, “See, shotguns…told you so.”
ensimp: admin discharge boards technically don’t upgrade discharges. Rather, they recommend an appropriate level to the approving authority; the approving authority then determines the type of discharge to be granted. Only Discharge Review Boards and/or the service Boards for Correction of Military Records can upgrade previously-issued discharges.
However, you’re by and large correct. This guy’s discharge board (assuming he ever had one – with less than 6 years in service, if memory serves he would not have been entitled to one but might have been granted one anyway) may well have “cut him a break” and recommended a General(Under Honorable) vice an OTH.
Well, as I said above, one of his neighbors said she ‘was terrified of him’. She may have been the occupant of the apartment above his when he launched a shot through his own ceiling.