Shooting at Fort Hood, TX

| November 5, 2009

Details are sparse;

A shooting at Fort Hood prompted the base and nearby schools to order a lockdown, according to a report on MSNBC.

The news station said seven people were killed and 12 wounded. The station said there were two suspects in the shootings.

KCEN-TV in Central Texas reported that one person was in custody and one was still at large. It quoted a source as saying that shooter has a high-powered rifle and is aiming to kill.

Killeen ISD says all Fort Hood schools are on lockdown.

NBC in Dallas Ft Worth;

Seven people have been reportedly killed and another 12 wounded at Fort Hood near Killeen, officials with the post said early Thursday afternoon.

Category: Breaking News

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Wouldn’t be surprised if i(didn’t)served was a Fred Phelps follower, or a regular poster at du. Either, or. YMMV. Or some 13yr old in mom’s basement, judging by his ignorance.


I beat you all believe columbine and the waco bombing was terrorist also.



All will see that day. When your in the military you serve with blinds on. So I understand your ignorance. Why do we americans continue to believe we don’t have fucked up people living right next to you.

A Heros Friend

Jonn…can I get a 10 digit grid coordinate from you? of course I’ll settle for an 8 digit grid….PLEASE…..

A Heros Friend

My apologies to Joe…this guy is WAY to stupid to be our little Joey boy…

Southern Expat

I wonder if perhaps there may be some tie to This Day In History (1605,1862 and – most notably – 2006).

As for those who have loved ones at Ft. Hood, try sending text messages instead of calling to confirm safety.


I feel so bad for the guys on the front that have to be going ape, not knowing who is wounded here. With a place as big as Hood, theres got to be a lot of family on deployment right now.


Southern Expat, don’t think it had anything to do with history. CNN reported that he was about to be deployed and he did not want to go. Who knows where they got that info from.


From what I’m hearing this Major Hasan was a mental health professional?

What’s the old saying? – “with friends like these…”

Any idea what motivated the other two involved?

Oh, and to “Iserved” – Turn the claymore around and click until the little light flashes.


My husband said what if they were Muslim..and lo and behold, the name sure sounds Muslim. Religion of Peace? Fuck me, dead, would you? Internment camps are MY friend.



“…When your in the military you serve with blinds on. So I understand your ignorance…”

Maybe you served with “blinds” on, but this old troop didn’t. We weeded out idiots such as you. The few that may have slipped through training before ending up in the field were taken care of there in the field. Guess you never made it that far.

Dave Thul

AKO says he was with USAMEDCOM, but lists his nickname as Abduwali.

Initial reports are usually wrong, says Greyhawk, but this has that same sinking feeling as other terrorist attacks.


Grover, I heard the item about deployment you mentioned slightly different on Fox, just one time, not repeated since the 5-5:30 hour, that he was upset about military deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, not his deployment. But, with the cluster that just naturally results from something like this, it’s understandable that no one has it straight yet.

A Heros Friend

The damn MSM is pushing the “one of your own” theme instead of a Muslim bastard dong it…fuckers!



What makes your beliefs of what you should do to me any different than those of this Major?
To kill in a self belief regardless of religion makes you a terrorist.


iserved: Maybe if you pulled the fucking blinders off, you would know that the DMF (that’s dead mutherfucker for the uninitiated) was a psychiatrist that was recently transfrred from Walter Reed. So kiss my old fat ass with your bullshit.

Do we have some under stress from multiple deployments? Of course we do, however, Maj Achmed the DMF isn’t one of them.

To all the others on this board; I apologize for my rather profanity laced reply, but I’m in no mood to brook any shit from stupid fucks tonight.



Your simply Achmed remark does without a doubt let me to believe you are a racist. So when you say “So kiss my old fat ass with your bullshit”. you should put Dumb White Southern Racist in front of it.



Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t Walter Reed closed due to really bad living conditions. So maybe he was trying to correct a flaw in the system.

Brown Neck Gaitor

And there is the formula.

Spew BS that you no nothing about, find out you are wrong, claim racism.

Iserve, I think I hear your mom calling. Your beanie weinies and tater tots are ready.


iserved: Do you know what race I am?? You fucking moron. Do you know if I’m from the South? You fucking moron.

face it, asshole, you wouldn’t know shit from shinola.

Go ahead and play the “racist” card, because that’s about all you have; ass. Not only that, but you sound like one of those non-serving types that just wants to come on here with a name that will give people the impression that you’re a Vet, yet by what you say, you sound more like some peace pussy that couldn’t find their ass with both hands and a roadmap.


WRAMC closed? Iserved, you just demonstrate your ignorance over and over. It was a housing unit, not the hospital, dumbass.
OldTrooper, no problem, when someone calls a dumbass a dumbass, they aren’t faulted for telling the truth. But, iserved is just a troll, posting from mom and dad’s basement, taking his orders from his masters at du or kos. Better to ignore the ignorant fuck and drive on.


your right I know about this, but the funny part is nether do you. You believe what your told to believe. what I do know is that dumb americans continue to believe that they are not responsible for actions. Maybe we made this man the way he is. Maybe we made him hate us. what would make a man want to change his faith? I’ll tell you years and years of religious bullshit.


Ok, UpNorth, you are correct. I will stop feeding the troll.

On a more important note: The word is out around Killeen that the hospital is in need of blood. anyone that is close, please go and donate. I will work some channels and find out if we can get an emergency blood drive going around here, to back fill the supply line.

Thank for pulling me off the ceiling, UpNorth.

AW1 Tim

Guys, quit responding to the troll. He’s a stupid foreign montherf#cker and prolly all of 17 years old. He doesn’t know any better.

Leave him alone, and just stop responding to his comments.



iserved, (where?)

Hey shithead, seems you make assumptions quite fast. Although one instance in particular of rememberance was a newbie guy like you shooting a blooper continiously straight up on a firebase. And he had a case of 40mm. Some of us tackled him and he got beat up pretty bad. However he got medivaced out in a rigid litter and that was used more as a straight jacket restraint than for physical reasons. Might have been a broken jaw, arms and such. But he was armed.

And in a different case a newbie made it all the way to the company area and was being issued his gear when he decided he didn’t really want to carry a weapon and wanted to go home. Couple of the wounded recuperating told him if he really wanted to go home they could oblige him. He agreed to getting his ass kicked…just a few broken parts and he was left out on the street for the MP’s to pick up. Never saw him again.

So iserved, if you want to be nice and kiss and make up keep playing your basement games. Someone who isn’t on the team can get you killed. Quick.

And by the way…FUCK YOU!


De Nada, OT. And I concur, Tim. Let’s just stop feeding the troll.


well dumb ones. I’m nether foreign or 17. I was born and raised right next to you. But unlike you have opened my eyes to the real reason why new orleans didn’t get the help it needed or why we still today have thousands and thousands of home vets, children and families around the country. We only care when it happens to me.



the fact that our military has the highest rate in the world isn’t a assumption its a fact. So if you refuse to believe we as america makes killer and victims by the truck load you should take the thumb you sitting on out of your ass and repeat.


highest rate of suicide

iserveds last brain cell

Old Trooper…yur wright abot me livng in my mommies basemt and it is embareassing bekuz im a 47 yer old liberal arts major with a PHD in navel gazing and hippie chick chasing,i am currently empoyed as a political and military stratagist for the Obama admenistruation and am the chief gofer,shoeshiner boy and Knob polisher for thewite houze ! yu all just hate us cauze we ar so smarter than you sense we will get freee stuf since we voted for obamas so git uze to it you old hatyter man . fight the power! uh..i mean the otherpower,you no.


highest rate of AWOL

A Heros Friend



highest rate of friendly fire


highest rate of PTSD


and yet we as a country do nothing to thwart this problem.


so instead of collecting troops in a building and telling them they’re going to war how about we bring them together and tell them we’re going home.


but there’s no money in coming home, only going.


I got it you guys are KBR employees. without war your life is pointless. sorry it took me awhile to get it.

A Heros Friend




Your right I don’t anything about you except your a idiot. Anyone that uses any racial slur is just that a racist. I served 7 years. 1st AD. Friedburg, Germany. went to Bosnia, and Macedonia. I chose leave because the Army is full of dumb asses like you.


Ok ladies I have to go football is on. Its always fun to argue to idiots.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt had the right idea in World War II.

To paraphrase with the help of Carly Simon.

“Take all the Muslims, put them in a Islamic Museum. Charge the people a buck and a half to see them.”

Not only will this cure America of terrorism but could generate enough cash to pay for universal health care.


7 years and never got above PFC. Got it.


Hey Sparky; do ya think that the closest the little moron got to Germany was watching re-runs of Hogan’s Heroes? 7 years and all in Germany?? Yeah, whatever.


Whom is this jaq off messing with you all & 1stCavRVN?

Hey you! punk! ‘mere let an ol MP help you out the door…..*punt* you ghey bastage….git!

Sorry crew, I’ve been rocking n reeling from the news out of Hood today. MP’s (unofficiallly reporting) 3 suspects.

So! Jaq off! Come here you momma’s lil bouy…..


Hey Greg, I’m the official This Ain’t Hell racism monitor. You wrote above:

“Franklin Delano Roosevelt had the right idea in World War II.

To paraphrase with the help of Carly Simon.

Take all the Muslims, put them in a Islamic Museum. Charge the people a buck and a half to see them.

Not only will this cure America of terrorism but could generate enough cash to pay for universal health care.”

TSO says we’re not aloud to make racist statements like this on his blog anymore. Yeah, I know…they always take the fun out of things huh? However I’m happy to inform you that you can continue calling people lots of other perfectly offensive names like “shit-dick.”

Carl Webb

Major Nidal Malik Hasan was born in Virginia to parents who immigrated to the US from Jordan. He joined the army immediately after high school, and in exchange the army paid for him to go to college and medical school. According to Hasan’s aunt, he had sought for several years to receive a discharge, due to harassment relating to his religion, Islam. Hasan’s cousin, Nader Hasan, a lawyer in Virginia, said that Nidal Hasan turned against the wars after hearing the stories of those who came back from Afghanistan and Iraq. The cousin added that Hasan had been harassed by his Army colleagues because of his Middle Eastern ethnicity.


mother fucker



